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Tuesday, Se~tember 19" 196~ at 7:30 9.m.
COU?cil Ch~mb~~, Orpno.
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth.
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
Special meeting of CoUncil was called by Reeve Roy A.
Foster to consider the following business: '
The following resolution was passed:
Resolution NOa IhS:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Orme Falls:
Resolve that any interested person desiring to'make claim
or to Oppose the proposed by-law to close or stop-up certain
road allowances in the +ownship of" Clarke be heard. in person
or by proxy at this time.-Carried.
Mr. Garland Cathcart suggested Council close all of the
road allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the Fifth Concession
excepting the northerly 50 to 60 rods of the said allowance.
However, he did not object to the proposed closing of the
said unopened road allowance as advertised. '
Mr. Harry Kuehn, ~ owner of the west J:la.lf of Lot 6 in the
Second Concession requested Council to withdraw'the proposed
road closing of Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 6
and 7 in th~ Second Concession extending from the northerly
limit of'2u~en's Highway No.2 to the northeriy limit of the
said Second Concession. Further, he suggested that Council
reconsider the closing of the said road allowance in the
ensuing year. ' . _
Council unanimously agreed to consider the reading of the
proposed by-law:to close-up.or stop-up~the road allowances
as advertised with excep~ion to "Part of the Road Allowance
between Lots 6 and 7 in the Second Concession of' the Township
of Clarke,_County of Durham, extending from the northerly
l~mit of Queen's Highway No.2 to the northerly limit of the
said Second Concession" in regular meeting of Council on
October 3, 1967. '
Mr. Wayne Kennedy appeared at Council meeting to inquire
if the Council were interested in contracting the cleaning,
arranging of engagements and operations of the Township Hall
inclusive of off'ices an4 library. Upon request from CounCil,
Mr. Kennedy agreed to submit price estimates for the caretaking
of the Hall to the regular meeting of Council on October
3rd, next. '
Mr. E. "R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of the Trustees
of the Police Village of Orono, informed Council that he had
recently been in contact with their ~plicitor who. was now .
preparing the proposed requests with regard to By-Law No. 1517,
A Restricted Area By-Law, to be forwarded to Council within
the next few days. -
The Treasurer presented a statement 'of 1967 Expenditure
and Revenue Comparison to the Current Budget as of Sep~ember
5, 1967, together with 3 recommendations in the form of
resolutions for Council's consideration.
The following correspondence and reports were read out
by Reeve Foster:
1. Copy of letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates
Limited, Consulting Engineers, to Daily Commercial News, Toronto,
Ontario, re tender advertisement for Stewart Bridge.-Filed.
2. Petition of Mrs~ A. E. Morton and 27 other signed
petitioners opposing the proposed building of two triplex.
apartments on the corner of Church and Princess Streets in
the Police Village of Orono as business brought forward from
September 5, 1967.~Tabled. ' .
3. Ontario Department of Highways re Proposed Closing
of Road Allowances.-Filed. ..
4. Department of the Provincial Secretary and Citizenship
re Ganaraska Speedway Limited, Our File No. 204373 as business
brought forward from S~ptember 5, 1967.-Referred to the Cle!k.
Page 2
Special Meeting of Council 19 September 1967, continued:
5. Mr~. EYlen M. Yeo,~ Secretary-Tre~surer, Committee
of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke, for E. Richard
Lovekin, Esq., Cha:'irman, 1"'e Committee of Adjustment for
Township of Clarke.-Tabled.
6. The Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke
Restricted Area By-law No. 1517 as busihess brought forward
from 5 September 1967.-Tabled. ., ,~
7. Ontario Water Resources' Commission re'
certificate of approval H67-A-782 for the' construction of' ....
storm sewers in the Police Village of Orono~-Filed. ' .
8. Re,port of the Ontario Committee on Taxation. -Filed.
9. Central Community Telephone Company Limited
proposed By-law to perfu~t the erection and maintenance of poles,
cables, ducts, wires or' other structures or equipment upon
the highways, lanes and squares~ in the Township of'Clarke.-Tabled.
The following resolutions were~ pass'ed: .
Resolution No.=lL.6:Moved by'W.R.Carveth,seconded by Earl Walkey:
Resolve that sufficient'moneys to_cover the balance of
the net expenditure of the proposed purchase of a. gravel pit
being part of Lot 16, Concession 2, Township of Clarke, in
the amount of $1,500.00 be appropriated in the year'1967 by
transfer from Reserve for' Replacement of Equipment to Public
Works under Current Budget By-Law No. 1545. '
That Resolution No~ 115 dated June 12, 1967 be and is
hereby rescinded. ~'
The Treasurer be and is hereby'authorized to transfer
budget revenue to correspond With the aforementioned.-Carried. ,
Resolution No. lL.~:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
'Resolve that the current budget'expendi~ure provision under
By-Law No. 1545 be and is hereby transferred as follows to
agree with By-Law No. 1550:
Public Works -
From Supplementary (By-Law) Twp. L$3'f, (JOO..Oe-f1'
To Supplementary (By-Law 1550) Twp: 4g,SOO.OQdY '
The Treasurer be and'is~hereby authorized to transfer
budget revenue to correspond with the aforementioqed:-Carried.
Resolution No. 1L.8:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Earl Walk~y:
Resolve that~the current budget expenditure'provision ~
under By-Law No. 1545 be and is hereby transferred as follows v
to agree with By-Law No. 1550: .
Capital Expenditure from Revenue:
From Publi~ Works - Supplementary (Reserve) $12,000.00
~ To Publie Works -Sup~lemerttary (By~Law 1550)" '7,500.0~
The Tr~asurer be and"is hereby authorized to transfer
budget revenue to correspond with the aforementioned.-Carried.
The follOWing By-Law was read a first and second 'time
only: (
Being a by-law to stop-up certain road allowances and
certain 'parts of road allowances in the Township of Clarke.
The following'-By-Law was read a fi~st, second and third
time and finally passed: '
By-LBw No. 151)7
A By-law respecting the adoption of Biennial Elections
in the Township of Clarke. ~
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to change the present
system of electing Members of Council in each ye~r so that
all Members of the Council will be elected for TWo (2) .
year terms at an elect~on td be held every second year;
~ NOW 'THEREFORE the '-Council of the Corporation of tne ~
1. That the -present system .o'f yearly elections be
changed and that henceforth all the Memberjof Council
shall hold office for- a term' of 'Two '(2) years at an election
to be held evety second year commencirtgwith ~he'annual'
elections in December 1967. -"
Counc~l adjourned at 1:50 a.m.
I. "
-~~.~"'- ~~.
Clerk.' '-
f1t c J;l~
Reeve '