HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1967 (Special Meeting) " Page 6 Regular.Meeting of Council 7 February 1967, continued: _ Resolutjon No. SJ :Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Prank Gray: Resolve that the following persons be and are hereby appointed as a Co~ordinatingCommittee with regard to a road needs study in the Township of Clarke: Reeve Roy'A.'Foster Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey' Councillor W. R. Carveth Road Superintendent M. L. Ross District Municipal Engineer, Mr. R. J. Callighan Ontario Department of Highways representative,;Mr. R.D.' Martell.~Carried. ' , Rp.so}utjon'No. S2:Mbved by Frank 'Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth: The Welfare Administrator and Welfare Committee be and . they are hereby empowered and auth~ized to make contingent expenditures in respect to the application of general welfare regulations in the year '1967'but not to exceed $400.00 in ' total for the period of anY month in the said year. ., That'Resolution No. 25 dated January 3, },967 , be and'is hereby rescinded.-Carried. Rp.solut~on No. S1:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray: This Council he~eby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, ' March 7, 1967, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Oro~o or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.-Carri~d. ~ -. d.~ - Clerk. / /J~I ~. 7~ Ree~';( SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE' TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE . February 22, 1967, at 8 p.m. Council Chamber, Oron~. . Present: Reeve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl Walkey Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor W.R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H. E.Millson Special meeting of Council was called by Reeve Roy A. Foster to consider the f'ollowing.b~sdness: As business broughtf'orward 'from Item 11 under correspondence of meeting of' February 7,' tast ,regarding the Bowmanville and Area. Ambulance Service, Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey reported on verbal discussions 'between himself' and Mr. Donald W. Harvey, owner of' the Ambulance Service, Mr. Glenholme Hughes, cnaiMnan of the Area Ambulance Committee, 'and Mr. R. L. Byron, Clerk- 'Controller of the' town of Bowmanville . Mr. Walkey presented a f'orm of draf't agreement of those municipalities now participating in the 'Ambulance Service together w~:th a suggested-aivision of costs ,for the consideration df' Council. Af'ter discussion of' the subject matter this business was ref'erred to resolution. As business brought f'orwardf'rom meeting of' Council held on February 7, 1967, Council received and opened price estimates for the ~ainting of certain floors,' landings and stairs 'in the Township Hall. The f'ollowfng persdns submitted es~imates: 1. Mr. G. E. Simpson, Orono .' " 2. Mr. D. M. S1mpson, Orono This business was ref'erred,to resolution. Further to business arising f'rom Item 15 under correspondence ot meeting of' February 7, last, Deputy Reeve H. E. 'Walke'y, on behalf' of the Road and Bridge Committe~ reported on a recent meeting of the said committee with the Road Department nourly wage earners. This report was referred to the Property and Finance Committee f'or consideration of' all salary and wage schedules f'or the year 1967. As an item arising from this report, the Clerk was instructed to contact the Durham County Medical Co-op for information f'or a Group Plan f'or Surgical and Medical Coverage f'or all employees. ,', ".:".,:~,.,.,., ';':""'- Page 2 Special Meeting of' Council 22 February 1967, continued: Also as business brought f'orward f'rom, Item ZO under corres- pondence of minutes of' meeting of February 7, 1967, it was moved by H. E. Walkey, s~conded byW. R. Carveth that the Property and Finance Committee meet with Mrs.,J. V. Norton and Mrs. D. E. Stark to consider salary and,pay increases in the year 1967 and report back to Council. Car~ie~. The following correspondenc~ a~d petitions were read out by the Reeve: ,," 1. Recommendations of the Clerk requesting salary and pay increases to certain personnel in the ge~eral adm~nistrative of'fices as business brought forward from FebJ;'uar:y 7,1967.-Filed. 2. Messrs. Wm. Werry, Wm. Hanoock, Ron Robinson, John Gordon, Ron Hancock, Bruce Hancoc.k~ Machine operators of the Road Depart~ent request f'or a meeting with the Road and Bridge Committee for purpose of discussing adjustment of' wages and other benefits as business brought f'orward from February 7, 1967.-R.ef'erred to the Property and Finance Committee. 3. Bowmanville and Area Ambulance Service suggested ,division of' costs.-Filed. .. . " 4. Suggested draf't agreement between participating municipalities in the Area Ambulance Service with Donald W. Hevey. -filed. . ' .'5. Copy of the min\tes of meeting of the Committee of' Adjust- ment f'or the Township of Clarke held Monday, February 6, 1967, with regard to the appointment of a Secretary-Treasurer of' the said Committee of' Adjustment.-Ref'erred to resolution. Further to Mr. E; R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of the Police Village of' Orono, meeting with Council on February 7, 1967, at which time the Clerk was instructed to call a meeting of the Property and Finance Committee, Police Trustees, and the Fire Department Committee of Council to consider Police Village Budgeting and 'Fire >>epartmentBudgeting for 1967 and the proposal to hire a dog catcher f'or the municip- ality, the <<lerk was requested to include theRoad and Bridge Committee in the said proposed meeting. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded ~y W. R. Carveth that this Council negotiate with the Trustees of' the Police Vilkge of' Orono in the matter of the, proposal to hire a dog catcher in the Township of' Clarke and tne said Trustees be so informed. Carried. The Clerk was requested to prepare draf~ by-laws to provide f'or the f'oll~wing: 1. For a 2 ton'lOad limit on the Stewart Bridge situated between Lots 6 and 7 in the III Concession. 2. ..For a 2 ton load limit 'on the Laing Bridge situated between Lots 30 and 31 in the IV ConcesSion. 3. . For the ins~allation of stop signs at both the so~therly'and northerly approaches to the, railways at the Cobbledick siderdad'be~ween Lots 32 and'33 in the I ConcessiolJ._ , The f'ollowing resolutions were passed: .. Re8~J l\t-ism lloa t}h.:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by W.R.Carveth: In ,accordance with By-law NQ. 1537 a by-law regarding the appointment of' the ClarKe Planning Board being a Board ~th jurisdtction over the Clarke Planning Area, this Council hereby appoint the f'ollowing persons: 1. Mr. RoyA. Foster (Council) for the year 1967. .2. Mr. Frank A. Gray (Council) f'or the yea~ 1967. '3. Mr. Robert C. Simpson who shall hold of'fice unti~ the Ist~a~ o~ Jan~ary 1968. 4. Mr. Leslie G. McGee who shal~ hold of'f'ice until the 1st day of' January 1969. Mr. Arthur A. Low ' who 'sha~l hold.of'f'ice until the 1st day of' January 1970. Mr. Wayne Bailey who ~hall hold of'f'ice until the 1st day of January 1970. -~arried. '.' 5. l 6. . ~.." ., Page 3 . Special Meeting or Council ZZ February 1967, continued: Resolut:ion No. SS:)t1oved by Frank Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth: . This Council hereby agree to enter into an agreement with the Municipalities or Bowmanville, Darlington, Newcastle and' Clarke with Donald W. Harvey, Ambulance Operator, to provide ambulance service:f'~r all of' the people of' the ToWn of' Bowman- ville, the Township 'of' Darlington, the Village of' Newcastle, and the Township of' Cla~ke under such terms and conditions as set out therein f'or the years 1967 and 1968. Certiried copies of' this resolution be f'orwarded to the Clerk of' the Town, or Bowmanville and Mr. Glenholme Hughes.-Carried. RAsolptiQn No~ S6:Moved by'Orme Falls, seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby endorse the minutes of' the Committee or Adjustment ror the Township or Clarke dated February 6, 1967. A certif'ied copy of' this resolution be f'orwarded to the stid Committee of Adjustment.-Carried. . R.~so]uticm NQ,_ Ci7:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth: Resolve that the f'olloWing Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized ror payment by the Signing Of'ficers of' this Council: Addition to General Voucher Iz ror February 1967 in the amount or $3541.55. ' . '. ' .: Addition to General Welf'are Voucher f'or February 1967 in the amount or $Z$3.83.-Garried. ' , Reso]utiqn No. r:;B:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Orme Falls: This Council hereby resolve that the estfmate f'or painting or certain f'loors, landings and stairs' in the Township Hall received from Mr. Douglas M. Simpson be and is hereby accepted as per the writtenestimate.-Carried. . . The f'ollowing By-law was given rirst, second and third reading and rinally passed: By-I.;:Iw No~ ]Ci~7 , A By-law regarding. the appointment or the Clarke Plaflning Board being aBoard with jurisdiction over the Clarke Planning Area. ~ereas the Minister of' the Department of' Municipal Af'f'airs by letter dated the Z5th March, 1963, has in accordance with the provisions or The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 296 and amendments thereto, def'ined and named a Planning Area, the said area to be def';ned as the whole of' the Township or Clarke, as f'rom time to time constituted, and to be known as the ttClarke Planning Area" and Whereas it has.now become necessary to appoint the Clarke Plan~ing Board to administer the Clarke Planning Are~. NO. THEREFORE tqe Council of' the Corporation of"the Township or Cla~ke enacts as f'ollows: 1. The Reeve or the Council of' the Corporation or the Township of Clarke shall be appointed annUally by resolution of' Council as a member ex of'f'icio or the Clarke Planning Board. 2. A member of' the said CounCil, in addition to the appoint- ment of' the Reeve, shall be appointed annually by resolution of' the Council as a member of'the Clarke Planning Board. 3 · Four', members or the Board who are not members of' the Council shall be appointed by resolution of' the Council to hold of'f'ice f'or three years, provided that on the f'irst appointment the CounCil, f'rom among such members, shall designate members who shall hold off'ice, (a) until the 1st day of' January of' the year f'olloWing the date of' appointment; (b) until the 1st day or January or the second year f'ollowing the,date of' appointment; (c) until the 1st day of' January of' the third year rollowing the date of' appointment, respectively, so that as nearly as possible one-third or such members shall retire each year; and the members or the planning board who are members of' the Council shall be appointed annually. , . , 4. The members of' the pl~n~ng'bQard shall hold orrice until their SUccessors are appointed and such appointments are apppoved, where approval thereof' is required, and are ~ligible for re-appointment. Page 4 Special Meeting of Council 22 February 1967, continued: 5. where a me~ber ceases to be a member of the planning board before the expiration of his term, the .council shall appoint . another' eligible person for the unexpired portion of the term. 6. The Head of the Council who is ex officio a member of the planning board, with the approval of the Council, may appoint a substitute, who is a member of the Council, t~ act for him 'from time tot ime . 7. That By-Law No. 1424 be and is hereby repealed. This by-law shall come into force aq4 eff'ect upon the date of the final reading thereof' subject to'any necessary statutory approval. 'Meeting adjourned'at 11:45 p.m. ~ . ~~. Clerk. .& ~.A .... / /l#J (j ~, R~eve. '-"'" REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE March 7, 1967, at 10 a.m. CouncilCh~b~r, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Fos'ter Deputy Re..,veH. E. W'alkey Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor W~ R. Carvet~ Councillor ~. A: Gray Clerk H. E. jUllson : The minutes of meetings of Council of February 7,and22, 1967 were adopted as read on motion by F. A.. Gray, seconded by O. H. Falls. Carried. On motion duly seconded and unanimously carried, the Council heard Mr. R. G. Moff'at, Secretary Treasurer of' the Durham County Co-operative Medical Services, a~ business arising from the minutes of' meeting 9n February 2~, last. Mr. Mof'fat explained Medical I~surance Coverages that would be applicable to a group plan for. the employees of the Township of' Clarke. A letter together with a brochure in this regard was presented to Council. Finally the members of Council discussed the details of' a group plan for municipal employees with Mr. Mof'f'at. This matter was f'urther dealt with by resolution. Messrs. Robert Robinson, Ronald Mercer, Elmer Fowler and Orlie 'Trew appeared before Council to request permission to establish a stock car race track to be located in Lot 1, Concession 8. The area required f'or the track was considered at about 12 acres while ,the .intended location was south of' the creek and approximately 12 rods westerly ~f the boundary road allowance: Further, it was intended, they said, to form a~ club which would re~t the race track facilities f'or racing events. ' In planning the construction of' the track in the shape of the letter I'D", safety measures were to be installed by guard rails and piles-of tires on the shal"i> corners and the erection of' snow fencing completelyaroU1'ld the outside of' the track at.a reasonable distance away f'rom the track for saf'ety of' persons in attendance. During discussion of the subject matter it was pointed out that race meets could possibly be held on weekends. The delegation suggested that any correspondence Council may wish to have with them could be addressed to Mr. Robert Robinson until such time when a club is organized and a secretary and other off'icers duly appointed. Council agreed to consider their request and give-them a reply as soon as possible. 'Tllis business was referred to the Reeve and Clerk f'orinvestigationand reply to the.delegation. ~t.waa ~ved by O. H. Falls, seconded byF. A. Gray that Council recessf'or lunch at 12:10 p.m. and reSUMe session at ' 2 p.m. Carried. . Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent appeared beforeCounc;.il between Z-5P.M. to discuss certain Road Department matters. .. !.