HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/1967 (Special Meeting)
Friday, December 1, 1967 at 8 p.m.
~ .
CO~~Cil ~hambe.r, Orono.-
Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve.H. E.'Walkey
Councillor O. H'~ Falls'
Councillor W. R. Carveth'
,- Counci11or F ~, A. Gray' ~,'
. Clerk H. E. Mi11son ' ·
" Special meeting of: Council was' called by Ree~e Roy A..
Foster to consider the following business:
The fdUowing By-law was given first and'second'reading:
By-tpw No _ ' 1 C)?lJ. "
Being a By-Law to authorize the constructibn,'reconstruction,
extension bf certain capital works in the Police Village of
Orono in the Township of e1arke as 'a Local Improvement tinder
the provisions of The Local Improvement Act . '
Meeting adjourned. ~ '
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Frid47"Dec..Qer,lSI 1967 at 10 a.m.
, Council Ch~ber, Orono~
Pr~sent: ,Reeve R. A'. Foster
DeputyReeveH. E. Walkey
Councillo~,O. H. Falls
,Councillor W. R. .Ca.l"veth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Cle rk . H. E . Mill son
The ~minutes of the regular Council meeting held on
November 7, 1967, together with the minutes of special
meetings held November.lS, ~~ and December I, 1967, were
approved as read on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by
, 1 '
F. A~ Gray., Carried. '
It was moved.byO.-H. Falls, seconded by H. B. Walkey,
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Jerry Hasiuk spoke to Council conce'rning the
condition of the Fifth line road allowance in the area~of'
Lot 19#,Concession 5. In his remarks he ~plied that the
said road. required complete ~e-grading.' Council informed
him that the Department of Highways of' Ontario had been
requested to 'reconstruct the Fif'th line road allowance as '
a ,Development Road. Acknowledgement of this request had
been received from the Department of' Highways who had. '
implied that the said Department will cons~der the proposed
reconstruction after receipt of' a'Needs Study' from this
municipality.' Furt'hel', Mr. Hasiuk was informed that the
said study is to be completed in the near f'uture. The
reconstruction of thia road has been given a high priority
in the Study. Mr. Hasiuk thanked Council for their time
and :i.nfoI'Dlation. ~ ' ~
Mr. Maurice O'Neill who had met 'with Council on
November 7, last, to request repair to 'part of' the Third ,
line road allowance west of ~he County Road met with Council
again to report that the Road Department had attempted to
repair the road in question but had not ~proved its
condition due to the loaden getting stuck. Also, he
requested some gravel on hisside~oad immediately north of'
his private entnance. ~his business wasref'epred to the
Road Superintendent.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hartmann .asked if' Council had any
objection to the operation ofa summer,caaplng area f'or
f'amilies in Lot 12, Concession 4. .Mr. .Hartmann explained
that such a camp would be operated as a- .Club~ :for members
only. After a brief' discussion of the subject matter,
Council requested them to submit a. sketch plan (!I:f their
intentions f'or further consideration.