HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1967 (Special Meeting) r . Page 3 Special Meeting of' Council 21 January 1967, continued: 6 THAT applica'bf:on shall be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for the approval of' this By-law and for the certification of' the debenture to be issued thereunder pursuant to. Part IV of The GntarioMunicipal Board Act. 9 THAT the Reeve and' the Treasurer are hereby authorized to do all' things and to execute all documents and other papers in the name of the Corporation in order to carry out the provisions of this By-law and the Treasurer is authorized to af'f'ix the seal of' the Corporation to all such documents and papers. . 10 THAT all the provisions of' By~Law No. 1473 and ,By-Law No.. 1497 not consistent with the. provisions of this By-Law are hereby repealed. Schedu1@ "Aft. to' By-Law Nlll11h@p Pi":l6 ..., ..., 1 Loan Number 2 Amount of' the Loan 3 Amount of' the f'orgiveness 4 Amount to be repaid (1) (2) Payment Date. Due Numbep . 1 1 December 2 1 December 3 1 December 4 1 Dec'ember 5 1 December L453 .17~625.55 $ )..,406.39 $13,219.16 (3 ) Principal 5 Rate of tnterest 5-'/8% 6 Term 5 (4) Interest (5) Total 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 2,374.48 2,502,11 2,636.,60 2,778.31 2,Q2?66 :I ":l.21~1"16 710.53 582.90 448.41 306.70 1 C:;? ":lC:; 2.201.BQ . . 3,085,01 3,085.01 3,085.01 3,085.01 ":lrOBc:;.Ol lC:;.J..2C:;.OC:; Sch@dnle "BU to By-Law Numhep 1C:;":l6 Details of'Reconstruction of R,oads 1) Hoad Bpjd~e including land aoquisition and road construction of approximately 1/8 mile in all, extending north and south of the proposed bridge, Lots 8/9, Concession B.F. "Aft. Cl"ooked C:reek Bpjd~@ and. grading on th.e a.pproaches~o:f the proposed structure for a tota~ di8~ance of' apprOXimately 1,,100 f'eet, Lot 10, Concession 3/.4. , The purchase of' land and construction of' an addition t,o t):leRoad Department Machine Garage on Lot 27, Concess~o~ 5. The building to be concrete 'block, 810 sq. ft. in are4~ Sixth Concession Road including culTe~..,at various loc:ltions. The total length is apprOXimately one ~le, Lots 17 to 20 inclusive and part of Lot 16, Concessions 5/6. , 2} 3) Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. ~,k:.~...._/ Clerk. (6, (l 7~ Reeve. . . SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE January 27, 1967, at 4 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. w Present: Re~ve R. A. Foster Deputy Reeve H. Earl W&lkey Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor W. R. Carvet~ Councillo~ F. A. Gray Clerk H. E. Millson Reeve Roy A. Foster called Special meeting of Council to consider and discuss the af'fairs of the Committee of Adjustment and certain business on hand. , Messrs. E. R. Lovekin and K. Schoenmaker, chairman and member respectively of the Township of., Clarke Committee of Adjustment, were present to discuss Committee of Adjustment ,with. the Council. Page 2 Special Meeting of Council 27 January 1967, continued: In accordance with instruction given to the Clerk in regular meeting of Council on January 3rd, last, t:3opies of t'A Guide for Township Road Superintendents" prepared by Ontario Department of Highways and "The Municipal Act and ame~dments thereto" were handed out. to each member of Council. As business brought forward from the year 1966, Mr. Wayne Kennedy appeared before Council to discuss a contract for regular monthly cleaning of the Township Hall. This business was referred to the Property and Finance Committ,ee for consider- ation and report to a future meeting of this Council. It was moved by H. E. Walkey, seconded by W. R. Carveth that Council adjourn to committee as a whole in order to discuss the affairs of the Committee of Adjustment and other business related to the functions of the Committee of Adjustment.-Carried. It was moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by O. H. Falls that Council rise from committee and reSUMe session.-Carried. The follOWing resolution was passed: Re~olu~ion '0. k]:Movedby Frank Gray, seconded by Orme Falls: Resolve that the following Pay Vouchers be and are hereby authorized f9r' payme:p.t 'by the "Signing Officers of this Council: Addition to General Voucher 112 for December 1966 in the amount of $66.15. Additbnto General Voucher #1 for January 1967 in the amount of. i3S.Ml. . Police r,Vil:4age of Orono Voucher 11 'for 'January 1967 in the amount .of $1114.ll.-Carried. Meeting adjourned .at 7: 50 p.m.' ,j, . ~. . ~',~~:~,...~~ ,/,'. Clerk ~' ...,...... . : , ~~~ ;2~, Reeve. REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE February 7, 1967, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve R. A. Foster DeputyReeveH.Earl Walkey Councillor O. H., Palls 'Councillor W. R. Carveth Councillor F. A. Gray Clerk H.. E . Mill'Son ' The miilutesof Council meetings held January 3, 21 and 27,1967 were adopted as read on motion by H. E. Walkey, seconded by O. H. Falls. Carried. Copies of a record of the Municipal Insurance Policies now in effect in thi's municipality were given out to each member for their information. Mr. Wayne Kennedy met with Council to present estimates of cost,s fO,r,cleaning, maintenance and painting. of floors in the Township Hall. After discussion this business was referred to the Property and Finance Committee and Clerk with instruction to procure written price estimates on the proposed painting f'rom Mr. Douglas Simpson and Mr. Gordon Simpson respectively and report to Council. .Mr. W:i.lliam Bull C\.ppeared before Council to request repairs and maintenance to the southerly 60 rods of the Township Road Allowance between Lots 34 and 35 in the VIII Concession pending his intention to purchase about 27 acres now owned by Mr. Hardy on which property Mr. Bull plans to build a residence. The Reeve, on behalf of CounCil, informed Mr. Bull that his request would be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. for consideration and a reply made to him as soon as possible. . It was moved by O. H. Falls, seconded by W. R. Carveth that Council recess at 12:30 p.m. for lunch and resume. session at 2 p.m. Carried. Mr. Robert Hazelden, representing the Orono Amateur Athletic Association, presented a verbal report of the capital expenditures and current operating expen~es of this organization and in particular the Orono Rink. The Rink, he said, now has a total loan of $6000.00 .e