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Friday, December 1, 1967 at $ p.m.
, .
, Council ~hainb~r, Orono.-
Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve.H. E.'Walkey
Counclllor O. H'~ Falls'
Councillor W. R. Carveth'
Council;1 or F." A. Gray '- ~,'
, Clerk H. E. Mi11son ~,
~ Special meeting of:Coftncil Was' called by Ree~e Roy A.,
Foster to consider the following b~siness:
The fQllowing By-law was given first and'second'reading:
By-tp.w No.' ] c;?L. "
Being a By-Law to authorize the constructi6n,'reconsnruction,
extension tif certain capital works in the Police Vil'lage of
Orono in the Township of e1arke as 'a Local Improvement under
the provisions of The Local Improvement ,Act. '
Meeting adjourned. ~ '
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Ree~ ,.
Frida7" Deceaber. 15, 1967 at 10 a'.Dl.
, Council Chamber, Orono~
Pr~sent: ,Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillo~\O. H. Falls
,Councillor W. R. .Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk-H. E . Mill son
The -minutes of the regular Council meeting held on
November 7, 1967, together with the minutes of special
meetings held November ,15, ~2, and December 1, 1967, were
approved as read on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by
F' C 1 '
. A~ Gray., arried. .',
It was moved.by O.-H. Falls, seconded by H. B. Walkey,
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Jerry Hasiuk spoke to Council conce'rning the
condition of the Fifth line road allowance in the area 'of,
Lot 19~,Concession 5. In his remarks he implied that the
said road required complete ~e-grading.' Council informed
him that the Department of Highways of Ontario had been
requested to 'reconstruct the Fifth line road allowance as'
a ,Development Road. Acknowledgement of this request had
been received from the Department of Highways who had .
implied that the said Department will cons~der the proposed
reconstruction after receipt of a Needs Study, from this
municipality.' Further, Mr. Hasiuk was informed that the
said study is to be completed in the near future. The
reconst~uction of thia road has been given a high priority
in the Study. Mr. Hasiuk thanked Council for their time
and infoI'Dlation. ~ ' ~
Mr. Maurice O'Neill who had met-with Council on
November 7, last, to request repair to 'part of the Third ,
line road allowance west of the County Road met with Council
again to report that the Road Department had attempted to
repair the road in question but had not improved its
oondition due to the loaden getting stuck. Also, he
requested some gravel on his side~oad immediately north of
his private entn,a.rice. 'llhis business was refepred t.o the
Road Superintendent.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hartmann .asked if Council had any
objection to the operation ofa summer : camping area for
families in Lot 12, Concession 4. .Mr. .Hartmann explained
that such a camp would be operated as a- .Club- for members
only. After a brief discussion of the subject matter,
Council requested them to submit a sketch plan of their
intentions for further consideration.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council 15 December 1967 continued:
Mr. A.M. Johnston appeared before Council to discuss
his separation pay with regard to The Hours of Work and
Vacation with Pay Act. Council agreed to investigate his
request and referred this matter to the 1968 Property and
Finance Committee of Council. "
A motion was unanimously carried by Council to recess
for lunch at 12:30 p.m. and resume session at 2 p.m.
Mr. Arthur Low, Secretary of the Cla~ke Planning Board
discussed a proposed restricted'area by-law with Council.
Mr. M. L. Ross appeared at Counctl'meeting from 2 to
4:30 p.m. to discuss matters of business pertaining to the
Road Departme nt .
The following correspondence and reports were read out
by the Reeve:
1. Committee of Adjustment. for the Township of Clarke re
revised rules of procedure.- Filed.
2. Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke re
minutes of meetings held October 30, November 4 and 27,
3. Pope &- Goebelle re Orono Municipal Water System and
Resol~tion No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business brought
forward from 7 November 1967.-Filed.
4. Pope &- Goebelle re routine audit on the accounts
receivable of the, Road Pepartment.-Filed.
5. Mr. R. C. Hor~#,Supervisor. River Basin Research Branch,
Division of.W4ter Resources~ Ontario Wat~r,Resources
Commission re Installation of Streamflow Gauging Station
in ~~njunc~ion with Construotion of New Laing Bridge.- The
Clerk to reply that this Council has no objection.
6. Copy of letter of the Canadian Pacific to C. W. :Rump,
Secretary, Railway Transport Committee re File No. 42307
re Township Road level crossing (Glovers) ,Mileage ~152. 90
Belleville Subd. CPR &- Mileage 2e1.60 Kingston.Subd.
7. Province of Ontario re distribution ,of ,Centennial
Medals by the Government, of Canada. -Referred to the Clerk
to reply.. ~ ~
8. ,Ontas,iO De~rtment~of Hig~ay~ re Paving of existing
Bridges. -t'i1~d, ~ ' ~ '
9. Ontario School Trustees' and Municipal Councillors'
As~oc;atioI}., ::J:nc. re,196$ Me~ber.l!Jhip.-~iled. "-
10. Corporation of the '.town of ...Bo'WDlUville re "Ambulance ,_
Services Subsidy.-Filed. ~ .., "-
II. ...Cqpyof a letterf~om,the Department of Municipal
Aff~irs ~o Mr. Wm. p. I~I:l under date Qf December 12..
1967.re,part o~ .Lot 29, Con. IV, Town.hip of Clarke,.Our
File NQ: T-16516~~Refer~ed ~o the Clerk to reply.
12. Th~ Ontario M~nieipal Board re BQrrowing in,excess of
70% w~th regard ~o Section 3~9 of'the~MuniciPal Act.-Filed.
13. Canadian Mental Health Association re oontribution
fOr ~~~. year 1968.~T~Qled. ,
14. Gentra1 Lake Ontario ConservatiQn Authority re
acquisition of the Little Buckaroo Ra~eh.-The Clerk was...
instructed to info~,the said Authority,that our share of
the Municipal Levy in the amount of $13.00 will be ,raised
in the year 1968..
15. W. Kay Lycett, B.A., Solicitor for Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
P. Irwin re Deed to the Corporation for those lands now
known as Winter Road.-Filed. ~ ~
l6~ Canadian Imperial,Bank~of Commerce re.notice of ~
increase in interast rates.-Filed. .
17. Ontario Department of, Highways re Interim, statement,
of expendit~re as of September 30, 1967 as business brought ~
forward from 22 November 1967~-Filed.
18. ,DowChemieal of Canada, Limited, Sarnia, Ontario
re Ruelene Z5E for Warble Fly Control as .busine ss brought
forward from 7~November 1967.-Tabled.
19. The Ontario Municipal Board re "Township of Clarke
Restricted Area By-law.No. l5l7..as businelf8 brought forward
from 7 November 1961.~Ta.bled.. "-
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20. Petition of Mrs. A. E. Morton and 27 other signed
:petitioners opposing the proposed building df two triplex
apartments on the corner of Church and Princess Streets in
the Police Village of Orono as business brought':rorwa.rd from
7 November 1967.-Referred to.the February 1968 ,meeting of
Council. .
:21. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo,~ Sec-retary-Treasurer,; 'Conmlittee of
Adjustment for the Township of Clarke, for E. Richard
Lovekin Esq., Chairman, re Committee of Adjustment for ~
Township o-r Clar~e as business brought f'orwazid- from: 7
November~1967.-Tabl~d. -
22. Ontario Water Resources CoIl'lDiission re Water Supply
System (Orono) as business brought forward from 7' ~ '
November 1967.-Fi1:ed. '
23. Copy 'of '~ letter from Ourvply Wood Products 'under
date of November 24, 1967 addressed to Ciarke Centennial
CODlllittee 're acceptance -of a.ll mat-erials belonging to the
Centennial Garden.-Pilea.
~4. ' The Ontario Munioi~al AS$ac~ation re Cansolidation
of School Boards by 1969.-Filed.
25. Lake Ontario 'Reg! onal Development Councilre a
program for the equalization of industrial opportunities
:in Ontario.-Referred to the 196$ Council.: -
26. Mr. Horace R. 'Best, Trench Inspector, re Trench
Inspector's Annual report for the year 1967.-Fil~d.
27. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes'
of meeting of December 12, 1967.-Filed~
28. Pope & Goebelle, Auditors, reRoad Department bi:llin'g.--'~
Referred to the Clerk ,to reply. '
29. Department of Highways of Ontario re Request for the
transfer of $12,000.00 from Bridge and Culvert Construction
to Road Maintenance within -the appro-ved limts of ,the 1967
Normal Ro~d Expenditure By-Law No. 1541 and adjustment of
the Supporting Road Programme.-Filed.
30. Mr. Earl' Thompson re . complaint of smoke from the
Hicks Garbage Disposal.-Filed. .
:31. ,Department of National ,Revenue--Taxa:t1.On 1'e Completion'
ofT4 slips for Elected Officers of Incorporated
Municipalities.-F~ed. -
The Clerk wa~instructed to print ~ supply of serialized
culvert 'entrance- permits) in duplicate, in accordance -with
By-law No . 1642. -
Interim statement of the Fire Protection costs was
received from the Trustees of the Police Village '-O"f' Orono
and showed a projec'ti-tid: ~er-expenditure of "the Fire -
Protecti'on Current ~Budget.' '- ,~.
The Treasurer presented Financial Statements ,of the
projected expenditures and revenues for the year- 1967 as
compared to the ,Current ~Budget. -
The following Re,solutions were passed: '
iifu,olution NOa 1?8:MovEfd by Frank 'Gray,secoRded by Earl Walkey:
-That tneClerk-Treasurerbe and is hereby instructed ,to
notify all School &oards,'Committees, Commissions, and 'Boards
under the jurisdietion'6f this municipality that their books,
accounts, and required papers for the year 1967 are to be
audited by the 'Township Auditor on the 15th day of- January
196$ and that the Clerk-Treasurer shall arrange ~be 'place
~or Baid audits.-Carried.
Resolution NOal?q:Moved by'Earl Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
This Councfl' hereby aathorize the RoadSuperin~endent to
purchase a sander through the United Counti&$ of Northumberland
and Durham subject to the approval of the' Department of
Highways of Ontario.-Carried.
~esolution BOa J80:Moved-by Earl Walkey, seconded by Frank Gray:
That Mr. James Stutt, Orono, Ontario, be and ds -hereby
appointed a repr'esentati va for the' year 196$ ,te the Board
of The Memorial Hospital, Bow.manville, for the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke.-Carried.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council 15 December 1967 continueda
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Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council 15 December~1967 continued:
Resolution No. ]81:Moved by Earl Waikey,seconded by_Frank Gray:
Re~ol v. that $olicitor E ~ R., Lovekin b~ and i~ llere"y ,
reqwustedto act as legal counsel :f~r '- tJae Township o:f Clarke
in respect to Section 75 of' The Assessment Act...R.S.0.1960
and aIiBndments thereto. ';'Carried. .,
Resol~i~n No. 1~2~Moved by Earl Wa+key~seco~ded by F~ank G~a7:
This Council nereby ~utho~ize the Road Superintendent
to advertise tor tenders fortruck,rent~l.-Carr~eq~
R.El~ut:ion No. 18~:~oved by Frank Gray,seconded by ,Earl Walkey:
The Treasurer be and is hereby auth~rized to. invoice the
Police Village o:f Orono the :following as charges on the
Orono MUnicipal Water Area:for services performe~ by the
Clerk-Treasurer's and Tax Collector's Of:fice:- ,
For general set-up and organization- . $1,500.00,
Annual Charges fo~ administration ~,. .
, and collection-1966- 500.00 ~
-1967~ 500.00.-Carried.
Resolution NQA 184:Moved by W.R.Carveth,~econded by Orme Fa~l~:
Resolve that the Road Departmen~be re~bursed. by the
General Department for preparing cheques etc. :for the year
1967 in the amount of $500.00.-Carried. '
Re.olution No. 18~:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by ,Earl Walkey:
Resolve that the ~ollowing Pay Vouchers be and are
~ ~.,
hereby authorized10r payment by the Signing Officers o:f
this Councir: .
Addition to General Vouo,her Ill, for ~~~vember ~n the amount
of:. ...$3, 008.87
General Voucher #12. for December~ in the amOunt of $326,813.1'2
Addition to Welfare Voucher III ':ror November in the amount
of $135.35
General Wetfare~ Vouche~ #l~ for December in ~h~t amou~t of
$ , - .
Road Voucher III for November'in. the amount of $1?41j.75
Police Village of Orono Voucher #11 ~tor vNoveniQ~r in. the,
amount of $5,011.55.-Car2ied.,. ' , ,
Reso]~iop- NOA 18p:Mo~ed ~ Orme Falls,seconded by Earl ,Walk~y:
Resolve that the f~llowingchange be and is hereby made
in the Current Budget under By-Law No. 15,45: - '"
1. ~hat any moneys oalculated, in excess of $6,000.00 to
the closest ~u~tipl~ of $500.00 b~ transferred from
Revenue Intere st Tax Penalties to Reserve :t.or WO,rking -
Funds qnder ~xpend1ture provision in the said
Resolu~:ion NOA 18?:Moved by Earl walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that this Council pay t~e Police Village of
Orono their share o:f the mo~ys raised in 1967 taxation in
the amount o:f $364.65 from the total current expenditure
under Sanitation-Garbage Expense,s in accordanq,e,with the
Current Budget By-Law;1545.-Carried.
J.esoJ ut~ 9~ No. 188 :Moved l?y Earl Walkey, secqnded ,by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the fo).lowing change be and is 4ereby made
in the Curre~t Budget u~der By-Law ~o.~ 1545:-
l.t That any moneys calcUlated in excess of the Expenditure
and Revenue provisions for Public Works be trans~erred
to the closest multiple of $500.00 to Reserve tor
R.pJJ&,cement of Equipment. -Carried... ,
Reso~~ti~n NOA 18Q:Moved by W.R.Carve~h,seconde~ by Frank Gray:
, R.,olv. tha,t tqef:,ollowing changes be acnd a~e hereby
made in the Cur rent Budget unde~ By-Law No. 1545: - ,
1. That Road Receipts in the amount of iZ,500.00 under
Revenue be transferred from the General ~epartment to
the Road Department. . '. '
~. That 1967Supplem~tary Roll Taxes in 't.h~ ~ount o:f
~,~5Z.04, raised ton ~he G~neral ~te oriV, be, ,
transferred and added as Revenue in the General Depart-
ment., ~ t '
3. That the Road Departmen.t be reimburseq. for the time
Mr. H. DeWith was employed by the General Department
as A. cC,ountant, Welfare Administrator!. and School
Attendance Officer in the amount of *1,401.67 and
fringe benefits of $105.46.-Carried.
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council 15 December 1967 continued:
ResolutjQn No. lQO:Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve'that the Chrrentt Budget for'the year 1967 under
By-Law No. 1545 togSher with all Resolutions passed by
this Council which correspond to this By-Law be and is
hereby adopted.-Carried. ;
The Clerk was instructed by unantnious agreement of Council
to extend their app~&ciation t~ ~'. ~y Dickson,. Manager
of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Or~no for a
most delicious dinner served at the Chuckwagon ~estaurant
during the recess from 6:30 t08 p.m'., , ~
Resolutjon No. lQl:Moved ey Orme Fa~ls,seconded by Earl Walkey:
This Council hereby adjourn for the, year 1967. Sine
Die. -Carried.
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