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Special Meeting of Council 27 January 1967, continued:
In accordance with instruction given to the Clerk in regular
meeting of Council on January 3rd, last, copies of "A Guide for
Township Road Superintendents" prepared by Ontario Department
of Highways and "The Municipal Act and amendments thereto" were
handed out-to each member of Council.
As business brought forward from the year 1966, Mr. Wayne
Kennedy appeared before Council to discuss a contract for
regular monthly cleaning of the Township Hall. This business
was referred to the Property and Finance Committee for consider-
ation and report to a future meeting of this Council.
It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth
that Council adjourn to committee as a whole in order to discuss
the affairs of the Committee of Adjustment and other business
related to the functions of the Committee of Adjustment.-Carried.
It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by O. H. Falls
that .Council rise from committee and resume session. -Carried.
The following resolution was passed:
R,e,olp.i;;:lon 1io~ h.l:Movedby Franl(. Gray, seconded by Orme Falls:
, Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby
authorized f~r paymen,t. 'by tne: Signing Officers of this Council:
Addition to General Voucher 112 for December 1966 in the amount
of $66.15.
Additbnto General Voucher II for January 1967 in the amount
of. . #38.40. .
Police ,Village of Orono Voucher 11 ,for 'January 1967 in the
amount ,of $1114.l1.-Carried.
Meeting adjourned.at 7:50 p.m.
~,' ' ~: ~ .. - ~/"
Clerk ~. .,'..".,.. ,
. . '~t9 ;Z~,
February 7, 1967, at 10 a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
Deputy ReeveH.Earl Walkey
Councillor O. E.-Falls
'CounCillor W. R. Carveth
C'otttlcillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H-. E . Mill-son '
The minutes of Council meetings held January 3, 21 and 27,1967
were adopted as read on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by O. H.
Fall s . Carr ied "
Copies of a record of the Municipal Insurance Policies now
in effect in thls municipality were given out to each member for
their information.
Mr. Wayne Kennedy met with Council to present estimates of
cost,s for.cleaning, maint.enance and painting. of floors in the
Township Hall. After discussion this business was referred to the
Property and Finance Committee and Clerk with instruction to
procure written price estimates on the proposed painting from Mr.
Douglas Simpson and Mr. Gordon Simpson respectively and report to
.Mr. Wd.lliam Bull &.ppeared before Council to request repairs
and maintenance to the southerly 60 rods of the Township Road
Allowance between Lots 34 and 35 in the VIII Concession pending
his intention to purchase about 27 acres now owned by Mr. Hardy
on which property Mr . Bull plans to build a re-sid,ence. The Reeve,
on behalf of CounCil, informed Mr. Bull that his request would be
referred to the Road and Bridge Committee, fo~ consideration and
a reply made to him as soon as possible. .
It was moved by O. H. Falls, seconded by W. R. Carveth that
Council recess at 12:30 p.m. for lunch and resume. session at
2 p.m. Carried.
Mr. Robert Hazelden, representing the Orono Amateur Athletic
Association, presented a verbal report of the capital expenditures
and current operating expen~es of this, organization and in particular
the Orono Rink. The Rink, he said, now has a total loan of $6000.00
, ,
Page 2
Regular Meeting of CQundl 7 February 1967, continued:
to cover the b~lance of costs outstanding on the artificial ice
plant. 'Further, ~perating expenses are being currently covered
by current revenues. His report concerning the number of
persons including cl,lildren using the rink implied that the , '
facilities were used to a co~siderable exteRt by perscns living
both within Orono and throughout the Township. The main concern
of the Association, he stated, was to payoff the $6;000.00 now
on loan. Council, therefore, was being requested to consider
a contributia.n'toward this worthy cause. Mr. Hazelden informed
the meeting that a written request would be forthco~ng from the
Association. ,Firstly, the Clerk was .instructed 'to tnvestigate
the possibilities of applying rink expenditures under the
Township'of Clarke Recreation Committee to acquire additional
grant monies to be paid to the Association and, secondly, to
inquire whether or not grants would be applicable' under the
Community Centres Act. Further, Council adVised the Clerk to
keep Mr. Laverne Boyd, Secretary of the Recreation Committee .
informed of his negotiations. with the Departm,ents of Education
and Agriculture. '.
Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee of" the 'Police Village
of Orono, discussed the following subjects with Council: '
1. The 1967 Budgeting for the Police Village of Orono.
2., The 1967 Budgeting for the Township of Clarke Fire
,3. The p~oposal to hire a dog catcher for the municipality
inclusiie of the Police Village of Orono. It was agreed that a
meeting of the Property and Finance Committee, Police Trqstees,
Fire Department Committee of Council and Clerk was, to be called
by the Clerk in order to consider the said subjects.
Mr. M. L. Ross, Road Superintendent, attended Council
meeting from 2:45 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in which time certain aspects
of the Road Department were discussed with Council.
The Clerk was instructed to correspond with the Building ,
Inspector to request him to withhold issuing building permits
within 500 feet in any direction of the present location of the
Laing Bridge situated on the'road allowance between Lots ,30 and.
31 in the N' Concession until such time as a survey has been
completed to establish a location for the proposed construction
of a new Bridge. '
The following correspondence 'and re,ports were read out by'
1. ,Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Repor~ for December
Z. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re Northumberland-Durham
Board of Health appoint~ents for the year 1967.-Piled.
3. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re Budget' and
Levies for 1967. -Filed. "
4.' Miss Stewart, Secretary, Clarke Centennial Committee, request
to purchase and place ~n electrical centennial sign in a promin~nt
place on the ToWnship Hall. It was moved by W. R; Carveth;
seconded'by F. A. Gray that the Clerk secure price estimates in
writing f~r complete installation of the recommended symbol
984X and report to Council. Carried.
5. Department of Municipal Af'fairs re Winter Works Incentive
Program 1966-67 approvals on three projects for the Orono
, Community Memorial Park Board.-Fi~ed.
. 6. Durham County District High School Board re invitation to
. Members of Council and Officials to attend the Official Opening
of the New Vocational Addition to Court ice Secondary School on
March 3rd, 1967 at 8:15 p.m.-Piled.
7. Department of Public Welfare re Nursing Home Care, General
Welfare Assistance.-Filed.
8. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re membership for the
year 1967.-Filed.
9. Mr. Horace R.Eest, Trench Inspector, re The Trench
Excavators' Protection Act - Annual Report.-Filed.
10. Amalgamated Game Commission re annual meeting of the
Amalgamated Game Commission.-Filed.
11. Mr. Donald Harvey, Proprieter, Bowmanvil1e & Area Ambulance
Se~vice re Ambulance Service in the Township of Clarke. Referred
to Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey for. investigation and report to Council.
Page 3 '1 7 F b uary 1967"continued:
Regular Meeting of Counc~ ,'e r . ,
12. Department of Health re The Ambulance Services Act, 1966,
Grants for the provision of Ambulance Service ,as business .
brought forward from Council meeting of November 1, ~966:-Tabled.
13. Mr. Horace R. Best, Building Inspector, re appl~cat~on
of Messrs. Dwight G. and Clayton K. Smith for building permit
to construct a summer cottage on part of Lot 25 in the IV
Concession. The Clerk was instructed to request the'Solicitor
to advise the,Council.
14. Clarke Public Library requisition for funds in the year
1967.-Filed. , .
15. Messrs.Wm. Werry, Wm. Hancock, Ron Robinson, John Gordon,
Ron. Hancock, Bruce Hancock, Machine operators of the Road
Department request for a meeting with the Road and Bridge .
Committee for purpose of discussing adjustment of wages and
other benefits.- Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee
for consideration and report to Council.
16. The Ontario Humane Society re survey of all .munici~alities
to obtain details of animal control.-Referred to Clerk.
17. The Ontario Municipal Board re validation of By-Law 1536.-
Referred to Clerk. . "
18. Dep~rtment of Municipal Affairs as business brought forward
from July 5, 1966, re local bodies operating their own
bank' accounts for which there is no statutory authority.-Tabled.
19. Department of Municipal Affairs re payment of subsidy for
Municipal Winter Works Incentive Projects 1965-66.-Filed. '
20. Recommendations of.the Clerk requesting salary and pay
increases to certain personnel in the general administrative
offices.-Referred to the Property and Finance Committee for
consideration and report to Council.
21. Department of Municipal Affairs re fire ,preven.tion bY:-:law.-
The Clerk was instructed to procure a sampl.e copy of a fire
prevention by-law for conSideration by the Police Trustees and
Fire Protection Committee of Council.
22. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce re proposed construction
of new nine room School, Lot 25, Concession 6, Clarke at an
estimated cost of $280,000.00.-Filed.
23. Mr. Robert A. Edmunds, P. Eng., Counties' Engineer and
Road SUPerintendent re Alwood Homes and A frame widening on
County Road #73, north of Newcastle.-A copy of thts letter to
be forwarded.to Solicitor, E. R. Lovekin.
24. Lovekin and Stubington, Barristers and Solicito~s, re
A. Frame Cottage, Lot 29, Concession 2, Clarke, Alwood Const.
A. B. Moore.-The Clerk was instructed to request Soli~itor
E. R. Lovekin to take the necessary legal action to have the
said building removed from the said property in accordance
with Resolution No. 72 dated April 5, 1966.
25. Mr. L. Secord request for the installation of a private
entrance culvert.-Referred to the Road Superintendent and Filed.
26. Canadian Mental Health Association re acknOWledgement
of contribution of $15.00 for the year 1967.-Filed.
27. Mr. and Mrs~ D9nald C. Evans re ap~lication for a building
permit.-The Clerk was instructed to request the BUilding
Inspector to consider issuing a building permit under By-law
No. 1351 exclusive of By-law NQ. 1517.
2$. Department of Agriculture and Food re ARDA Drainage
Assistance.-The Clerk was requested to inquire for further
information and report to Co~cil.
29. The Municipal Service Company re sale of used equipment.-Filed.
30. Lake Ontario Regional Development Council remembership
for the year 1967.-Tabled.
31. The Ontario Municipal Board,re Township ,of Clarke Restricted
Area By-law 1517 as business brought forward from January 6, 1967.-
Tabled. .
32. Petition 'of Mr. Wm. H. Carman and 11 other signed petitioners
requesting Council to withhold approval of monies for the 'proposed
building program of the BQard of the Township School Area of '
Clarke until after an interview with the Minister of Education
and a Committee appointed by Council has been held to ascertain .
the effect of his announced integration .program with regard to
the futur,e accommodation requirements of both primary and .
secondary school students.within this township as business brought
forward from 0 January 1967.-Tabled.
Page 4
Regular Meet~ng ef Ceunci1 7 February 1967, centinued:
33. The Muscu~ar Dystrephy Associatien ef Canada request .fer
centributien as business brought forward frem January 6,
1967.-No actien.
34. Ontario Geed Reads Asseciation re O.G.R.A. Seminar for
35. St. Jehn Ambulance request for support.-Filed.
36. Asseciatien ef Ontario. Mayers and Reeves re membership for
~he year 1967.-Referred ~e re~olutien.
37. Ontario. Geed Reads Asseci~tion re Q.G.R.A. 1967 Cenvention,
Yebruary 20th, 21st & 22nd.-Filed.
38. Tewnship ef Hepe re pretectien at the Beundary crossing,
Canadian Natienal Railways.-Tabled. .
39. Copy ef letter frem Canadian Pacific to the Xewnship of Hepe
re preposea. installation of au.tematic,protectien at cressing ef
read between the townships ef Hepe and Clarke at mileage 149.83
BelleVille subdivisien.-Tabled.
40. Board ef Transpert Commissioners fer Canada re File Nes.
26711.2523 and 26727.1353 re prepesed installation of' autematic
pretect~on at the cressings of the Twp. Read between the Twps.
of Hepe and Clarke, Onta~io, at mileages 278.54 CNR Kingsten
Subdivisien, and 149.83 BelleVille Subdivisien, CPR.-Tabled.
41. Copy of letteref Board ef Transpert Cemmissieners fer
Canada to. Tewnship ef Hepe re File Nos. 26711.2523 and 26727.1353
re proposed installatien 9f autematic pretectien at the cressings
ef the Twp. Road between the Twps. ef Hope and Clarke, Ontario.,
at mileages 278.54 CNR Kingsten Subdivision, and 149.83 Belleville
Subdivisien, CPR.-Tabled.
42. Canadian Natienal Railways re censtructien ef passing tracks-
M. 287.08 to. M. 288.86 Kingston qubdivision.-Tab1ed.,
43. Canadian National Railways re read crossing revisions
mileage 287.26 Kingsten Subdivisien, Acceunt C.T.C. passing
tracks, as business breught forward frem July 5, 1966.-Tabled.
44. Cepy ef letter of Beard ef Transport Cemmissieners fer
Canada to Canadian Nat~enal Railways and Canadian Pacific Railways
under File Numbers 26711.2526, 26711.2528, 42307, 9437.568,
45. Cepy efletter ef Canadian National Railways to. Beard of
TranspertCemmissioners fer Canada re File 9437.854 - Cressing'
of'Cobbledick Rd., Mile 287.26, Kingsten Subd.-Tabled. .
46. Cepy of letter ef Canadian Pacific Railways to. Beard ef
Transpert Cemmissieners for Canada re File Nes. 26711.2523 and
26727.1353 re propesed installation of autematic'protectien at
the cressings of the Twp. Read between the Twps. ef Hepe and
Clarke, Ontario., at mileages 278.54 CNR Kingsten Subdivisien,
and 149.83 Belleville Subdivision CPR.-Tabled.
47. Board 'of Transpert Cemmissioners fer Canada re File
3701.131 - Preposed closing ef crossings ef Tewnship Read in
Twp. of Clarke, Ont. and C.N.R. at mile 281.13 Kingsten Subd.
and C.P.R. at mile 152.45 BelleVille Subd.-Tabled. .
48. Bear~ of' Transport Commissieners fer Canada re File No..
42307 re Improvement to. vision at cressing ef Twp. Rd. at mile
2$1.6 Kingsten Subd.-fabled.
49. Beard of Transpert Commissieners fer Canada re File No..
3701.129 re Prepesed imprevements to. the cressing of the CPR
and Twp. Read in the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario., mileage 155.66
Belleville Subdivisien.-Tabled.
50. Board ef Transpert Cemmissieners fer Canada re File No..
26727.1189 re prepesed installatien ef autematic pretectien
at the crossing efthe Tewnship Road between Lots 8 & 9 of .t:tJ,e
CPR at mileage 151.92 Belleville Subd~ in the Tewnship of
Clarke, Ont.-Tabled.
51, Copy ef letter ef .Canadian Pacific to. Beard ef Transpert
Cemmissieners fer Canada re File No.. 2ff?27.1189 - pr.epesed
installation ef autematic protectien at the cressing ef the
Tewnship Read between Lets 8 & 9 of the CPR at mile 151.92
BelleVille Subd. in the Twp. ef Clarke, Ontarie.-Tabled.
52. Beard ef Transpert Commissieners for Canada re File Nes.
9437.568 and 3701.130 re prepesed closing ef the' cressing ef
the C.N.R. and the Twp. Road in the Township of'Cl~rke, Ontario,
at.mileage/283.76.Kingston Subdivision.-Tabled.
53. Cepy ef letter of Canadian Natienal Railways to. Board ef
Transpert Cemmissieners fer Canada re Files Nes. "9437.568 and
3701.130 cressing ef Twp. Road, Twp. of "Clarke, Ont., Mile
283.76, Kingsten Subd~-Tabled.
~:~l~r Meeting of Council 7 February 1967, continued:
The Council instructed the Clerk,_ to pu::chase a Canadian
flag. size 3' x 6J,from the Orono Weekly Tl.mes.
, The following resoluti'ons were passed: " .
Rp.solut:ion N9. h2:Moved by Earl Walkey, secomled by W.R.C~rveth:
That the Road.Sliperintend.ent be and is he::eby authorl.zed
to prepare plans and specifications together wl.th s"urveys_
relating to 'landacquisiti'on with regar~ to the :pr~posed con
strll,ctionof a new bridge in theapproxl.mate ~ocatl.on o~ the
Laing Bridge situated bet.'WeenLots 29 and 30 l.n COnCeSBl.On
VI,'To:Wn~ip of Cl.arke-. -Carried. ' .
Rp.sol~t:ion No. h~:Moved by Orme Fall'S, seconded by Earl Walkey:
, "fhe Orono Horticultural Sociepy be granted $25.00 for .
the year. 1967. -Car~ied. "
Resel ~~:ton ~o. ~h:Mo"ed by Frank Gray, seconded by W. . R.Carveth:
This Council hereby become a member of The Ontarl.o
Municipal Association for the year 1967 and the Treasurer be
and ,is hereby authorized to pay the membership fee. The.Cle~k
anp, Reeve be delegated.to attend the Annual Convention wl.th
normalaIld reasonable expenses paid by the'Municipality. 'The
R~eve -is hereby empowered to delegate other members of Council
to attend; the said.Convention.-Carried.
Rp.s9~v:tionNo. ht):Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
No person or persons shall cause to be s~t any unauthorized
fire:S,:i.R the Township of,Clarke'without first obtaining the
permi~sion of the Fire Chief.-Carried.
~p.sQJ,u~i-o:q. No. hp:Moved by EaFl Walkey, seconded by Frank Gray:
' That CounCillor Mr. O. H. Falls be and is hereby empowered
to order the necessary supply of Warbicide PoWder for the year
1967 from the Durham Farmers' County Co-operative.-Carried.
Resol~t~on No.h7:Maved by W.R.Carveth, seconded 'by Earl 'Walkey:
The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise in the
Orono Weekly ,Times and the Canadian Statesman for applications
for Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1967. '
. Applications to be received on or before February 24, 1967.
Applic'ants to state remuneration expected.
The Property and Finance Cornm.ittee. be and are hereby
empowered to consider and act upon the applicationsahd finily
report their recommendation to Council for the necessary action
by resolution at. the next regular meeting of Co~ncil.-Carried.
ResoJut;.ion No. 'h8:~oved by Orme F~llB, seconded'by Earl Walkey:
This Council hereby become a membe'r of the Association '
of Ontario Mayors and Reeves for the year 1967 and the member-
ship fee of $20.00 be paid. .
The Reeve be and is hereby authorized to attend the
meetings of the said Association with reasonable 'expenses .
allowed or to delegate som~one to attend 'in his stead.-Carried.
ResoJut:iqn ~o. hQ:Moved by Earl Wikey, seconded by Frank Gray:
ThisCounc:i.l hereby resolve closing the following road .
allowances in the Township of Clar.k~: .
. 1. The Road alXowance between Lots 6 and 7 in the Sixth
Concession ,of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham,
extentiing from the. southerly limit of the said Sixth Concession
to the northerly limit thereof. .
2. The Part of the Road allowance, now unopened, between'
Lots 2 and 3, in the First Concession of the Township of
Clarke, County of Durham, mor~ particularly described as follows:
"All and singular that part of the road allowance between
Lots Z and 3 Concession, 1, in the Township of Clarke being
North of the northerly limit of Highway 401 and south of
a line drawn through the sa~d road allowance on a bearing
North 26 degrees 05 miqutes East from a point in the said
road allowance 246.66 feet south of the north east angle
of Lot 3 in the said first Concession. "-Carried.
Resolution No. c)():Moved'by Ear'1Walkey, seconded by Orme Falls:
Resolve that the following Pay vouchers be and are hereby
authorize~ for payment by the Signing Officers of. this Councih
Addition to Generai Voucher' No.1 'for Janu,arYl967 in the: ....
amount of $,251. sa.. . .
General Voucher No. Z for February 1967 in theam9unt of.$13,95-4.6o.
Road Voucher No.1 for January 1967' in the amount of $10,039.89.
General Welfare Voucher No.'l additions for January 1967 in the,
amount of $391.52.
General Welfare Voucher No.2 for February.1967 in the amountaf,$1059.75.
Page 6
Regular Meeting of Council 7 February 1967, continued:
ResoJution No. Sl:Moved by Earl Walkey, seconded by Prank Gray:
. Resolve that the following persons be and are hereby
appointed as a Co~ordinatingCommittee with regard to a road
needs study in the TOW1lship of Clarke:
Reeve Roy"A."Foster
Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey
Councillor W. R. Carveth
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross'
District Municipal Engineer, Mr. R. J. Calligh~'
Ontario Department of Highways representative, ~Mr. R.D."
Rp.~olu~jon'~o_ S2:Mbved by Frank ~Gray, seconded by W.R.Carveth:
The Welfare Administrator and Welfare Committee be and "
they are hereby empowered and auth~ized to make contingent
expenditures in respect to th~appl~cation of general welfare
regulations in ~he year '1967'but not"to exceed $40,0.00 in '
total :for the period of any month' in the said year. _
That 'Resolution No. 25 dated JanuarY3i 1.967, be and "is
hereby rescinded.-Carried.' ,
Reso]u~~on No. 11:Moved by W.R.Carveth, seconded by Frank Gray:
This Council he~eby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, "
March,7, 1967, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Oro~o or
otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.-Carri~.
. ... 6.__
Ree~ II7d
. '
February 22, 1967, at 8 p.m.
Council Chamber, OronQ.
Present: Reeve R. A. Foster
:Deputy ReeveH. Ea~l Walke;-
Councillor O. H. Falls
CouncillorW.R. Carveth
Councillor F. A. Gray
Clerk H. E.Millson
Special meeting of Council was ealled by Reeve Roy A.
Foster to, consider the f'ollowing .bl1.a.l.ness:
As business broughtf'orward' 'from Item 11 under correspondence
of' meeting of' February 7, last, regarding the Bowmanville and
Area Ambulance Service, Deputy Reeve H. E. Walkey reported on
verbal discussions 'between himself' and Mr. Donald W. Harvey,
owner of' the Ambulance Service, Mr. GleMolme Hughes, cliafrman
of the Area Ambttlanee Committee, 'and Mr. R. L. Byron, Clerk-
'Controller of' the town of' Bowmanville . Mr. Walkey presented a
form of draf'tagreement of those municipalities now participating
in the "Ambulance Service together wt:th a suggested=division of'
coats ,f'or the consideration df'Council. Af'ter discussion of' the
subject.matter this business was ref'erred to resolution.
As business brought f'orward.f'rom meeting of' Council held on
February 7, 1967, Council received and opened price estimates
for the 'Painting of' certairi floors,' landings and st'airs 'in the
Township Hall. The f'ollowfng persdns submitted est'imates:
1. Mr. G. E. S1mpson, Orono " ""
2. Mr. D. M. Simpson, Orono
This business was ref'erred,to resolution.
Further to business arising f'rom Item 15 under correspondence
of' meeting of' February 7, last, Deputy Reeve H. E. 'Walkey, on
behalf' of the Road and Bridge Committe~ reported on a recent
meeting of' the said committee with the Road Department nourly
wage earners. This report was referred to the Property and
Finance Committee f'or consideration of' all salary and wage
schedules for the year 1967. As an item arising f'rom this report,
the Clerk was instructed to contact the Durham County Medical
Co-op f'or information f'or a Group Plan f'or Surgical and Medical
Coverage f'or all employees.