HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1968 Inaugural Meeting INAUGURAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE TuesdaY) January 2, 1968, a~ 11 a.m. Council Chamber,' Orono. Present: Reeve Roy A.Foster Deputy-Reeve H. Earl Walkey Counci~lor oW. R. Carveth - - Councillor-~. ~. Gray Councillor J. W. Stone Clerk H. E. Millson ReverendB~' E.. Long Reverend T.' Snelgrove . The Reeve elect, Roy A. Foster, welcomed those present, called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Long and Rev. Snelgrove to address the new Council. Rev. Long introduced Rev. Snelgrove who had recent~ybeen appointed to the Newtonville, Kendal and Shiloh United Church Pastoral Charge. As the text to his address entitled "The Qualities of Leadershiptl, Rev. Snelgrove quoted Joshua, Chapter 3, verses 2 to 7 inclusive. The address is hereby recorded verbatim. "Joshua, a biblical, historical figure, a leader of the Israelites, possessed qualities of leadership which are an asset to any man holding a public office today. Joshua undertook the task of leading the Israelites to the promised land. He did so in humility, conscientiously, and in sincerity. Keenly aware of the magnitude of the responsibilities that were his, he set out with faith in God, in himself, and in his people. As we look upon the role of Joshua's leadership, we can see several great qualities that were responsible for making him a successful leader. Joshua was a man of great courage. He took upon himself a task that presented many difficulties, one that demanded the best that was in him. He had the courage to stand upon his own convictions, to be honest with himself, with God and with the people. All the great leaders down through the years who have made their contribution in public life have been men of courage. This quality is required of those men who give leadership in our civic government today. Joshua was a man of loyalty. He was loyal to God, to his responsibilities, and to his people. He was loyal to the principles of his calling. His people could trust in him, they found him dependable. Those who serve the public today must render the same degree of loyalty to thevnws of their office. They must be so loyal that they command the respect and the trust of the people whom they serve. T Joshua was a man dedicated to God, to his mission of leadership. He had set himself apart for this office. To it he dedicated his abilities of mind, heart, and will. His dedication inspired and challenged his people to be dedicated. Men in public life today could well try to follow the example of Joshua. They should keep before them the great moral laws of God and the high principles of their office; they should let them be their motivation and their guide. If we follow the qualities of courage, loyalty, and one truly dedicated, then you will attain dignity, integrity and success as leaders in public office." Rev. Long congratulated the members of Council on their election to office for a two year term and closed the religious service with an appropriate prayer. .._ In his opening remarks Reeve Foster personally thanked Rev. Long and Rev. Snelgrove for their kind words and appropriate service. Their words of wisdom, he said, will be most helpful in directing the deliberations and decisions of Council during the new year. He congratulated the members of Council upon their election to office and finally stated that he was looking forward to the business of the municipality in the year 1968. c Page 2 Inaugural Meeting of Council 2 January 1968 continued: Deputy-Reeve H. E. Walkey extended his personal thanks to the Rev. Gentlemen and conveyed his - congratulations to.the members of Council upon their' election to the new two year term. Personally, he SAid, I am happy to be back on Council and to have the opport- unity-to sit with you during the years 1968 and 1969. Councillor J. W. Stone added his persona1"thanks to Rev. Long and Rev. Snelgrove~ It was his intention, he said, to work and co-operate with Council with the same interest as in the past for the good of this municipality. Councillor W. R. Carveth thanked the Reverend- Gentlemen for their inspiring service and remarked that he was looking forward to another co-operative year similar to -- the year 1967. Councillor F. A. Gray expressed his appreciation to Rev. Long and Rev. Snelgrove, congratulated the members of the new Council and requested them to co-operate and meet in harmony during the forthcoming term. Resolution No.l:Moved by W.R.Carveth,Seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby express their appreciation to Rev. B. E. Long and Rev. T. Snelgrove for their appropriate servic~ and prayers at this tne inaugural meeting of the Counpil of the Township of Clarke ~or' the year i968.-Carried.<' : As a result of a suggestion by the Deputy Reeve, Reeve Foster invited Rev. Long and Rev. Snelgrove to officiate at a similar service to be hela at the inaugural meeting of Council 'on-the first'Tuesda~of January 1969. It was unanimously agreed that such a service should be arranged. The declarations of office of the members of Council were signed and sworn under oath oefore the Clerk. _ Th-e minutes of Council meeting of 15 December 1967 were adopted a~ read ~n motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth. Carried. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by F. A. Gray that Council recess at 12 noon for dinner and resume session at 1:30 p.m. Carried. . An invitation was extended by the Reeve .to -the Members of Council, Rev. Long, Rev. Snelgrove, ~s. J.. V. Norton, the Clerk, the Road Superintendent, and Mr. H. DeWith who enjoyed an excellent dinner served at the ChuckWagon Restaurant. Mr. Walkey, on behalf of those present, extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Foster for his kind generosity. The following appointments to committees o~ Council were recommended by Reeve Roy A. Foster for the year 1968:- Property and Finance Committee - Messrs. F. A. Gray and J. W. Stone Road and'Bridge Committee - Messrs. W. R. Carveth and H. E .Walkey , Plannirlg,Committee - Mr.H. E.- Walkey Fire Protection Committee - Messrs. J. W. Stone and F. A. Gray The said appointments were adopted by resolutions of th is Counc il. Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, appeared at Council meeting from 2:30 to 3:~5 p.m. in order to. discuss business pertaining to public works with- Council. The fdlowing correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve Poster:- 1. The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed construction of storm sewers on Main Street etc. ~ Filed. 2. Sunnydene Estates Limited re propssed road construction and maintenance of the unopened road allowance between Lots 18 and 19, Concession 5. - Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. 3. Sunnydene Estates Limited re proposed construction and maintenance of the unopened road allowance between Lots ~ and 5 in Concession 8 and the unopened road allowance between Concessions 8 and 9. - Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. o Page 3 Inaugu~al Meeting of Council 2 January 1968 continued: \ 4. Copy of a letter from Northumber~an9-Durham-Health Unit to Mr. Peter Caspari re: Hooey prope~ty, Orono, Ontario- Report of Percolation Tests. - Filed. 5. Canadian Mental Health Association re contribution for ., ( . ~the year 1968 as business bro~ght forward from 15 December 1967. - Referred to resolution and filed. 6. George E. Gomme, Minister of Highw~ys, re amounts ~ssigned to this municipality for ~ormal road an9 street expenditures in 1968. - Filed. 7. Department of Municipal Affairs re Centennial Grants Programme. - Filed. . 8. E. R. Lovekin re Dog Licensing - Twp..of Clarke. - Clerk to forward a copy of the draft by-law to each member of Council for consideration at tpe next meeting. The following resolutions,were passed:-- Resolution No. 2:Moved by W. R. Carveth,se90nded by H.E.Walkey: AS a recomm~ndation by the Reeve, ~his Council h~reby sanction the appointment of the following persons to the Property and Finance Committee for the year 1968: 1. . Councillor F. A. Gray 2. Councillor,J. W. S~o~e 3. Reeve Roy A. Foster The first named to be Chair~n 9f the said Co~i~te~. The Reeve to be ex-officio member of all Committees of Council. Carried. , Resolution No~ 1:Moved by Frank Gray,~econde~9Y J.W.Stone: As{a recommendation by the Reeve, this Council hereby sanction the appointm~nt of the fol~owing persons to the Road and Bridge Co~ittee for the year 1968: 1. Councillor W. R. Carveth 2. Deputy Reeve~ H. E. Walkey 3. Reeve Roy A. Foster. The first named to be Chairman of the said Committee. The Reeve to be ex-officio member of all Committees of Council. Carried. Resolution No. ~:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by J.W. Ston~: In accorda~ce ~ith By-Law No. 1561, a by-law regarding the appointment of the Clarke Pla~ning Boar~ b~ing a Board with jur.isdiction over the. Clarke Jl~nning Area, this Council hereby appoint the following persons: 1. Mr. Roy A. Fo~ter (Coun~i~) fo~ the year 1968. 2. Mr. H. Earl Walkey (Council) for the year 1968. 3.. ,Mr. Le.slie G. Mc~e . who shall hold office until tqe 1st day Qf Janua~y 1969. 4. Mr. Sidney J. Lancaster who shal~ hold of.fice .until the 1st day of January 1969. 5. Mr. Arthur A. Law who shall hold offi~e until the 1st day of January 1970. 6. Mr. Wayne Bailey who shall hold office until the 1st day of January 1970. 7. Mr. Robert C. Simpson who shall hold office until the 1st day of January 1971. Carried. Resolution No. S:MoveQ by H.E.Wa~key,seconded'by'W.R.Carveth: Resolve that J. W. Stone and F. A. Gray be and are hereby appointed as members of the T<?Wn~hip of -.Clarke Fire Protect ion Committee to work in oonjunction-with the person Similarly appointed in the year 1968 by the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. . , A copy of this resolution be referred to the Acting Secretary of the Police Village of Orono. ., 'The Reeve to ~e.ex-officio m~mber of all' Committees of Coune~l. Carried. . . Page 4 Inaugural Meeting of Council 2 January 1968 continued: '-' Resolution No. 6:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded.by J.W.Stone: In accordance with By-law No. lS03 this Council hereby make the folloying appointments for the year 1968: a.That W. R. Carveth be and is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee. That F. A. Gray be and is hereby appointed.as ,,9h4irman of the froperty and Finance;Comm,ittee. c. < That H. E. Walkey be and is hereby appointed as, C:p.aiJ;'maI:l of the Planning Committee. . < '- d. _T~at J. W. Ston~ be an4 i$ hereby apPQint~das Chairman of the Fire P~9tection Committee. ~~ The said appointments shall beerfe~tive o~ the passing of thi~ resolution V-P \;0 a~d incl.uding December..3l, 1968. or until t~eir successors shall be appointed by order- in-Council. Carried. . ~. Resolut~QP No. 7:Mov~d by H..~.ljalkeY,secoJ:lded"by J.W.Sto.ne: The Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to complete t~e nece3sa~y forms applying for,the Highway Subsigy qn road expend~tures,i~ the year 1967,9n or before Ja~. 16th, 1968, Carrieq.. . ~ v'- Resolution No. 8:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby prepare the necessary Department ;of Hig~w",ys of Ontario,by~lavfor the conetruction.of. (~public "forks be~ng ,stQrm~sewers, .curb, ~tter, and pavement in the Police Village of Orono. Carried. Resolution No. q:Moved bY.B..E. Walkey,seconded by J.W.Stone: ,In accQrd~nce with By-Law No. lS30 this Council hereby appoint the follQwin~ persone to the Board of.the Town~hip of Clarke Public.Library who shall take office on.the first day of January, 1968 and who shall hold office for the year 196$ or until their successors shall have been duly appoint~d: 1. . "-~.. . 3. 4. .S. Carried. L ~ .Resolutiop ~o. lO:Moved by J.W.Stone,seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that the following persons be and are hereby appointed as a Co-ordinating Committee with ~egard to ~ road I:le~ds study in the Township of Clark, :fo~ the ye~r 1968: ~ b. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. w. K. Lycett, Orono E. R. Woodyard, Orono R. C. torrester, Orono ~. M. Hallowell, R. R. RQY At Foste~J ~endal 1, Orono '-' Reeve Ro~ A. Foster t Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Ro~d Superintend~nt M. L. Ross District Muni9ipal Epgi~eer Mr. R.J.Call.ighan Ontario De~rtment of Highways:~ep~esentative Mr. R. D. MartelJ.. "Resolution No:'Sl dated February' 7, ~967 be and i~ hereby rescinded. Carried.; . '- v ' . ~ Resplution No. ll:Moyed.by.Frank Gray,seconded by H.~.Walkey: In accordance w~th,Se~tion 3 & 4 of By-law No. +S33, a by-law to establish a",Municipal Recreati,on Committ~e, this Council hereby appoint Mr. Wm. Wade, Mr. Lavern~ Boyd, Mrs. Josephine Barlo~, ~r..Lorne Perrault, Mrs. Doro~hy Stark, Mr. Homer Brooks, Mrs. John.Henderson, Mr~. Dorothy Mercer, Mrs. Ross Brown, together. Wit-A Messrs. W. R. Carveth and J. w. Stone for the year 1968. The Clerk be and is ~ereby instructed ~o notify the Community Programmes Branch of the Department 9f ~du~ation by referring a copy of this Resolution to the ~ai~ Department. Carried. Resolution No. 12:Moved. by J..W,.Stone,secohded.by H.E.Walkey: In accordance withtBy-law Ne. 1342 this Council hereby resolve that Messrs. F.A.Gray and W.R.Carvethbe and are hereby appointed to the Board of Management of the,Orono Community Hall for the year 1968 together with the ~ollowing Oddfellowsfor the year 1968: W.G.Watson R.G.Chater L.Pears and the following Heather Rebekahs for the years 1968 and 1969: Hattie Wilson and Gladys Gamsby It is understood that three representatives of the Orono Odd- fellows shall be appointed in the odd years and two represent- atives of the Orono Rebekahs be appointed in the even years to this Board of Management. Carried. Page S Inaugural Meeting of Council 2 January 1968 continued: Resolution No. 11:MoveQ by H. E. Walkey,seeonaed by Frank Gray: In conformity with the Dog Tax and'Live Stock and Poultry Protection Act this Council appoint Mr. L. M. Hallowell as Live Stock Valuer for the CorpDration of the'Township of - Clarke for the year 1968 and that the fee for each trip shall be $4.00. 'Carried. ' . Resolution No. l~:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve that The Canadian Mental Health Association, . Ontario Division, be and is hereby granted $lS.OO. Carried. Resolution No. lS:Moved by J'. W. Stone,seconcied'by H.E.Walkey: This COURcil hereby authorfze the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono, to loan the Orono Community Memorial Park Board an-amount not exceeding $1,000.00, if'required, for the year 1968 and charge the said Board the preva~ling rate of interest. Carried. " aesolutiQn No. 16:Moved by W.R.Garveth,seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby grant the Durham County Junior Farmers the amount of $3S.00 for the year 1968. Carried. Resolution NQ. l?:Moved by J.W.Stope,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby appoint MP. Henry DeWith as Welfare Administpator for the TownshiJ:!> 0f Clarke ,for 'bheyear 1968. Carried. R,esolution No.18:M.oved by J.W.Stone,seconded by H.E.Walkey: Resolve that Mr. Roy A. ,Foster, R. R. 1, Kendal, Ontario, be and is hereby a.:ppointed as a Welfare Committee to be given the n.eaessary authority to discu.ss all matters in connection with welfare assistance during the year 1968. Carried. Resolution No. lQ:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray: 'The Welfare Administrator and Welfare Committee be and they are hereby empowered and authorized to make contingent expenditures in respect to the application of general welfare regula.tions in the year 1968 but not to exceed $400.00 in total for the period of any month in the said-year. ,Carried. Re~olution No. 20:Moved by Frank Gray,secoaded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby appoint Mr. Henpy ~With as Public School Attendance O~fieer.for the year 1968. . Carried. Resol~ion No. 2l:Moved by W.R.Carvethjseconded by J.W.Stone: The Road Superintendent, Road and Bridge Commit'bee and :Clerk be authorized to-attend 'bhe Ontario:Good Roads Convention with expenses paid and the membership fee of $lS.OO be paid. Carried. '- ResQ~ution No. 22:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by H.E.Walkey: This Council hereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer to request all departments, school boards, local boards, and bodies, where functions fall under the legal authority of this municipality, to submit in writing their budgets or require- ments for the year 1968.to.the Clerk of this Council on or before February 23,1968.' Carried. -Resolution No. 23:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve in accordance with By-law No.'1483 the following persons be and are hereby appointed as members of The Cemetery Board of the Township of Clarke:' Mr~'Sidney Rutherford R. R. North, Orono Mr. Russell-Savery R. R. 1, Newtonville Mr. Charles Cooper Orono Mr. Arnold,Wade Newtonville Mr. Arthur Thompson R.-R. 1, Kendal The said Members shall hold office until their successors are appointed by order-in-Council. The following persons are. hereby appointed to the said ,Board as representation from Council for the year 1968:, Mr. H. E. Walkey Mr. J. W. Stone Carried. : Resolution No. 2~:Moved by J~W#Stone,seco~ded.by W.R.Carveth: That'Mr. Roy A. Foster, R. R.... 1, Kendal, Ontario, be and is hereby appointed t() the Ganaraslca.Region Conservation Authority for the year 1968 and the said Authority be notified of this appointment. Carried. . .. Page 6 " Inaugural Meeting of Council 2 January'196ff continued: \) RA:solution No. 2l:}:Moved by W.a:Carveth,secorided by Frank Gray: In accordance witb By-law ~o. 1352 the following persons be and are hereby appointed to the Orono Community Memorial Park Board for the year 1968: ' Mr. A. E. West Mr. 'H. M. Mercer ' Mr. S. B. Rutherford Mr. E. H. Samuel Miss Alma Cut tell Mr. J. W. Stone "Mr.. Roy A. Foster Carried. Resolution No. 26:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by H~E.Walkey: That W. R. Carveth ~nd J. W. Stone be and are hereby appointed as represen~attves of this Council to the Township of Clarke Game Conunissi<on for the- year 1968} Ther Commission to be notified accordingly by the Clerk. Carried.' ReS'o;Lution No. "2?:Mdved' by J.W.Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth: T~~ Mr. Roy A~ Foster and Mr. H. E"arl Walkey be . and are hereby appointed to the Township of Cl~rke High School Committee for the year 1968 or until the duration of -the said Committee whichever shall be the sooner. Carried. ResolutioIl, No. 28:Moved by W.R.Carveth,'seconded by H.E.Walkey: " Resolve' that the Treasurer and the Reeve or Deputy Reeve of the Township of Clarke be given the necessary authorization with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono, to do business in accordance with the said Bank form 141-61 :Ontario. Carried. Resolut~6n No. "2q:M6ved~y W.R.Carveth,seconded by J.W.Stoner: In accordance with By-Law No. 1493, the following persons be and are hereby appointed to the "Newtonville Community Hall Board for the 'year 1968: I. Wallace Boughen 2. Hugh Stapleton 3. Mrs. Gladys Brown 4. Clinton Farrow' 5. George Stapleton 6. H. E. Walkey 7 . F. A. Gray Carried. N~wtonville, Ont. Newtonville, Onto N~wtonville, Onto Newtonville, Onto Ne~onville, Ont. Newtonville, Onto R. 'R. 2, Newcastle, Onto " Resolution No. 10:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray: That Dr. A. F. McKenzie be a.p'pointed Indigent Medical-- Officer for the Township of Clarke for the year 1968. Carried. Resolution No. 1l:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W~R.Carveth: That Mr. J. W. Stone, R. R. 1, Orono,Ontario, be and is hereby appointed as the representative from this Council on the Durham County Federation of Agriculture for the year 1968. Carried. ResoJutionNo. 12:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by H.E.Walkey: That Messrs. E. R. Woodyard, D.M.Simpson, and F.A.Nicholson be and they are hereby a~pointed as a Board of Management for the Community Reaeation Centre under By-Law No. 1341, and this Council hereby app6int Messrs. W. R. Carveth and J. W.'Stone to represent this Council as members of the Board of Management of the said Community<Recreation Centre. The above appoint- ments are to hold office for the year 1968 or until their successors shall be appoihted. Carried. ' (Resolution No. 11:Moved by W.R.~arveth_seconded by H.E~Walkey: t Resolve that'the following persons be and are hereby 'appointed to the Local Advisory Comm1ttee~of the Orono' Municipal Water System for the yea~ 1968: Mr. E. R. Woodyard Mr."D. M. Simpson Mr. F. A. Nicholson M~. Roy A. Foster , Mr. M. W. Downs Certified copies of this resolution be referred to the Ontario Water Resources Commission and, the aforementioned appointed members. Carried. Page 7 rnaugur~l Meeting of Council Z January 1968 continued: , Resolution No. ~4:Moved by H.E.Walkey,secon~ed by Frank G~: . That Mr. Robert G." Chater,' I.:eftkard, Ont'ario, be and rs hereby appointed as The ClarKe Township representative to the Central Lake Ontario Conservatio~ Authority for the year 1968. Carried. . Resolution No. jS:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by 'H.Z.Walkey: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be 'and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: Addition to General Voucher #12 for December in 'the amount of $2426.19. ~. General Voucher #1 for January in the amount of '$1748:49. General Welfare Voucher #1 for January in the amount of $1567.44. Road Voucher #12 for December in the amount of $7915.32. ' 'Police 'Village of Orono 'Vouchers Nos. l2A and ltB for December in the amounts of $1246.46 arid $2096.43. Carried: Respl~tion No. ~6:~ov~d by J. W. Stone,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby resolve to adjourn all monthly regular meetings of Council on or about 5:30 p.m. Carried. , Th~ 'following by~laws were read a first, second and third time anrl finally passed; signed, sealed and numbered:-- :ax-Law No. It)?t) A by-law to appoint Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers in the Township of Clarke. . . The "Municipal Couricil of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: The f~llowing person~ be and are hereby appoin~ed Pound Keepers: ' '1. Ross Brown Z. Nil 3. Morley Robinson 4. Warren Carson 5. Wm. Hale, Sr. 6. Wm. 'Curtis~ 'I. Lawrence Harris ~, 8. Nil' 9. Douglas 'Cathcart 10. Sam Powell <- 11. Nil 12. Nil 13. Jack Reid 14. Donald Staples 15. Roy Coclirarie 16. Roy Berry 17. E.R.Bryson 18. Harold Ransberry . . , 19. Lawrence Hooey 20. Stanley Ball That the duties of ' the abovenamed Officers shall De performed as provided by statutes in that behalf'and the by- . , ' , laws of this munic ipality. That tlie follOWing persons be appointed 'fence Viewers: 1. Harold" Dean < Z. Donald Stapleto'il j. Arthur Thompson ,( . , . " . , That the duties'of the abovenamed Officers shall be ;performed as are provided by statutes in that behalf and the, , t,-, by-laws of this municipality. 1ha~ By-Law No. 1538 be and,is hereby'repealed. ;BX-Law ~o, It)?6 A by-~aw to constitute and appoint a committee of adjustment.', . (-' ' ... , . WHEREaS it is deemed expedient to constitute and appoint a committee' of adjustment as provided by The Planning Act R.S.O. .1960, Chapter 296, Section 32(a) ".' NOW THEREFORE, the 'Council of the'Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: <:. .. '- "- I. That the following persons who, not b~ing members " of the Councii or employees of the municipality , or of a 'local board thereof" shall constitute and are hereby appointed as members of the Committee of Adjustment: (1) ~. Schoenmaker, Orono,.t? hold offige u~til January 1, 1969. (2) to hold office "until January 1,1970. (3) E.R.Lovekin, Newcastle, to hold office until January 1,1971. 2. That By-~aw No. 1498 be and is hereby repealed. By-Law No. It)?? ' A By-law to authorize the borrowing ofV$300,000.00 Whereas the Council of the Township of Clarke' (hereinafter . called the "Municipalitytl) deems it necessary to borrow the sum of '300,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, ~the current expenditures of, the Municipality for the year; And Wherea~ the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1968, not including revenues derivable' or deriveQ from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $450,000.00 Page 8 Inaugural Meeting of Council 2 January 1968 continued: The~e~ore the Council of the Town~hip of Clarke hereby enacts as follows: 1. ~he Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce a sum or sums not ex- ceeding in the aggregate#300,000.00~to meet until the taxes are collected the cu~rent expend- itures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (I) of Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and toglve on behalf,of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corpora~e Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not excee~ing 6i% pe~ centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowe.d pursuant to the authority of this by-law,: as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and .in previous years from the said Bank for an~ or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues o~ the Municipality for the cu~rent year and for all preceding years ,as and when such revenues are received. , 3. T~e ~reasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter ~ollected or received either on account. , or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may laWf,lY be applied for such purpose. . SuppJp.~~n~ary By-Law No. 1~?8 . A&y-Law to provtde for the 1968 expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke.in the United Counties of Northumberland-Durham , Whereas The Highway .Improv;ement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be sub.mitted ~o the Minister of Highways for approval. , Therefore the Council of the Corporation o~ the ~aid Township enacts ~s follows: (' (1) The sum of $108,7QO.00 i$ hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the .constructio~.and ~intenance .of the roads and bridges under i~s juri~diction during the year .1968 as follows: "1 Roads Bridges & Culverts New Machinery Superintendence.& Overhead $ $ i. Totals. $108;700.00 $ $108,700.00 (z) The said monies shali be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement'Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplicate copies of this by-law to the.district office of th~ Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than March 31st of the, said year. . (4). The approva+ of the Ontario Muni~iPal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is author~zed or work commenced whic~~ill be financed by.t~e issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Resolution No. 1?:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by Frank.Gray: . This 'Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, February '6, 1968~ at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve. Carried. Construction $108,.700.00 $ $ tJntenance '$ $, nil T~tal $10 ,700.00 $ $ o ~~IA~ Clerk ~'V~ ,)9~-;j Reeve