HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/30/1967 (Special Meeting)
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Regular Meeting of Council August 1, 1967, continued:
The f~llowing By-laws were read a first and second
time only:
A by-law to authorize the provision of municipal and
sohool tax credits for the assistance of elderly persons.
Being a by-law to provide f'or the licensing of' dogs
and for regulating the running at large of dogs.
The following By-law was read a f'irst and second time
and numbered,1
Bv-Law No -..J C; 1)1 ,
To authorize the borrowing of $25,000.00 upon debentures
to extend and improve certain works f'or d~stributing
'electrical power or energy f'or the use of the Police Village
of Orono and' its inhabitants, called the. Orono ~yd~o
Electric Commission.
The followihg By-law was given first~ second an~ third
reading and finally' passed:' , , ..
ay-Law N9~ 11)1)2, ' ~ _
WHEREAS William Perry Irwin and Etta Irwin have by
Indenture dated the 5th d-ay of'June; 1967, granted and
conveyed to this Municipal Corporation a parcel of'{l~nd
composed of part of Lot No. 29 in th~ Fourth Concession
of' the TOwbship o~ Clarke f'or the purposes of a public
highway, . -
, 4NDWHEiEAS the land so conveyed has been'properly
prepared and graded for road purposes to the specifications
of the~Road Department of this Municipality;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke
hereby enacts as fOllows:. ~, _
1. That that part of Lot No. 29 in the Fourth Concession
,of the Township of Clarke described in Indenture of'
'conveyance dated the 5th day of June, 1967, f'rom William
Perry Irwin and Etta Irwin as grantors to the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke, as grantee, is hereby aSsumed
and dedicat~d as a public highway which is hereby named
Resa] u~ i on No - 11? :Moved b.~ Orme. Falls i'secondedby Frank Gray:
' Th~s CO~cil hereby adJo~n to meet again on TueSday,
September 5, 1967, at .10 a.m. in regular meeting in the
Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting
at the cal~ of the Reeve. Carried.
~-~.~--/ ~
Re"v(~ # ~
Wednesday, August 30, 1967 at 7:30 p.m.
Present~ Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy ,Reeve H.E. Walkey
CounCillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
L Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the following business:
Bv-law No. 11)I)j being a by-law to authorize the "borrowing
of $50,695.00 upon debentures for Public School Purposes was
given,first and second reading.
The following correspondence was considered:
1. The Publ~c School Board of- the ~ownship School Area of
Clarke re Financing addition to Kendal Public School.-Filed. .
2. : The Public School 'Board of the Township School Area of
Clarke re Financing o~ ~irby ~entennia~ ochool.-Filed.
Meeting adjourned.
Council Chamber, O~ono.
{ .
Reeve: 7