HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1967 Page 4 Special Meeting of' Council 22 February 1967, continued: 5. where a me~ber ceases to be a member of the planning board before the expiration of', his term, the Council shall appoint . aIiother' eligible person for the unexpired portion of: the term. 6. The Head of the Council who is ex off'icio a member of the planning board, with the approval. of the Council, may appoint a substitute, who is a member of the Council, to' act for h~ from time to t~e. 7. That By-Law No. 1424 be and is 'hereby repealed. This by-law shall come into force aqd effect upon the . date of the f'inal reading thereof' subject to' any necessary , ' statutory approval. 'Meeting adjourned'at 11:45 p.m. =-..~ '~~A" / Clerk. Il~ fI. ~I R~eve . ' .:;...Lo REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLaRKE March 7, 1967, at 10 a.m. C~uncil Gh~b~r, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A~ Fpster Deputy ReeveH. E. Walkey Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor W~ R. Carvet~ Councillor f. A" Gray Clerk H. E.Millson : The minutes of meetings of Council of February 7,and 22, 1967 were adopte,d as read on motion by F. A. Gray, seconded by O. H. Falls. Carried. On motion duly seconded and unan~ously carried, the Council heard Mr. R. G. Moffat, Secretary Treasurer of the Durham County Co-operative Medical Services, as business arising from the minutes of' meeting 9n Feb~uary 2~, last. Mr. Moff'at explained Medical Insurance Coverages that would be applicable to a group plan f'or the employees of the Township of Clarke. A letter together with a brochure in this regard was presented to Council. Finally the members of Council discussed the details of a group plan f'o~ municipal employees with Mr. Moffat. This matter was further dealt with by resolution. Messrs. Robert Robinson, Ronald Mercer, Elmer Fowler and Orlie 'Trew appeared bef'ore Council to request permission to establish a stock car race track to be located in Lot 1, Concession 8. The area required for the track was considered at about 12 acres while ,the intended location was south of the creek and approx~ately 12 rods westerly ~f the boundary road allowance: Further, it was intended, they said, to f'orm ~ club which would rept the race track f'acilities for racing events. . In planning the construction of the track in the shape of the letterttD", saf'ety measures were to be installed by guard rails and piles~of tires on the sharp corners and the erection of snowf"encing completely around the outside of' the track at a reasonable distance away f'rom the track for safety of persons in attendance. During discussion of the subject matter it was pointed out that race meets could possibly be held on weekends. The delegation suggested that any correspondence Council may wish to have with them could be addressed to Mr. Robert Robinson until such t~e when a club is organized and a secretary and other officers duly appointed. Council agreed to consider their request and give-them a reply as soon as possible. This business was referred to the Reeve and Clerk f'orinvestigation and reply to the delegation. ~t.was ~ved by O. H. Falls, seconded by F. A. Gray that Council recess f'or lunch at 12:10 p.m. and resume session at 2 p.m. Carried. . Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent appeared beforeCoune.il between 2-5P.M. to discuss certain Road Department matters. . -. Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 7 March 1967, continued: ~A .. Mr. R. G. Chater, representative f'or Clarke on the Central Lake' Ontario Conservation Authority, appeared' at Council meeting in order to discuss the purchase of the 'proposed Heber Down Conservation Area.' It was noted that correspondence on this subject had been received from the' Authority. 'This business was referred to resolution. ' Mr. E. R.'Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of the Police Village of Orono, met with Council to discuss the authority, if any, to enforce the cleaning of ice and snow from ' sidewalks where such sidewalks have not been cleaned within a reasonable period'of time after a snow storm.' The Clerk was aaked to search the by-law register to ascertain whether or not such a by-law is now in effect and report to Council. Mr. Woodyard, on behalf' of the Trustees, requested ' Council to consider a revision in the Public Works Financial Agreement between Council and the Trustees.' It was agreed that the Road and Bridge Committee and Trustees be reques~ed 'to investigate this proposal further, at their earlies~ convenience, and report to the next meeting of Council. , Messrs. Lawrence Greenwood and Wm.~uran~ky, r~pres~ enting the'Board of Trustees of the Township School Area of Clarke met with Council at'which'time Mr. Greenwood \' '.' ' explained the Board's 3 year cap~tal ~~ilding program. ~t is now the intention of the Board, he stated! to complete the 3rd stage of tliisprogram in the year 1967, being the proposed construction of a new 9 room school in the Kirby Area. In this regard, Mr. Greenwood asked Council when tentative approval might be expected from the Ontario _Municipal Board in order to allow ~he Board to prepare the . plans and call for tenders on this project. Onrequest by the Reeve the Clerk stated that a letter had been received from the Ontario Municipal Board under date of February 15, 1967 reque~ting'the ~reasurer to submit . information concerning the position of' our munic;ipality to assist the Board when conSidering this application for approval of capital expenditure. Further, the Clerk, ~nformed'the meeting that this'inf'orma~ion had be~n prepared with all possible haste under the circumstances and was presently being checked by the municipal aud~tors for anticipated submission to the Ontario Municipal BoarQ on March 8, 1967. The Clerk was instructed to redraft the Benefits by-law to include the provision ~or,med~cal insurance to, all permanent employees. In accordance with Resolution No.60 an application for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1967 was received from Mr. J. Lyall Lowery and f'urther concluded by Resolution No.61 . The following correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve Roy A. Foster: 1. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 26727.1189, proposed protection at the crossing of the Townsnip road between Lots 8 and 9, Concession ~ ofth~ Canadian Pacific Railway. -Referred to Resolution. , 2. Canadian National Railways re File R4710-01-11, const- ruction of passing tracks and.proposeq closing of Canadian National right-of-way between Lots 34 and 35 and Lot 35~ Clarke and Lot 1, Darlington. ~Referred to Resolu.:tion..., 3. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 94~7.854 re crossing of the CNR and Twp. Road in the Twp. of 'Clarke, Ontario at mile 287.26 Kingston Subdivision.- Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. . 4. Board of Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re File No. 42307 - Proposed improvements to and the installation of' . protection at the crossing of Twp. Road (Glovers Crossing) in Lots 12 and 13, Broken Front Con. in the Twp. of' Clarke, Ont., and the CNR at mile 281.60 Kingston Subd., and the C~R at ~leage 152.90 Belleville Subd. - Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. Page 3 Regular Meeting of Council 7 March 1967, continued: 5. Board of Transport Commissioners for Cana?a re ~ile 26711.2526 - Proposed closing of crossing of C.N.R. and Township Road in. Township of Clarke, Ontario, mileage 279.58 Kingston Subdivision.-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. 6. Board of' Transpo~t Commissioners for Canada re File 3701.132- Proposed closing of crossing of C.P.R. and Township Road in Township of Clarke, Ont., mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee.. ' . 7. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 3701.129-Proposed improvements at'the crossing of the CPR and Twp. Road in the Twp. of Clarke, Ont., at mile 155.66 BelleVille Subd.-Ref'erred to Road and Bridge Committee. 8. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File -No. 3701.131 and 26711.2528-Proposed closing of the crossing of the Township Road at mile 281.13, Kingston Subd. (CN) and Mile 152.45, Belleville Subd. (CPR).-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. 9~ Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 9437.S68-Proposed closing of the crossing of Twp.Road (Adams Crossing) between Lot s 20 and 21, Broken Front Con., Twp. of Clarke, Ont.,'and-the CNR at mil~age 283~76 Kingston Subdivision and File No. 3701.130-Proposed closing of the crossing of Twp.Road (Adams Crossing) 'between Lots 20 and 21, Broken Front Con., Twp. of Clarke, Ont., and the CPR at mileage 155.08 Belleville Subdivision.-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. 10. . Copy' letter of Canadian National Railways to Board of' Transport Commissioners re File Nos. 26711.2523 and 26727.1353 Proposed crossing protection, Road Allowance between Township Hope and Township Clarke, mile 278.54 Kingston Subdivision.- Refer to Ro~d and Bridge Committee. 11. Copy letter of Canadian Pacific to Board of' Transport Commissioners re File No. 370l.129 re Proposed improvements to the crossing of the CPR and Twp. Road in the Twp. of Clarke, Ont., at mile 155.66 Belleville Subd.-Referred to Road and Bridge Committee. 12. Joint Fire Prevention Publicity Committee Inc. re National Centennial Children's Fire History Essay Contest.- To be referred to the Board of the Township School Area of Clarke. 13. Department of Agriculture and Food re Warble Fly Control Regional Meetings.-A copy of this letter to be ref'erred to .the Warble Fly Inspector. -" 14. Petition of Mr. Wm. H. Carman and 11 other signed petitioners requmting Council to withhold approval of monies for t~ proposed'building program of the Board of the Township School Area of Clarke .until after an interview with the Minister of 'Education and a Committee appointed by Council has been held to ascertain the ef'fect of his announced integration program with regard to the f'uture accommodation requirements of:both pr~ary and secondary school students within this township as business arising under correspondence of' meeting of Februa~y 7, - 1967.-Filed. 15. The Ontario Municipal Board re Township of Clarke Restricted Area By-law 1517 as business brought forward from February 7, 1967. -1' abled .' 16.. Department of Public Welfare re The Nursing HOmes Act.-Piled. ' 17. Orono Amateur Athletic Association as business broug~t f'orward fro~ meeting of February 7, 1967 when Mr. R. '.Hazelden, President of ~hesaid Association met with Council. After receiving a report f'rom the Clerk this business was referred to the Property and Finance Committee for further negotiation and eventual report to Council. 18. Township of Chinguacousy re objection to a resolution of the Township of' Etobxcoke whereby Etobicoke recommended that the Province amend the P~anning Act to forgo the present legislation for providing an offxcial plan.-Filed. . . w Page 4 Regular M~eting of Council 7 March 1967, continued: 19. Ontario Good Roads Association re th~ 196.7 School for Road Superintendents.-Filed. 20. The Ontario Municipal Boardr~ Validation of By-law 1536.-Filed. . . 21. Clarke Centennial Committee re 1967 Budgeting.~Referred to f'uturemeeting of' Council 'on 1967 bUdgeting. 22. Clarke Centennial Committee re Proposed Centennial Garden.- Referred to the' Clerk and accounts. 23. ,Police Trustees of the Village of' Orono re F~ontage charge to Mrs. Alice E.V.Richards.-Filed. 24. Police Trustees of the Village of Orono re United Countie~ eonf~r.mation to participate in th~ propo,seq Public . Works project of $108,700.00.-Filed. 25. Durham 'County District High School ~oard r~Requisition ; for f'unds for Secondary School purposes for. the. year 1967. -Filed. 26. Po~e Trustees of' the Village of' Orono re appointment of the three Trustees to the Fire Protection Committee.-Filed. 27. Police Trustees of the Village of Orono re recommendation of Mr. L. G. McGee to the Clarke Planning Board.-Filed. 28. Police Trustee~ of' th~Yillage of' Orono re Fire Protection : Resolution No. 45 datep February 7, 1967.-Filed. 29. Durham County Co-operative Medical Services re a plan of Medical Insurance for the employees of' the Township of Clarke.~Ref'erred to Road and Bridge Committee.. 30. Centra~. Lake. Ontario Conservation Authority re Proposed Heber Down Conservat~on Area.-Referred to Resolution. 31. The Ontario Municipal Board re Construction of school in Lot ~5, Conce~sion p, Township of Clarke.-Filed 32. Orono Hydro Elec~ric Commission re Permission to top the tree to clear hydro lines located on south side of' Township Hall.-Referred to the Clerk to grant the necessary permission and removal of this tree~ , , The following resolutions were passed:, Resolution No_ t)q:Moved by W'.R.Carveth, seconded by Orme Falls: Resolve that all permanent employees of' the Township of Clarke receive the benef'its under the Extended Medical Plan of th~ ~rham County Co~operative Medical SerVices as of April I, 1967, and that monthly payroll deductions be made by the Treasurer on the basis of 50% of' the cost to be paid by each permanent employe~ an~the balance of 50% to be paid by the municipality.-Carriedl ; Resolution No. 60:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Counc~l hereby open the app~ication f'or the position of Warble Fly Inspect9r fo~ the year 1967.-Carried. Reso~utionNo. 6J:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Earl Walkey: Resolve that the appliation of Mr. J. Lyall Lowery for the position of Warble Fly Inspector f'or the year 1967 be and is hereby accept~d as per application.-Carried. Resolution No. 62:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Frank Gray: ~e: Warble Fly Campai~n lq6? 1. The I~spector is hereby authorized to advertise all the f'acts of. the 1967 campa~gn. 2. The Inspector is hereby authorized to hire someone to spray all cattle so requested at .20t per head on small herds not over 10 in number and 2 f'or .35t on all herds over 10 in number. , 3. The Inspector is hereby empowered to be responsible .f'or the collections mentioned in Item ~ above. 4. All spraying is to be done under the Direction and supervision of the Warble Fly Inspector.-Carried. ~ ~ Resolution No. 61:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Orme Falls: That the Department of' Highways of' Ontario.be.req~ested to approve the follOWing transfers with the approved total of the 1966 Road Expenditure Supplementary By-Law No. 1516: ~ 1) $8,656.36 from Road Construction to Road Maintenance.-Carried. Page 5 Regular Meeting o~ Council 7 March 1967, continued: Resolution No. 6h:Moved by EarlWalkey, seconded by W.R.Carveth: With re~erence to File No. Z67~7.1189 of' the Board o~ Transport Commissioners ~or Canada and their letter da~ed ' February ZO, 1967, this Council hereby authorize -the Road Superintendent and Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers, to submit an application and est~ate f'or the proposed construction of an overhead bridge at the crossing o~ the T-ownshipRoad between Lots 8 and 9, B;F. Concession, o~ the Canadian Paci~ic Railway at mile 151.9~ Belleville Subdivis~on in ~he Township o~ Clarke. Certif'ied copies o~ this Resolution are to be ~orwarded to Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates L~ited, and ~he Board o~ Transport Commissioners ~or Canada.-Carried. ' Resolution No. 6~:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Treasure~ . to pay. an advance on the 1967 levy to the Clarke Public Library in the amount of' $~OO.OO upon receipt of' a writterr reque&t ~romthe said Library Board signed by th~ Chairman and Treasurer o~ the said Board.-Carried. ~esolution N~. 66:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconde~ by Orme Falls: This Council hereby noti~y the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority that it is the intention o~ this municipality to. raise their apportionment o~ the cost,' including appraisal, survey and legal ~ees, etc., of' the proposed acquisition o~ the He~er Down Conservation Area ~rom current taxation in accordance with the letter received f'rom the said authordty dated February 28, 1967.-Carried. Resolution No. 6?:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Frank Gray: Resolve that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign an agreement made, in duplicate, the 13th day o~ January 1967 between W. B. Bennett Paving and Materials L~ited and The Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke ~or and on behalf' o~The Trustees of'. the Police' Village o~ Orono subject to the legal advice and approval of' Solicitor W. Kay Lycett.-Carried. Resolu~ion No. 68:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by W. R. Carveth: The Council of' the Corporation of' the Townshp of' Clark~ has no objection to the closing of' the ~ollowing road allow- ances within the l~its of' the Kingston Subdivision of' Canadian National Railways: 1. Road Allowance betwee~ Lots 34 and 35 in Concession 1 at mileage 287.77, Kingston Subdivision. 2. Road Allowance. between Lot 35, Con. 1 of' the Township of' Clarke and Lot 1 in the B.F. Concession-of' the Township o~ Darlington at mileage Z88.03, Kingston Subdivision. Item Z is subject to the endorsation and approval of' the Council of' the-Townshipo~ Darlington. Certi~ied copies of this resolution are to-be f'orwarded to the Canadian National Railways and the Township of Darlington.-Carried. Resolution No. 6Q:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by W. R. Carveth: Resolve that the f'ollowing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized f'or payment by the Signing O~~icers of' this Council: Addition to General Vouaher #Z ~or February 1967 in the amount o~ $305.66. Addition to General Welf'are Voucher #Z for February 1967 in the amount of' $120.47. General Voucher #3 ~or March 1967 in the amount of' $3,143,32. , General Welf'are Voucher #3 f'or March 1967 in the amount of' $1,488.Z8. Road Voucher #2 ~or February 1967 in the amount o~ $9,294.49. - Police Village of' Orono Voucher #2 ~or February~1967 in the amount o~ $1,282.72.-Carried. A By-law restricting ~ghts of' vehicles passing over bridges was given ~irst and second reading only and tabled. . .' '. Page 6 Regular Meeting o~ Council 7 March, 1967, continued: ~ The ~ollowing By-laws were given ~irst second and third reading and f'inally passed: ' By-lAw No _1l:)~8 A by-law to appoint Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers in the 'Township o~ Clarke. ' The Municipal Council of' the Corporation of' the Township of' Clarke enacts as f'ollows: The f'ollowing persons be and are hereby appointed Pound Keepers: 1. Ross Brown 2. Nil 4. Warpen Carson 5. Wm. Hale, Sr. 7. Lawrence Harris 8. Nil 10. Sam Powell 11. Les Reid 13. Jack Reid 14. Donald Staples 16. Roy Berry 17. E. R. Bryson 19. Lawrence Hooey 20. Stanley Ball , That the duties of' the abovenamed Of'ficers shall be pe~f'or.med as provided by statutes in that behalf' and the by-. laws of' this munioipality. That the f'ollowing persons be appointed Fence Viewers: . 1. Harold Dean Z. Donald Stapleton -3. Arth ur Thompson That the duties of' the abovenamed Of'f'icers shall be per~ormed as are provided by st4tutes in that behal~ and ,the by~laws of' this municipalitY.,j ,.' That By-law No. 1499 be and is hereby repealed; By- j A)T No _" ll:)~q The Corporation of' the Township o~ Clarke. A B~law to licence trailers except trailers located'in a trailer camp and for prohibiting such trailers being located in the municipality except in'a trailer camp without a licence there~or. . , , WHEREAS Section 379, subsection (I) para 86 of' The Municipal Act, being Chapter 249 o~ the.Revised Stat1tes of' Ontario 1960, 'provides that by-laws may be passed'by'the councils of' local municipalities ~or licencing trailers, as de~ined in paragraph 86 of' Section 379 as a~oresaid, located in the municipality, except in'a trailer camp, for 30 days or longer in any year and f'br prohibiting such trailers being located in the municipality except in a trailer camp, without a licence theref'or; , . AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and desirable to make provision f'or the licencing 'of' such trailers in the Township of Clarke; THEREFORE the Council of' the Corporation of the Township of' Clarke, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Every trailer located~in the 'Township of' Clarke, except in a trailer camp, shall be licenced under this by-law and ' no trailer shall be located within the municipality for a . period exceeding 30 day.s unless a licence has been obtained: 2. Licence fees shall be charged for every month or portion of a month that the trailer is located in 'the municipality and the licence f'ees, except for the f'irst 30 days shall be ' payable in advance. .' 3-. The licence f'ee for each trailer shall be $10.00 per month. .' 4. The licence f'ee f'or eacht~ailer, being considered by Council as a good trailer, which has been located in this municipality f'or at least one year, shall be $100.00 per, annum payable in advance. 5. ' A trailer when located in the municipality only f'or the purpose of' sale or storage shall not be required to be licenced under this by-law. . ' 6. Any person who contravenes any o~ the provisions o~ this by-law shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), exclusive of costs., 7. That By-Law No. 1304 be and is hereby repealed. That every other by-law relating to lieencing trailers except trailers located in a tra~ler camp f'or this Township be and are hereby repealed. . . Reaqlution ~o_ ?O:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April 4, 1967, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of' the Reeve.-Carried. ~)~~.._.J Clerk. .3. Morley Robinson 6. VIm. Curtis 9. Wesley Cathcart 12. Nil 15. Roy Cochrane 18. Harold Ransberry , {f,. !1U Reeve _