HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/1967(Special Meeting)
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Regular Meeting of' CoUncil ~une 6, 1967, continued:
17. Hamiltons Insuranc~; Servibe re 4uotation t o't combined
Burglary ~nd The~t Insurance~on the contents of' the Town-
ship Hall. - Approved and referred to Accounts. .
18. Mr. G. L. McGee requesting application under the
proposed Provincial legislation relating' to educational
J.- . '"" ...... '-' ...
tax rebates ~or those property nolders who are over
65 years of' age.-Tabled. -' ~ ~
19. The Ontario Municipal Board re Proposed addition to
Kendal Public School. -Referred to ~ the Clerk. "-
20. The Public SchoolLBoard'of' the Township School Area of'
Clarke re addition to Kendal School.-Ref'erred, to resolution
and Solicitor E.R:Lovekin'to"-reply' to the SchoolvBoard.
The f'ollowing resolutions were passed: .
R.e~o] ution~No:: 'lO~ :Moved~'5y vrr~ Gr~i I se~onded bl W. R. gar;y-eth:
ReSolve that the request of' the Bo~rd o~ Trustees of the
Township School ~ea of' Clarke to~construct 3 rooms, bei~g -
2 class~ooms o~ 763 N.F.F.A. !n~t ~ncti~~al~Floor Area)
each~and 1 general purpose.room, of' 1600 sq. f't. N.F.F.~~, a~
an addition ~o School No. ,13 at'Kengal'!n ~~t_9'vtoncession
6 of the ToWiis~ip of' Cl~ke at an EitstiJIUI/~ed._cp~t of' $106,600.00
to be~repaid fn an ~ount df $66,000.00 f'rom current funds ~
rais-~d irl'--the' yecir 1967 e1Ed tlie remaind~r~'o( $40,600.00, plus
interest, totbe repaidtupon debenture over a,prQposed one
year term De and is hereby appro~ed'~y ~his Coun~il~~uQject
to the approvals o~ the OntariC2 Department of Education anq,
the' Ontario 1dunicipal Board. -Carried. "-
<. . I... ,-".
Resolution'No. lO?:MovedbyOr~ Falls,s~conded ~yFr~~ Gray:
Resolve that the f'ollowing Pay Vouchers be ~d are
hereby authorizedcf'or,payment by t~e Signing,Of'f'icers o~
this Council: ~
Addition to General Voucher 15forvMay in the amount of' $59~.46.
General Voucher Ii6 ~or June in the amount.of' $6199.69. _ .
General Wel~are Voucher 16 ~or June in the amount of $991.16.
Police Village 6~'Oron6 Voucher 15'~or May in the amount
o~ $1589.1.0. . ~ _ " ~
I... l. . . _ .. '- -
Road Vo~cher 15 for May in the amount of'.$16281.14.-Carried.
ReSOlution 'No_L l08:Moved by Orme Fa~ls;seconded by F~ank Gray:
This Council hereoy adjourn to meet again o~ M~ndaYI
June 12, 1967 at 10 a.m. or otherwise in special meeting
at the 'call of' the Reeve. -Carried: " . '
~~'-..A_ J, ~'~ ~
Clerk 'Reeve ~
'JUne 7~ 1967, at: 8 p.m. ". , .
'- ' , '. :. . Council _Cl?-aaD~r, \Orono.
Prese-tit: - Reeve R. A. 'Foster
~ 'Councillor 0'- H. Fallst
Councillor W. R. Carveth
~, Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk 'H.' E . Millson ' . ,--,
Special me'eting of'Council was called by'Reeve Roy A.
Foster to consid~r the business herein recorded.
The' f'ol19Wingby-lawwas ~gi~eri f'-irst,. 'second and
third reading and f'ina~ly passed:
By-Law No. It)u.B ~ , . ., . ,
Being a By-Law to provide 'the Third Reading of By-Law
No. '1545 regarding the Setting o~ Rates. ., .
Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Town~hip
of Clarke, af'ter due deliberation~ have deemed it expedient.
to g1ve the third reading to By-Law No. 1545;
Now Therefore' Be It Enacted by the 'Cowlcil 'of the
Corporation of the Township 'of' qlarke)--, "-
That 'the third reading o!~By-L~w No. 1?45 be .and t4e
same is hereby given.
t '
~ ~ing,adjourned.
Clerk. .
t '
Reev!r . ~