HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1967 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE June 6, 1967, at 10 a. m. " Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor W. R. Carveth \ ~, Councill~r' F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson' The minutes of' Council meetings-held May 2,~May 19 L and June 1, 1967 were appr~ved as read on motion by W. R. Carveth, seconded by F. A. Gray. Carri'ed. Deputy Reeve' H. E. Walkey was unable to be present due to his attendance at a meeting o~ the Council o~ the United Counties at Cobo-&.rg.' Mr.M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent~ appeared at Council meeting f'rom 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in order too discuss certain road matters with Council. Miss Lallie Stewart met with Council to request access to her f'arm f'or farming purposes in 1ieu oT the road over the Stewart Bridge which has now been restri~ted to a load limit of' 2 tons. It is 1mpossible, Miss Stewart said, to, operate bur f'arm on a 2 ton load limit. On behalf of Council the Reeve mentionea i~was the intention of' Council to gravel the sideroad south of the Stewart farm lane and'to open the said sideroad to the north in order to allow for passage of' trucking in excess of the' 2 ton load limit. Further, he said, it is hoped that the bridge can be replaced in the year 1968. Mr.- Harold Skinner~ United Counties of' Northtimberlana .and Durham WeeCi Inspectbr,spoke briefly to Council suggesting the Council advertise. weed control in the local papers to provide certain authority to the Weed Inspector in accordance with statutory conditions. Mr . Gerald May of' the Frank Cowan Company Limited and'Mr. Y. E. Lycett~ local Insurance' agent, met with Council to Ciiscuss a review of' the insurance 'coverages now in ef'f'ect in this municipality through our ~ocal agency,. Copie s of a pre pared review of' the saicr ' insurance coverages were handed out to th'e lnembers C1f'" Council. v - ~ "- Council recessed at 12:15 p.m. f'or lunch~upon invitation by Mr. F. E. Lycett,. and resumed session at 1:30 p.m. on motion by O. H. Falls~ seconded by F. A. Gray. Carried. L , On being presehted with a volume of' liThe History of the Townsnip of' Hope- by ~eeve George Finhieduring the Counties Council Session on June 5, 1967 inscribed on the inner leaf as f'ollows: ft Presented to Clarke Township by HOpe TownshiP CounCilft, Reeve Roy A. Foster suggested the said volume be placedin the Township Library. This was unan1mously agreed upon by Council. The Clerk was 'instructed to prepare a survey of' all insu~ance under the jurisdiction'of this municipal- ity. The said survey is to include the type of' coverage, amount of' premium arid the name of the insurance agent. Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Inspecti~g Trustee of' the,' ,- Police Village of Orono, met with Council to discuss garbage disposal and the storm' sewering~ paving -and curbing proposed publiC works project. Mr. Thomas Martin personally discussed the ItAft Frame subject with Council. Mr. Reginald Gibson reque~ted Council f'or'a culvert at his private entrance on the Third Line, Thiswas ref'erred to the Road Boardmeetirig to be held on June 12, next~ after which a reply is to be given to Mr. Gibson. ., Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council June 6, 1967, continued: The f'ollowing correspondence ahd repbrts were read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Board of' Tranaport Commissioners for Canada re File Nos. 26711.2528 & 3701.131 re proposed closing of the crossing of the Twp. Road at mile 281.13,'Kingston 5ubd. (CN) and mile 152.45, Belleville Subd. (CP).- Tabled. 2. Copy letter from the Village of Newcastle to the Board of Transport Commissioners tor Canada re file No. 26711.2511 - proposed closing of' the crossing of' CNR & Vill~e Street at mileage 285.05, Kingston sub- division. - Tabled. ~ 3. Board oI'Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 3701.132 re proposed closing of' crossing of CPR and Township Road in Township of Clarke, Ont., mileage 151.43 Belleville Subdivision.--Tabled. 4. Board of Transport Couunissioners f'ot- Canada re File No. 42307 re proposed tmprovements to'and the installation of' protection at the" crossing of Twp. Road (Glovers Crossing) in Lots 12 & 13, Broken Front Conc., in th~ Twp. of Clarke, Ont..,. ,and the CNR at mile 281.60 Kingston Subdivision and t~e CPR at mile 152.90 Belleville Subdivision.- Tabled. 5. . Board of' T~ansport Commissioners f'or Canada reFile Nos.. 26711.2523 - 26727.135:3 re proposed installation bf automa,tic protection at the crossing of Twp. Road between the Twp. of' Hope and the Twp. of Clarke, Ont., at miles 278.54 CNR Kingston Subd., and 149.83 Belleville Subd. CPR.. ,;,. Tabled. 6. Board of' Transport Commissiohers f'or Canada reFile 26711.2526 proposed closing of' crossing of' C.N.R. and Township Road in Township of' Clarke~ Ontario, m~leage 279.58 Kingston Subdi vi sion. - Tabled. ' 7. Copy letter f'rom Canadian, Pacific to Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 42307 re proposed improvements to & the installation of protection at the crossing of Twp. Rd. (Glovers Crossing) in Lots 12 & 13, Broken Front Cohc. ,in the Twp. of' Clat-ke, Ont., & the CNR at Mileage 281.60 Kingston Subd., & the CPR at Mileage 152.90 Belleville S~bd. - Tabled. 8. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 3701.132 re proposed closing of' crossing of CPR and Township Road in To~ship of' Clarke, Ont., mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd. - Tabled. . 9. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 9437.568 ,re pro:posed clOSing of' the crossing of' Twp. Road" (Adams Crossing) petween Lots 20 and 21~ Broken Front Con., Twp. of'. Clarke, Ont., and the CNR a,t mileage 283. 76 Kingston Subd. and reFile No. 3701.130 re proposed closing of' the crossing of TWp. Roa~ (Adams Crossing) between Lots 20 and 21, Broken Front Gon., Twp., of Clarke~ Ont., and the CPR. at mileage 135.08 Belleville Subd. - Tabled. 10. Board of' Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re File No. 26727.1016 re proposed improvements to and installation of' automatic protection at CPR and East Townline Road, mileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision. - Tabled. lr. Report by the Clerk of telephone call f'rom C.N.R. on May 12, 1967 re the crossing at Cobbledick Road under C. N .R. FileNo. R4710-01-11. - Tabl<ed. 12. Mrs. Patricia Vickery request !"or road and bridge repairs. - Filed. ~ 13. Ontario Department of Highways rePriming Contract Approval. - Filed. 14. E. Richard Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., re Smith application f'or Trailer Park. -Ref'erred to Clerk. 15. The McKay Family re acknowledgement of Council's expression of sympathy of' the passing of the late Arthur McKay. ' ~ ~ 16. Trustees of' the Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 67-26 dated June 6, 1967 requesting Council to add the portion of the 5th line Road Allowance between Highway , 115 and County Road No. 72 to the proposed development road project. - Ref'erred to the Road and Bridge Committee. . . Page 3 Regular Meeting of' CoUncil ~une 6, 1967, continued: '.1 .., 17. Hamiltons Insuranc~; Servibe re 4uotation t o't combined Burglary ~nd The~t Insurance~on the contents of' the Town- ship Hall. - Approved and referred to Accounts. . 18. Mr. G. L. McGee requesting application under the proposed Provincial legislation relating' to educational J.- . '"" ...... '-' ... tax rebates ~or those property nolders who are over 65 years of' age.-Tabled. -' ~ ~ 19. The Ontario Municipal Board re Proposed addition to Kendal Public School. -Referred to ~ the Clerk. "- 20. The Public SchoolLBoard'of' the Township School Area of' Clarke re addition to Kendal School.-Ref'erred, to resolution and Solicitor E.R:Lovekin'to"-reply' to the SchoolvBoard. The f'ollowing resolutions were passed: . R.e~o] ution~No:: 'lO~ :Moved~'5y vrr~ Gr~i I se~onded bl W. R. gar;y-eth: ReSolve that the request of' the Bo~rd o~ Trustees of the Township School ~ea of' Clarke to~construct 3 rooms, bei~g - 2 class~ooms o~ 763 N.F.F.A. !n~t ~ncti~~al~Floor Area) each~and 1 general purpose.room, of' 1600 sq. f't. N.F.F.~~, a~ an addition ~o School No. ,13 at'Kengal'!n ~~t_9'vtoncession 6 of the ToWiis~ip of' Cl~ke at an EitstiJIUI/~ed._cp~t of' $106,600.00 to be~repaid fn an ~ount df $66,000.00 f'rom current funds ~ rais-~d irl'--the' yecir 1967 e1Ed tlie remaind~r~'o( $40,600.00, plus interest, totbe repaidtupon debenture over a,prQposed one year term De and is hereby appro~ed'~y ~his Coun~il~~uQject to the approvals o~ the OntariC2 Department of Education anq, the' Ontario 1dunicipal Board. -Carried. "- <. . I... ,-". Resolution'No. lO?:MovedbyOr~ Falls,s~conded ~yFr~~ Gray: Resolve that the f'ollowing Pay Vouchers be ~d are hereby authorizedcf'or,payment by t~e Signing,Of'f'icers o~ this Council: ~ Addition to General Voucher 15forvMay in the amount of' $59~.46. General Voucher Ii6 ~or June in the amount.of' $6199.69. _ . General Wel~are Voucher 16 ~or June in the amount of $991.16. Police Village 6~'Oron6 Voucher 15'~or May in the amount o~ $1589.1.0. . ~ _ " ~ I... l. . . _ .. '- - Road Vo~cher 15 for May in the amount of'.$16281.14.-Carried. ReSOlution 'No_L l08:Moved by Orme Fa~ls;seconded by F~ank Gray: This Council hereoy adjourn to meet again o~ M~ndaYI June 12, 1967 at 10 a.m. or otherwise in special meeting at the 'call of' the Reeve. -Carried: " . ' ~~'-..A_ J, ~'~ ~ Clerk 'Reeve ~ SPECIAl,. MEE'IING OF 'THE COUNCIL QF~HE'TOWNSHIP ~F C~ARKE 'JUne 7~ 1967, at: 8 p.m. '" , . '- ' , '. :. . Council _Cl?-aaD~r, \Orono. Prese-tit: - Reeve R. A. 'Foster ~ 'Councillor 0'- H. Fallst Councillor W. R. Carveth ~, Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk 'H.' E . Millson ' . ,--, Special me'eting of'Council was called by'Reeve Roy A. Foster to consid~r the business herein recorded. The' f'ol19Wingby-lawwas ~gi~eri f'-irst,. 'second and third reading and f'ina~ly passed: By-Law No. It)u.B ~ , . ., . , Being a By-Law to provide 'the Third Reading of By-Law No. '1545 regarding the Setting o~ Rates. ., . Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Town~hip of Clarke, af'ter due deliberation~ have deemed it expedient. to g1ve the third reading to By-Law No. 1545; Now Therefore' Be It Enacted by the 'Cowlcil 'of the Corporation of the Township 'of' qlarke)--, "- That 'the third reading o!~By-L~w No. 1?45 be .and t4e same is hereby given. L t ' ~ ~ing,adjourned. ~..,~~J Clerk. . t ' ~~~. Reev!r . ~ t