HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/12/1967
Monday, J~ne 12~ 1967,. at 7130 p.m.
, Council Chamber, Orono.
Presents Reeve R. ~. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor O. H. tals
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson '
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross.
Council met in accordance'with Resolution No. 108
dated 6 June 1967.
Mr. Thomas Martin personally sUQmitted a letter to
Council stating his iatentions in regard to the A-Frame
'subject. This business was given further consideration under
The f'ollowing tender." ,for the proposed purchase of
a, t~actor and mower were receiveds
1. ~. Mopton'. F~'SupplyLtd., Bowmanville, Ontario. .
2. (, /T. Cowan Equipment. Ltd., Bowma.nville, Ontario.
3. / SigLancaster.Garage,R. R. #2; Newcastle, Ontario.
4. /' Den Vallance Equipment Ltd., Brooklin; Ontario. .
The. follC?Wing correspond~nce and'. reports were read
out to Council by the R.eve: ,
1.. . Ontario Department of' Highways re approval of'
Tender Contract for Crushing, Delivering; ,and Stockpiling
Gravel) Scree~ing Sand and Loading and Hauling Pit Run
Gravel. -Piled ~ ' ,-' ,
2. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durham re app~ication
of the Township for development road assistance:-Filed;
3. The Minister of Highways re Development Road
4. Ontario Department of' Highways re approval of'
Supplementary By-Law No. 1535. in the amiunt of' $108,700.00
for the Police Village of Orono.-Filed
5. Ontari.o Department of Highways ~e Booklet - Items
Eligible for Subsidy~~ copy to be procured for the Road
6. 'The Ontario Municipal Board re Township of' Clarke
Restricted Area By-law 1517 as business brought f'orward
from May 2, 1967.-Tabled.
7. Pope & Goebelle re Orono Municipal Water System
and Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business
brought f'orward f'rom May 2, 1967.-Tabled.
8. Department of Health re Ambulance Services Act,
1966 Genera;l Regulati~ns. -Pil'ed. (,
9. / Orono Amateur Athletic Association as busi.ness
brought f'orward from March 7, 1967 when Mr. R. Hazelden~
President of' the said Association met with Council.
Report was recei.ved in regard to this subject in ef'f'ect that
the Agricultural Society Annual Fair .is now a Class B Fair
whereby a 70% annual grant is received on e~penditures
applicable to the Rink-Building. This grant, however, does
not apply to the artif'i,cial I;ce 'Plant. Nevertheless, it was
felt that the Society and Association can now york out a
better f'inancial arrangemen~which indirectly will' be of
greater benef'it to the ~ssociation.
10. Lovekin and Stubington re Presbyterian Church and
Newtonville Cemetery as business brought f'orward f'rom
May 2, 1967.-Tabled.
11. Report f'rom the Gaerk're proposed draf't agreement
between the,.council and the Township Public Library as
business filed on May 2, 1967.-TabXed.
12. Copy of lette~ of E. R. L~vekin to Mr. Wesley
Cathcart re Title, Lots 2 and 3, Kendal.-Piled.
13. Ontario Municipal Board re Approval of part of the
proposed addition to Kendal Public School.-Filed.
14. Copy of letter of' E. R. Lovekin to the Public
School Board of' the Township School Area of' Clarke re
raiSing of' Capital Sum f'or Kendal School.-Filed.
15. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Supplementary
Road By-law 11529.-Filed.
Page 2
REgular Meeting of' Counci1 June 12,1967, continued:
16. E.R. Lovekin re Statement of' Account to
Consultation and comment re Clarke Township Public-Library-
-No Charge. -Filed.
~7. E: R. Lovekinre Proposed construction of curbs,
Police Village of Orono.-Filed.
18. The; Oshawa Times re Proposed publishing of'
Centennial Souvenir Edition of' Ontario an~Durham Counties.
-No action.
19. Of'fer to Sell Option between Mr. and Mrs.
Siegf'ried Block and the Township of' Clarke.-Tabled.
20. W. Kay Lycett, B.A. re Proposed Irwin conveyance
o f' street.-To be referred to Solicitor E. R. Lovekin for
legal interpretation.
21. Queen's Park Release concerning a sta~ement by
the Hon. J. W.Spooner re The Municipal and School Tax
Credit Assistence Act.-Filed.
22. Mr. ' . L. McGee re legislation relating to
educational tax rebates f'orthose property holders who are
over 65 years of' age as businegs brought forward from June
'6~ 1967. -Tabled. t .'., ;-
23,. Mrs. W. A. Gerry re legislation relating to
educational tax rebates for those property holders who are
over 65 years of age.-Tabled.
24. Girl Guides of Canada, Oshawa Division, request to
have the road in f'ront of the campsite salted or oiled
25. Trustees of the Police Village of' Orono Resolution
No. 67-26 dated "June 6, 1967 requesting Council to add
the portion"of' the 5th line Road Allowance between Highway
115 and County Road Mo. 72 to the proposed development
road project as business brought f'orward from June 6~ 1967.-
The Clerk was instructed to prepare'a resolution to include
that pnrtion of the 5th Concession Line Road Allowance.
Iting west of' Highway 115 and joining County Road No. 72
as a request to the Ontario'Department of'Highways f'or
Development Road Aid. -
26. Letters of~Mr. Thomas Martin under dates of May
24th and 31st, 1967 as business brought forward from
June l,last and his letter of' June 12, 1967 re A-Frame
cottage, Lot 29, Concession 2, were considered and filed.
27. Department Of-Agriculture & Food retappointment of'
a Weed Inspector f'or 1967 as business brought forward from
May 2, 1967.-Tabled to August 1st,' next.
28'~ . Copy lette:f> of Canadian National Railways to
Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File 42307-
Proposed automatic protection, Mile 281.60, Kingston
29. Board of Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re
Order No. 124562 in the matter of the application of the
Canadian National Railways, hereina~ter called the "Applicants.,
for an Ordertauthorizing the construction of' two additional
tracks at grade across Cobhledick Road, between Lots 32
and 33, in the Township of' Clarke, County of Durham, Province
of' Ontario, mileage 287.26 Kingston Subdi vis'ion, as shown
on Plan 11-072, dated March 30, 1966,01'1 f'ile with the
Boardtunder f'ile No. 9437.8S4.-Filed.
30. Economics and Development re copy of' the brochure
describing the H.O.M.E. Plan which was recently presented
to the Ontario Legislature.-Piled.
31. Central Lake Onario Conservation Authority re
minutes of meeting May 3, 1967.-Piled.
32. Copies of' minutes of the Committee of Adjustment
for the Township 'Of Clarke meetings held May 8, 15 and
18, 1967.-Filed.
33. Ontario Department of' Highways re advance payment
of subsidy.-Piled.
34. Ontario Depart~nt of' Highways re Approval of
1967 Road Expenditure By-Law'No. 1541 in the amount of'
$118,000.00.-Piled. -: . '
35.t Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Report of'
April 1967~~Filed.
Page 3
Regular tdeeting o! ~ounCit June lZ, 1967, continued:
36. Ontario ~partment of' Education re Grants f'or Arena
Mana,gers. -:Filed . . .
37. E. R. Lovekin re Dog Control By-law.'-Tabled.
38.{ Department of ;Agri.culture and Food n~tice to '- .
Township Clerks re grants under the Warble Fly Control Act.-Filed.
The following resolutions were passed:
Re~olut1on ~o. 10~tMoved .by Earl Walkey,seconded by Orme r~lls:
Resolve that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized
to keep th.e Township Office open Monday through .Friday in.clusi ve
of each week fro~'9 a.~. to lZ noon and lZ:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
dai~ ,effective 14 June 1967 and the plerk be and is hereby
instructed to p'ost notices to this efTect on the ~ff'ice door.
Resolut.ion No. JlO:Moved by Orme Falls,'seconded by Earl Walkeya
- The Solicitor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized
to prepare a draft agreement between this municipality and
Mr. Thomas Martin to allow for "the erection of cottages on
temporary foundations to be used as display sales models 'only
in part Lot 29, Concession 2, of-the ToWnship of' Clarke.-Carried.
Resolut.ion No.lll:Moved by W. R. Carveth,seconded by Earl Walkey:
Resolve that the tenders f'or the proposed 'purch~se of
a tractor and mower, as advertised, be and are 'hereby opened.
Resolut.ion ~o. 112: Moved by {Frank Gray,seconded'by Earl Walkeyt
That the.tender of T. Cowan Equipment Ltd., Bowmanville,
Ontario, to supply a Model 434 International Tractor and a
Model 110 International Side-mounted Mower equipped as per
township specifications at a price o~ $3937.S0Jbe accept~d subject
to. the, approval of the Department of Highways. Carried.
Resolutio~ No. l]~aMoved by.Prank Gray,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
{ Resolve that t.hefo~lOW'ing'Pay Vouchers be and are
hereQY authorized for payment by the Signing Officers ?f'this
Counqi~:. ' . . . '--'
Additio~ to General Voucher #6 f'or June in the amount of' $Z78.02.
Addition to General Welfare Voucher #6 for June in the amount
of $108.SZ.~Carried.
Re$~]ut.fon No. l1u:Moved by Earl Wal~ey,seconded by OrmeFallst
That the quotation of' American Coleman of Canada
Limited, Toronto, Ont~rio, to supply a Model 1000-9 ~neWay
Snow Plow. and a 12 ft. Wing e~uipped as per their letter of'
April 21, 1967, at a price of' $3,214.92 (Federal and Provincial
Tax included) be accepttd subject to the approval of the
Department of' Highw~ys. Gtrried. .
Resolut.1on ~o. )l~:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by W~R.Carvetha
Resolve tha~ suff'icient money~ to cover the balance
of' the net expen9it~re of' the proposed purchase' of a gravel pit
being part of Lot 16, Concession 2, Township of Clarke, in the
amount of', approximately $1,600.00, be appropriated in the year
1967 by transfer f'rom Reserve for Replacement of Equipment ,to
Public Works under the Current Budget By-Law No. 154S.-Carried.
. ' ,{
The follOWing By-Law was given first, second and
third reading and finally passed:
, ' {
By-La)' ~o. 1~4q
Tpe Corporation~of the Township of Clarke.<
Being a By-Law to appoint" Municipal Auaitors.
WHEREAS Sect~on 2z8(1) of the Munibipal Act, R.S.O.
1960 requires that e~ery municipality shall by by-law appoint
one or more audi~ors who shall be, persons 'licensed by the
Department of Municipal A!fairs as mUnicipal auditors,
AND WHEREAS council have decided to appoint such
auditors" . , (,,' '- .
AND WHEREAS C~uncil have been assured that their
nomineeS ~~e{ fully qualified Chartered Accountants who hold
the necessary licence f'rom the Department of Municipal Af'f'airs
within the meaning and requirements of the "said statutor~ '
authority and that they do not fall within any of the statutory
prohibitions f'ound in the said Act, , .
BE IT THEREFORE ~NACTED by the Municipal Corporation
of the Township of' Clarke as follows:-
1. That Pope and Goebelle, Chartered Accouritant~, of' the
Town of Georgetown in the Province of Ontario, _are hereby
appointed Municipal Auditors for the Township of Clarke.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council June 12, 1967, continued:
~. ci
" '
2. That the said auditors shall perform the corporation
audit and the audit of all local boards and bodies wh~~
functions f'all under the legal authority of the Township ~
Clarke and other statutory duties required of' Town~hip auditors
and any and all other specific matters of a fiscal na~ure
properly placed before them by the Councilor the Clerk and
anCillary to their statutory f'unction at a fee of One Thousand
Dollars (#1,000.00) annually beginning in the year 1967.
3. That while this appointment is f'or a def'inite term,
nothing in this by-law shall prevent removal for cause of'
the said auditors within the meaning and by the means
outlined in Section 228 (I) of the Municipal Act.
4. . ~hat By-Law No. 1502 be and is hereby repealed.
Resolution No. ~~p:Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by W.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,
July 4, 1967, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or
otherwise in special meeting at the call of' the Reeve.-Carried.
~~. ..-..... f .. ..' 0 ~ U-
Clerk. Reeve.
Thursday, June 15, 1961 ~t 8 p.m.
Co~ncil Chamber, Orono.
Present: Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
CounCillor O. H. Falls
COUnc~llor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster
to consider the f'ollowing business: \
In the absence of Re6ve Foster, Deputy aeeve H. E.
Walkey presided.
The f'ollowing resolution was passed:
Resolution NOA l17:'Moved by W.R~Ca.rveth,'sec6nded by Frank Gray:
That the Department of' Highways of'Ontario be reqbested
to approve the purchase of' a Gravel Pit being approximately
91 acres ~land with old house and barn thereon in part of
Lot 16, Concession 2, Township of' Clarke, for the pr~ce of'
#21,350.00 inclusive ~ grave~ quantity investigation and
legal costs.-Carried. ~.
The follOWing By-Law was given first, second and third
reading and f'inally passed: /' .
S~9lementary By-La~ HOA l~~O
A By-Law to provide ~or the" 1967 expenditUres on roads
in the township of Clarke in the County of' Durham."
WHEREAS The 'Highway Improvement Act requires that the
total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by.law
and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways
for approval; '.
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of' the said
Township enacts as f'oll?Ws 1 ." ,
(1) The s~ of' $54,100.00 is hereby estimated as the
expenditure upon the construction and maintenance' of the roads
and bridges under its jurisdiction duri:p.g the year 1967 as ,
OVERHEAD i 200.00 i i200.00
TOTALS i ~0.7e;0.00 i 2~t~~O.Op i ~4,100.00
::it - J ,_ ::: _
(2) The said monies shall be expended Under the supervision
of the duly appointed township road'suPerintendept and on work
perf'ormed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act.
# 22,850.00
# 200.00
$ 7,500.00
$ 21,,850.00
$ 1,500.00
# nil
Total .
$" 44;700.00
$ 1,700.00
# 7,500.00
, .
Page 2 u ~ <. <. " v
Special Meeting of Council June 15, 1967, continued:
u ~ u ~~
{3) The cIerk shall' transm~t Triplicate copies of this
by-law to the district of'fice of' the Department o~ Highways,~
Ontario, not later than March'31st of the said year.
(4) The-approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall
be obtained before any expenditure is authorized~or work ~
commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures
t. I '-" V
or monies raised in a subsequent year.
Meeting adjourned.L
=j~~'. ~LJ__ _' _ /
~ ( )~ ~~l-o/
Deputy- ReeVe. ,,- Z?'
u: ,L- G
~, <. ~
<. . ~
~ G L
Tuesday, July 4, 1967 at 10 a. m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Reeve R~ A.~Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor O~ H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillo~ F.~A.GGray
Clerk H. E. Millson
Minutes of Council meet~ng$~h~ld:Jun~ 6,~7,~~2 and
15, 1967, were approved as read on mot~on ~y W~ R~~Carveth,
seconded by O. H. Falls. Carried. '
Council unanimously agreed tohear'Mr: ~aniei Sioen.
Before ~1rearing Mr. Sioen :"'tije Ree,fe read uout,a 'letter' ~ Vc u
received from Mr. Sioen's S6Iicitqr, W. Kay Lycett. Mr.
Sioen stated that the natUral' arainage used ~to '-be across
his f'ield but in the :pa.s~ f'ive ye~rs th,iS had 'b~en ~~hanged
whereby the drainage was directed along ~h~ mun~~ipa~roa~~
Further, Mr. Dioerl "st'a~ed a ' culvert had been recently
construetedacrossthe road whereby the heavy rains c~using~
flash rloo~s had done extensive damage to his tobacco cr~p.
,this' work, he Said, had 'be~ncarri~ed o~ut ~r t_he '~~W1!~hi,P ,
without 'notification ~o hini. Mr. Sioen suggested that 'the '
, ' -. 1..... -'-' , C.
culvert be~ remove'd and ditching be 'provided on the east
side of the road allowance or a municipaf drain ~be'established
across his 'proper~y.( ~his busines~ was ref'erred to'the
Road and Bridge Committee and Road Buperintendent f'or
consideration and reply to Mr. Sioen. .v, ~
. Mr. 'E.~ 'R. Lovekin requested C'ouricil to consider an
early repair' to the bridgeo~n the Darlirigt~on"';Clark-e ~
bOUE,?ary 'roactallowance' to al}ow his f~m ~c,hinery 'to . '-
travel this road f'or the 'purpose of barvestin~in accordannce
witrrhis letter to the Road Superintenaent dated June,Z2, u
1967. This matter was ref'erred to the. Road and B~idge .
Committ'e'e. u.J (~,~- u . "Uu , ' "-
Council recessed for lunch ~t'12:15~p~m~ ~na res~~d
session at ~:30 p.m.' - <.
- ,U The ROad' Superintendent," Mr'. M. L-~- Ross, 'appeared at
Coun~~l meeting from 1:30 to 5 p~m.-to discuss' certain. . L
road matters with Council. " '" ~
--1:'-;. R. Woodyard', Inspectirtg 1rus'teeu of the Police Village
of Oronb, discussed the' following subJects with Council:
1.' P~oposed debenthre for the" Orono Hydro Electric ~ommission.
2. Pf.oposed amendments to the garbage pick-up~ by-l~w. .
3. Request that Council establish a gate at the westerly
entrance to the Township property located south o~
the Orono F~1ir' Grounds. ',~, <. /
It was moved by H. E. Walkey," seconded by W. R. \.
Carveth that Council adjourn to Committee of the Whole.
It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by H. E. Walkey
that Committee rise and Council be and is hereby resumed.
<. .
.C u