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Page 6
Regular Meeting of Council July 4, 1967, continued:
6. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the '
Second Concession of the Township of Clarke,' County of'
Durham, extending from the northerly limit of Queen's
Highway No. 2 to the northerly limit of the said Second
7. Part of' the Road Allowance between Concession 9
and 10 in the Township of Clarke, County of' Durham,
and as shown on a Plan of' Survey by M.L.Brown, O.L.S.
numbered 65130 dated October 15, 1965, marked as
Schedule "An.attached to and forming part of this
resolution and ~utlined in red thereon.
The said descriptions to be .subject to the approval
for deeding by the Registrar of ,Deeds before incorporation
in the enabling by-law.
That Resolution No. 49 dated February 7, 1967, be and
is hereby rescinded.-Carried.
ResoJution No. J10:Movedby H.E.Walkey,seconded by Frank G~:
The Council hereby request the Building Inspector to
issue a building permit to Mr. Frank Pichler to construct a
cottage by the existing road allowance in parts of Lots
6 and 7 in the Six~h Concession of the Township of' Clarke,
otherwise subject to the prov~sions 'of the building
regulations of' this municipality.
A certif'ied copy of this resolution be f'orwarded to Mr.
H.R.Best, Bunding Inspector of the Township of' Clarke.-Carri~d.
R~olution No. 11l:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That the Department of Highways of Ontario be requested
to approve the following transfer within the approved total'
of' the 1967 Road Expenditure By-Law --No. 1541:
(1) $14,500.00 from the Laing Brfdge Lot 30/31, Con. 4,
to the Stewart Bridge Lot 6/7, Con. 3..,-Carried.
Resolution ~o. l12;Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by HrE.Walkey:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
August 1, 1967, a~,lQ a.m. in regular meet~ng in the Council
Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call
of' the Reeve.-Carried.
~~~.e~_ f
Clerk. ~
Rel?t Ii ;7 d
Tuesday, August 1, 1967'at 10 a. m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Reeve R. A. Foster-
Deputy Reeve H. E;.Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor.F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
The minutes ,of meeting of Council held on July 4, 1967
were approved as read on motion by F.-A. Gray, seconded by
W. R. Carveth. Carried.
It was moved,by H. E. Walkey, seconded by O. H. Falls
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Joseph Francek who farms parts of Lots 3 and 4,
Concession 4, requested Council to consider the condition and
drainage of the sideroad and the 4th line road allowance
adjacent to his property~ The Reeve mentioned that the
condition of drainage.had been bad everywhere ~his year.
Deputy Reeve-Walkey cOIlURented on the matter.when he flaid monies
were not-available in the poad budget to undertake the
,- necessary constraction to correct this problem this year but
that Council had felt, for some years, that a major
construction would'be necessary. Some work, be said, ~4 been
done in the past in leading up to the final planning to complete
this particular part of the 4th line road allowance~ Council
referred this request to the Road Superintendent for his
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Coqncil 4ugust 1, 1967, continued:
conf?ideration and report to Council. Finally, Council
suggested that Mr~ Francek appear at the February 1968
regular meeting of Council to suggest that an allocatiQn
be provided by Council in the 196$ budget to carry.out
this proposed work.
Mr. Jan Ochonskipresented a sketch plan for the
proposed cqnstruction of two ~riplex buildings on the
corner o~ Ghqrc~ and P.rincess Streets in the Village of
Orono. This business w~s ref~rred to the Property and
Finance Committee for consideration with the Trustees of
the Police Village of Qrono and a report to Mr. Ochonski
at their earliest convenience.
Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of the Police
Village of Orono, appeared at Council ~eeting to discuss
several sub~ects qf mutual interest to ~oth Council and
the Trustees. The Clerk was ins~ructed,~, forward 3 copies
~f. the proposed. dog by~law to .t~e Trustees ;for ~heir
consideration. It was agreed with Mr. Woodyard that the
Council and Trustees ,are tomee~ in committee on Tuesday,
August $, 1967 at8 p.m. in the Council Chamber for
dis~ussion of the request received from Mr. Ochonski and
Restricted Area By-Law No. 1517.
The following corresponqence.and reports were read out
by .Reeve Foster:
1. U&p.artment of Municipal Affairs of Ontario re C~rtifiate
of Fo~giv.eness of a po~tion of, loan under By-La~No. 1536.--
2. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re minutes
of meeting June 17, 19Q7.-Filed.
3. 0zl.tar.io ,Sqh09;I., Trustees 1 and Municipal Counci.llor~s' ,
Association, Inc. re" Adv;anc,e ,no~ic~ of fall Seminar. -Referred
:to Clerk.. ~
4. pntarioWater Resources Commission re Township of Clarke
Police Village of Orono Water Works . (OWRC) .-Fi~ed. :
5. Ontario Department of Highways re purchase of Gravel
6. Ontario Department of Highways re adjustment of the
Road Programme supporting 1967 Normal Road Expenditure
By-Law No. 1541.-Piled.
7. Ontario Department .of Highways re purchase - One-way
Snow Plow, Sumner Model 1000-9 and 12' Wing.-Filed.
8. Ontario Department of' Highways re purchase - Tractor
and Mower.-Filed. c
9. Board of .Transport Commis~ioners fo~ Canada re File
No. 42307 re proposed improvements to and the installation
of prote~tion at the crossing of Twp. Road (Glovers Cross~ng)
in Lots 12 & 13, Broken Front Conc., in the Twp. of Clarke,
Ont., and the CNR at mile 281.60 Kingston S~bd. and the CPR
at mile 152.90 B~eville Subd.~The Clerk was instructed to reply to
inform the Board that a proposed.suQmission to the Board is now
being prepared by Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates Ltd.,
Consulting Engineers, Whitby, Ontario.
10. Board of Transport Commissioners.for. Canada re File
No. 3701.129 -, proposed improvement,s to the crossing of the
CPR and,Twp. Road in the Twp. of Clarke, Ont., mileage 155.66,
Belleville Subd~vision.-The Clerk was instructed to reply to
the Board that the Council question the 12~%.co~t for moving
the earth ,from Railway prop~rty and fur.ther, that the
Township's Consulting Engineers are ,now preparing a submission
in regard to this crossing to be forwarded to the Boa~d.
11. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada,re Proposed
closing of crossings in the Township of Clarke, Ont., at the
following locations: File No. 26711.2528 Samis Road & CNR
mileage 281.13, Kingston Subd.; File No. 3701.131 Samis Road
& CPR mileage 152.45, Belleville Subd.,; File No. 26711.2526
Elliott Side Rd. & CNR mileage 279.58, Kingston Subd.,; File
No. 9437.568 Township Road & CNR mileage 283.76, Kingston Subd.,;
File No. 3701.130 Township Road & CPR m~leage,155.08, Belleville
Subd.,; File No. 3701.132 Township Road & CPR mileage 151.43,
Belleville Subd.-Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee,
Solicitor, Road Superintendent and Clerk for consideration
and report to Council.
Page 3
Regular Me~ting of Council A~gust 1, 1967, continued:
12. Committee of Adjustment for ~he Township of~larke
minutes of meetiI~g of July 10, 1967. -File.d.
13. The CorporA~ion of the Township of Michip~cote~
re attracting suff~cie~t General Practitioners t~ provide
adequate medical care.-Filed.
14. Department of Municipal Affairs re announcement of a
Municipal Workshop to be held in Cobourg on Wednesday,
September 20 at 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. and Thursday,
September 21 at 9:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.~Tabled.
l~. Mr. William Skelding re Presbyterian Cemetery at
Newtonville.-Referred to the Clerk to reply.
16. Department of Municipal Affairs re Local aiatpries
of Mu~icipalities.-Referred to Clerk.
17. Ontario Department of Highways re approved application
for Guide Sign f'or "Golf Course Roadtt.-Filed.
18. Ontario Department of Highways re approval of
Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1550.-Filed.
19. Ontario Department of Public, Records and Archives
re propos~d unveil~ng ceremony of' the Wilmot Fish Hatchery
P~aque.-Referred to Resolution. . .
20. Robert A. Edmunds, P.Eng., Counties' Engineer and
Road Superintendent, re prpposed plan to reconstruct the
corner at Newtonville.-Referred to Clerk to reply. .
21. Canadian Pacific Railway re ~proved operation procedures
and related communications.-Table~.
22. Dow Chemical of Canada,L~ited, Sarnia, Ontario re
Ruelene 25E for Warble Fly Control. -Tabled. "
23. E. R. Lovekin, B.A~, LL.B., re Purchase of Gravel Pit
from Jamieson.-Filed.
24. Pope & Goebelle re Orono Municipal Water System and
Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business brought
forward from July 4, 1967.-Tabled.
25. Report from the Clerk re.proposed draft agreement
between the Council and the Township Public Library as
business. brought forward from July 4, 1967.-Filed.
26. Department of Mun~cipal Affairs re Clarke Planning Board
as business brought f9rward from July 4, 1997.-Tabled.
27. W. K. Lycett, B.A., Solicitor for Mr. Daniel Sioen re
problem of drainage on tpe.Darlington-Clarke boundary
road allowance at part Lot'R, Concession 4 of the Township
of Darlington as busipess brought forward f'rom July 4,
1967.-Referred to the Clerk to answer.
28. Township of Sandwich West re resolution passed by the
said Township to take all steps necessary to prevent altering
of Section 12A of the. Planning Act by the Provincial
Government.-Filed. .
29. W. Kay ~yoett, B.A., re Proposed Irwin conveyance of
street as business brought forward from June 12, 1967.-Filed~
30. E. R. Lovekip re ~ill Irwin proposed conveyance of
Street Allowance to Twp. Clarke.-Filed.
31. Lovekin and St~bington re Presbyterian Church and
Newtonville, Cemetery as business brought forward from Ju~e
12, 1967.-The Clerk was instructed to request Solicit-or E.R.
Lovekin to. report to the next regular meeting of Council.
32. Department of Agriculture & Food re apPointm~nt' of
a Weed Inspector for 1967 as business brought forward from
June 12, 1967.-Filed. . .
33. tr~ste~s of' the Police Village of Orono.r~s?lu~ion No~
67-34dated~une 30,1967, requesting Council to pass a
By-Law to raise $25,000.90 upon debenture for the Orono
Hydro Electric Commission as business brought forward f'rom
July 4, 1967.-Filed.
34. Orono Hydro Electric Commission Resolution, No. 67-23
dated May 24, 1967 re,proposed debentur~ issue in the
amount of $25,000.00 as business brought for~a~d from July
4, 1967.-Filed. ,
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution No. l11:Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council has no objection to the temporary placement
of the proposed Wilmot Fish Hatchery Plaque by the Ontario
. Department of Public Works .on the Township road which runs
off Highway, No. 2 into the old hatchery site until the
Province of Ontario is able to obtain the necessary lands
on which the said Plaque can be permanently es1;.ablish..ed..
subject to the approval of the temporary location by the
Road Superintendent of' this Municipality.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council August 1, 1967, continued:
Resnlution No. l~~. continuAd:
That Reeve Roy A. Fost~r, Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey, Mrs.
H. Lovekin, Mrs. T.Fairbrother, Councillor F.A.Gray, Clerk'
H. E. Millson, and Road Superintendent M. L.Ross be and are
hereby appointed as a Committee to. carry ~ut the necessary
arrangements to sponsor an unveiling ceremony on September 13,
1967, at ~:30 p.m.
The Clerk be instructed to forward certified copies of
this resolution to the. Ontari~ Department of Public Records
and Archives and the Township of Clarke Centennial Committee'. __
-Carried. _
Resolption No. l~u:Moved by, Earl Walkey,seconded by Orme Fal~s:
This Council hereby declare the $th day" of September,
1967, Orono Fair Day, a Civic Holiday to provide a legal pub~ic
school holiday in the Township of Clarke~
The Clerk is hereby instructed to refer certified copies
of this resolut~Qn to the Du~ham Central Agricultural Society
and Inspector of Schools and finally to publicize Council's -
decision once only in the Orono Weekly Times.-Carriecl.
Resolution No. l~l):Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council hereby resolvetclosing' the following road -
allowances in the Township of Clarke:
1. The Part- of the Road allowance, now' unopened, between
Lots 2 and 3, in the First Concession of the Township of Cla~ke,
County of Durham, more particularly described as follows:
"All and singular that part of the road allowance
between Lots 2 and 3i Concession 1, in the Township
of' Clarke being North of the northerly limit of .
Highway 401 and south of a line drawn-through the
said road allowance on a bearing North 26 degrees
05 minutes East from a point in the said road allowance
246.66 feet south of the-north east angle of Lot 3
in the said first concession."
2. The Road Allowance between Lots 14 and 15 in the Fifth
Concession of-the Township' of Clarke, County of Durham,
extending from the southerly limit of the said Fifth
Concession to the-northerly limit thereof.
3. The Road Allowance between Lots 6 and, 7 in the Sixth
Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham,
extending from the southerly limit. of the said Sixth
Concession to the northerly limit thereof."
4. The Road Allowance between Lots' 34 and 35 in the Second
Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham,
extending from the southerly limit of the said Second
Concession to the northerly limit thereof.
5. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31
in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke, County
of"\Durhain, being the northerly 1155 feet southerly of the
southerly boundary of ~ueen's Highway No. 115.
6. Part of the Road Allowance-between-Lots 6 and 7 in the
Second Concession 'of the Township of Clarke, County of
Durham, extending from the northerly limit of ~ueen's
Highway No. 2 to the northerly limit of the said Second
7. Part of the Road Allowance between Concessions 9
and 10 adjacent to Lot 35 in the Township of Clarke,
County of Durham, and as shown on a Plan of Survey by
M. L~ Brown, O.L.S. numbered 65130 dated October 15, 1965,
marked as Schedule "AU attached to and forming part of this
resolution and outlined in red thereon.-
The said descriptions to be subject to the approval for
deeding by the Registrar of Deeds before incorporation in the .
enabling by-law. ,
That Resolution No. 129 dated July 4, 1967, be and is
hereby rescinded.-Carried.
Resolution No. 1~6:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded-by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized-for payment by the Sig~ing Officers of-this ,Council:
Addition to General Voucher 17 for July in the amount of $22475.23.
General Voucher 1$ for August in the amount of $4902.43.
General Welfare Voucher #$ for August in the amount of $1345.11.
Road Voucher #7 for July in the amount of $49651~64.
Police Village of Orono Voucher 17 for July in the amount of
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council August 1, 1967, continued:
The f~llowing By-laws were read a first and second
time only:
A by-law to authorize the provision of municipal and
sohool tax credits for the assistance of elderly persons.
Being a by-law to provide f'or the licensing of' dogs
and for regulating the running at large of dogs.
The following By-law was read a f'irst and second time
and numbered,1
Bv-Law No -..J C; 1)1 ,
To authorize the borrowing of $25,000.00 upon debentures
to extend and improve certain works f'or d~stributing
'electrical power or energy f'or the use of the Police Village
of Orono and' its inhabitants, called the. Orono ~yd~o
Electric Commission.
The followihg By-law was given first~ second an~ third
reading and finally' passed:' , , ..
ay-Law N9~ 11)1)2, ' ~ _
WHEREAS William Perry Irwin and Etta Irwin have by
Indenture dated the 5th d-ay of'June; 1967, granted and
conveyed to this Municipal Corporation a parcel of'{l~nd
composed of part of Lot No. 29 in th~ Fourth Concession
of' the TOwbship o~ Clarke f'or the purposes of a public
highway, . -
, 4NDWHEiEAS the land so conveyed has been'properly
prepared and graded for road purposes to the specifications
of the~Road Department of this Municipality;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Clarke
hereby enacts as fOllows:. ~, _
1. That that part of Lot No. 29 in the Fourth Concession
,of the Township of Clarke described in Indenture of'
'conveyance dated the 5th day of June, 1967, f'rom William
Perry Irwin and Etta Irwin as grantors to the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke, as grantee, is hereby aSsumed
and dedicat~d as a public highway which is hereby named
Resa] u~ i on No - 11? :Moved b.~ Orme. Falls i'secondedby Frank Gray:
' Th~s CO~cil hereby adJo~n to meet again on TueSday,
September 5, 1967, at .10 a.m. in regular meeting in the
Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting
at the cal~ of the Reeve. Carried.
~-~.~--/ ~
Re"v(~ # ~
Wednesday, August 30, 1967 at 7:30 p.m.
Present~ Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy ,Reeve H.E. Walkey
CounCillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
L Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to
consider the following business:
Bv-law No. 11)I)j being a by-law to authorize the "borrowing
of $50,695.00 upon debentures for Public School Purposes was
given,first and second reading.
The following correspondence was considered:
1. The Publ~c School Board of- the ~ownship School Area of
Clarke re Financing addition to Kendal Public School.-Filed. .
2. : The Public School 'Board of the Township School Area of
Clarke re Financing o~ ~irby ~entennia~ ochool.-Filed.
Meeting adjourned.
Council Chamber, O~ono.
{ .
Reeve: 7