HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/1967 REGULAR ~ETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE April 4, 1967, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey Councillor O. H. Falls CouncillorW. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray ~lerk H. E. Millson Municipal Auditor Graeme Goebelle, C.A. Minutes of meetings held March 7th, 16th-and 29th, 1967, were approved as read on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by F. A.. Gray. Carried. Mr. Leslie Reid appeared before Council to discuss the proposed building of a structure on the north side of Centre Street in the Police Village of Orono. The building he said would be used for shop work and garage purposes. Also he stated bhe shop would be used for occasiona~ shoeing of horses, home repairs and storage of his jeep. Mr. Reid stated that he had discussed the proposed building with our Building Inspector who had suggested this contact with Council. After further discussion on ,the subject matter Council decided to Feview this matter with the Building Inspector after wHch an answer was to be given to Mr. Reid as soon as possible. Mr. GraemeGoebelle, C.A., municipal auditor, presented the audit of this municipality for the year ending December 31, -1966. This presentation was concluded by resolution. In order to assist in an informal discussion of- the audit and the recommendations of the auditors, it was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth that Council adjourn to committee. Carried. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by O. H. Falls that committee rise. Carried. On motion byW. R. Carvethi seconded by F. A. Gray Council recessed at 12 noon for lunch and resumed session at 1:30 p.m. Carried. Mr. M. L. Ross appeared at Council meeting from 2:45 to 3:30 p.m..to discuss certain matters pertaining to the roads with Council. Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector, discussed certain applications for buading permits with Council, one of which was referred to resolution. Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of the Police Village of Orono, presented the Police Village Budgets together with the Fire Protection Budget for the year 1967. The following correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve Roy A. Foster: 1. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File 26711.2526-Proposed closing of crossing of C.N.R. and Township Road in Township of Clarke, Ontario, mileage ~79.58 Kingston Subdivision.-Tabled. ~. Copy of 'a. letter from Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada to Mr. W. W. Lord, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Hope, Campbellford, Ontario, re File Nos. 26711.2523'and 26727.1353 re Proposed installation of automatic protection at the crossing of Twp. Road between the Twp. of Hope and the Twp. of Clarke,. Ont., at miles 278.54. CNR Kingston Subd., and 149.83 Belleville Subd., CPR.- Tabled. 3. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 3701.129 re Proposed improvements to the crossing of the CPR and Twp. Road in the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario, mileage 155.66 Belleville Subdivision.-Tabled. 4. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 9437.854 re Crossing of the CNR and Twp. Road in the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario at mile 287.G6 Kingston Subd.-Tabled. 5. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 3701.132 re Proposed closing of crossing of CPR and Township Road in Township of Clarke, Ont., mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Tabled. 6. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File Nos. 26711.2528 & 3701.131 re Proposed closing of the crossing of the Twp. Road at mile 281.13, Kingston Subd. (CN) and mile 152.45, Belleville Subd. (CP)-Tabled. '" . e. \ Page ~ Regular Meeting of Council April 4, 1967, continued: 7. Copy of letter from Canadian Pacific to Board of Transport Commissioners, re File No. ~67~7.1189 Proposed installation of automatic protection at the crossing of the Township Road between Lots 8 & 9 of the C~R at mile 151.'9~ Belleville Subd. in. the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario. -Tabled. 8. Copy of lebter from Canadian Pacific to Board of Transport Commissioners re File No. 3701.l3G re Proposed closing of crossing of C.P.R. & Twp. Road in Twp. of Clarke, Ont., mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Tabled. 9. Copy of letter from Canadian Pacific to Board of Transport Commissioners re File Nos. 3701.131 and G6711.~5~8- re Proposed closing of the crossing of the Twp. Road at Mile Gel.13, Kingston Subd. (CN) and mile 15~.45, Belle- ville Subd. (CP)-Tabled. 10. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. ~67~7.1016 re Proposed improvements to and the installation of automatic protection at the crossing of the' C.P.R. and East Towns'Line Road between Con. 1 and ~, Twp. of Clarke and Lot 1, Con. 1 and~, Twp. of Darlington, at mileage 160.65 Belleville Subdivision.-Tabled. 11. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council re Blueprint for Progress.-Referred to Clerk. . l~. Mr. W. J. Snell, Cemetery Supervisor, Environmental Health Branch re Municipal Cemeteries, Township of Clarke, County of Durham~-Filed. :13. The Ontario Municipal Board re construbtion of school at estimated expenditure of $~80,000.-Filed. , 14. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for February 1967.-Filed. ' 15. Speeeh from'the Throne delivered by John P. Robarts.-Filed. 16. Statement by the.H0nour,able A. A. Wish~rt,'~.C., Minister .of Justice and Attorney General regarding Prudential Fipance Corporation Limited.-Filed. ' 17. Report by Clerk of telephone call from Mr. Smith or Ontario Department of Highways at Downsview re proposed project to replace the hol..e~in-the-:wall on the boundary of Newcastle and Clarke. The Clerkiwas instructed to request the Road Superintendent to attend a meeting called"by' the-Department to be held in the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday, April 6, 1967, at 1 p.m. 18., Department of Municipal Affairsre Clarke Planning Board as business brought forward from March 16, 1967.-Ta~ed. 19. Cantrack Motor Racing Corp. Ltd.-Mosport Park re building of additional access roads;-Filed~' " :~O. Report by the Clerk as business arisi~ from Council meeting of March 7, 1967 wherein Mr. E. R. Woodyard met with Council to discuss the authority, if any, to enforce cleaning of ice and snow from sidewalks where such sidewalks have not been cleaned'within a reasonable time after a snow storm. The Clerk reported that no By-law had been passed by this municipality to provide for such authority. The Clerk was requested to convey this idD~tion to Mr. Woodyard. ' ' , ~l. Department of Agriculture & Food re appointment of a Weed Inspector for 1967 as business brought forward from March 16, 1967.-Tabled. . GG. Mr. R. J. Callighan, District Municipal Engineer re Township of' Clarke.-Filed.. ~3. Minister of' Health, M. B. Dymond, MP.re standards under Ambulance Services act.-Filed. G4. Mr. S. Mather, Ch~irman,request for pe~misSion to use the Town Hall at no charge for the purpose of auditions for a talent show to be held as part of the Centennial Programme, proceeds to be given to help paY,off the Artificial Ice Debt. -Referred 'to 'Clerk. . G5. Mrs. AliceChater, Secretary, Cemetery Board of the Township of Clarke re ~udget for 1967.-Ref.~red to Clerk. ~6. The Retail Sales uax Branch're exemptidn from Ontario Retail Sales Tax on calcium chloride and similar products.-Filed. ~7. Department of Transport re By-law Number 1540.-Filed. G8. Copy letter. from Department of' Highways, Oritario to Mr. J. Polivka, President, Cantrack, re building of addition~l access roads to Mosport.-Filed. I Page 3 Regular Meeting of' Cbuncil'April 4, 1967, continued: ~9. Ontario Depa.r'tment pf Highways, DownsYiew, re balance of road expenditure subsidy payable to this municipality for. the year 1966.-Filed. . 30. . Township School Are~ of Clarke ~equisition for the. year 1967.-Referred to Budget By-law. 31. The Public School Board of the Township School area of Clarke re application to the 9ntario Municipal Board for , " " . approval of the proposed. addition to the Kepdal School.-Referred to Clerk. 3~. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re Mr. Harley Hayes application for a license to operate a salvage yard as. business brought forward from March ~9, 1967..-Tabled. 33. ,Miss Catherine'W. Stewart, Secretary, Clarke Centennial Committee, requesting the Council to undertake to renovate, and beautify the grounds surrounding the Hall in pl~ce of the Symbol.-Referred to Property and Finance Committee. 34. Parkhill & Yanch, Barristers, Solicitors, Nota~i~s, OShawa, re Dwight G. Smith and Clayton K. Smith.-Referred. to'Clerk and Solicitor~ . <. 35. The Lake Ontario R gional Development Council re > Zone 1 & ,;: Conference, Inaustrial forum and annual Business Meeting to be held Wednesday,' May 3rd, 1967 ..-Referred. to th.e Reeve and Clerk. ' . The following resolutions were passed: , Reso]lltion No. ?8:Moved by H. E.Walkey,seconded by Orme Falls: Resolve that the Auditors' Report for. the year 1966 as presented by Pope & Goebeile be and is hereby accepted and the Clerk be and is authorized to incorporate,the Au~itors' rec9mmendations in the 1967 General Budget.-Carried. . Resoluti9n No. 7Q:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by E~rl Walkey: Resolve'that the' following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized for payment by the Signing Officers of this Council: . < Addition to General Voucher #3 for March in the amount of $475.6z. Addition to General Welfare VQucher #3 for March in the amount of $1.31.5~. General Voucher #4 for April 1967 in the amount of $~,757.21. General Welfare Voucher #4 for Apr:;.l 1967 in the ctmount of $1, 200 . 56 . .,,' '.' " Road Vqucher #3 for March 1967 in the amount of $10,652.07. 'Police Village of Orono Voucher #3 for March 1967 in the amount of $78Z.50.-Carried. '. . Reso~u~ion No. 80:Moved by'Frank Gray, seconded by Orme Fa~ls: This Council hereby request the Building Tnspector to issue a,building permit:. to Mr. Harry Rowe to construct a residence on the existing road allowance in part Lot ~9, Concession 4, of the Township of Clarke. This decision shall not constitute a p~ecedent. A certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector of the Township of Clarke~-Carried. Resolution No. 81:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Earl Walkey: Resolve that the Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to advertise for tenders for gravel Loading and' Hauling for maintenance and construction in the year 1967.-Carried. Resolu~ionNo. 82:Moved by Ea~l Walk~y; seconde~by' F~ank Gray: Resolve that the Road Superintendent be and is hereby authorized to advertise for tenders 'for the Crushing of Gravel for maintenance andcondtru~tioriiri the year ~967.-Carried. Resolution No. 8~:Moved bi Earl Walkey, seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that the Road Superintendent be and 'is 'hereb'y authorized to advertise for tenders for priming certain roads in the Township of Clarl(e in the year 1967. -Carried.. ResQ}ution No. 8h:Moved by W.R:Carveth, seconded.by Frank Gray: Resolve that the Tow~ship of Cl~rke change to Daylight Saving Time to be effective on April 2g, 1967.-Carried. Resolution No.8~:Moved 'by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Earl Walkey: The Clerk be and is hereby authorized to prepare a by-law to establish the audit fee at $1,000.00 effective in the 'year 1967.-Carried. ' .. . Pa.ge 4 Repular Meeting of Council April 4, 1967, continued: Resolution No. 86:Movecl by Ea~l Wal~ey,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council.hereby authorize the Treasurer to pay the following salary and wage increases retroactive as of January 1, 1967:- Clerk-Treasurer Assistant to Clerk-Treasurer Stenographer Assessor Road Department-Foreman -Operator Mechanic -Operato,rs -Truck Drivers -'Casual 'Labourers ;"Carried. " ' The following By-law~were given first,' second and third reading and finall~ passed: By-~~w No.lSh1 ' A By-law to authorize the payment of an annual allowance, and an allowance' for expenses, for members of Council. WHEREAS it i'8 necessary' to provide by By-1ciw authority to pay an annual allowance for all members of Council NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act RSO 1960, Chapter 249, the Municipal Co~ncil of the Township of Clarke hereby enacts as follows: 1. In. accordance with the' provisions of Section .212 of The Mun~cipal Act,'the Reeve 'shall b~ paid an annual stipend of $1, 000 .00 . ., l . ' 2. In accordance with the provisions of Section 406 sub- sectibn (1) subsection Jig'" the Deputy Reeve and each Councillor shall be paid an annual stipend of $350.00. 3. These stipends shall be paia annually.' . 4. . Any deductions from these stipends shall be governed by the provisions of subsection 4 of Section 406. " 5. In additioh to the stipends set out above, the following additional annual payments shall be made to the following chairman of standing committees under the provisions of Section 406 subsection (3): a. To the Chairman of b. To the Chairman of $100.00 c. To the Chairman of the Planning Committee $100.00' d. To the Chairman of the Fire'Protection Committee $100.00 6. In paying these sums it' has been assumed that for the purpose of allocating the total amount received for tax purposes between salary and allowances that the members of Council intend to claim one third of the total consideration received as ,an expense allowance in accordance with the provisions of Section 408 of The Municipal Act. By-Law No. lShh . A By-Law to appoint a Clerk~Treasurer for the municipality of' the Corporation'of the Township of Clarke. Whereas Sections 215 and 218 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960,'Chapter 249, authorizes the Council of a municipality to appoint a Clerk-Treasurer, and Whereas this Municipal Council deems it desirabie to appoint one person to hold these'combined offices, Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: 1. That Herman Edward Millson be and is hereby appointed Clerk-Treasurer for the Corporation of the Township of Clarke as of January 1, 1967. . 'That the said Herman Edward Millson shall perform all the duties to be performed by a Clerk-Treasurer under statutory authority, and shall'perform such oth~r duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by Council. That the said Clerk-Treasurer shall perform the duties of Tax Collector. . That the said Herman Edward Millson"shall be paid a sum per annum, 'payable, monthly, expressed by resolution of the said Council. ' 5. That By-Law No. 1507 be and is hereby 'repealed. . Resolution No~ 87:Moved by W.R.Carveth,seconded by Frank Gray: This Council.hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, May 2, 1967"at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in speCia~~.~:/e ca~~e::.the Reeve',~~e~ . Reeve. $1,500.00 per annum 900.00 per annum .25~ per hour 500.00 per annum .15~per hour . .10r per hour .15~per hour .10~per hour .10~per hour the Road and Bridge Committee $150.00 the Proper~y and, Finance Committee 2; 3. 4.