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Special Meeting of Council June IS, 1967, continued:
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{3) The clerk shall transm~t Triplicate copies or this
byWiaw to the distr~ct office of the Department of Hignways,~
0ntario, not later than March'31st of the said year.
(4) The~approval of the Ontario Municipal ~oard shall
be obtained bef'or~ any e~penditure is authorized~or work' '
commenced which will be financed by'the i$sue of debenturesu'
or monies raised in a subsequent year. ' ! v
Meeting adjourned.L
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Deputy- ReeVe. ,,,- Z?'
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Tuesday, July 4, 1967 at 10 a. m.
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Council Chamber, Orono.
Reeve R~ A.~Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor O~ H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
eouncilloj:l F. -'A. "Gray
Clerk H. E.Millson
Minutes of Council meet~ng$ ,--h~ld .: Jun~ 6, :7, ~~2 and
15, 1967, were approved as read on ~ot~on ~y W~ R~,--Carveth,
seconded by O. H. Falls. Carried.
Council,unanimousl~ ~greedLtov~eat'Mr: 12anie~ ~ioen.
Before '--h'earing Mr. Stoen tije Reeve read out ,a letter "L,_,
received from Mr. Sioen's Solicitor, W. Kay Lycett. Mr.
Sioen stated that the natUral 'arainage used ~to'--'be across
his f'ield but in the :pa~~ f'iv.e ye~rs th~~ had 'b~en~~hanged
. whereby the drainage ~was dir~~te.d along t-.Jh~ mun1;<(,ipa~ roact~
. Further, Mr. Dioen'sta~ed a 'culvert had been recently
construeted across the road whereby the heavy rains c~using~
f'lash ~loo~s had done extensive damage to his tobacco cr~p.
,This-' work, he S'aid, had 'be~n 'carri~ed o~ut ~y t,he 'T.~wn,flhi'p 0
without 'notification <to him. 'Mr. Sioen s\iggested that the '
'- . - '- \"...'-' , (..
culvert b~ removed and ditching be provided on the east
side of the road allowance or a municipal drairi~be'established
across his 'proper~y.{ ~his busines~ was referred to" the
Road and Bridge Committee and Road Superintendent for
consideration and reply to Mr. Sioen. . u, "_
, Mr. 'E.' 'R. Lovekin requested CounCil to consider an
early repair' to the bridge on the Darlington~Clarke ~
bOu.!l.?ary 'road allowance' to al}ow his f~m ~c_hinery 'to ,
travel this road f'or the 'purpose of narvestin~in accordannce
witrrhis letter ~o the Road Superintenaent dated June,ZZ,
1967. This matter wasref'erred to the, Road and B~idge .
Committ'e'e. v ,.J . "V,. U . v u'-- , '
Council recessed for lunch ~t'12:15~~~m: ~na res~~d
session at i:30 p.m. . - ,
,v The ROad' Superintendent,'J Mr'. M. L-~" Ross, appeared at
Council meeting from 1:30 to '5 p':m." to discuss' certain. ,
road matters with Council. '. ." ~
--E'-;. R. Woodya'rd-, Inspecting lfrustee~ of the Police Village
of Orono, discussed the' following subJects with Council: .
1. Proposed debenthre f'or the'Orono Hydro Electric ~ommis~ion.
2. Proposed Amendments to the garbage pick-u,R by-l~w. .
3. Request that Council establish a gate at the westerly
entrance to the Township property located south of
ehe Orono Fair' Grounds. '., ~ .
It was moved by H. E. Walkey,'secontled by W. R. \.,
Carveth that Council adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by H. E. Walkey
that Committee rise and Council be and is hereby resumed.
,~ .
.l- v
Page 2
Regular M~eting of Cquncil lUly 4, 1967, continued:
The following correspondence and reports were read out
by Reeve Foster:
1. Trustees of' the Police Village of Orono Resolution
No. ,67-34 dated June 30, 1967, re'ql1e.sting Council to pass
a By-law to raise $25,000.00 upon debenture f'or the
Orono Hydro Electric Commission.--Tabled.
2. Orono Hydro Electric Commission Resolution No. 67-23
dated May 24, 1967 re proposed debenture issue in tha
amount of $25,000.06.-Tabled.
3. Clarke Centennial Committee report on the proposed
Samuel 'Wilmot plaque:--Tabled.
4. Of'f'er to Sell Option between Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried
Block and the Township of Clarke as business brought'
f'orward f'rom Council meeting of June 12, 1967.-Ref'er~d to
resolution. " "
5. Trustees of _the Police Village of' Orono Resolution
No. 67.Z6 dated 'June 6, 1967 requesting Council to add
the portion of the 5th line Road Allowance between Highway
115 and C~unty Road No. 72 to the proposed development
road project as business brought forward f'rom ~une 12,
1967.-Ref'erred to resolution. .
6. Mr. Frank Pichler re application f'or a building permit'
to construct ~ cottage ,on par~sL~ts '6 and 7 in the 6~h
Concession.-Referred to resolution. .
7. W. K. Lycett, B.A., Sol!citor for Mr. Daniel Sioen re
problem of' drainage on the DarCingto~-Clark~ bounqary (
road allowance at part Lot 1, oncession,4 of the'
Township of Darlington.-Tabled. ,
8. Mr. E. R.Lovekin re repairs to Bridge on Dariington-
Clarke boundary.road al;.lowance at,Lot 35, Concession 1.-
Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. "
9. Totten, Sims, Hubicki, & Associates Limited re
announcement that Mr. J. P. Howard, .p. Eng., has joined
the said f'irm.-Filed.
10. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No.
9437.568 re proposed closing of' the crossing of" Twp.Road"
{Adams Crossing) between Lots 20 and 21, Broken Front Con.,
Twp. of' Clarke, Ont., and the CNR at mileage 283.76 .
Kingston Subd. and re File No. 3701.130 re proposed closing
of the.crossing of' Twp. Road (Adams Crossing) between Lots
20 and 21, Broke~ Front Con., Twp.,' of' Clarke"Ont., and
the CPR at mileage 155.08 Belleville Subd.,~s business '
brought f'orward f'rom June 6, 1967.-The Clerk was instructed
to correspond with the said Board to inform them that this
Council has no objection to the proposed closing of' the
. . ~
said crossings.
11. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No.
3701.132 re proposed cios;ng"of c,:ossin@; of CPR and '
Township Road in Township of Clarke, Ont., mileage 151.43
Belleville Subdivision as business brought f'orward from
June 6, 1967.-The Clerk was instructed to correspond with
. . ~ '
the said Board to inform them that this Council has no,
objection to the proposed closing of the said crossing.
12. Board of Transport Commissioners f'or C~da re_file N?
26711.2526 r~,proposed closing of crossing of' CNR and,Twp~
Road in Twp. of Clarke, Ont., ~ile 279.58 Kingston Subd.-
The Clerk was instructed to correspond with the said Boar~
to inf'orm them th~t this Council has no objection to the
proposed closing of the said crossing.
13~ Board of Transport Commissioners ,f'or Canada re File
Nos. 26711.2528 and 3701.131 re proposed closing of the
crOSSing of the Twp. Road, at mile 281.13, Kingston,Subd.
(CN) and mile 152.45, Belleville Subd. .(CP). -The Clerk was
instructed to correspond with the said Board to i~form them
that this Council:has no objection to, the proposed closing
of the said crossings!' ," "
14. Board of' Transport Commissioners for Canada re FileNo.
26727.1016 reproposed improvements ~o and installation of
automatic protection at CPR ~n~ East Tawn~ine ~oad, mile
160.65 Belleville Subd. -The, Clerk was instructed to correspond
with the. said Board to inf'orm them that the joint sub-
mission of the Clarke-Darlington Councils is now being
prepared by. Totten, Stms, Hubicki & Associates Limited,
Consulting Engineers.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council ~uly 4, 1967, 'continued:
15. Copy letter of the Corporation of the Village of' Newcastle
addressed to the Board of Transport Commissioners f'or Canada
re the said Board's File No.26711.2511.-Filed.
16. Rayman Equipment Co., tender for- tractor with mower. --The
Clerk was requested to notify the said~ompany of their~ate tender.
17. Miss Sadie E. Brown'reltegislation relating to educational
tax rebates 'for those property holders who are over 65 years
of age.-Referred to the Clerk and Tabled. ~
18. Lake Ontario Regional Devel:opment -Council trequest for '
copies of an Industrial Brochure.-Filed. '
19. Department of Public WorkS of' Canada in conjunction with
United Counties af Northumberland and Durham Emergency Measures
Organization re Inf'ormation concerning a Fallout Protection
Survey. -Filed. .
20. Department of Municipal Affairs re Clarke Pl~nning Board
as business brought forward from May 2, 1967.-Tabled.
21. The Ontario Municipal Beard re addition to Kendal: Public
22. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re Annual Report for
~he year 1966.-Filed.
ie3. Copy letter of' the Department of Highways of Ontario
addressed to Miss L. Stewart re Bridge on Road Lot 6/7 'in
Con. 3, Township of Clarke, Co. North. & Durham, District
7.-Filed. -
2~. Ontario Housing'Corporation Conference on September
11, 12, 13, 1967.-Filed. ~
25. Northumberland-Durham Healuh Unit report f'orMay
1967. -Filed.
26. -The Treasurer of Ontario re amendment to the Ontario
Education. Capital'Aid Corporation Act.-Filed.
27. The United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re
By-Law No. 2143 being a By-law to equalize the assessments'
of the various municipaliuies within ,the said United Counties
for the year 1968.-Filed. ,
28. Department of'Highways of Ontario re tenders for Tractor
& Mower.-Filed.
29; The Ontario Municipal Association re News Notes.-Filed~
30. Durham C ntral Agricultural Society're aoknowledgement
and appreciatIon of the business decided upon by Council
in resolutions Ho. 94 and 95 dated May 2, 1967.-Filed.
31. ThetCommurtity Planning Ass6ciation of Canada re Centennial
year National Planning Conf'erence.-Filed.
32. 'The Ontario Municipal-Board:re Township of Clarke
Restricted Area By-law 1517 as business brought forward from
June 12, 1967.-Tabled.
33. Pope & Goebelle re Orono Municipal Water 'System and
Resolution No~ 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business brought
forward from June 12, 1967.-Tabled.
34. ~eport f'rom the Cle~k re proposed draft agreement
between the Council and the Township Public Library as
business brought forward from June 12, 1967.-Tabled. ~
35. Cop~es of minutes of meetings of the Committee of
Adjustment f'or the Township of Clarke held June 12 and
28, 1967.-Filed.
36~ E. R. Lovekin re proposed storm sewers etc. in the
Police Vnlage of Orono.-Filed.
37. ,The report of the Clerk with regard to By-law No. 1517
as business brought forward from January 6, 1967.-Referred
to the Property and Finance Committee for consideration
and report to' the' regular meeting of Council in September,
-A tender was received from Mr. John. Koropatwa for the
proposed sale of. hay. 'This business was cancluded by
The follOWing resolutions were passed:
Resolution No. l18:Moved by H.E.Walkey)seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the Durham County Central Agricultural
Society be granted $200.00 for the year 1967.-Carried..
Resolution No. llQ:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Orme Falls:
Re'sol ve that the Re'eve and Clerk be and are hereby -
authorized to sign and seal the "Offer to Sell" Agreement
dated 30th day of May 1967 between this ~unicipality and
Siegfried Block and Ingrid Nitsch Block.~Carried.
Pag;e 4
Regular Meeting of Council Ju~y 4, 1967, cpntinued:
ResolutJon No. l~O:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby petition the Minister of' Highways
to designate as a Development Road the Fifth Concession Road
in the Township of Clarke commencing at its intersection
with County Road No. 72 at Orono, thence easterly approximately
5 miles to County Roa~No. 8 at Starkville. .
Resolution No. 89 dated April 19, 1967 be and is hereby
. rescinded. -Carried.
Resolution No. l2l:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
Whereas the Department of Highways of Ontario have d'eemed
it advisable to prepare a publication entitled "A Guide For
. ToWnship Road Superintendents.'; and
Whereas 'the Township have" in the past adhered in a general
way with the procedures laid down in this manual; and
Whereas all administrative personnel" cpncernea have now
'become sufficiently aware of the procedures laia down in
this inanuar that tjley~ are understood and can be fully
implementea; and "
Whereas it is deemed probab~e that the' complete adoption
of the methods established by this manual will tend to make
administrative procedures uniform and simplif'y admini~trative
review by the Ontario Department of Highways of' work completed
at the Township Bel;' ,~,
Now. Therefore The Municipal Council of the Corporation
of the Township of Clarke hereby resolves:
1. The Road Superintendent of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke is hereby directed to carry out the management and
administration of' the Road Department in accordancqWith the
entire contents of "A Guide For Township Road Superiritendents"
prepared by the' Municipal Road Branch Of/Ontario Department
of Highways d~ted January 1961.-Carried.
Resolution No. 122:Moved byH.E.Walkey,seconded by Orme Falls:
Whereas the Council deems it desirable to adopt certain
controls with regard to the f'inancial budgeting of this
, Now Theref'ore the Municipal' Council of~the Corporation
, of the Township of' Clarke hereby resolves:' ,
1. The Clerk-Treasurer shall have prepared estimates of all
proposed expenditures and revenues for ,the year, shall
submit the. same to Council and shall be responsible f'or the'
administration of the budget after adoption by COuncil.
2. The Clerk-Treasurer 'shall have prepared and submi~tto
Council following the end of' the fiscal year a complete report
on the financial activities of the Corporation of' the
preceding year. t t
3. The Clerk-Treasurer shall keep Council advised monthly
beginning September 5, 1967 of the f'inancial condition of
the Corporation and shall make such recommendations as he
deems desirable to ensure adequate and continuing financial
control over current spending.-Carried. "
Resolution No. 121:Moved bi H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Whereas the Council deems it desirable to appoint an '
officer thereof as an AcbountantJ
Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke hereby reso~ves:
1. That Henry DeWith be and is hereby appointed Accountant
for t~ Corporation of' the Township of' Clarke as of' August 1,
1967. '
2. That the said Henry DeWith shall be paid a sum per annum,
payable monthly, expressed by resolution of' the said Council.
3. He' shall perform the~ duties of Accountant for both the
General arid Road Departments and he shall be responsible to
the Clerk-Treasurer and Road Superintendent.
4. _He shall perform the duties of Accountant and Road Clerk
during the' first half of each work day and the duties of
Accountant in the Clerk-Tre~surer's Office during the second
half of each work day.
5. He shall be given the opportunity to perform any emergency
duty in respect to his duties as Welfare Administrator and
School Attendance Officer at his own discretion.-Carried.
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council July 4, 1967, continued:
Resolutiori NOA ]~:MoYed by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray:
That the t~nder, as advertised, receiyed from Mr. John
Koropatwa for the purchase o~ hay be and 1S hereby accepted'
as per tender.
. A certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr.
~~olution No. 12~:Moved by ~rme Falls,secondeQ by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the f'ollowing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of .this Council:
Addition to General Voucher #6 for June i~ the amount of
: $351.91. t. ."
General Voucher 17 for July in the amount of' $17719.98.
General Welfare Voucher 117 for .July in the amount of $1278.74.
Road Voucher 16 for June in the amount of $26060.24.
Police Village of Orono Voucher #6 for June in the amount
of $2036.32.~Carried.
Resolution No. 126:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by H.E.WalkeYI
This Council declare Civic HOliday, August 7, 1967, as
a legal holiday in the Township of Clarke.-Carried.
Resolution No. l2?:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That the quotation of' American Coleman of Canada
Limited, Toronto, Ontario, to supply a Model 1000-9 One Way
Snow Plow and a 12 ft. Wing equipped as per their letter of
April 21, 1967, at a price of $2,934.82 (Provincial Tax only
included) be accepted sfbject to the approval of the
Department of Highways. . ;
. That Resolutioh No. 114 dated June 12, 1967 be 'ahdis
hereby rescinded. -Carried. .,'
Resolution NOA 128:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That 'this Council request the Ontario Department of
Highways to place signs on Queen's Highway No.2 indicating
that the sideroad between Lots 20 and 21 in the Second
. Concession of the Towhshipof 'Clarke is napled "Golf Course
. Road".' <. . .
"Certified copies of this Resolution to be forwarded to
the Ontario Department of' Highways at Port Hope ~nd Mr. R.C.
Simpson at R. R. 2, Newcastle.-Carried.
Resolution No. l~q:~oved by 'H.E.Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council h'ereby resolve closing the following road
allowanqes in the Township of' Clarke:
1. The Part 9f the Road allowance, now unopened, between
Lots 2 and 3, in the First Concession of the Township of .
Clarke, Coun~yof' Durham, more particularly described as
follows :1;
"All and singular that part of the road allowance
between Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1, in the Township
of' Clarke being North of' the northerly l~it of
Highway 401 and south of a line drawn through the
said road allowance on a bearing NOrth 26 degrees
05 minutes East f'rom a point in the said road allowance
246.66 feet south of the .north east angle of' Lot 3
in the said f'irst. concession."
2. The Road Allowance between Lots 14 anti 15 ~n the Fifth
Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham,
extending from the southerli limit of the said Fifth Concession
to the northerly limit thereof.
3. The Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the Sixth
Coneession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham,
extanding from the southerly limit of the said Sixth
Concession to the northerly limit thereof.
~. The Road Allowance between Lots 34 and 35 in the Seconu
~oncession of the Township of' Clarke, County of' Durham,
extending from the southerly limit of the said Second
90ncession to the northerly limit thereof'.
5. Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 30 and 31
in the Second Concession of' the Township of Clarke, County
of Durham, being the nobtherly 1155 feet southerly of the
said southerly boundary of Queen's Highway No. 115.
Page 6
Regular Meeting of Council July 4, 1967, continued:
6. Part of' the Road Allowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the
Second Concession of the Township of Clarke,' County of
Durham, extending from the northerly limit of Queen's
Highway No. 2 to the northerly limit of' the said Second
Concession. .
7. Part of' the Road Allowance between Concession 9
and 10 in the Township of Clarke, County of' Durham,
and as shown on a Plan of' Survey by M.L.Brown, O.L.S.
numbered 65130 dated October 15, 1965, marked as
Schedule "A".attached to and forming part of this
resolution and ~utlined in red thereon.
The said descriptions to be -subject to the approval
for deeding by the Registrar of ,Deeds before incorporation
in the enabling by-law.
That Resolution No. 49 dated February 7, 1967, be and
is hereby rescinded.-Carried.
Resolution No. l10:Moved by H.B.Walkey,seconded by Frank G~:
The Council hereby request the Building Inspector to
issue a building permit to Mr. Frank Pichler to construct a
cottage by the existing road allowance in parts of Lots
6 and 7 in the Six~h Concession of the Township of' Clarke,
otherwise subject to the provisions 'of the Duilding
regulations of this municipality.
A certif'ied copy of this resolution be f'orwarded to Mr.
H.R.Best, Bunding Inspector of the Township of Clarke.-Carried.
R~olution No. l~l:Moved by H.E.Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
That the Department of' Highways of' Ontario be requested
to approve the following transf'er within the approved total'
of the 1967 Road Expenditure By-Law -WOe 1541.
(1) $14,500.00 from the Laing Brfdge Lot 30/31, Con. 4,
to the Stewart Bridge Lot 6/7, Con. 3.'-Carried.
Resolution ~o. 1~2LMoved by Orme Falls,seconded by H~E.Walkey:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
August 1, 1967, a~.lQ a.m. in regular meet1ng in the Council
Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call
of' the Reeve.-Carried.
~~.&_- (
Clerk. -
Reef!t ~ ?' 4
Tuesday, August 1, 1967'at 10 a. m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Reeve R. A. Foster.
Deputy Reeve H. E;.Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor-F.A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
The minutes ,of meeting of Council held on July 4, 1967
were approved as read on motion by F.-A. Gray, seconded by
W. R. Carveth. Carried.
It was moved ,by H. E. Walkey, seconded by O. H. Falls
that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. Joseph Francek who farms parts of Lots 3 and 4,
Concession 4, requested Council to consider the condition and
drainage of the sideroad and the 4th line road allowance
adjacent to his property~ The Reeve mentioned that the
condition of drainage.had been had everywhere ~his year.
Deputy Reeve-Walkey commented on the mat~er_when he said monies
were not-available in the poad budget to undertake the
" necessary constraction to correct this problem this year but
that Council had felt, for some years, that a major .
construction would be necessary. Some work, be said, ~q been
done in the past in leading up to the final planning to complete
this particular part of the 4th line road allowance~ Council
referred this request to the Road Superintendent for his