HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/1968 .. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday, January 24, 1968 at 7:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey Council~or w. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Councillor J.W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson . Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: The following correspondence and reports were read out by tne Reeve: ~ 1. Sunnydene ~states Limited re Harness Property - Part of Lot 18, Conc. 5, Twp. of Clarke.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 2. Sunnydene Estates Limited re Parts of Lots-4 & 5, Concession 8 & 9, Township of Clarke, County of Durham.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 3. Report of the Clerk re Fire Protecbion Rental Cost of $1,020.00 annually as a Shareable Operating Cost.-Referred to the Fire Protection Committee. 4. Orono Eleotric re estimate of electrical work in the Clerk's Office in the amount of $105.00.- Approved for expenditure and inclusion on the 1968 budget. < ' r, . 5. Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector, requesting Council's consideration and ~bjections, if any, to the issuing of permits for construction of 10 light housekeeping cottages to be located on part Lot 13, B.F. Con.-Referred to the Planning Board. 6. Department of Financial and Commercial Affairs, Cemeteries Branch, re Municipal Cemetery Board.-A copy to be referred to the Cemetery Board. 7. Excerpt from minutes of Council meetin~held December 15, 1967 re Mr. A. M. Johnston's separation pay with regard to The Hours of Work and Vacation with Pay Act. -Tabled. -- 8. Copy of letter of Canadian Pacif.ic to Canadian Transport Commission re File No. 267~7.339 - Level crossing Twp. of Darlington, Ont.,mileage 160.82 Belleville Subdivision; File No. 267a7.7Q3 - Level crossing Twp. of Clarke, 'Ont.,mileage 160.46 Belleville Subdivision; File No. 26727.1016 - Town Line Road level crossing, btwn. Twps. Clarke & Darlington, Ont., m'ileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision. C.P. -Referred 1:10 Road and Bridge Commit-tee.~ 9. The Ontario Municipal Board re Storm Sewers on Main Street, etc. and Curb, Gutter and Pavement on Church Street North, etc. - Referred to Resolution. 10. Railway Transport Committee re File No. 42307re' qlovers' level crossing, .Twp~ Clarke, Ont., mileage 152.90 Belle~e Subd~ CP and mileage 281.6 Kingston Subd. CN.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 11. Railway Transport Committee re Notice of Hearing.'-Filed. 12. Lake Ontario Re~nalDevelopment Council re membels:lip for the year 1968.-Referred to Accounts. 13. Minutes of Committee 'of Adjustment meetings held December 18, 1967 and January 15, 1968.-Filed. \ 14. Department of Municipal Affairs re recommendations of the Ontario Committee on Taxation.-Copies of this to be forwarded to each member of Council. 15. The Canadian Inctemnity'Company re Tlie F; & E; System ~ ' Forgery and Cheque Alteration Policy.- Filed. lq. Copy letter of Canadian National Railways ~o Railway Transport Comniittee reFile 42307 - Proposed automatic protection Mile 281.60 Kingston Subd.-Filed. . , ., Page 2 Special Meeting of Council 24 January 1968 continued: 17. Canadian National Railways re snow clearing at Railway Road Crossings. -Filed. ' , , 18. Copy letter of Canadian National Railways to Canadian Transport Commission re File 9437.854 - Construction of passing tracks, Mile 287.06 to Mile 288.86, Kingston Subd. - Filed. ' 19. Department of Highways re 1968 Normal By-Laws.-Tabled. 20. Mrs. Olive V. Henderson, Secretary of the W. I., Newtonville, Ontar-io request concerning ,the condition of a property in the hamlet of Newtonville. - Tabled. 21. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit reports for November and December 1967.~Filed. 22. Department of Highways, Right-of-Way Division re Property Sale T-1648, Agreement No. 60989, Par~ Lots 3 & 4, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, Formerly Norman Holman Property, Highway No. 401, District No. 7.-Filed. 23. Suggestion of Coun~ies Assessor for Council's tentative consideration re changes in Polling Divisions by by-law.-Referred to the Clerk. 24. The Prime Minister and President 'of the Council of Ontario re Centennial Medal nomination.-Filed. 25. The Ontario Municipal Board re Ontario Education Capital Aid Program - Offer No. 640 - validation of By-law lS73.-Filed. 26. The Ontario Municipal Board re Validation of By~ lS73 - Ontario Education Capital Aid Program.-Filed. 27. Mr. Maurice Q'Neill re acknowledgement of repairs to the municipal road allowance.-Filed. 28. The Ontar.io Association ,of Rural Municipalities re 1968 Membership Fees.-Filed. 29.. Department of Municipal Affairs re Part of Lot 29, Con. IV, Township of Clarke.-Filed. 30. Ontario Good Roads Association re O.G.R.A. Seminar for Councillors. -Tabled. " 31. Ontari 0 Good Roads Associati-on .re O.G.R.A. ~1968 Convention, February 26th, 27th, .& ~th. -Tabled. 32. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re a program for the equali-zation of industrial opportunities in Ontario as ,business brought ~orward from IS December 1967. -Filed.. 33. ,Department of Economics and Development re Application . as an area in whi,c h new ora expanded industry may be considered for financial assistance under The ',Equal- ization of Industrial Opportunity Pnogram.-Referraed ,to the Clel'k. 34. Department of Public Records and Archives re Proposed Joseph Atkinson .p1aque.-Tabled. 3S. ~ownship of Dal'lington re notice of application to the OntariQ Municipal Board b~ the Corporation of the Township of Darlington for approval of a By-law to regulate land ,use passed pursuant to Section 30 of the Planning Aet.-Filed. 36. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke, for E. Richard Lovekin Esq., Chairman, re ,Committee of Adjustment for Township of Clarke as business brought forward from IS December 1967.-Clerk,to prepare by-law. . 37. Copy lettel' of Department of Municipal Affairs to Messrs. Strathy, Cowan & Setterington re part of Lot 33, Con. 1.. Township of Clarke. -Filed. 38. The Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke Restricted Area By-law No~ lSl7 as ,business brought forward from 15 December 1967.~Tab1ed. 39. Dow Chemical of Canada, Limited, Sarnia, Ontario re Ruelene 2SE for Warble Fly Control as business brought forward from IS December 1967.-Filed. -40. Survey of Municipal Insurcmce, a copy af which was handed out to each member of Council.-After a brief discussion this business was tabled. -, Some discussion was given to a draft By-law being a by-law to provide for the licensing of dogs.and for regulating th3 running at large df dogs. 'i~~ '" Page 3 Special Meeting of Council 24 J~nuary 196$ continued: The fo llowing resolut ions were passed: . Resolution No. 18:Moved by Frank Gray,secoQded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby request Solicitor E. R. Lovekin tq represent this Council at the Ontario Municipal Board H~aring to be held Monday the 26th day of February 1968 at the hour of ten o'clock in the for~noon at ~he Town Hall, Oro~o. The Clerk be authorized to refer the required inform- . ation to Solicitor Lovekin.-Carried. Resoluti~n No. 1Q:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: Resolve that the Clerk and Road Superintendent be and they are hereby authorized to print a supply of serialized Entrance Culvert Appli~ation ~nd Work Order forms in quadruplicate in order to comply with the stipulations of By-Law No. 146~, Sect~on 220 of The (Municipal Act, and the orders-in-Council. The said forms tq be used by,the Road Department of this Co~poration upon printing and delivery of them. - . This Council h~reby authorize Mr. M. ,L. Ross, Road . Superintendent, and Mr. H. DeWith, Road Clerk, to sign the form of temporary receipt qn th~ Entrance Culvert .Application and Work Order.~Carried. Meeti~g adjo,,-,"rned at 12 midnight. . ~:"IA-l Clerk. . -;/ ~~~. /~ Reeve. c:;::7 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL ,OF THE .TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, February 6, 1968, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber , Orono .. Present: Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Ca~veth Councillor F. A. Gray Cle~k H. E. Millso.n In the absence of Reeve Roy A. Foster it was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth that Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey preside. Carried.. The minutes of meetings held January 2 and 24, 1968, were adopted as read on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. Mr. James .Stutt, appointee for this Municipality on the Board of the Memorial Hospital at Bowmanville, met with Council to discuss and answer questions concerning the general . interests and operations Qf our Hospital. Whenever Council should require information or reports, Mr. Stutt stateJ, he would be available at any time. Finally, he said, the function of the Hospital Board was to provide the best medical attention to the population within the Hospital Area. Mr. Joseph Francek of Lots 3 and 4,. Concession 4 appeared in person to reque~t Council to correct the .drainage .on the 4th Concession Roa4 Allowance. This matter was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for.cons~deratiQnQf his re~uest in the 1968 budget. Mr. R. E. ,Sims, Consulting Engineer., and Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, met with Council at 11 a.m. to consider the proposed construction of the Newtonv~lle Grade Separation - C.P.R. Copies.of a report prepared by Mr.. Sims,outlining the preliminary timing, sequence schedule, approximate . apportionment of cost, and estimated expenditures were given to the members of Council. The following correspondence and reports were read out by Deputy Reeve Walkey: 1. The Ontario Education.Capital Aid Corporation re Debenture By-Law No. l573-Kirby Centennial School.~Filed. 2. Association of ,Ontario Mayors and Reeves re membership fee for 1968.-Referred to Resolution. 3. The' Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re Reporter for January 1968.-Filed. 4. Ontario School Tr.ustees' and Municipal Councilors' Association, Inc. re last annual convention of the Ontario School Trustees' & Municipal Councillors' Association.-Filed. ..... .,. 'f , .