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Regular Meetin~ of Counoil Ootober 3, 1967 continued:
In eachyesr of the currency of the said deben tures
oommenoing in 1968, the respective amount of pr.Encipal and
interest set forth in SOhedule "A" hereto shall be levie d '
and rai sed annually upon all the rateable' property of rate-
payers who a!"e Stll)1'lorters of Fublio Sohool in the said Town-
Ship Schuul Area of the TC'JIfinship of Olarke, by a. speo181ra'te",
sufficient therefore, at the same time, and in the same manner'
as other ra'tes.' . '
The said debentures may contain a clause providing to'i'the
"registration thereof pursuant to Section 335 of The Munioipal
Ac t. - - ..
Pending the sale of the said debentures the Head or the
Counoil and the Treasurer may raise for the purpose aforesaid'
by way of loan on suCh debentures any sum or .sum~,of mohey not
exoeeding in all the amount hereby authorized to De borrowed
and may htpothecate suchdebe~tures for suoh loan: .
Sohedule A" to By-LaW No. 1553 $50,695.00 610 -I year
Year prino1~al' , Interest Tota1.'Pay:nent
,-- .50,69 .00 . " l3,041.70 -'53,73b.70
Resolution No. l58:Moved by W.R.Carveth;seoondedby Orme-Falls~
. This Council hereby adjourn to meet'again on Tuesday~"
November 7, 1967, in regular meeti ng in the Council Chamber
at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the oall of the
~~< ;Z'd-
Monday, October 16,,1967 at 8,p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Counoillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W~ R~ Carveth
Counoillcr F. I.. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
Speoial meeting of Council was oalled by Reeve Foster to
oonsider the following business:
The Treasurer presented a statement of the Budget and
Expen~i ture and. Reveme Comparison as of October 3, 1967.
The following correspondenoe and reports and petition
were read'out by Reeve Foster:- "
1. Copy letter of Canadian, Paoific to RailWay Tl'ansport
Commission're File No. 3701.12'9 re proposed im.plOi:vements
toTwp. Rd. level crossing Clarke, Ont., Mileage 15;.66
Belleville' Subd. -Table d. "
2. I'm. W. Bittle for E. H. Fleming, Reeve" Amherst ISland,
Stella, Ontario re Propagation of Small Game on the Island
and promoting Htillting under a type of' control that would
benefit both hunters and property owners.-Referredto' Clerk.
3. Canadian Transport Oomm;ission re File Nos. 26727.l016
and 26727.339 re propOsed improvements to and automatic
proteotion at the crossing of the Toe Line and C~P~R.,
mileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision, also' the closing of
Crossing at the ConoessionBoad, mileage 160.82 through a
diversion road tooonneot both of the above.-Filed.
4. Totten, Sims, Hubioki cl Assooiates Limited, Consulting
Engineers, Whitby, Ontario re B.O.'r'.C. Files,,26727-339,
26727-1016, C.P.R. Crossing Improvements,'Townships or
Clarke cl Darl1ng~onJ Our File W40I.-Filed.
5. Ontario Department of Highways, Port Hope re TOll'Ilship
Road Conneot10n-cobblediok Roadl'eatel"ly-Adjaqent. to and
south of C.N.R. as business br9ught forwardf:rom Ootober
3; 1967.-Tabled.
6. Ontario Department of Highways, Port Hope re Subsidy
Payment on Road Clek's Salary.-The Clerk and Road Super- ,
intendent be and are hereby instruoted to oarry out t~e
advioe of Department of Highways of Ontario as stated~ herein.
Page 2
Speoial Meeting of Council Ootober 16, 1967 continued:
7. _ Department of Public WOrks re' proposed Post Office Si te-
Newtonv11le, Ontario a~ .business brought f'orward from
3 Ootober 1967.-FiLed. .
8. Catherine W. Ste.wart thanking Counoi.l on behalf of .the
ladieS who were ohosen from the Township to a.ttendan Afternoon
Tea at the Oanadian. National E%hibition.-Filed.
9. . The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re speOial Membership
Meeting to be held Wednesday, Ootober 25, 1961 in the Baltimore
Hotel, Cobourg.-Filed. " '
10. BOard ot Transport Commissioners for Canada re File.
NO.. 3701.129 - proposed i1h.Fovemen.ts to ftp.'Road level crossing
Olarke, Ont.. mileage 155.66 Belleville- Subd.'CP. as business
brOught to:rward from Septttmber5, 1961.-Filed. .
11. Copy of letter, from Totten, Sims~ Hubioki a: Associates -
Lim1 ted to Oanadian Paoif'io RailwaY' Co.. re Township of Clarke.
Newtonville Road' a: O.P.R. Crossing, Your File 32002. (R.T.C.
File 26721-1l89)-Ftled.' " .
12.' copy of letter ~rom. 'rotten, Sims,'Hubicki 8; Assooi,ates
L1mi ted to ontario Department of Highways' re Township of'- Clarke,
C.P.R~'a: Newtonville Road interseotion.(R.T.C.File 26727-1189)
-Filed. - '
13. Copy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicki a: Assooiates
Limited tb' Board of Transport Commissioners'for Canada re
File 26127-1189, C.P.R. Newtonville Road Orosslng, T~nship of
Cli:U"ke.-Filed. "
14. Rallway TransportC01TlIli1 ttee re File No. 42307 re proposed
improvements to and'the installation of proteotion at 'the orossing
of ftp. Road (Glove~s Orossing) in Lots 12 a: 13. Broken ,Front
Cone., in theTWp. of' Clarke, Ont., and'the CNRat mile 281.60
Kingston Subd. and the CPR at mile 152.90 Belleville Subd.-
Referred to Clerk to answer~
15. Durham County Distriot High' Sohool Board re a report
regarding B~anville High Soh601.-Filed;
16.. The Ontario Munioipal Board re proposed oapi tal expenditure
-final appr-oval of' Construotion ani equipment of an addition to
Kendal Public Sohool.-Filed.
17. The Ontario Munioipal Bmrd re'oonstruotion and equipment
a:" an addition to Kendal Publio School.-Filed.
18. 'fhe Ontario Munioipal BOard .re ,proposed oap1 tal expendi ture
_final'approvalof Construotion and equipment of Ilrby Centenn1a~
School.-Filed. "
19. 'the Ontario Jlunicipal Board re Construotion and eflUipment
of Kirby Centennial. Sohool.-Filed.
20. Department of MUnicipal Aff'aira re Ontario Education
Capi tal 'Aid Progr8lll Offer to Sell a Debenture in the amount
of $269 ~OOO.-Filed.
2J.. Canadian Paoifio Railway 1"8 'improved operation prooedures
and related communioations as businesS brought foreard from
5 September- 1961.-Ref'erred to the Clerk. '
22. IIrs. Ellen JI.. Yeo, Seoretary-Treasurer, Committee '
'ot Adjustment tor the 'l'cmJ.ship of Clarke, for E. Riohard Lor ekin
Esq.. Ch.ir'lJ1.&n,~re Cotnm1 ttee ot.ldjustment for Tt*n'sh1zp of" Clarke
as"business brought f'orward from 19 September 1967.-'l'8.blad.
23. Petition of IIrs. I.. .. Morton and 2,/ other' signed '
petitioners oppos1n.gthe proposed btt11d1ng of two tripJax
apartments on the oomer aft Chu:roh and Prinoess streets 'in - tbe
police Village' of ~onC) as businesS brought forward f'rom 19
September 1961. -Tabls:cd. '
2.. Northumberland-Durham Health 'Unit reports for June, July
August and Septembe:r1967 ._Filed.1 " .
25~ Mr. Angtls Rankin re Olarke Gravel Pit, Lot 16, 'Con.2.-Filed.
26. OntariO Department at Higb:ways re proposed assumption of
Winter Reiad in Ir1tin Subdivision as business broughtforw-ard from
5 September 19b,/.-Tabled.
21. Copy of' letter from Totten, Sims, Hubioki a: Assaoiates
Lind ted to Uni ted Construotion Co~, re Contrac", No. .344, Stewart
Bridge, Township of' Clarke.-Filed.
28. Copy of' letter from Totten, Sims, Kubioki It Assooiates
Limited to Ganaraska Bridge Co. Ltd., re Contraot No. W 344,
Ste,*art Bridge, Township of Clarke.-Filed.
Page 3
Speoial Meeting of Counoil 00 tober 16, 1967 continued:
29. Copy of lette~ from ~otten, Sims, Hubioki ~ Assooiates
Limited to Amaranth Construotion Ltd., reContraot No. " 344
Stewart Bridge, Tow-nshlp o-r Clarke. -Fil.ed.
30. Copy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubioki ~ ASSD'ciates
Limited to R. E. Brohm Oonstruction Ltd., 're Contract Number
1f 344, Ste1tart. B~idge., Township of Clarke. -Filed.
31. Copy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicki It Associates.
Limi ted to Mel-Ron 1lo11struOtion ;re Oontract No. . 344, Stewart
Bridge, Township of' Clarke.-Filed.
32. Centennial Commission, Ottawa, Oanada re 1967 Community .~.~
Improvement Semin.ar.-.P11ed.
The follOWing Resolutions were. Passed: t. \
Resolution NO. 159tMo'Ved by Orme Falls, seconded by H.E.Walkey:
This Counoil hereby request and authorize the Olarke, .
( Planning Boa:rCl to restudy itA RestriotedAl"ea By-Law. and tomalte
their recommendation reSulting' tram suCh.restudy to this Counail
at their earliest oonvenienoe.-Carried.
Reaolutlon NO. 'l60:Moved bY',R.E.Walltey,seo~nded by Orme Falls:
' ", 7hi."CounOl1 hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to
s1gh '& contraot, _de in duplioate, namely: "Dut1es at Contractor
for J'alli tor'Serv1ce of the Township Hall at Orono. datlid 16
Ootobet' 1967 between Jf.r. Wayne' Kennedy' for BuilUng Maintenance
Company and this muniolpality.-Carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Reev~ ~/7~
Tuesday', November 7, 1967 at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Reeve R. A. Foster
Depu~y Reev~ H. E. Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
. .
The minutes of Council meetings held October J and
October 16, 1967 were approved as read on motion by O. H.
Falls, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. .
. . t
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by O. H. Falls
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Wm. E. Armst,rong asked Council to ~pply for lower
fire insurance rates in this area. In his remarks he compared
the rates in t.hi:s are.a ~oi other areas and was most' surprised,
he said, to find our rates much higher. This, he commented,
re~ulted i~ a higher cost in his business operations. The
Council explained that an application had been submitted to
the Canadian Underwriters' Association 'dated December JO, .
1966 requesting their Rates Committee to study the effect on
Insurance Rates in this area. The Clerk was instructed to
correspond with the Canadian Underwriters' Association to
req~est a reply to our letter of December JO, T966.
Messrs. Maurice O'Neill and George Stapleton appeared
. .
hefQre Cquncil. Mr. O'Neill requested repair on part of the
Jrd line road allowance west of the county road in order td
provide access to his woodlot. The re,quest, he said, is .
made due to f~ooding and the backing up of water on his lands
from beaver darns on h~s ,neighbour's property 'abutting his ,
north boun~ry. It was his intention to immediately contact
the Department of Lands and :Forests to request the removal
of the darn and the be~ve~ a~ter which he would again discuss
the matter in question w~~hCo~ncil. Upon his report from'
such meeting with a representative of the said Department,
Mr. O'Neill stated that the Department would require permission
from Mr. Jilisen, the abutting owner, to trap the beaver on
his property. The Clerk was instructed to correspond with the
Department of Lands and Forests to request their assistance
and co-operation to endeavour to remove the beaver and the darn.