HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/16/1967 (Special Meeting)
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk ,R. E . Millson ,
Special ~eeti~g of Co~ncil was called by Reeve Roy A. Foster
to consider and ,deal with the following business: ,
The Clerk wa$ instructed to advert~se certain items for sale
in, the Township Hall in the 'Orono Weekly T~es subject to the
approval of' the Property and Finance ,Committee of Council. .
The f'ollowing correspondence and reports were read out by,
Reeve Foster: .I
1.- Department of Highways re Supplementary By-Law 1535+
proposed work in the Police Village Qf Orono.-Filed.
2. : Lake Ontario Reg~onal Development Council re membership
f'or the year 19Q?"!'68.-Filed. ,
3. Department of Municipal Affairs re Clarke Planning
4. The Great Pine Ridge Tour1st,Council Reporter, Vol. V.,-
No.1, Feb. 1967.-Filed. ,
5. Corporation of the Township of' Ancaster re resolution
of' the Township of Ancaster requesting the Federal Govern-
ment, through tne PriIDe Minister, to proclaim the Monday
nearest February 15th as a natural statutory holiday to be
called nFlag Day".-Filed.
6. M..F. Hendrick, Secretary-Treasurer, Tl1-e Board of Trustees
of the combined Roman Catholic Separa~e SchOOls, Port Hope, .
re setting the mill rate for the separate school,taxpayers.-Filed.
7. F. K. Malane, Secretary-Treasurer, C.R.C.~.S., Bowmanville,
re the Separate School Rate.-Filed.
8. Tlie Bell Telephone Company of Canada re The Bell Telephone
annual report for 1966.-Filed.
9. Ganaraska Region Conservation 'Authority re schedule of
levies for 1967.-Filed.
10. Treasury Department of Ontario re By-Law #1536.-Filed.
11. Wyllie & Ufnal Limited, Consulting Engineers re Township
Road Programming Study.-Filed.
12. B. Bogdanovic re the bad condition of the road allow-
13. The Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities ore
membership for the year 1967.-Filed. '
14." Ganar~$ka Region Conservation Authority ,re the Drainage
Act. -Referred to Clerk. ".
15. Mrs. Ellen M. Yeo, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of
Adjustment for the Township of Clarke re 1967 Budget. -Referre.d
to Finance Committee.
16. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests re the Woodlands
Improvement Act.-Filed. .
17. Lake Onta~ioRegional Development Council re 1967 Budge~.-Filed.
18. Commit~ee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke~inutes
of meeting of' December 21, 1966.-Filed.
19. Ontario Water Resources Commissi.on re 1967 Water System
Operating Expense Budget.-Filed.
ZOo Department of' the Attor"ney General, Office of' the Fire
Marshal, re a Fire PreVention By-law.~Referred to Finance Co~ittee.
21. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of.
meeting of' January 31, 1967.-Filed.
22. Department of' Agriculture & Food re appointment of a
Weed Inspector for 1967.-Tabled.
~3. Township of Sandwich, West request to'endorsea
that the pre's'ent' Retail Sales Tax Act be amended't'o
municipalities from the payment of ,retail sales tax
machinery and equipment purchased by municipalities
the Province of Ontario.-Filed.
24. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report f'or January
March 16, 1967, at '(:30 p.m.
Council Chamber, ,Orono.
Page 2
Special Meeting o~ Council'March 16, 1967, continued:
25. Chipman Chemicals Limited re Warble Ply Spraying-
1967.-Piled. _
26. Ontario Department of' Public Wel~are' re Amendments to
The ChildWel~are Act 1965.-Re~erred to Clerk. '
27. Report f'rom the Clerk re proposed draf't agreement
between the Council and the Orono Public Library as business
brought ~orward ~rom January 3, 1967.-Tabled. '
28. Ontario Committee ~or Education Week as business
brought ~orward ~rom January 3, 1967. -Piled'. ,
29. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Clarke Township-Sunday Sport
Mosport Race-Track as business brought f'orward f'rom January
3, 1967.-Piled. _
30. Pope & Goebelle, re Orono Municipal ,Water System and
Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 19p5, as business brought
~Grward ~rom January 3, 1967.-Tabled. ,
'31. Mr. Everett Stapleton request to purchase the north
east corner o~ Lot 31, Concession 6 as business brought
~orward from January 3, 1967.-Piled.
32. Township o~ Etobicoke re their Resolution Number 217
relating to Of'ficial Plans as business brought forward f'rom
January 3, 1967.-Piled.
33. Ontario School Trustees' and Municipal Council~ors'
Association, Inc. re.the need ~or better communication and
planning at the local level between Boards and Councils
discussed by the Minister or Education at the Seminar in
October as business brought f'orward ,~rom December 15, 1966.-
34. Mr. J. C. McCallum, Counties' Assessor, re inquiry
regarding an area sub-o~~ice.-Tabled.
35. Mr. Arthur Low re appointment to the Clarke Planning
36. Ontario School Trustees"and Municipal Coundillor~'
'. - ....1 l. .
Assoc:j,.ation, Inc. re.CEntennial Convention, 27th-29th March,
37. _Lovekin and Stubington, Barristers and Solicitors, re
A. Frame Cottage, Lot 29, Concession 2, Clarke, Alwood
C,onst., A~ B. Moore as business brQught ~orward f'rom February
7, 1967.::-Tabled.
36. Lovekin and Stubington re A Frame building, Lot ~9,
Concession 2, Clar~e, Owner 4\lla:g.B. Moore.-Tabled.
39. Lovekin and Stubi:g.gton re Presbyterian ~hurcqand
Newtonville Cemetery as business brought ~orward f'rom
Jan~ary 3" 1967.-Tabled. .
40. ,Durham. Central Agricultural Society re O~f'icers and
Directors of the Fair Board, 1967.-Filed.
41. Ontario Good Roads Associationre the 1967 School ~or
Road Superintendents as business brought ~orward f'rom
March 7, 1967.-Re~erredto Road Account.
42. Mr. R. J. Callighan, Di~~rict:Municipal Engineer,
Department o~ Highways, re.Subsidy to Municipalities on
Group Insurance Premiums.-Ref'erred to redrafting o~ the
Employees Benef'its By-law.
43. Mrs. Mabel Lew~s Spratt request to purchase the unopene~
road allowance adjacent to her property in part o~ Lot 23,
Concession 2, as business brought f'orward f'rom January 3,
1967.-Re~erred to Councillor Gray and the Clerk f'or invest-
igation and reply to: Mrs. Spratt.
. The f'ollowing resolutions were passed:
Resolution Npa 71:Moved by Orme Palls, seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the f'ollowing Pay Vouchers be and are
authorized ~or payment by the Signing Of~icers o~ this-Council:
Addition to General Voucher,1I3'~or March in the amount
o~ $4689.36.
Addition to General Wel~are Voucher 113 f'or March in the
amount o~ $115.20.-Carried.
Resolution,Noa 72:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Earl Walkey:
Resolve that ,the Clerk and Solicitor dra~t a by-l~w to
establish certain bene~its ~or employees of the Township o~
Clarke to provide ~or sick leave credit gratuities, s:atutory
holidays, annual vacation and medical insurance.-Carr~ed.
Page 3
Special M~eting of Council March 16, 1967, continued:
Resolution No. ?~:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Frank Gray:
Resolve that the Clerk and Solicitor draft 'a by-law to'
provide for regulating the running at large of dogs in th~
Township of Clarke so as to provide for the appointment of '
a dog catcher to' enforce the provis~ons of such a by-law within
the limits of this municipality.
Further, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to
advertise for a dog catcner in the Canadian Statesman and
Orono Weekly Times.
Also, the CleTk and' Solicitor are hereby requested to .
draft an agreement to stipulate the duties" and responsibilities .';
of a dog catcher f'or negotiation between a dog catcher and
this Council.-Carried.
The following By-law was given first, second and third'
reading and finally passed:
By-Law No. lCjL.O
.. The corporation of the Township of Clarke restricting
the weights of vehicles passing over bridges.
WHEREAS subsection $ of Sect~on 52' of the Highway
Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960) provides that:-
The municipal corporation or other authority having
jurisd~ction over a bridge may by, by-law approved by'the
Department, make regulations limiting the gross weight
of any vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class
thereof' passing over such a bridge.
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the ~ght
of vehicleS passing over certain bridges in the Township of
Now therefore' the Council of the Corporation of the
,Township of Clarke enacts' as follows:-
1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class
thereo~, whether empty or loaded" shall be operated over'any
bridge' designated in Schedule No.' 1, attached to and forming
pat't of this by-law',_ with a weight in eXcess of the weight
limit prescribed in the schedule for such bridge. .
2. Any person v:blating any of the provisions of' this by-:law
shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 52 of the
Highway Traffic Act. ' ,
3. This by-law shall not become effective until approv~d
by the Department of Transport and until a no.tice of the '
weight perm!i.tted,legibly printed, has been posted. up in
a conspicuous pla-ce at either end of each br'idge, designated
in the attached schedule. '
$chedule No.1 attached to and forming' a part. of' By-law No~
1540.' ,
Name of ~~id~e 'Locatiop P~esc~jged Wei~ht Limit
1. Stewart between Lots 6 and 7 2 tons
in the III Concession
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 am.
, Ilq c;. 7~
Reeve. .
March 29" 1967, at 7:30 p.m.
Council;Ch~ber, Orono.
: Pres~nt: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy Reeve ,H. E. Walkey
Councillor O. H. Falls .' '
Councillor W. R. Carveth
CounCillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E.-Millson
Spec~al meeting of Council was called by 'Reeve Roy A.
Foster to consider the following b~siness:
, In rePtY to an advertisement placed in the' Orono Weekly
Times. on Mar.cll.23, 1967, for the proposed .sale of certa'in items
in the Township Hall bids were received f'rom the following persons:
1., Orono Athletic Association
2. Mr. S. J. Norton
This matter was ref'erred to resolution.