HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/22/1967 (Special Meeting) I SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CIUN~IL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday, November 15, 1967 at 8 p.m. C6uncil Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Wa1key Councillor O. H. Falls ' Councillor W. R. Carveth ~ouncillor F. A. Gray qlerk H. E. .Mi11son f F Specia~ meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following businessz Resolution No. 172:Moved by H.E. Walkey, seconded by W.R.Carveth: As recommended by the Road Superintendent the Department of Highways of Ontario be requested to approve the following transfer within the approved total of the 1967 Road Expend- iture By-Law,No. 1541:- $12,000.00 f.om Bridge Construction to Road Maintenance. WHEREAS ther. is a current budget revenue loss, which will be incurred (rom such transfer, the revised budget provisions shall be as ~OllOWS: Public Works: .. intenance Expenditure $6,000.00 Maintenance Revenue $3,600.00 The total expenditure of By-Law No. 1541 shall, therefore, be reduced from $118,000.00 t'o $112,000.00 by token of this transfer. ' Resolution ~. 165 dated November 7, 1967 be and is hereby rescinded.-clrried. Meeting adjourned. ~. ~ :.. .~--I Clerk 5/!~ Reev . I SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Wednesday, November 22, 1967 at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Spec1al meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the follOwing business: Mr. Wayne Kennedy met with Council to discuss rentals of the auditorium in the Townllhip Hall for dances. This subject was referred to resolution. . The following correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Mr. F. Obrist inquired as to whether or not the road between Lot .34 and .35 in the Third Concession is a municipal road. -Referred to the Clerk to reply. 2. E. R. Lovekin, Municipal Solicitor, re Clarke Township and E. G. and C. E. Stapleton.-Referred to resolution., 3. Canadian Underwriters' Association re Municipal Fire Protection Survey.-Filed. 4. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Report tor October 1967.-Filed. 5. Canadian Transport Commission re File No. 4205..3021 re application ot,the C.P.R. for authority under its Customer Service Plan at Agincourt, Ont., to remove 24 agents and 5 caretaker-agents trom stations on the Trenton Division.-Ho objection was raised by Council. 6. Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Assooiates Limited re proposed ClOP IORIO Crossing Improvements, Townships of Clarke and Darlington, Your File W40l as business brought torward trom Council meeting ot 7 November 1967.-Reterred to resolution. ~ t j .~ '-' Page 2 Special Meeting o~ Council 22 ~ovember 1967 continued: 7. Copy o~ letter ~rom~otten, Sims, Hub~ki & Associates Limited to Township o~ Darlington re proposed Crossing Improve~nts" Townships o~ Clarke and Darlington.-Filed. 8. Canadian Transport~Commission re File No. 26727.339, re Level crossing, Twp. o~ Da~lington, Ont., mileage 160.82 B81eville Subdivision; File No. 26727.703 re Level crossing, Twp. o~ Clarke,Ont., mileage 160.46 Belleville Snbdivision. File No~ 26727.1016 re Town Line Road levea crossing, btwn: Twps. Clarke & Darlington, Ont., mileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision. C.P.- Filed. " _ . . 9. : Department o~ Munici-paJ. A~~ci.;i.rs re application ~or Quieting Order.-Filed. _ _ 10~ Ontario Department of' Highways re Interim ,statement o~ expenditure as o~ September 30, 1967.-Tabledand photostatic copies to be ~orwarded to thenembers o~ the Road and Bridge Committee. 11. Memorial Hospital re-appointed representative ~rom the Township o~ Clarke for the year 1968.-Referred'to the Clerk. ' . ,12. Mrs. W. Harold Gibson re representation ~or Clarke on the Board o~ Directors o~ the Memorial Hospital.-The Clerk was instrllcted to reply. - 13. . Department of' Municipal Af~a.irs re Clarke Planning Board. - File d . 14. Pepartment o~. Munici-pal A~fairs re (i-) Ontario Education Capital Aid Program (ii) Increas~in rate o~ interest to 61%, ef~ective as of November 8, 1967,.-Filed. 15. Ontario Department pf' Highways re property rile T-03226 Lot 27, Concession 5, Township o~ Clarke, Highway No. 35 & 115, District No. 7.~Filed. 16. The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed capital expenditure of' $108,700 of' which 138,080 , may be debentured for the construction of storm sewers, curb, gutter and pa vement on Church Street, -atc. as business brought forward from Counc il meet ing on 7 November 1967.. "'Refe~ed to the Clerk to rep.y to the Ontario Municipal Board. 17. Messrs. R. A.Foster and F. A. Gray, members o~ the Clarke Planning Board, presented a draft by-law to regulate the use of land and the eharacter, location and use of buildings within the Township of Clarke.-The Clerk was instructed to prepare a.. su~ficnent number of copies o~ .the said draft by-law to be forwarded ~o the, members o~ Council ~or their study and preparation ~or discussion at the next meeting o~ this Council. The ~ollowing -re.solut ions were passed: Res~lution No. l?~:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resol ve thart Mr. Wayne Kennedy be and is,, .he.re.b~ allowed to charge $10.00 in addition to the regular charge f'or rentals ~or dances to persons resident outside o~ this municipality to cover the cost o~ extra janitor duties caused from such dances in the .Township Hall.-Carried. Resolution No. l?h:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Orms Falls: With regard to Section 64 o~ The Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1960 and' amendments thereto, this Council hereby appoint the ~ollowing persons as a Court o~ Revision to receive and ~ consider recommendations under Section 131 o~ the said Assessment Act:- Mr. Roy A. Foster, Mr. H. Earl Walkey Mr. Orme H.. Falls Mr. W. Rod Carveth Mr. Frank A. Gray .-Carried. _ &~~plution Ho.~?~:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Orme Falls: This Council hereby receive the recommendation of the Court of Revision and thereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer o~ this municipality-to ~educe the 1967 taxes under Account No. ~266'in accordance with Section 131 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1960 and amendments thereto.-Carried. . Resolution,No. 1?6:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by Orme Falls: This Council hereby authorize the Reev~ and Clerk to sign an Indenture, in duplicate, dated 17 November 1967 between the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke and Charles Edward Stapleton and Everett George Stapleton.-Carried. Page 3 Special Meeting of Council 22 November ~967 continued: Reso]ution NO_.J??:Mpved b~ W.R.Carveth,seconded by Earl Walkey: With reference to a letter re,ceived from the Canadian Transport-Commission under date of November 7,,1967, this Council hereby direct Totten, Sima~ Hubicki and Associates Ltmited, Consul~ing Epgineers, to prepare~a submission , to the Railway Transport Committee wi~h regard to the fo11owing:- . t . ~ ' 1~ FileNo. 26727.703-re: Level crossing, Twp. of Clarke, Ont., mile{lge 16p.46 Belleville SubdiYision C.P. 2. File No. 26727.1016-re: Town Line. Road. level , crossing, btwen., Twps. Clarke and Darlington~ Ont., mileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision C.P. This Council hereby confirm that it will bear its share of the cost ~s outl~ned in the said Commission's letter of November 7, 1967., '"" The Clerk is hereby instructed to forMard certified ~ oopies of this resolution to C.W.Rump, Secretary Df the. Railway Transport- Committee; Totten, Sims,~ Hubicki and Associates Limited at Whitby; Clerk of the Township of Darlington and the Road Superintendent of~this.municipality. -Carried.. The following By-laws we~e given first, second and third reading and finally signed, sealed and numbered: By-LRw No. } c;?l Being a By\-Law to Repeal By-Law No. 1478 .' Being a By-Law RespectibgLd.cences for Nursing Homes ~EAS the Council of the Corporation~of the Township of ~larke, after due deliberation, have deemed it expedient to repeal By-Law No. 1478; t ~ AND WHEREAS the Department of Public Welfare haSt passed extensive new regulations which came into force on too 1st day of January 1967; t NOW THEREFoaE BE JT ENACTED By the Council of the 'Corporation of the Township of Cl~ke:- That By-Law No.. 1478 be aId the same is hereby r.epealed. By-LRw No. ]c;?2 A By-law autl10rizing t he borrowing .of money by way s:>f temporary advances pending the issue ~nd sale of the debentures authorized by ~y-law No. 1553. WHEREAS the Council ,of the Corporation 'Of the Township of Clarke has enacted its By~law NO. 1553, passed on the 3rd day of October, 1967, duly authoriaingtbe issue and sale of debentures for raising a sum not exceeding $50,695.00 for the following purpose, namely: . To erecting and equipping 3 rooms, being ~ classrooms of 763 N~F.F.A.(Net Functional Floor. Area) each anP 1 general purpose, r.qpm o.:t 1(>09, sq.>., ft. N.F.F.A., as an addition to School No. 13 at Kendal situated in Lot 9, Concession 6 of the Township of Clarke; AND WHEREAS prior to the passing of the said By-law, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board was first obtained, as evidenced by Order. under File G. 2546-67 of the said Board dated the 22nd day of ;Sept~er 1967..; ~ND WHEREAS the said By-law does not require the assent of the electors or of those qu~lified to vote on money by-laws; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as temporary advances panding the issue and' :sale of the said debentures; NOll, THEREFORE, T~ COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE HEREBY ENaCTS AS .FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation a:grees to borrow and doth here by authorize the borrowing from CANADIAN D4P~IAL ~,ANK OF COMMERCE as temporary advances pending the issue and sale of ~ debentuFes above recited such sums as may be required but not exceeding a total of $121,030.00 on the terms and subject to too conditions set fG'th in this By-law. . 2. Within the lImit aforesaid and as moneys a~e.requ~red from time to t ime ~or the purpose above ;recit(ed, the Head and Treasurer, acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from ~he said Bank for the said purpose pending the issue and sale oftbe ~ debentures.authorized as aforesaid and to sign and deliver '" \J Page 4 Special Meeting or Council 22 November 1967 continued: c to the said Bank such promissory note or notes as may be required ~or the repayment or the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate o~ interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but not exceeding the rate or Six per centum per annum, and to a~~ix the corporate seal o~ the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign and pledge the said debenture s to the said Bank upon the issue.-thereof' to be held by the said Bank as collateral sec~ty ror all moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon and to a"ssign to the said Bank the moneys growing due ~rom the sale o~ the said debentures; and the proceeds o~ the sale o~ the said debentures, or so much thereo~ as may be necessary, . shall be paid to the said Bank in satis~action of the moneys borrowed under this By-law and interest th9 reon. - ~By-~aw }loa ]tj?':\ A By-law to authorize the issue of a Debenture in the principal amount of $269,000.00 for public school purposes WHEREAS the school board named in Schedule "A" attached hereto has applied to the Council of The-Corporation or the Township of Clarke to provide the sum of $269,000.00 by the issue of Debentures of the Corporation for the public school purposes set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and the Corporaticn has approved~of aaid-application; AND WHEREAS:for the purposes'aroresaid the'Council now deems it expeQient to borrow money by the issue and sale to The Oatario EducatioB Capital Aid Corporation of a Debenture of this Munieipality in the principal amount of $269,000.00 bearing interest(at the rate or 6i% per annum payable semi-annually, which~is the amount of the debt iatended to be created by this By-law. NOW THEREFORE the eouncil of The Corporation o~ the Tewnship of Clarke enacts aSlfollows: ~ 1. THAT for the purposes aforesaid money shall be~ berrowed on the credit of The Corporation of the 'Township or Clarke by the issue of a Debenture of the Corporation ift the principal amount 0f $269,00Q.OO~bearing interest at the rae of.6i%tper anaum payable semi-annually on the 1st day-of JURe and 1st aay 0f December in each year of the currency of tAe Debenture, upon the principal amount, from time totime ,pemainiRg unpaid.. 2. THAT the said DebeRture shall be dated the 1st day of Decemaer" 1967 and shall. be payable in, 20 annual instalments of principal on the 1st day of December in the years 1968 to 1987, incluSive, and the respective amounts of' principal and interest payaQle in respect of such Debenture intthe years,1968 to.1987, inclusive, shall be as set forth in Schedule "B" atta~hed hereto. : 3. :THAT the said payments~of principal and interest sbal be payable in. lawful money of Canada by cheques sentl through the post to the registered.add~es~ of th~ registered owuer Qf the Debe~ture and sueh cheques shall be payable at.par~in the.City of Toronto. , 4. THAT the said Debentur(i,t shall be sealed with tQe Seal of the CorpoI:'ation a.nd shall be signed by the Head of the Councilor by,some other person authorized by By~law to sign the sa.me, and by. the. Treasurer. : 5. THAT all sums required to payoff the instalments of principal or t18 DebeJJ.ture and to pay interest;. thereon as set out in. the sixth col~ of Schedule "B" attac~ed hereto shall be levied and r~ised in the years 196$ to 1987, inclusive, by a sp~cial rate sufficient therefor, over ~nd above all other. rates, upon a~l the rateable property assessed to public school supporters in the municipality at the same time a~ in the same manner as other rate s . 6. THAT the said Debenture be'scld to The Ontario Education, Capital Aid Corporation. 7. THAT the said. Debenture, shall contain a-c.J.ause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to section 323 of The Municipal Act. ., Page 5 Special Meeting of Council 22 November 1967 continued: 8. THAT application shall be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of this By-law and for the certification of the Debenture to be issued hereunder pursuant to sections 58 to 60 of The Ontario Munfcipal Board Act. 9. THAT Schedules "Arr and "Brr attachec;i hereto, are hereby decl~red to be and to~form part of this By-law. SCH~DUI$ itA" TO By-Law ;N"o. ]1)'7':l ~ame of schopl poard The Public School Board of th3 Town- ship School Area of Clarke Purpose The construction of school accomm- odation and the supply of e quip- ment. Amount of DehAptures Ontario . Municipal 'Botird File Total Approved by Ontario Municipal No. Board To be Previously issued i~sued hereunq~r G 1561-67 $269~495.00 SCHEDULE nBn To By-Law No. 11)'7':l 1 PAYMENT NUMBER. 2 DATE <. mm.... PRINClfA L $ 3, 1 June 1, 1968 2 December 1, 1968 7,000.00 3 June 1, 1969 4 December 1, 1969 7,000.00 5 JUne 1, 1970 6 December 1, 1970 8,000.00 7 June 1, 1971 8 December 1, 1971 8,900.00 9 June 1, 1972 10 December 1, 1972 9,090.00 11 June 1, 1973 12 December 1, 1973 9,000.00 13 JUne I, 1974 14 December I, 1974 10,00Q.OO. 15 June 1, 1975 16 December 1, 1975 11,000.OO 17 June 1, 1976 18 December 1, 1976 11,000.00 19 June 1, 1977 20 December 1, 1977 12,000.00 21 June 1, 1978 22 December 1, 1978 13,000.00 23 June 1, 1979 24 December 1, 1979 14,000.00 25 June 1, 1980 26 December 1, 1980 15,000.00 27 June 1, 1981 28 December 1, 1981 16,000.00 29 June 1, 1982 30 December 1, 1982 17,000.00 31 June 1, 1983 32 December 1, 1983 18,000.00 33 June I, 1984 34 December 1, 1984 19,000.00 35 June 1, 1985 36 December 1, 1985 20,000.00 37 JUne 1, 1986 38 December 1, 1986 22,000.00 39 June,l, 1987 40 December 1, 1987 2':l.000.00 $269,000.00 Meeting adjourned at 1 a.m. ~ :0#J4-/' Clerk 4 PAYME~S I:tfTEREST' " $ 8~742.50 8,742.50 8,515.00 ,8,515.00 8,287.50 8,287.50 8,027.50 <. 8,027.50 7,767.50 7,767.50 7,475.00 . 7,475.00 7,182.50 7,182.50 6,857.50 6,857.50 6,50Q.00 6,500.00 6,142.50 6,142.50 5,752.50 5,752.50 5,330.00 5),330.00 4,875.00 4,875.00 4,387.50 4,387.50 3,867.50 3,867.50 3,315.00 3,315.00 2,730.00 2,730.00 2,112.50 2,112.50 1,462.50 1,462.50 747.50 '711.'7. 1)0 u nil $269,000.00 5 10T~L $ 8,742.50 15,742.50 8,515.00 15,515.00 8,287.50 16,287.50 8,027.~0 16,027.50 7,767.50 16,767.50 7,475.00 16,475.00 7,182.50 17,182.50 6,857.50 17,857.50 6,500.00 17,500.00 6,142.50 18,142.50 5,752.50 18,752.50 5,330.00 19,330.00 4,875.00 19,875.00 4,387.50 20,387.50 3,867.50 20,867.50 3,315.00 21,315.00 2,730.00 21,730.00 2,112.50 22,112.50 1,462.50 23,462.50 747.50 2':l,'711.'7.1)0 6 ANNUAL AMOUNT LEVIED HEREUNDER $ 24,485.00 24,030.00 .24,~75.00 24,055.00 24,535.00 23,950.00 24,365.00 24,715.00 24,000.00 . 24,285.00 ?4,505.00 24,660.00 24,750.00 24,775.00 24,735.00 24,630.00 24,460.00 24,225.00 24,925.00 , ..,A W 211.,11.ql).00 $220.11)1).00 I~Sq,'I)I).OO IkSqr11)1).00 . MJ /J ~ Reev~ 7