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Page 2
Speoial Meeting of Counoil October 16, 1967 continued:
7. .~. Department of Public Works re proposed Post Office Si te-
Newtonv1lle, Ontario a~ ~usiness brought forward from
3 Ootober 1967.-Fi~ed. .'
8. Catherine W. Stewart thanking Counoil on behalf Of ~he
l~dies who were ohosen from the Township to a.ttendan Afternoon
Tea at the Canadian. National EXhi bl tion.-Filed. '
9.' The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re speoial MemberShip
Meeting to be held WedneSday, Ootober 2~, 1967 in the Baltimore
Hotel, Cobourg.-F11ed. .
10. '. BOard of' Transport Commissioners tor Canada re File.
No. 3701.129'- proposed Improvemenxs to TWp."Road level c~oss1ng
Olarke, Ont., mileage 155.66 Belleville Subd.'OP. as business
brOught forward f'romSeptem.ber5, 1967.-Filed. " .
11." Copy of letter. from Totten, Sims~ Rubicki & Assooiates -
Limited to Canadian PaCific Rail"at Co.. re Township of Clarke
NewtonvilleRoad'& O.P.R. Crossing, Your File 32002.(R.T.C. '
File 26727-ll89)-Ftled." -
12. - 'Copy of' letter :from 'rotten, Sims,'Rubioki & Assoo1ates .
Limit~d to Ontario Department of Highways"re TownShip of, Clarke,
C.P.R."& Newtonville Road intersection. (R.T.C.File 2672'1-1189)
-Filed. - '
13. Copy or letter from Totten, Sims, Kubioki & Assooiates
Limited tO'Board of TransportCQmm1ssioners tor Canada re
File 26727-llB9. O.P.R. Newtonville Road Crossing, 'fOltnship of
Clarke.-Filed. '
14. llailway Transport Co1Dl1i1ttee re File No. 42307 re proposed
improvements to and' the installation of protection at the orossing
offtp. Road (Glove~s Crossing) in Lots 12 & 13. Broken ,Front
Cono., in theTWp. of Clarke, Ont., and'the CNR at mile 281.60
Kingston Subd. and the CPR at mile 152.90 Belleville Subd.-
Referred to Clerk to answer.
15. Durham County Distriot High' Sohool Board re a report
regarding B~anvi1le High Sohool.-Filed.
16. The Ontario Munioipal Board re proposed oap1 ta1 expend! ture
-final appr-oval of Construotion ani equipment of an addition to
Kendal Public Sohool.-Filed.
17. The Ontar io Munioipal Bee rd re oonstruoti on and equipment
OCan addition to Kendal Publio School.-Filed.
18. 'rhe Ontario lfunioipal BOa:rd're "proposed oapi tal expenditure
-final' approval of Oonstruction and equipment d Kirby Cen tei1111a;l.
Sohool. -Filed. "
19. 'rhe Ontario Jlunioipal Boat'd re ConsU'uotiol1 and etlUipment
of Kirby Centennial School. -Filed.
20. Department of Munioipal Affairs' re Ontario Education
Capital 'Aid Progr~ Offer to Sell a Debenture in the amount
of .2b9~OOO.-Filed." '. .'
21. CanacUan Paoifio Railway re'improved operation prooedures
and related communioations as business brought forward from
5 Septemb~ 1967.-Referred to the Clerk. .
22. Mrs. Ellen K. Yeo, Secretary-TreaSurer, Committee
lot Adjustment for the TCElShip of Clarke, for E. .Rlohard Lor ekin
Esq. t Ch.irme.n,~re Comm1 t tee of Adjustment for TOltil'shi'l> or- C1 arke
as"business brought fat'Ward fiom 19 September 196T.-l'abled.
23. Petition ofllrs..l. ~. Kortqn and 2.7 other signed
petitioners opposing the proposed building. of two tripLex
apartments on the corner of Chut'ch and Prinoess Streets in' the
Police Village' or ~onb as business brou~t forward. from 19
September 1967. -Tabla,d.
24. Northumberland-Durham Health'U~it reports for June, July
August and September 1967.-F11ed. .' . .' .
2~. Mr. Angus Rankin re Olarke Gravel Pit, Lot 16, .Oon.2.-J'lled.
26. Ontario Department at Hi~ways re proposed assumption or
Winter Road in Irwin Subdivision as business brought forward from
.5 September 1967.-Tabled.
27. Copy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubioki & AS'SlDciates
Limited to United Construotion Co~, re Oontract No. W344, Stewart
Bridge, Township or01arke.-Filed._ .
28. Oopy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubioki & Assooiates
Limited to Ganaraska Bridge Co. Ltd.',re Contraot No. .. 344,
Ste~art Bridge, Township of Clarke.-F1.1ed.
Page 3
Speoial Meeting of Counoil Ootober 16, 1967 continued:
29. Copy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubioki ~ Assooiates
Limited to Amaranth Oonstruotion Ltd., re Contraot No. W 344
Stewart Bridge, Township of' Clarke. -J'il.ed.
30. Copy or letter from Totten, Sims, Hubioki ~ As~oiates
Limited to R. E. Brohm Cons~ruotion Ltd., 're Contraot Number
1f 344, Stewart. Bridge., Ta.h$hip of Clarke.-Filed.
31. Copy of letter f~om 'rotten, Sims, Hub1cki & Associates.
Limited to Mel-Ron (Jp:n.struOtion ;re Contraot. No. I' 344, Stewart
Bridge, Township of Clarke.-Filed. ..~~.
32. Centennial Commission, Ott.awa, Canada re 1967 Community
Improvement Sem1ne.r.-li1ed.
The following Re$olutions were. Passed: (,
Resolution No. 159:MoYed by Orme Falls,seoonded'by H.E.Walker:
This Oouncil hereby request and autho~1~e~the Clarke,
{ Pl~ning E'*-rd to resty.dy "A RestriotedArea :By-Law" and to make
their 1"ecom:trlendation re'sult1I1S' from. suoh.restudY' tothls Couno'il
at their earliest convenience.-Oarried.
Remlut10ll NO. l60:Moyed by~H..E.Walkey,Seo.l~mdedby Orme Falls:
'l'hi sCounoilhereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to
signa oontract, _de 11'1 duplicate, namely: "Duties or Contraotor
tor .rani tor Service of the 'rownship Hall at Orono. datad 16
Oo10be:f' 1967 between Mr. Wayne' Kennedy' for Build:lng Maintenance
Company ana 'this munioipality.-Carrled.
Meeting adjourned.
~__' egAJ
m.6t' . (
ReevtlY ~/17~
Tuesday., November 7, 1967 at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Reeve R. A. Foster
Depu~y Reev~ H. E. Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
. .
The minutes of Council meetings held October 3 and
October 16, 1967 were approved as read on motion by O. H.
Falls, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. .
, . (
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by O. H. Falls
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Wm. E. Armstrong asked Council to ~pply for lower
fire insurance ~ates in this area. In his remarks he compared
the rates in t.hi's are.a d"o:.~ other areas and was most surprised,
he said, to find our rates much higher. This, he commented,
re&Mlted i~ a higher cost in his business operations. The
Council explained that an application had been submitted to
the Canadian Underwriters' Association'dated December 30, .
1966 requesting their Rates Committee to study the effect on
Insurance Rates in this area. The Clerk was instructed to
correspond with the Canadian Underwriters' Association to
req~est a reply to our letter of December 30, r966.
Messrs. Maurice O'Neill and George Stapleton appeared
bEfore Cquncil. Mr. O'Neill ~equested repair on part of the
3rd line road allowance west of the county road in order td
provide access to his woodlot. The re,quest, he said, is '
made due to f~ooding and the backing up of water on his lands
from beaver dams on h~s ,neighbour's property'abutting his
north boundary. It was his intention to immediately contaet
the Department of Lands and :Forests to request the removal
of the dam and the be~ver a~ter which he would again discuss
the matter in question w~~hCo~ncil. Upon his report from'
such meeting with a.repres~ntative of the said Department,
Mr. O'Neill stated that the Department would require permission
from Mr. Jilisen, the abutting owner, to trap the beaver on
his property. The Clerk was instructed to correspond with the
Department of Lands and Forests to request their assistance
and co-operation to endeavour to remove the beaver
and the. dam.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council 7 November 1967, continued:
Mr. Robert Robinson presented a petition to Council
requesting the passing of a Sunday Sports By-Law and a
referendum by the electorate. The petition was signed by
Messrs. OrIon Trew and Robert Robinson. The Clerk was
requested to reply to the petitioners.
Mrs. Laverne Boyd, Mrs. Gordon Lowery, Messrs. R.
Dickson, O. W. Rolph and S. Mather representing the
Orono Figure Skating Club and the Orono Amateur Athletic
Association presented a statement of the receipts and
expenditures of the Artificial Ice" Fund as of August 29,
1967. The balance owing on the Artificial Ice equipment
at this date was $5,500.00. Mrs. Eoyd reported on behalf
of the Orono Figure Skating Club. All monies handled,
she sai'd, by the club both for' expenditure and recei'pt
are only sufficient to maintain their present organization.
Therefor'e, no monies are available from the club for
contribution to the Artificial Ice Fund. Mr. Mather,
President of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association,
reported the following with regard to Iinance~ of the
Arena: Last s~asonthe cost of operating the Arena was
$13,731.38. On April 4th, la'st, on closing the Arena
the expenditure for the season was $13,311.63.' On April
3'0, 'the bank balance was approximately $187.00 with unpaid
bills of approximatBly $447.00. Due to an unusuarly"good
summer beca~se of Centennial' year, the Arena receipts
increased by over $3,000.00. Consequently $1,000.00 was
paid off the Ice Fund debt leaving a barance outstanding
of $4,500.00. It was the hope of the organization, Mr.
Mather commented, that they would be able to continUe to
pay off $1,000.00 a year until the debt is finally retired.
The present bank balance of the A~sociation is $400.00 to
$500.00 which will be used in financing the coming season.
It was reported that no accdunts payable were on hand. Mr.
Mather, on behalf of the Association, requested' Council to
consider some assistance in the retirement of this Ice Fund
Loan. Copies' of the financial statement were handed out to
the members of Counci!. '"
Mr. Cecil Carveth appeared to remind Council that M~.
Joseph Atkinson, the founder of the Toronto Daily Star was
borri on or about Lot 20, Concession 2 of the Township of
Clarke. He suggested that Council may wish to consider a
plaqu~ to 'honour our municipality of this historic fact.
Th~, Clerk was instructed to bring this information to the
attention of the Provincial Government.
Miss Lallie Stewart presented a letter to Council,
recorded under correspondence herein, and discusSed the
proposed construction of t~e Stewart Bridge with Council.
The 2 ton limit sign, she said, 'was removed from the
bridge about October 10, last, and has not been replaced
to date. The Council promised to have the'sign replaced
as soon as possible. In reply 'to "MiSS Stewart's inquiry
for snowplowing, the Council stated that snowplowing of the
bridge and sideroad in question would be carried out during
the coming winter season when required.
The following correspondence, ~eports-and petitions were
read out by the Reeve:
'1. Ontario Department of Highways, Port "Hope re Township
Road Connection-Cobbledick Road Westerly-Adjacent to and
south of C.N.R. as buslness brought forward from October-
16, 1967.-Referred to Resolution.
2. Copy of letter from Ontario' Department of Highways to
M. L. Ross re Service Road South of C.N.R. Tracks, West ~f
Cobbledick Road-Lots 33-35, Con. 1, Township of Clarke.-
Referred to Resolution.
3. Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited re proposed
C.P.R. Crossing Improvements, Townships of Clarke and
Darlington, Our File"W401;-Tabled.
4. Copy letter of the Township of Darlington to Totten,
Sims, Hubicki & Associates re proposed crossing improvement
Townships of Clarke & Darlington. Your F~le W40l.-Filed.
5. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Minutes
of Meeting of October 25, 1967.-Filed.
Page 3,
Regular Meeting o~ Council 7 November 1967, continued:
6. Ontario Good Roads Association re request for
resolutions & proposal of names for recognition of long
service in the cause of good roads.-Filed. "
7. Clarke CEntenn'ial Committee re requesting permission
to enter a float in tne Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade.-
Permis'sion Granted. l .
8. Clarke Centennial Committee proposal to dispo~e of
Centennial Garden.-Permission Granted~
9. Petition of Messrs. OrIon Trew, and Robert Robinson
requesting Council to have the electors vote on Sunday
Sports in Clarke Township. -~he Clerk WaS instructed to reply.
10. Ontario Department o'f Hignways re~ Property File
T-03226, Lot 27, Conc~ssion 3.-Referred to the Clerk.
11. Mr. Franl<. B. Ardron re acknowledgement of road work
o"n the sideroad by part Lot 13, Concession 5. -Filed.
12. Ontario Education Capital Aid Program re Offer to
Sell a -Township School Area of Clarke Debenture in the
amount oT $269,000.00.-Filed.
13. Mr. John Kegel request for road improvements on the
sideroad between Lot 22 and 23, Concession 6.-Referred to
the Road Department for 1968.
14. Petition of Mfss Lallie Stewart, Mr. Harold Stewart
and Mr. L. Tinney re north half of Lot 6, Con. 3 and north -
32 acres of the south half of Lot 6, Con. 3 and the
proposed reconstruction of the Stewart Bridge. -Referred
to the 1968 Co~ncil. :
15. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Water Supply
System (Orono) - Tabled.
16. Department of Municipal Affairs re Winter., Works
Incentive Program 1967~68.-Filed.
17. ~amiltons Insurance Service re Fire Insurance Rates
for the Village of Orono.-Filed. .
i8. 'The Ontario Municipal Board re proposed capital
expenditure of $108,700 of which $38,080 may 'be debentured
for the construction of storm sewers, curb, gutter and
pavement on Church Street, etc.-Filed. '
19. The Consumers' Gas re applica~ion to the Ontario
Energy Board for an Interim Order approving'its rates for
a period of not more than one year from Octdber I, 1967.-Filed.
20. Petition of Mr. Paul F. Grant and ten other signed
petitioners concerning the condition of the road allowance'
between Lots 30 and 31 in the Fourth Concession as business
brought forward from Council Meeting of October' 3, 1967.-The
Clerk was instructed to reply to Mr. P. F. Grant.
21. l Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee
of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke, for E. Richard
Lovekin Esq., Chairman, re Committee of Adjustment for
Township of Clarke as business brought 'forward from
October 16, 1967.-Tabled.
22. Petition of Mrs. A. E. Morton and 27 other signed
petitioners opposing the proposed building of two triplex
apartments on the corner of Church and Princess Streets in
the Police Village of Orono as business brought forward from
16 October 1967.-Tabied.
23. Ontario Good Roads 'Association re permission for
Mr. Bruce Hancock, Road Department Foreman, to attend the T. J.
Mahony School for Road Superintendents.-Permis~ion Granted.
24. Copy letter of Totten,' Sims, Hubicki & Associates
Limited to Mel-Ron Construction re Contract #W344~ Stewart
Bridge, Township of Clarke:-Filed.' l
25. Copy letter ~f.Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates
Lim~ted to R. E. Brohm Construction_Limited re Contract
#W344 , Stewart Bridge, Township bf Clarke.~Filed.
26. Copy letter.of Canadian Pacific to Railway Transport
Commission re File No. 3701~129 re proposed improvements
to Twp. Rd. level crossing Clark~, Ont., Mileage 155.66'
Belleville Subd. as busines brought forward from October
16; 1967.-Filed. '
27.. Th~,Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke
Restricted Area By-law No.' 1517 as business brought forward
from 19 September 1967.-Tabl~d. '
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council 7 Novemher 1967 continued:
28. The Corporation of the Town of Milton re their
resolution with respect to the hurden of the ever-increasing
cost of education.-Filed.
29. Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke
minutes of meetings held September 5 and October 2, 1967.-Filed.
30. The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario re
approval to by-law No. 1551 for the issue of debentures in an
amount of $25,000.00 for Orono Hydro System.-Filed.
31. Ontario Good Roads Association re application for Room
Reservations at the Ro~l York Hotel, Toronto.-Referred to
the Road Superintendent to reserve lroom for Council.
32. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council news
periodical dated September 27, 1967.-Filed.
33. Dow Chemical of Canada, Limited, Sarnia, Ontario
re Ruelene 25E for Warble Fly Control as business brought
forward from 5 September 1967.-Tabled.
34. Pope & Goebelle re Orono Municipal Water System
and Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business
brought forward from 5 September 1967.-Tabled.
35. . Corporation of the Village of Newcastle request for
road closingby Mr. Hugh F. Allen.-Referred to Road and
Bridge Committee of Council in 1965.
36. St. John Ambulance request for financial support.-Filed.
37. The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society request
for financial support.-Yiled.
38. Ontario Department of Highways re Winter Road in
Irwin Subdivision-Lot 29, Con. IV.-Filed.
39. W. Kay Lycett, B.A., re Irwin conveyance of part of
Lot 29, Concession 4, Clarke.-Filed.
40. Ontario Department of Highways re Subject - Amendment
to Fair Wage Policy.-Filed.
Mr. DeWith, on behalf of Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Super-
intendent, presented the Road Department financial Statement
as of October 31, 1967, together with the recommendation to
transfer $12,000.00 under Bridge Construction to Road
Maintenance under By-Law No. 1541. The said recommendation
was referred to resolution.
The Treasurer presented a statement of the Budget and
Expenditure and Revenue Comparison as of November 7, 1967,
together with a proposed Analysis of the 1967 Budget projected
to December 31, 1967 inclusive. It was agreed that the
analysis and projection be ~leted by both the General and
Road Departments to assist the auditor in preparing a
financial statement for the nomination meeting and the
revised budget for consideration and adoption by Council
on December 15, next.
The following resolutions were passed:
Reso]ution No. 16l:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded byW.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby authorize the Treasurer to apply to
the Ontario Municipal Board, if required, in accordance with
Section 329 of The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960 and amendments
Resolution No. ]62:Movedby Orme Falls, seconded by Earl ',valkey:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council:
Addition to General Voucher #10 for October in the amount of
General Voucher #11 for November in the amount of $22,960.24.
Addition to Welfare Voucher #10 for October in the amount
of $216.25.
General Welfare Voucher #11 for November in the amount of
Road Voucher #10 for October in the amount of $8,737.87.
Police Vil}ge of Orono Voucher #10 for October in the amount
of $663.58.
Addition to General Voucher #11 for November in the amount
of $325.90.-Carried.
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council 7 November 1967 continued:
R~~olution No. 161:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by ~.R.Carveth:
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
hereby appoint Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, R. R. North Orono, Ont.,
as a representative on the Board of The Durham County District
High School for the years 1968 and 1969.-Carried.
Rp.so 1 ut i on No. J 6h :Moved by Orme Fall s, seconded by Earl \'\Talkp.y:
This Council hereby request the Auditors of the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke to prepare 100 copies of a printed
financial statement for Nomination Meeting to be held November
24, 1967, at a cost not exceeding $100.00.
The Treasurer and Road Superintendent be and are hereby
instructed to assist the Auditors in their preparation of the
said statement.-Carried.
Resolllt i on No. 16it) :Moved by Earl \rV'alkey, seconded byvl. R. Carveth:
As recommended by the Road Superintendent the Department
of Highways of Ontario be requested to approve the following
transfer within the approved total of the 1967 Road Expenditure
By-law No. 1541:-
$12,000.00 from Bridge Construction to Road Maintenance.
WHEREAS a budget revenue loss in the amount of 20% of $12,000.00
being $2,400.00 will be incurred from such transfer, the revised
budget provisions shall be as follows:-
Public Works:
Maintenance Expenditure $9,600.00
Maintenance Revenue $7,200.00
The total expenditure of By-law No. 1541 shall, therefore, be
reduced from $118,000.00 to $115,600.00 by token of this
Rp.soJution ~o. 166:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby request the Clarke Planning Board to
study the Subdivision Agreement of the Township of Darlington
and a draft form of a Subdivision Agreement prepared by the
Department of Municipal Affairs for recommendation of a similar
agreement to Council for the Corporation of the Township of
Rp.so]ution No. J67:Moved by Orme Fans,seconded by Earl '-'Jalkey:
With regard to Section 64 of The Assessment Act, R.S.O.
1960 and amendments thereto, this Council hereby appoint the
follo'/JinE:: persons as a Court of Revision to receive and consider
recommendations under Section 131 of the said Assessment Act:-
Mr. Roy A. Foster
Mr. H. Earl Walkey
Mr. Orme H. Falls
Mr. W. Rod Carveth
Mr. Frank A. Gray-Carried.
Resolution No. J6A:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by Orme Falls:
This Council hereby receive the recommendation of the
Court of Revision and thereby authorize the Clerk-Treasurer of
this municipality to reduce the 1967 taxes under Account No.
1225 in accordance with Section 131 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O.
1966 and amendments thereto.-Carried.
Resolution No. ]6Q:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Earl Walkey:
'WHEREAS this Council hereby deem it expedient to repeal
the third reading given By-Law No. 1559 on the 3rd day of
October 1967;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke resolve to pass a By-law to repeal the third reading
given By-Law No. 1559 on the 3rd day of October 1967.-Carried.
Re~o]ution No. J70:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
With reference to a letter of the Department of Highways
of Ontario dated September 28th, 1967, this COlJncil hereby
resolve to accept the ownership of a road as well as the other
property, as shown in yellow on the attached plan.-Carried.
The following By-Law was read a first and second time only:
By-Law No. J t)6h
Being a By-Law to authorize the construction, reconstruction,
extension of certain capital works in the Police Village of Orono
in the Township of Clarke as a Local Improvement under the
provisions of the Local Improvement Act.
Page 6
Regular Meeting of Council 7 November 1967 continued:
A .;i
The following By-laws were read a first, second and
third time and finally passed:
By-;L,t3w No. ]r:;6s
Being a by-law to ~ncrease the interest rate on
tax arrears.
Be it Enacted as a By-law of the Council of The
Corporation of The Township of Clarke as follows:
1. The Treasurer of the Township of Clarke be and is
hereby author~zed and shall add to the amount of all
taxes due and unpaid interest at the rate of 2/3 of
1 per cent per month or fra'ction thereof from the 31st
day of December in the year in which the taxes were
levied until the taxes are paid, effective and commencing
on the First day of January, 1968. ' , ,
By-Law No. ]r:;~ .
A ,By-law to establish certain benefits for employees
of, the Corporation of the Township of Clarke.
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to establish sick
leave benefits, annual vacation and statutory holidays
for the employees of the Township of Clarke,
THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke
enacts as follows:
1. Sick Leave Credit Gratuities
Ta) The Township shall establish a system of sick leave
credits under which an employee shall be entitled
to a credit of one and one-half days for each month
of regular attendance.
(b) The credits shall be cumulative..
,(c) The credits shall be entered into a register
maintained in the department in/which the employee
is employed.
(d) No credits shall be given to An ~mployee in any
month who is absent from duty in that month:
(i) For more than six (6) days for any reason
other than vacation leave of absence.
-(ii) Without leave of.absence.
(e). No employee shall receive pay for absence caused
through sickness in excess of 180 days credit or
of his accumulated credits, which ever is the
lesser. I
(f) An employee shall not be granted any sick leave
credits until he has completed one year continuous
employment with the Township of Clarke.
(g) Payment for sick leave shall be made at the
, prevailing r~te in effect during the absence of
the employee. For those employees engaged on a
salary basis, the salary shall be continued
until the'employee has exhausted his accumulated
credits up to a maximum of 186 days and for those
employees on an hourly basis, the hourly rate
multiplied by the hormal working hours for the
particular period, shall be paid until the
employee has exhausted his accumulated credits
up to a maximum of 180 days.
(h) After three (3) days absence caused by sickness
no leave with pay shall be allowed unless a cert-
ificate of a'duly qualified medical practitioner
is forwarded to the head of the employee's
department certifying the inability of the employee
to attend to his or her official duties. The head
of the department may require an employee to
submit a doctor's certificate fo~ a period of
absence of less than three (3) days.
(i) The head of the department may grant leave of
absence with pay upon any special/or compassionate
grounds to an employee and the period of leave of
absence shall be charged against the sick leave
credits of the employee.
(j) On retirement or separation, an employee shall be
entitled to an amount equal to his salary, wages
or other remuneration for one-half the number of
days standing to his credit up' to a maximum of 180
Page 7
Regular Meeting of Council 7 November 1967 continued:
'days and in any event, not in excess of the
amount of 90 days earnings at the rate
received by the employee imm~diately prior to
termination of employment and providing that
the employee has completed five years of
service with the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke immediately prior to termination of
employment. "
(k) Employees shall be granted a credit of 1 day .
\ sick leave for each month that they have been
employed by the Township of Clarke prior to
January 1, 1967.
(1) An employee shall be provided with an annual
statement of the sick leave credits accumu~ated
to his or her credit. This statement shall
be signed by the head of the employee's
department and shall be given to the employee
on or before January 31 of each year.
(m) An employee who is permanently'employed on a
part time basis, and who received an annual
salary of not less than 50 per cent of the
regular annual salary for fuis classification
of employment, will be entitled to one-half"
of the accumulated sick leave credits as
outlineg for permanent full time employees.
(n) The following regulations shall apply for
labourers and casual employees who shall be
entitled to sick leave credits providirig:
(i) The employee works for eight continuous
months in each calendar year.
(ii) The employee works for any eight months
of the ye~r, not necessar.liy continuous,
providing the break in continuity is due
to lack of work or by other action by
the employer. But the emplpyee will not
be eligible where a break in continuity
is a result of that employee's decision
to resign.
(iii) Temporary absence approved by the employer
for compassionate reason will not be
interpreted as a break in continuity.
(iv) The employee will not be eligible for sick
leave benefits unless he has complied with
the requirements of section (i)'or (ii) for
a period of one calendar year. Accumulation
of credits is not permitted for the
probationary year.
(v) Where an employee has received a separation
or retirement allowance as provided by
\ section (j) of these regulations and is
subsequently re-employed, the employee shall
commence accumulation of sick leave credits
on the basis of having the status of a new
"employee and stid employee shall be required
to serve forI probationary period as outlined
in section (iv).
(vi) The employee shall only be paid for absence
caused by sickness which occurs during a period
of employment.
2. Statutory Holidays
(a) All permanent emp19yees shall be granted the following
statutory holidays with pay: .
(i) New Year's Day
(ii) Good Friday
(iii) Victoria Day
(iv) Dominion Day
(v) Civic Holiday
(vi) Labour Day
(vii) : Thanksgiving Day
(viii) Christmas Day
(ix) Any other holiday that may be authorized by
the Reeve of the Township of Clarke.
Page 8
Regular Meeting of Council 7 November 1967 continued.
. '
(b) Permanent employees shall include labourers and
casual employees of the Township of Clarke.
(c) In order that an employee shall be granted a
statutory holiday with pay, the employee must work
the normal working day immediately before and after
the holiday.
3. Annual Vacation:
(a) All permanent employees shall be granted 2 weeks
annual vacation after one year's service and 3
weeks annual vacation after five year's service.
(b) One Year's annual vacation may be' carried over
to the following year.
(c) When a statutory holiday falls on a day of an
employee's scheduled vacation, the employee shall be
entitled to an additional day of vacation, provided
that the necessary a~rangements have been made with
the head of the department prior to the commencement
of the vacation period.
(d) Permanent employees shall include all employees whose
service is continuous for such length of time to
qualify them for the applicable annual vacation.
Casual employees are excluded unless pamission is
granted by the head of the department for inclusion.
4. This By-law shall come into force and effect as of the
first day of January, 1967.
5. That By-law No. 1496 be and is hereby repealed.
By-Law No. ]S62
Being a By-Law to Repeal the Third Reading of By-Law
No. 1559 regarding the borrowing of $108,700.00.
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke, after due deliheration, have deemed it expedient
to repeal the third reading of By-Law No. 1559;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by The Council of the Corp-
oration of the Township of Clarke:--
. That the third reading of By-Law No. 1559 made the 3rd
day of October, 1967 be and the same is hereby repealed.
By-Law No. ]S68.
A By-Law authorizing the borrowing of money by way of
temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures
authorized by By-Law No. IS73
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of The Township
of Clarke has enacted its By-law No.lS73 , passed on the~
day of November, 19.fiZ..., duly authoriz ing the issue and
sale of debentures for raising a sum not exceeding $269,000.00,
for the following purpose, namely: To construct a new 9 room
school to be known as "Kirby Centennial School" to be located
in Lot 25, Concession VI, Township of Clarke, being eight
classrooms and one general purpose room together with the
necessary administration and maintenance areas upon which
project an application for sale of debentures has been made
by the Treasurer of the Municipality to The Ontario Education
Capital Aid Corporation dated 29th September 1967;
AND WHEREAS prior to the passing of the said By-law, the
approval of the Ontario Municipal Board was first obtained, as
evidenced by the Order of the said Board dated the 22nd' day of
September 1967;
AND WHEREAS the saitl By-law does not require the assent
of the elector~ or of those qualified~to' vote on money by-laws;
AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money as
temporary advances pending the lssueand sa~e of the said
debentures; <.
1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorize
temporary advances pending the issue and sale of the debentures
above recited such sums as may be required but not exceeding a
total of $279,507.00 on the terms and subject to the conditions
set forth in this By-law.
Page 9
Regular M~eting of Council 7 November 1967 continued:
2. Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required from
time to time for the purpose above recited, the Head and Trea~-
urer, acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby'authopized
to borrow moneys from th~ said Bank for the said purpose pending
the issue and sale of. the debentures authorized as aforesaid
and to sign and deliver to the said Bank:such promissory note
or ndes as may be required for the repaYment of the moneys
borrowed at such time: or times and at such rate 'of interest as
may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but not exceeding the .
rate of Six per centum per annum, and to af~ix the corporate
seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes.
3. The Head and Treasurer are hereby authorized to assign
and pledge the said debentures to the said Eank upon the issue
thereof to be held by the said Bank as collateral security for
all moneys 'borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon and
to assign to the said Bank the moneys growing due from the sale
of the said debentures, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
shall be paid to the said Bank in satisfaction of the moneys
borrowed under this By-law and interest thereon'.
4. That By-Law No. 1560 be and is hereby repealed.
By-Law No. J r;6~
Being a by-law to authorize the contribution by the Corpor-
ation of the Township of Clarke towards cost of plans for
Medical and Surgical Services and Hospital Services to the
. " '
Municipal Employees. _
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke deem it ,
expedient to contribute on behalf of their employees'towards
the cost of a Plan for medical, surgical and hospital services
. . , . .
or payment thereof for employees or any class thereof and
their wives or husbands and children,
NOW THEREFORE the Councll of the Township of Clarke ENACTS
1. The corporation shall contribute towards the cost of
the,Surgical In-Hospital Medical, Major Medical,
Extended Medical Contract of the Durham County
Co-operative Medical Services for Medical and Surgical
Services and Ontario Hospital Services Commission
for Hospital Services on an equal cont~ibutory basis
with the employees of the Corporation. (
By-Law No. ] r;~Q. ."
Being a By-Law to authorize the CorporatiQn of the Township
of Clarke to enter ihto a contract for Medical and Surgical
Services to the Municipal Employees'with r~gard to By-Law
~'No~ 15~9 of this Municipalit!. ' ,
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke deem it
expedient to ente~ into a contracton'behalf of thei~ employees
towards the cost of a Plan for Medical and Surgical Services
or payment thereof for employees or any class thereof ~nd their
wives or husbands and children with the Durham County Co-Operative
Medical Services;
NOVLTHEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke ENACTS
'1. The Corporation shall enter into a contract for Medical
and Surgical Services with the Durham County Co-
Operative Medical Services.
2. Contract No. l-A- Group dated April 1, 1967 as set forth
in ScheduleuAIt is hereby declared to be and to form
part of this By-Law. (See page 10)
ResoJutiop. No. 171:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by ,Frank Gray:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Friday,
December 15, 1967, at 10 a.m. in,the Council Chamber' at Orono
in regular meeting" or otherwise in special meeting at the call .
of the Reeve.-Carried.
~.fl. ,U
. Ree e