HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/05/1967 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL ~F THE- TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE Tuesday, September 5, 19~7 at 10 a.m. Council Chamber; Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Councillor O. H. Falls CDuncillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E.Millson . ;;a' The minutes of Coun~il meetings held August 1 and 30, 1967, were approved as read on motion by w. R~ Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. ' It was moved by O. H. Falls, seconded_by F. A. Gray that delegations be heard(by Council. ~arried. Mr. L. Secord, owner of part Lot 1, Concession $, requested Council to correct a drainage problem from the municipal road unto his property. The most serious problem, he said, is where the drainage runs into the foundation of his house. In conclusion, he mentioned, this problem would be brought to the attention of the Township of Hope.' It wa~ Council's decision to request the Road~Superintendent to investigate thi. complaint and report to Council at his earliest convenience. Also, Mr. Secord mentioned the dust and hazard of speeding traffic caused by vehicles in connection with the Ganaraska Race Track. This pr9blem was also referred to the Road Superintendent for investigation and report to Council._ Mr. Eric Whyte informed Council of the operation of a Trailer Camp in part Lot 26, Concession 2. He had been asked, he said, bY,his ne:\.ghbouIts to inform Council that the valuation of properties ~n the ~ediate area of this camp'are being devaluated. The Clerk ~as instructed to investigate the operation of the said Trailer Camp and report to Council~ Further, it was the unanimous decision of the members of' Council .present to re-study By-).aw No. 1354. ; . The Reeve and Councillor Gray, ,members of the Clarke Plan~ing Board, reported on a recent meetin~ of the said Board at which meeting the Planning Board ~equested CounciT to proceed with the necessary negotiation 'of By-law No. 1517, A Restricted Area, with the Ontario Municipal Board as quickly as possible. The Clerk was instructed to draft a By-law to provide for , a 2 year term for the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Three Councillors. Council recessed at 12 noon for lunch and resumed session at 1:30 p.m. Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, appeared at Council meeting from 1:30 to 3 p.m.in order to discuss road matters with Council.' . Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, introduced Mr. Melville Downs, the new Manager of the Orono Hydro Electric.Co~ission, to the members of' Council and the Clerk. . . Council were agreed to receive the .Tr~asurer's report due on September 5, 1967 with regard to the financial comparison of current expenditures in relation to the 1967 hudget in special meeting on September 19 next. The following correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve Foster: . 1. Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited re Report and Application to Board of Tra~sport Commissioners for Canada requesting authorization to construct the proposed Newtonville Grade Separation at C. p. R. crossing.-Filed. 2. _ Department of Municipal Affairs re announcement of a Municipal Workshop to be held in Cobourg on Wednesday, September 20 at 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and Thursday, September 21 at 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. as business brought forward from August 1, 1967.*Filed. 3. Ontario Water Resources Commisaon re Publication on Water Quality Data in Ontario.-Filed. ' 4. . Lake Ontario, Regional Development Council re Tourism. -Filed. 5. Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, re Road Depa~tment Financial Statement August 31, 1967. . ., .. .!i ., Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 5 September 1967 continued: 6. . ~Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Department of Physiology re code of Guiding Principles for the Care of Experimental Animals.-Filed. . . 7. Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke. minutes of meetLng held July 31, 1967.-Filed. B. Department of Municipal Affairs, Municipal Subsidies Bran~h, re Federar Provi~ial MunicLpaL Winter Works .Incentive Program 196?-6B.-Filed., .. 9. . - .Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associa:.tes Limited re , proposed Street Reconstruction in PoliceVillage of' Orono.-Filed. 10. Tpustees of the Police Village of Orono re Resolution No. 67-46 dated September 5, 1967.-Referred to resolution. 11. Orono Hydro Electric Commission re R~solution No. 67-39 dated September 5, 1967.-Referred toresol~tion. 12. '. Petition of Mrs..A.E. Morton and 27 other signed petitioners opposing the proposed building of two triplex apartments on the corner of Churah and Princess Streets in the Police Village ~f Orono.-Tabled. 13. 'Copy. of .let ter from Totten" Sims, HubickL & . Associates Limited to the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 26711.2523 and 26727.1353 Crossings of Boundary Road between the Twp. of Clarke and Twp. of' Hope at mileages 27B.54 C.N.R. Kingston Subd., and 149.B3 C.P.R. Belleville Subd. -Filed. . 14. Canadian Pacific Railway .re improved .operation procedures and related communications as business .brought fo~ward~om August 1, 1967.-Tabled. 15. Dow Chemical of Canada, Limited, Sarnia, Ontario re Ruelene 25E for Warble Fly Control as business brought forward from August 1, 1967.- Tabled. 16. Pope & Goebell~.re Orono Municipal Water System and Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business brought forward from August 1, 1967.-Tabled. . 17. Department of Municipal Affairs re Cl~rke .Planni~g Board as business brought forward from August 1, 1967.-Tabled. lB. Mr. William Skelding rB Presbyterian Cemetery at. Newton~ille.as business brought forwar.d from August 1, .1967. -']abled. ' 19. Lovekin and Stubington re Presbyterian Church and Newtonville Cemetery as ,business brought forward.from August 1, 1967.-Tabled. - 20. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of General Meeting held July 20, 1967.-Filed. 21. Copy of letter from.Ontario Department of Highways to Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited, r~ Pol~c.e Village of Orono - Storm Sewer System.-Referred to Resolution. 22. Copy of letter from Ontario Department of Highways to Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited, re Twp. Cla~ke, Co. North. & Durham, Dist. 7 - Street Reconstruction in Police Vi]age of Orono, viz; grading, granular base, storm sewers, curb and gutter and paving on Main, Duchess, Church, Park, Centre and Dickson Streets.-Filed. .' 23. Copy of letter. from Totten, Sim~, Hubicki & Associates Limited to The Ontario Water Resources Commission re Township of Clarke,. Police Village of 6rono, Storm Sewers.-Filed. 24. .~ Department of the Provincial Secretary and :Citize~ship re Ganaraska Speedway Limited, Our F~le No. 204373.-Tabled. 25. Department of Municipal Affairs re Municipal Workshop, September 20 and 21, 1967, Council Chambers, County Building, Cobourg.-Filed. 26. Department of Municipal Affairs re Report of' the Ontario Committee on Taxation. -Clerk to req.uest j!1 copy. 27. Totten, Sims, BUbtki, & Associates Limite.d re B.O.T.C. Files 267-27-339, C.P.R. crossing improvements, Darlington & Clarke Townsh'ips,Our .File W401.-Tabled. . 2B. Department of Tourism apd Inf'ormation, Centennial Planning Branch 1'e Questionnaire to record communities or areas that have helped Ontario celebrate Centennial.-Referred to Mrs. Fairbrother. 29. Ontario Department of Highways re proposed assumption of Winter Road in Irwin Subdivision.-Tabled. 30. The O~tarioMupcipal Board re Townsh~p of Clarke Restricted Area By-law No. 1517 as business brought forward from July 4, 1967.-Tabled. 31. Ontario Department of Highways re Audit Raport on the Road Expenditures ~or. the y~ar 1966.-Filed. 32. Copy of letter f'rom Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited to Mr. W. E. Rundle, Clerk-Administratpr, Township of Darlington re B.O.T.C. F~les 2Q72?-339, 26727-1016 C.P.R. Crossing Improvements, Darlington & Clar~e To~ships.-Filed. . . 33. Canadian National Railw.ays re Construction of Passing Tracks - Mile 287.08 to Mile 288.86 Kingston Sub.-Referred tD Cler~ and Solicitor. 34. Board of Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re File No. 20727.1016 re Proposed improvements to and installation. of automatic protection at CPR and East Townline Road, mile . 160.65 Belleville Subdivision.-TalDrl. 35. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 3701.129 - Proposed improvements to Twp. Road level crossing Clarke, Ont., mileage 155.p6 Belleville Subd. CP.-Referred ~o Clerk and Road Superintendent. 36. Copy of Letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited to ~oard of Transport .Commissioners, re File No. 26727.1189 re Proposed instaLlation of automatic,protectio~ at the crossing of the Twp. Road between Lots 8 b 9 of the CPR at mileage 15~.92 Belleville Subd. in the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario.-Filed. 37. Mr. Glenholme Hughes, Clerk-Treasurer, Newcastle, re C.N.Crossing~ileage 286.75, Kingston pubdivision.-Filed. 38. Copy lette~ of Canadian National Railways to Board of Transport Commissioners re File 9437.854 - Construction of passing tracks, Townships .of DarlIngton ~d Clarke, Mile 287.06 to Mile 288.86, Kingston Subd.-Referred to Clerk and. Solicitor. ~ ,v 39. Board of.Transpor.t Commissioners for Canada re File Nos. 26711.2523 ~ 26727.1353 re proposed installation of automatio protection at the crossing of Twp. Road between the Twp. of Hope and the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario, mileage 278.54 Kingston$ubd. CN -mileage 149.83 Belleville Subd. CP.-Filed. 40. Ontario Hydro, BOWManville re Hydro Contracts.-F,iled. The following resolutions were passed: . Resolution No. 118:Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by Frank Gray: The Council of the Township of Clarke hereby petition the Department of Highways of Ontario for interim payment on . Statutory' Grant ~'u.nder the Highways Improvement Act for expend- itures made during the year 1967.-Carried. . Resolll~ion No. llQ:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Orme Falls: Resolve that the Ontario Department of Highways be and is hereby informed that this Council is in agreement with a . proposed. project to construct storm sewers, curb, gutter, and pavement odcertain streets in the Police Village of Prono.-Carried. Resolution No. 140:Moved by W.R~Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray: ~Resolve that the annual salary of Mr. Henry DeWith, Accountant, Road Clerk, Welfare Administ~ator and,School Atte~dance Officer be and is he~eby set at $5000.00'per annum eff'ectiv~ in the year 1967. Further the Ontario Department of Highways be requested to subsidize 50% of the said salary as 50% o~ th~ said~~mployee's time is directed to the duties of Road Clerk~-Carried. ; , Resolution No. 141:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gra.y: This Council hereby aut~orize the Reeve and Cl~rk to s~gn an application by this Corporation to The Board of Transpor~ Commissioners For Canada with regard to the proposed C.P.R. Newtonville Grade Separation prepared. by Totten, Sims~ Hubicki & Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers.-Carried. , Resolut-ion No. 142:Moved by Orme. Falls, seconded by Frank Gray; This Council hereby endorse Resol~tion Np. 67-46 of th~ Truste'es of' the Police VilJ:ag.e of. Orpno -under date of .Sept.emper 5, 1967, and Res~lution No. 67-39 of the Orono Hydro Electr~c Commission dated September 5, 1967.-Carried. Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council 5 September 196~, continued: 7 '. ;, . Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 5 September 1967, continued: " Resolution No. l~~:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Orme Falls: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: Addition to General Voucher #8 for August in the amount of $460.66 ' . General Voucher #9 for September in the amount of $7772.85 Addition to Welfare Voucher #8 f'or August in the amount of $142.25 General Welfare Voucher #9 f'or S~pi;;.ember in the amount.. of $1154.18 ". . Road Voucher #8 for August in the amount of $8928.94 Police Village of Orono Voucher#S for August in the amount of $841.94.-Carried. The fOllowing ~y-law was given third reading only and finally passed: . ay-Law No. 1C;C;h A by-law to authorize the provision of municipal and; school tax credits for the assistance of elderly persons.. WHEREAS The Municipal and School Tax Credit Assistance Act, 1967, authorizes local municipalities to provide for municipal and school tax credits or refunds for the assistance of elderly persons. ' AND WHEREAS the Council wishes to provide such credits or refunds. NOW THEREFORE the Council enacts as follows: THAT the treasurer is authorized and directe~ to allow credits or refunds of municipal taxes in the maximum amount and to the persons specified in subsection 1 of section 2 . of The Municipal and School Tax Credit Assistance Act, 1967. . The following By-raws were given first, second and _ third reading and finally passed: By-Law ~o. 1C;C;C; . A by-law to appoint the time and place of meeting f'or the nominati~ of Candidates for Three Police Trustees for the Police Village of Orono, Township of Clarke, for the ensuing year, also the Polling Place, Deputy Returning Ufficer and Poll Clerk for the next ensuing election. The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: That the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Village of Orono "for the nomination of Candidates f'or Three Police Trustees for the ensuing year shall be held_in the Orono Municipal Building on the Twenty-fourth day of November, 1967, at the hour of Seven o'clock in the afternoon. That the polling, if required, for the~MUnicipal Election shall take place on the Fourth day of December, 1967, and the Deputy Returning Officer, Poll Clerk and Polling Place shall be and are hereby appointed as follows: Poll shall open at 10 a.m. and close at 7 o'clock p.m. Orono Municipal Building Deputy Returning Officer ~ Mrs. Joyce Simpson Poll Clerk - Mrs. Margaret Mercer And at the said Nomination Meeting and Election (if required) H. E. Millson shall be Chairman and Returning Of+' . . , .1. ~oer. , . ., . By-Law No. 1c;c;6 Being a By-law to constitute, auth9rize and"establish the ,.necessary organizatio~ to facilitate the proper and due election of.municipal off'icials and school trustees in the Township and more particularly to appoint the time and place of meeting f'or the nomination of Candidates for the Off'ice of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Three Councillors f'or the Township of Clarke in accordance with the prOVisions of' The Municipal Act, RSO 1960, Chapter~249 and amendments thereto and also to provide for the election of Two Trustees for The Township School Area of Clarke for the ensuing year in accordance with The Public Schools Act, RSO 1960, Chapter 330 and amendments thereto and also appoint and estab~ish the Polling Places, Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks in and for the several Polling Subdivisions of the Township for the ensuing Municipal Elections. Page 5 Regular Meeting of CouncilS September 1967, continued: The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as f'ollows: That the Annual Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Township of Clarke for the nomination of Candidates for the Qffice of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Three Councillors for the Township of Clarke and also Two Trustees for the Township School Area of Clarke for the ensuing year shall be held in the Township Hall, Qrono, Qntario, on the . Twenty-fourth day of November, 1967, at the hour of Qne o'clock in the afternoon. That the polling in the respective divisions herein named'for the Municipal Elections shall take place (if required) on the Fourth day of December, 1967, and-the Deputy Returning 'Qfficersand P611 Clerks, also Polling Places for each division shall be and are hereby appointed as follows: Polls shall open at 10. a.m. and close at . 7 o'clock p.m. Sub~Division #1 Community Hall, Newtonville Deputy Returning Qfficer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #2 School House #5 Deputy Returning Qfficer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #3 School House #9 Deputy Returning Officer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #4 Qrange Hall, Kendal Deputy Returning Qfficer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #5 Township Hall, Qrono Deputy Returning Qfficer , Poll Clerk .' Sub-Division 116 Leskarq Church Kitchen Deputy Returning Qfficer . Poll Clerk Sub-Division 117 . Residence of Frank Harris . Lot 23, Con. $, Clarke Deputy Returning Qfficer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #$ School House #10. Deputy Returning Qfficer Poll Clerk Sub-Division #9 Council Chamber, Or6no Deputy'Returning Qfficer Poll Clerk And at the said Nomination required) H.E. Millson, Clerk, Returning Qfficer respectively. Resolution No. lhh:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Qrme Falls: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, Qctober 3, 1967, at 10. a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Qrono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.-Carried. ~~~.~".__/ Clerk. . ''-. . J ame s Imlach Mrs. Leta Sands '" Ross Adams Mrs. Margaret G. Boyd Cecil Malley Mrs. Chas. Fisk Arthur Thompson Mrs. Helen Couroux Horace Best Mrs. Qlive Miller Roy M. Thompson Raymond MacDonald Lawrence Harris Mrs. Norma R~nsberry Mrs. Jim Stark Mrs. Ada L. Carson Charles E. Taylor Mrs. Ione Forrester Meeting and Election-(if shall be Chairman and . .flr-t? ~ Reeve. ' L',