HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1967 (Special Meeting) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ~OWNSHIP OF CLARKE April. 18,,1967, at 1:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson . Road Superintendent M. L. Ross Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Foster to consider the following business: ResoJution No. $8:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that tenders, as advertised, for Priming roads; Gravel Crushing, Hauling and Sand; Salt; and Weed and Brush Spray be and are hereby opened.-~arried. The following tenders were received:- For Gravel Crushing Hauling and Sand- I. /Harnden and King Construction Ltd., Cobourg, Ontario. c. /Frank S. Coyle Limitea, Lakefield, Ontario. For Priming roads- 1. /Municipal Spraying and Oiling Company Limited, Rexdale, Ontario. ' ~./R. E. Law Crushed Stone Ltd.~ Port Colborne, Ontario. 3. /w. A. Ryder Paving Ltd., Agincourt, Ontario. 4. / Cornell Construction Company Limited, Brant ford, Ontario. 5 ..AIarnden and King Construction Ltd., CObourg, Ontario. . For Salt- . , 1. Domtar Chemicals Limited, Sifto Salt Division, Toronto, Ontario. ~. The Canadian Salt Company Limited, Clarkson, Ontario.. For Weed and Brush Spray- 1. Ffizer Company Limited, Sarnia, Ontario. ~. Niagara Brand Chemicals, Burlington, Ontario. The following correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve. Foster: 1. Department of Municipal Affairs re increase in Per Capita Grants.-Referred to Clerk for report to Council on 19 April next. ~. Ontario 1.lunicipal Board re acknowledgment of our application under By-Law No. 1534.-Filed. 3. On~ario Municipal Board letter dated April 17, 1967, re By-Law No. 1534.-Tabled. Meeting adjourned at 6 p.m. ~~ .~.A_J Clerk. . /;tf ~. Reeve. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE April 19,,1967, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. 'lfalkey CounCillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council Vias called to consider certain business with the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and the Municipal Auditor. Therefore 'Messrs. E. R. Woodyard, D. M. ., Simpson and F. A. NichOlson, Police Trustees; G. Goebelle, Municipal Auditor; and E. Dent, Orono Hydro Manager, met with Council. ' . It was moved by F. A. Gray, seconded by H. E. Walkey, th~t Council adjourn to Committee in order to have open discusslonon the subject matters. Carried. On motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by F. A. Gray, Council unanimously agreed to rise from Committee and resume meeting of Council. Carried. 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Reso1ution No. qO:~1oved by Earl Walkey,seconded by w.R.Carveth: Resolve that the Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to secure options to purchase the required property and to advertise for tenders for the proposed construction of the Laing Bridge to be located between Lots 30 and 31, Concession 4, Township of Clarke, subject to the approval of the Ontario Department of Highways.-Carried. Reso1ut'1on No. 91:}'1oved byll'l.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray: This Council has no objection to the installation of hydro at the Harvey Jackson Memorial Park at Kendal. A certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs. Dorothy Mercer, Secretary, of the. said Park Committee.~CarrErl. The following By-Law was given Third reading and finally passed: By-LRw No. 11.20 Of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Being a By-Law with respect to water works rates under Section 41 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act, R.S.O. 1960, c. 281. . WHEREA~ the Corporation of the Township of Clarke has entered into or proposes to enter into an agreement with the Ontario Water Resources Commission to provide for the construction of a water works project as described in a schedule to the By-Law No. 1419, for and on behalf of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. NOw THEREFORE the Council of the'Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACT~ AS FOLLOWS: . 1. There is hereby imposed pursuant t6 Section 41 of The Ontario Water R sources Commission Act upon the owners or occupants ofeland who derive or will'or may derive benefit from the said project a water works rate sufficient to pay for 56% of the capital cost thereof. 2. The lands in respect of which such owners or occupants are deemed to derive benefit from this project are all. 'lands within the Police Village of Orono. 3. The water works rate shall be imposed for a period of 30 years commertcing in 1964 and shall be computed as a foot frontage rate'of 42 cents per foot on'the lands designated in paragraph 2 which front on or abut on the streets or parts of streeLs described in Schedule "Aft to this By-Law, or connect to the water mains constructed thereon, provided that where any parcel of land is separately assessed and has a frontage in excess of 66 feet, the foot frontage rate shall be charged only on a maximum of 66 feet for so long as such parcel of land continues to be separately assessed as one parcel. 4. (A) ~v.here a lot is for any reason wholly or in part unfit for building purposes a reduction shall also be made in the said frontage rate which otherwise would be chargeable thereon, sufficient to adjust its said frontage rate as compared with that of the lots fit for building purposes on a fair a~d equitable basis. (B) No flank age or double frontage rate ~hall be charged in respect of any lot. 6J c:: ('UP n T TT F. Uil U TO RY-LA'itJ NO_ 1 1.20 ~ THF. _ OF THE TOItlNSHIP OF CLARKE Wli Somerville Drive r.ORPOR AJ' TON .QJ:i 1.1ain Street I.Q. 130' North of Centre Street · Page 3, Special Meeting of, Council Ap~il 19, 1967, continued: Main Street 200' South of Park Street 1270' South of Millson H~ll Drive Main Stree,t :rv:ain Street 1"1ill Street Unnamed Street 350'North , of Nillson Hill Driye Millson Hill Drive Churchill Avenue Dickson Street Centre Street Park Street Princess Street Victoria Street Cobbledick Street Duchess Street Somerville Drive Church Str.eet Church St;reet Mill Street Mill Street Church Street Mill Street Main. Street Main Street Station Street Main Street Main Street Nain Street Pumping Station Somerville Drive 320' South of Park Street Main Street Station Street Station Street Unnamed Street. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. F~~--" .#__/ . Clerk. Centre Street North Village Boundary North Village Boundary . East Village Boundary Main Street 370' Easterly, Church Street 1000' Easterly 760' Easterly . 270 t Easterly Church Street 750' East of Church Street Church Street 1080' East of Main Street 250'North of Station Street . ,90' North of Churchill Ave. 1090' East of ~~in Street $OO'East and North of Station Street Rel~ Il ~ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOmJSHIP OF CLARKE . April 24, 1967, at 12 noon. Council Chamber, Orono~ Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor W. 'R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Roy A. Foster to consider the following business: . The following correspondence was read out by the Reeve: 1. Ontario Municipal Board letter dated April 17, 1967, re By-Law No. 1534 as business brought forward from April 1$, 1967.-Referred to resolution. 2. Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 67-19, dated April 22, 1967.-Referred to resolution. 3. Clarke Planning Board re Planning Board Budget for 1967~-Referred to budget by-law. 4. Canadian National Exhibition re Centennial year afternoon teas in honour of the women who contribute so much to the welfare of their communities.-Referred to the Clerk. The following resolution was passed: Reso]utjo~ No. qG:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by Orme Falls: This Council hereby approve and endorse Resolution No. 67-19 dgt~d April 22, 1967, passed by the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. \ A certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the said Trustees.-Carried. The following By-law was given first, second and third reading and finally passed: By-LRw No. 1ShS The Corporation of the Township 'of Clarke. Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to 'strike the rates of taxation for the yea,r 1967. W"'rlEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke has in accordance with The Municipal Act considered the estimates of the municlpality and of the Boards and Commissions of the municipality and it is necessary that the following estimates be raised by means of taxation for the year 1967: e'