HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/29/1967 (Special Meeting) Page 3 Special M,eeting af' Cauncil March 16,1967, cantinued: Resolution No. ?~:Maved by Earl Walkey, secanded by Frank Gray: Resolve that the Clerk and Solicitar dra~t 'a by-law to' pravide ~or regulating the running at large o~ dags in the Tawnship a~ Clarke sa as to pravide~ar the appointment af' ' a dag catcher to' en~arce the pravisians o~ such a by-law within the limits o~ this municipality. ' Further, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to' advertise ~or a dog catcner in the Canadian Statesman and Orano Weekly Times. Also, the Clerk and'Balicitor are hereby requested to' dra~t an agreement to' stipulate the duties' and responsibilities a~ a dag catcher f'ar negatiatian between a dag catcher and this Council.-Carried. The ~ollawing By-law was given ~irst, second and third' reading and finally passed: By-r.il1( No. ]C)L.O .. The carporatian of the Township of' Clarke restricting the weights of vehicles passing aver bridges. WHEREAS subsectian 8 of Sectian 52' of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960) pravides that:- The municipal carparation or other autharity having jurisdictian over a bridge may by by-law appraved by' the Departkent, makeregulatians limiting the grass weight af' any vehicle ar combinatian af vehicles ar any ciass the~eof passing aver such a bridge. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the ~ght o~ vehicles passing aver certain bridges in the Tawnship a~ Clarke; Now therefore' the Council of the Corporation a~ the ,Tawnship af Clarke enacts' as f'ollows:- 1. NO' vehicle ar cambinatian of vehicles or any class therea~, whether empty or laaded" shall be operated aver'any bridge designated in Schedule Na.' 1, attached to and farming part af this by-law',~ with a weight in eXcess of the weight limit prescribed in the schedule far such bridge. ' . 2. Any persan viaating any of the pravisians af this by-law ,shall be subject to' tne penalty provided in Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act. ' , 3. This by-law shall nat became effective until approv~d by the Department af Transport and until a not:i,.ce of the weight perm:i.tted,legibly printed, has been pasted up in a conspicuou..s pla-ce at either end of each br'idge, designated in the attached schedule. $che~ule No.1 attached to and forming'a part. o~ By-law No. 1540. . . NamA of Bridie 1. Stewart , Loca ti op between Lots 6 and 7 in the III Concessian Prescrib~p Wei~ht Limit 2 tons Meeting adjourned at 1:00 am. ~:"""_/ C,lerk. '. /1rf o. 7~ Reeve. " " SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THF; TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE March 29" 1967, at 7:30 p.m. Council.Ch~ber, OranO. ; Pres~nt: Reeve R. A. Faster Deputy Reeve.H. E. Walkey .... . Councillar O. H. Falls Councillar W. R. Carveth Cauncillar F. A. Gray Clerk H. E.-Millsan Specaal meeting af Cauncil was called by 'Reeve Ray A. Faster to' cansider the, ~allawing b~siness: In rep~y to' an advertisement placed in the Orona Weekly Times, on Mar,ch,Z3, 1967, far the propasedsale af certain items in the Tawnship Hall bids were received fram the fallowing persans: 1., Orano Athletic Association ~. Mr. S. J. Nartan This matter was ref'erred to' resalutian. Page ~ Special ;Meeting of ,Council:March ~9, 1967, continued: ., .,a ., The following correspondence was read out by Reeve Foster: 1. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re appointment of the Trustees to the Township of Clarke Fire Protection Committee f'or the year 1967.-Referred to Resolution. ~. OntariQ Department of Highways re 1967 Road Estimates By-Law.-Referred to By-Law. 3. Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville re Area Ambulance Agreement.-Referred to By-law. 4. Ontario Hydro Bowmanville re Hydro 'Arrears for Entry on Tax Roll.-Filed. 5. The Corporation of the United ~ounties of Northumberland and Durham re General County. Rate for the year 1967.'-Piled. 6. Orono Community Hall Committee re Appointment of' members for 1967.-Ref'erred to Resolution. 7. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re Mr. Harley Hayes application for a license to operate a sal.vage, yard. -Tabled. . ( . The. followin~ resolutions weTe passed: Resolut10n No. ?h:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by H. E. Walkey: Resolve that Messrs. F. A. Nicholson, E. R. Woodyard, D. M. Simpson, W., R. Carveth and. F. A. Gray be and are hereby ~ppointed members of the Township of Clarke Fire Protection Committee for the year 1967 or until their predecessors shall have been so appointed by an order- in-Council. A certified copy of this resolution be ref'erred to Mr. R. C. Miller, Secretary, Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. Resolution No. 13 dated January 3, 1967. is herebY 'rescinded.-Carried. Resolut1on No. ?S:Moved by H.E. Walkey,seconded by Orme Falls: In accordance with By-law No. 134~ this Council hereby resolve that,Messrs. F. A. Gray and W. R. Carveth be and are hereby appointed to the Board of Management of the Orono Communi~y Hall for the year 1967 together with the following Oddfellows for the years 1967 and 196$: W. G. Watson,.R. G. Chater, L. Pears , 4nd the following Heathe~ Rebekahs for the year 1967: Hattie Wilson and Gladys Gamsby It is ~derstood that three representatives of' the Orono Oddfellows shall be appointed in the odd years and two representatives of the Orono Rebekahs be appointed in the even years to this Board of Management. Resolution No.5 dated January 3, 1967, is hereby rescinded. -Carried. ( RARo]u~ion No. ?6:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded byW.R.Carveth: This Council is in complete agreement with the Township of Hope regarding the ;desirability of constructing an overhead bridge at the Canadian Pacific Railways and Canadian National Railways crossin~.on the Hope-Clarke boundary road and that the Board of Transport Commissioners be notified that a submission will be forwarded in the near f'uture. The f'1rm of Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates L.imited be retained to prepare a submission to the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada requesting consideration for an overhead bridge at the Canadian Pacific Railways and Canadian National Railways crossing on the Hope-Clarke Township boundary road allowance. . Further that the cost of the submission shall not exceed$4QO.OO. It is agreed and understood that the project will be financed equally with the Townsh~p of Hope. ' a certified copy, in duplicate, be forwarded to Totten Sims Hubicki ~nd Associates Limited, Consult1ng Engineers, Whitby, Ontario. also that certified copies be forwarded to the Beard of' Transport Commissioner~ f'or Canada and the Council of the Township of Hope.-Carried. Resolut1on No. ??:Moved by Orme Falls,seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that the bid for the proposed sale of certain 'items in the Township Hall received from Mr. S. J. Norton be and is hereby accepted as per bid.-Carried. Page 3 . Special ~eeting of ~ounc~ March ~9, 1967, continued: The f'ollowing By-Laws were given first, second and third reading and finally passed: By-Law No. l,hl( . A ~y-law to provide for the 1967 expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of' Durham. WHEREaS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the b.r-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation OL the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $118,000.00 ia hereby e stirna ted as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year L967 as follow-.s: . Construction $17,800.00 15,200.00 MRintenance $60,.0.00.00 -. 4,000.00 nil Tot;:!] $77,800.00 19,200.00 ,ROaDS BRIDGES & CULVERTS NEW.MACHINERY SUPERINTENDENCE & , . OVERHEAD' 7,000.00 ' ] h. 000 _ 00 21 ,000 _ 00 TOTALS ~hO,OOO.OO !?8,000.00 il18.000.00 . The' said monies shall be expended under the of the duly appointed township road superintendent performed in accordance with The Highway Improve- (2) supervi-sion and on work ment Act. (3 ) this by-law to the district office of the Department'of Highways, Ontario.) not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipa~ Board ;shall be obtained before any expenditure is' authorized or work commenced which will be. financed by the issue of debentures or monies. raised in a subsequent year. By-Law No. 1,h2 .. ''J:he Corporation of the Township of Clarke. Being a By-law to authorize an agreement between the Town of B~anville, the Township ef Darlington, 'the Township of Clarke, and the Village-of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Cla~ke is desirous of providing ambulance service for the residents of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the Town of Bowmanville has entered into agreement with Donald W. Harvey for the provision of ambulance services, and has expressed willingness to extend those services to the Township of Darlington, the Township'of Clarke, and the.Village of Newcastle; ; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke hereby enacts: 1. The Township of Clarke shall enter into agreement in the form annexed hereto as Schedule llA", which is declared to be and form part of this By-law, with the Town of Bowmanville, the Township of Darlington and the Village of Newcastle, for the provision of an ambulance service for the Township of Clarke. 2. Such agreement shall be effective from the first day of .January1967 and shall continue for two years until the 31st day of December 1968, subject to any right of termination as therein set out. 3. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement on behalf of the Township and to impress the Corporate se~l thereon. AGREEMENT Mad€ in quadruplicate this 28th day of February, 1967 BETWEEN The Corporation of the Town of B~anville, in the County of Durham, hereinafter called "The Townll. OF THE FIRST PART The Corporation of the, Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, hereinafter called IIDarlington Townshipll. OF THE SECOND PART The, Corporation of the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, hereinafter called "Clarke Townshipll. OF THE THIRD PART The clerk shall transmit, Triplicate' copies of . . - AND - - AND - #, Page 4 Special Meeting o~ Council March 29, 1967, continued: " - AND - The Corp~ratio~ of the Village o~ Newcastle, in the County o~ Durham, hereina~ter called liThe Villagell. OF THE FOURTH PART WHEREAS the parties hereto desire to set down .the termso~ an agreement between them f'or the provision o~ Ambulance Service for the purposeo~ conveying persons su~~ering ~rom disease or accident to a hospital or other place and in particular as such ser~ice may be for the bene~it of the people of the Town o~ Bowmanville, Township o~ Darlington, Township of Clarke and the Village of ~ewcastle.' , . THERE~ORE in ~onsideration o~ the mutual terms, covenants and agreements herein made and con~ained, the parties hereto agree ,as ~ollows: I} That the Town shall enter into an agreement with DonaldW. Harvey, Ambqlanee Operator, to provide ambulance service fo~ all the people o~ the Town o~ Bowmanville, the Township o~ Darlington, the Township o~ Clarke, and the Village of Newcastle under such terms and condi~ions as set out therein. 2} The terms of this agreement shall commence on the First. day o~ January, 1967 and continue ~ortwo years until the Thirty-f'irst day o~December, 1968 and subject to the right by either o~ the parties to terminate the agreement at the end o~ any calendar mQnth upon sixty days wri~ten notice and subjec~,a~so to this agree~ent being terminated without notice upon termination o~ the agreement between the Town o~ Bowmanville and Do~ld W. , Harve y . 3} The Town shall pay the Ambulance Operator on the basis of' $10;800 per yea~ by monthly insta~ents o~ $900.00 at the end o~ each month until the termination o~ the agreement. The Corporation of the ToWn o~ Baw.manville, the Township',ot Darlington~ the Townsh~p o~ Clarke and the Village o~ Newcastle shall share in the annual cost o~ ambulance service paid by the Town o~ the basi~ ~f th~ assessment o~ each municipality bears to the total assess- ment o~ the ~our municipalities as equalized'by"the : Counties Assessment Commissioner ~or each o~ the years 1967 and 1968~ Th~ applicable share o~'the ~ub~idy,assessed to each o~ the municipalities o~ Darlington, Clarke and Newcastle ~or each year shall b~ paid in two instalments, the first on or be~ore the 30th day. o~ June and the second , t "" on or be~ore the 31st day o~ December for the term o~ the t agreement, to the Town. '4} The Town, Darlington Township, Clarke Township and the Village shall be responsible ~o~ payment f'or ambulance service ~or per~ons registered on the respective rolls o~ their wel~a~e.departments irregardless o~ where w~th~n the boundaries o~ the ~our municipalities, such person or , t persons shall require ~bulanc~ service. . S} The Town agrees at the end o~ each year, ~or t~e t~rm o~ the agree~ent, to apply to ,the O~tario.Department o~ Health f'or,whatev~r grants are .availabl~ to assist municipalities with payments f'or ambulance service al?-d , agree also to reimburse the Township of Darlington, the Township o~ Clarke, and the Villa~e o~ ~ewcastle il?- the" same propQrtion th~t th~~r share of' the cos~ bears tQ.the total cost o~ providing a,mbulance, service. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereun~o set their, hand and seals. Council,adjourn~d at'12:1S p.m. ..,,"'........-/ Cle~k. t ~Il'~ Reev . .