HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/1967 (Special Meeting) Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council June 12, 1967, continued: ~. ci ., " ' 2. That the said auditors shall perform the corporation audit and the audit of all local boards and bodies wh~~ functions f'all under the legal authority of the Township ~ Clarke and other statutory duties required of' Town~hip auditors and any and all other specific matters of a fiscal na~ure properly placed before them by the Councilor the Clerk and anCillary to their statutory f'unction at a fee of One Thousand Dollars (#1,000.00) annually beginning in the year 1967. 3. That while this appointment is f'or a def'inite term, nothing in this by-law shall prevent removal for cause of' the said auditors within the meaning and by the means outlined in Section 228 (I) of the Municipal Act. 4. . ~hat By-Law No. 1502 be and is hereby repealed. Resolution No. ~~p:Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, July 4, 1967, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of' the Reeve.-Carried. ~~. ..-..... f .. ..' 0 ~ U- . Clerk. Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE' Thursday, June 15, 1961 ~t 8 p.m. Co~ncil Chamber, Orono. Present: Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey CounCillor O. H. Falls COUnc~llor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the f'ollowing business: \ In the absence of Re6ve Foster, Deputy aeeve H. E. Walkey presided. The f'ollowing resolution was passed: Resolution NOA l17:'Moved by W.R~Ca.rveth,'sec6nded by Frank Gray: That the Department of' Highways of'Ontario be reqbested to approve the purchase of' a Gravel Pit being approximately 91 acres ~land with old house and barn thereon in part of Lot 16, Concession 2, Township of' Clarke, for the pr~ce of' #21,350.00 inclusive ~ grave~ quantity investigation and legal costs.-Carried. ~. The follOWing By-Law was given first, second and third reading and f'inally passed: /' . S~9lementary By-La~ HOA l~~O A By-Law to provide ~or the" 1967 expenditUres on roads in the township of Clarke in the County of' Durham." WHEREAS The 'Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by.law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval; '. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of' the said Township enacts as f'oll?Ws 1 ." , (1) The s~ of' $54,100.00 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance' of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction duri:p.g the year 1967 as , follows: ROADS BRIDGES & CULVERTS NEW MACHINERY SUPERINTENDENCE t- OVERHEAD i 200.00 i i200.00 TOTALS i ~0.7e;0.00 i 2~t~~O.Op i ~4,100.00 ::it - J ,_ ::: _ (2) The said monies shall be expended Under the supervision of the duly appointed township road'suPerintendept and on work perf'ormed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. Con~truct:lon # 22,850.00 # 200.00 $ 7,500.00 MaintenanC!8 $ 21,,850.00 $ 1,500.00 # nil Total . $" 44;700.00 $ 1,700.00 # 7,500.00 , . U~ Page 2 u ~ <. <. " v Special Meeting of Council June 15, 1967, continued: u ~ u ~~ .V\ {3) The cIerk shall' transm~t Triplicate copies of this by-law to the district of'fice of' the Department o~ Highways,~ Ontario, not later than March'31st of the said year. (4) The-approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized~or work ~ commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures t. I '-" V or monies raised in a subsequent year. Meeting adjourned.L u "- ce. =j~~'. ~LJ__ _' _ / Clerk. ~ ( )~ ~~l-o/ Deputy- ReeVe. ,,- Z?' u: ,L- G ~, <. ~ <. . ~ ~ G L u :... .~ REGULAll MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE ,~ Tuesday, July 4, 1967 at 10 a. m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R~ A.~Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor O~ H. Falls Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillo~ F.~A.GGray Clerk H. E. Millson Minutes of Council meet~ng$~h~ld:Jun~ 6,~7,~~2 and 15, 1967, were approved as read on mot~on ~y W~ R~~Carveth, seconded by O. H. Falls. Carried. ' Council unanimously agreed tohear'Mr: ~aniei Sioen. Before ~1rearing Mr. Sioen :"'tije Ree,fe read uout,a 'letter' ~ Vc u received from Mr. Sioen's S6Iicitqr, W. Kay Lycett. Mr. Sioen stated that the natUral' arainage used ~to '-be across his f'ield but in the :pa.s~ f'ive ye~rs th,iS had 'b~en ~~hanged whereby the drainage was directed along ~h~ mun~~ipa~roa~~ Further, Mr. Dioerl "st'a~ed a ' culvert had been recently construetedacrossthe road whereby the heavy rains c~using~ flash rloo~s had done extensive damage to his tobacco cr~p. ,this' work, he Said, had 'be~ncarri~ed o~ut ~r t_he '~~W1!~hi,P , without 'notification ~o hini. Mr. Sioen suggested that 'the ' , ' -. 1..... -'-' , C. culvert be~ remove'd and ditching be 'provided on the east side of the road allowance or a municipaf drain ~be'established across his 'proper~y.( ~his busines~ was ref'erred to'the Road and Bridge Committee and Road Buperintendent f'or consideration and reply to Mr. Sioen. .v, ~ . Mr. 'E.~ 'R. Lovekin requested C'ouricil to consider an early repair' to the bridgeo~n the Darlirigt~on"';Clark-e ~ bOUE,?ary 'roactallowance' to al}ow his f~m ~c,hinery 'to . '- travel this road f'or the 'purpose of barvestin~in accordannce witrrhis letter to the Road Superintenaent dated June,Z2, u 1967. This matter was ref'erred to the. Road and B~idge . Committ'e'e. u.J (~,~- u . "Uu , ' "- Council recessed for lunch ~t'12:15~p~m~ ~na res~~d session at ~:30 p.m.' - <. - ,U The ROad' Superintendent," Mr'. M. L-~- Ross, 'appeared at Coun~~l meeting from 1:30 to 5 p~m.-to discuss' certain. . L road matters with Council. " '" ~ --1:'-;. R. Woodyard', Inspectirtg 1rus'teeu of the Police Village of Oronb, discussed the' following subJects with Council: 1.' P~oposed debenthre for the" Orono Hydro Electric ~ommission. 2. Pf.oposed amendments to the garbage pick-up~ by-l~w. . 3. Request that Council establish a gate at the westerly entrance to the Township property located south o~ the Orono F~1ir' Grounds. ',~, <. / It was moved by H. E. Walkey," seconded by W. R. \. Carveth that Council adjourn to Committee of the Whole. Ca.rried~ It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by H. E. Walkey that Committee rise and Council be and is hereby resumed. Carried. <. . .C u