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Special Meeting of Council 4pril ~7, 1967, continued:
The following resolution was passed:
Resolution No. Q1:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
Resolve that the request of The Board of Trustees of
the Township School Area of Clarke to construct three
additional rooms in the year 1967, being two classrooms and
one general purpose room> at an estimated cost of $106,600.00,
to School No. 13 (Kendal) in Lot 9, Concession 6, Township
of Clarke, and that the said Board pay the ,sa:i.d estimated
cost from current funds in the years 1967 .and 196$, being.
~66,000.00 in the year 1967 and $40,600.00, plus interest,
in the year 196$, be and ,is hereby approved by this Council
~ubject .to the approval of the Ontario 1v1unicipal Board and.
Department of Education.of Ontario in accordance with The.
Public Schools Amendment Act, 1965, Section ~0(6)(iv).-Carried.
. Meetiqg adjourned at 11 a.m.
c-~t.. do-!
1-1ay.2, 1967, at .10 .a.m.
Council Chamber; Oro-no.
Present: Reeve ~. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. B'.- 'ivalkey
Councillor O. R.., Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Mills-on., l'
It was movedby'F.,il.. Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth
that the minutes of Council meetings of April 4th, lath, 19th,
24th and 27th, 1967, be and are hereby approved a~ read.
The following correspondence' and reports were read out
to the meeting by aeeve Roy A. Foster:
1. ' lvlrs. Ellen 1'-1. Yeo re M-edical Insurance Flan - The Council
had no object.ion to Mrs. Y.eo participating in another Medical
Plan. Her employment was class~fied as casual rather than
permanent. -
.2. Mrs. Thos. Fairbrother, Chairman, Clarke Centennial
Committee, request for use of a Township t:ruck to pick up
- materials required for the Centennial Garden. - This matter
was referred to the attention of the Road. Superintendent.
3. Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee, Po~ice Village
of Orono, re proposed By-law requested by the Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce under the proposed Public Works Project '
pertaining .to By-law No. 1534,. -. Referred to reading of By-laws.
4. The Ontario Municipal Board. re addition to Kendal Public
5. Report from the Clerk re ,proposed draft'agreement.between
the Council and the Orono Public Library as business brought
forward from March 16, 1967. -Piled..
6. ~~. J. C. McCallurr., Counties'. Assessor, reo inquiry
regarding an area sub-office as business brought forward from
Harch 16, 1967-. -Filed.
7. Pope [,. Goebelle re Orono lvlunicipalvV'ater System and
Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, .as business brought-
forward from lvlarch 16,1967. - Tabled.
8. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham 1'e Mr.
Harley Hayes application for a license to operate a salvage
yard as business brought. forward from April 4, 1967.- Filed.
9. Department of }1unicipal Affairs re.Clarke Planning
Board as business brought forward from April 4, 1967.- This
letter was tabled again after lnstructing the Clerk to have
the necessary by-law prepared for consideration at the next
meeting of Council.
10. Department of Agriculture & Food re appointment of a
Need Inspector for 1967 as business brought forward from
April 4, 1967. - Tabled to August 8th, 1967.
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Regular;Meeting of Council May 2, 1967, continued:
11. Department of:Agriculture and Food, Agricultural and
Horticultural Societies re acknowledgement-of GOPy of Reso-
lution appointing the Board members for the Orono Community
12. 'Ganaraska :=<'egion ConservatiQ)n Authority re Notice of
Meeti~g to be held April 12th, 1967.-Filed.
13. Durha~ Central Agrioultural Society re Orono Fair to
be held Sept 7, 8, 9, 1967.-Referred to resolutions.
14. Tot~en, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited re
ac~nowledgement of appointment to prepare a submission
requesting the construction of an overhead bridge at the
C.P.-C.N. crossings on the Hope-Clarke boundary road.-Filed.
15. LODA News re May Zone Meetings.-Filed.
16. Cormnunity Planning l1.ssociation of Canada, Ontario
Division re Conference on Thupsday June 1st, 1967.-Filed.
17. Corporation of the Town of Dm,vmanville re ii-rea
Ambulance Agreement signed by all the subscribing parties.
18. Department of Municipal Affairs re,Minister's Orders-
Township of Hanvers and Township of Cartwright designating
certain lands in the said Townships as areas of subdivision
control. -Filed..
It was moved by.O. H. Falls, seconded by F. A. Gray
that Council recess for lunch at 12:15 p.nl. and resume session
at 1:3Q p.m. Carried.
19. Northumberland-Durham Heal th Unit report for March
20. Central Lake Ontario Conserv.ation Authority minutes of
General I,leeting held March 22, 1967 ..-Fi.led.
21. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist C,ouncil reporter for April
22. d. Kay Lycett, B.A., re W. P, Irwin proposed subdivision
requesting ,Cou,ncil to accept a conv.eyance of a strip of land
in the proposed subdivision which has been designated ,as
Winte,r Road. -Referred to the Clerk to prepare the nece'ssary
By-law. ,
23. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No.
42037 re proposed improvements ~o and the installation of
protection at the crossing of Tvlp. Road (Glpvers Crossing) .
in Lots 12 G' 13, Broken Front Conc., ,in the Twp. of Clarke,
Ont., and the CNR at mile 2$1.60 Kingston Subd., and the,
CPR at mile 152.90 Belleville Subd.-Tabled. .
~4. Board of Transport Commissioners for Can~da reo File Np$.
26711.2523 -'26727.1353 - re proposed installation of auto-
matic protecti~n, at the crossing.of Twp. Road between the Twp.
of lI.ope and the TVlp. of Clarke, Ont., at miles 27$.54 CNR
Kingston Subd., and 149.83 Belleville, Subd. CPR.-Tabl~d.
25. Board o~ Transport Commissioners for Canada re File
Nos. 26711.2528& 3701.131 re proposed closing of the crossing
of the T\vp. Road at mile 281.13., King,ston Subd. (CN) and .
mile 152.45, Belleville Subd. (CP)-Tabled.
26. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File
No. 9437.568 re pro posed closing of the crossing of TVlp.
Road (Adams Crossing) between Lots 20 and 21, Broken Front
Con., Twp. of Clarke, Ont.~ and the CNR at mileage 283.76,
Kingston Subd. and File No.' 3701.130 re proposed closing of,
the crossing of Twp. Road (Adams Crossing) between Lots 20
and 21, Broken Front Con., Twp. of Clarl<e, Ont,. and the CPR
at mileage 155.0$ Belleville Subd.-Tabled.
27. Copy letter of Canadian. National Railways. to Board of
Transport Commissionersre File 4~307-proposed crossing
prote~tion, Mile 2$1.60, Kingston Subd.-Filed.
23. Copy letter of Canadian National Railways to Board of
'rransport.Commipsioners re File 9437.854 - crossing at mile
287.26, Kingston Subd.,-Filed.
29. T-oymship. of Darlington re CNH, File R4710-01-11 and
Darlington resolution No. 67-4-5.-Filed.
30. Hodgins & Fleming, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Public, re Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Baker an~ Township of
Clarke.-Referred to the Clerk.
Page 3
Regular Meeting of Council May 2, 1967, continued:
31. Lovekin and Stubington re Clarke To~nshipLSunday
Sport Eosport Race-Tract: as business brought for'tJard from
IIJlarch 16') 1967. -Filed. . . ,
32. Lovekin and Stubington re A Frame Cottage, Lot 29,
Cone. 2, Clarke Township, Alwood Construction, A.B.Noore,
Cobourg, as business brought forward from April 27, 1967.
33. Lovekin and Stubington re Presbyterian Church and
Nevrconville Cemetery as business brought forward from'
March 16, 1967.-Tabled.
34. Copy of letter of E. R. Lovekin to ~tr. Wesley
Cathcart re Title, Lots 2 and 3, Kendal.-Tabled.
35. Department of Social and Family Services re
The Department of Social and Family Services has been
approved by the Legislature, replacing the former
Department of Public welfare.-Filed. ~
36. Minutes ,of meetings of'Co~nittee of Adjustment
held March 4, 22, and April 10, 1967.-Filed.
37. Ontario 1-1unicipal Board re Township of Clarke
Restricted Area By-law 1517 as business brought forward
from March 7, 1967.-Tabled.
38. Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority meeting
held April 12, 1967.-Filed.
39. ~Iessrs. G. B. Miller and M. L. NeVlTIlan re
permission to obtain a building permit.~Referred to
40. Townsnp of Darlington re proposed improvement and
a~tomatic protection at Town Line crossing and adjacent
crossinGs, .C.P.R.- Referred to the Clerk to correspond
with theTownship of Darlington to infOrm them of thi3
COtlncil's intention in accordance with their letter to
the Board'of'Transport Commissioners for Canada under
file No. 26727-1016 of the said Board dated April 24, 1967.
41. Harnden & King, Construction Ltd., re Prime
l.ir. lvI. L. Ross appeared at Council meeting from
2:30 ~o 4 p.m. to discuss certain aspects of the Township
roads with Council.
Solicitor E. R. Lovekin also appeared at the
Council meeting at which time the following subjects were
A-Frame cottage, Lot 29, Concession 2.
Hr. and l\lrs. G. F. Baker and the Township of Clarke.
Proposed Sunday sport at Mosport racetrack.
By-law establishing the Township of Clarke
Public Library.
5. Proposed Public Works Project in the Police
Village of Orono.
6. Presbyterian Church Cemetery at Newtonville.
7. Title of lands being Lots 2 and 3 in the
hamlet of Kendal in Lot 9, Concession 6,
Township of Clarke.
8. Messrs. D. G. & C. K. Smith application for
building permit in part Lot 25, Concession 4.
The following resolutions were pass~d:
Reso]uUon No. c)1.:1-':oved by Orme Falls,seconded by Vf.R.Carveth:
This Council hereby declare the 8th day of September
1967, Orono Fair Day, a Civic Holiday to provi.de a legal
public school holiday in the TOirmship of Clarke.
The Clerk is hereby instructed to forward certified
cop~es of this resolution to the Durham Central Agricultural
Societ y and !'Ir. C. A. :rolmes, Inspector of Schools, and,
finally to publicize Council's decision once only in the Orono
Weekly Times.-Carried.
Resolutipn No. CiS :r-loved by Orrrl.eFalls, seconded by W. R. Carveth:
This Council hereby grant the use of the Township yard
and garage at the south end of the Fair Grounds to the Durham
Central Agricultural Society for the three days of their Fair
on September 7, 8; and 9, 1967, subject to the necessary
arrangements between the said Society and Mr. ~1. L. Ross,
Road Superintendent.
Certified copies of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs.
Charlotte Rickard, Secretary of the Durham Central Agricultural
Society, and Mr. M. L. Ross.-Carried.
Page 4
Regular Meeting of Council May 2, 1967, continued:
Rp.~o]ution No. g6:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Frank G~ay:
This Council hereby request the Building Inspector to
issue a building permit to Jvlessrs. G. B.,Miller. and IvLL.Ne\'ffilan
to construct a residence by the existing road allowance in
parts of Lots. 6 and 7, ,Concession 6, Township of Clarke, .
otherwise subject to the provisions of the building regulations
of this municipality. .
A certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to ,
Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector of the Township of Clarke.
Rp.solution No. g7:Jvloved byW. R. Carveth,seconded by EarlW~lkey:
That the tender of Municipal Spraying and Oiling Company
Limited for priming of'roads be and is hereby accepted as P?r
tender subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of
Highways on the lowest bonafide tender.-Carried~
Resolution No. q$:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by Earl Walkey:
That the tender of Frank S.'Coyle Limited for Crushing
and Delivering Gravel, Stockpil~ng Gravel, Scre~ning Sand,
a~d Hauling Pit Run Gravel, be and is hereby accepted as pe~
tender, subject tJ the approval of the Ontario Department of
Highways.-Carried. .,
Resolution No. qg:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that thefollowing pay,Vouchers be and are
hereby authorized for pay~ent by the Signi~g 9fftcers of
this Council:
Addition to General Voubher #4 for April in the amo~nt of $3453.24.
Addition to General \'!velfare Voucher #4 for April in the aI1l0\mt
of $232.60.
General Voucher #5 for May in the amount of $~5~79$.16.
General Welfare Voucher #5 for ~lay in the amount of $$52.59.
Police Village of Orono Voucher /14 in the amount of ;ili9$2. 61.
Road Voucher #4 for April in the amount of $9,464.$7.-Carried.
The following By-law was given first, second and,third
r~ading and finally passed:
By-Law No. JSh6 '
The Corporation of the Township of Clarke
A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $iO$;700.00. .
'WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke (hereinaf tel'
called the ltMunicipalityU) deems it necessary to borrovl the sum
of $108,700.00 to meet, until the following'estimated receipts
under By-Law No. 1534, as enumerated below have been.received
by the said Township of Clarke and deposited at the Canadian
Imperial Bank'of Commerce, Orono,- '
Department of Highways' $57,12q.00
Receipts from the United Counties
of Northumberland and Durham ll.SOO.OO
Total estimated re~eipts $70,620.00
Loan from Canadian Imperial Bank of Corr~erce, Orono, for
a.period of five years payable as to principal and interest
in instalments during the years 1967,1968,1969,1970,and 1971.
the capital.expenditures Qf the Municipality for the year;
THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Clarke hereby enacts as follows~
1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on
behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to
time by way of ,promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL
BANK OF COW,mRCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the
aggregate $10$,700.00 to meet until the said
estimated receipts have been received and deposited
at the said Bank at Orono the capital expenditures
of the Municipali tyfor~,the year, and to give on
hehal'f. .of the Munic'ipali ty to the Bank a..promissory
note or J1Qte-sSefl.ledwith the Corporate Seal and
'sigljledbY>.the. H.ead and Treasur~r for th? moneys so
,.borrpw,ed, with, intere,st') whi'~h may,. be paid i~"advance.
or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 6% per centum
per annum.
.t-'L.-:?'C; ~
~pgular Meeting of Council May 2, 1967, continued:
2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of
this by-law shall, with interest thereon, be a
charge upon the whole of the revenues of the
Municipality for the current year for five
ensuing years and for all preceding years as and
when such revenues are received.
3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed
to app~y in payment of all sums borrowed as
aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of
the moneys hereafter collected or received either
on account or realized in respect of taxes
levied for the current year and preceding years
or from any other source which may lawfully be
applied for such purpose.
ResoJution No. lOO:Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by Earl Walkey:
This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday
June 6,.1967, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or
otherwise in special meeting of Council at the call of the
!1~ ~ ;U:-
May 19" 1967, at $ p. m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor F.A. Gray
Clerk H. E. Millson
Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Roy
A. Foster to consider the business herein recorded.
Councillor W. R. Carveth was unable to attend due to
another commitment.
The following correspondence was read out to the
meeting by Reeve Foster:
1. The Ontario Municipal Board letter dated May 1, 1967,
re proposed addition to Kendal Public School. - Tabled.
2. The Ontario Municipal Board letter dated' May $, 1967,
re proposed addition to Kendal Public School. - Tabled.
The following resolutions were passed:
ResoJution No. 101:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Earl ~key:
Resolve that Resolution No. 97 dated May 2, 1967,
be and is hereby rescinded.-Carried.
Resolution No. ~Q~:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Orme Falls:
That the tender of Harnden & King Construction Limited
for priming of roads be and is hereby accepted as per tender
subject t9' the approval of' the Ontario Department of' Highways.
-Carried .i
R~solutjon No. lO~:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the Road Superintendent be and is hereby
authorized to advertise for tenders for the proposed,purchase
of a new tractor and mower.
A certif'ied copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Road Superintendent.-Carried.
Resolution No. lOk:Moved by Frank Gray,seconded by Orme Falls:
Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the Signing Off'icers of' this Council:
Addition to General Voucher #5 for May in the amount of $3838.36.
Addition to General Welfare Voucher 65 for May in the amount of
The meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.m.