HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1967 (Special Meeting) :e c.i.-Te ~ - -' ~{eGular l!:eetin~ of Council May 2, 1967, continued: f.J 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year for five ensuing years and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest ther'eon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Reso] ution No. ] 00 :lvIoved by Orme Falls, seconded by Earl\"'alkey: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday June 6, 1967, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting of Council at the call of the Reeve.-Carried. -'rd~"nA-./ CLERK. J~ ~ ;U:- REEVE. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE May 19" 1967, at 8 p. m. Council Chamber, Orono. ~ Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor F.A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of' Council was called by Reeve Roy A. Foster to consider the business herein recorded. Councillor W. R. Carveth was unable to attend due to another commitment. The f'ollowing correspondence was read out to the meeting by Reeve Foster: 1. The Ontario Municipal Board letter dated May 1, 1967, re proposed addition to Kendal Public School. - Tabled. 2. The Ontario Municipal Board letter dated. May 8, 1967, re proposed addition to Kendal Public School. - Tabled. The f'ollowing resolutions were passed: ResoJution NOa 101:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Earl ~key: Resolve that Resolution No. 97 dated May 2, 1967, be and is hereby rescinded.-Carried. Resolution No_ J02:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Orme Falls: That the tender of Harnden & King Construction Limited for priming of roads be and is hereby accepted as per tender subject tct the approval of the Ontario Department of' Highways. -Carried .t R~solutjon NOa l01:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that the Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to advertise for tenders for the proposed. purchase of' a new tractor and mower. A certified copy of this resolution be f'orwarded to the Road Superintendent.-Carried. Resolution NOa lOh.:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Orme Falls: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized f'or payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: Addition to General Voucher 15 for May in the amount of $3838.36. Addition to General Welfare Voucher 15 for May in the amount of $406.10.-Carried. The meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.m. ~~'''IJ__/ Clerk. #f/J.~ Reeve .