HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-01Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee June 1, 2016, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Shea-Lea Latchford Maureen Reed Tim Van Leeuwen Sally Barrie Councillor Partner Jacquie Watchorn Also Present: Jeannette Whynot – Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: André O’Bumsawin (a) Adoption of Minutes Moved by Sally Barrie seconded by Maureen Reed That the minutes of the meeting of May 4, 2016 be approved. Carried (b) Presentation No presentations 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) National Access Awareness Week Shea-Lea Latchford provided the Committee with an overview of the presentation made to Council regarding National Access Awareness Week by André O’Bumsawin. The Committee was advised that André O’Bumsawin did a great job presenting to Council and that they asked a number of questions that he was able to answer. The presentation was received for information and with gratitude from Council. Council indicated they would be interested in some hands-on experiences. The Committee mutually agreed that they would like to explore technology-based experienced rather than trying to “pretend” you have a disability for a couple of hours. Clarington Accessibility - 2 - May 4, 2016 Advisory Committee (b) Apple Fest Planning The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that the Tourism Coordinator confirmed that they are able to share the Tourism booth at Apple Fest. It was agreed that over the summer the Accessibility Coordinator would assist the Committee in developing promotional materials and possibly order things to hand out on behalf of the Committee. The Committee agreed that responsibilities and final details would be determined at the September meeting. (c) Regional Accessibility Awards The Accessibility Coordinator went over the nomination criteria for the Durham Accessibility Awards. Nominations were noted and then the Accessibility Coordinator explained how the voting system would work. Each member was told to rank the business they wanted to get the award as their first, second or third choice. First place would get 3 points, second 2 points and third place 1 point. After receiving all of the ranked nominations, the Accessibility Coordinator tallied the points and declared that there was a tie between two businesses. The Committee agreed to vote between the two to determine a winner. Massey House was voted the winner 5-1. The Committee respectfully requested to the Accessibility Coordinator that each business nominated receive a letter and certificate so they know their commitment to accessibility was recognized by the Committee. The Coordinator agreed to do this on behalf of the Committee and Chair and advised that they will be sent out after the formal awards at the Region. (e) Update on AAC Logo and Materials The Accessibility Coordinator provided the Committee with a sample logo and bookmark created. Feedback was extremely positive. Other promotional material such as giveaways and examples of other informational materials were handed out to the Committee for consideration. It was mutually agreed that a pamphlet should be created that highlights what the AAC does. Bookmarks and affordable and useful handouts were also mutually agreed upon by the Committee. The Coordinator advised she would look into options over the summer and provide the Committee with more information at the next meeting and seek their final approval before ordering anything. Clarington Accessibility - 3 - May 4, 2016 Advisory Committee 4. New Business (a) Community Events Guide André O’Bumsawin advised the Committee that a side project he was working on will no longer be moving forward because the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario recently published a guide similar to what he was trying to produce. As such, there is no need to duplicate the work of the Directorate. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that she ordered many copies of this guide and had already begun sharing them with community groups. Copies were distributed to Committee members for reference. (b) Playground Consultations The Accessibility Coordinator asked the Committee for input on how they would like to meet the consultation for playgrounds being redeveloped, as required under the AODA. A few options were given to the Committee, but they agreed that once a presentation is scheduled at an AAC meeting that it be advertised to the community so they have an opportunity to attend and provide their feedback. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that there would be such a meeting at the September 7th, meeting because the procurement process for replacing old playgrounds begins in September. 5. Regional Update (a) Regional AAC Minutes Sally Barrie provided the Committee with an overview of the last Regional AAC meeting. 6. Other Business Sally Barrie advised the Committee that she was moving to a different Community Care Access Centre beginning in September, but that she is still a Clarington resident and will therefore still be a part of the Committee. Tuesday September 20th is the Joint AAC forum at the Region’s headquarters in Whitby. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that the Committee may want to consider developing an information guide on the benefits of accessible development, to give to developers who are building in Clarington. The Coordinator provided some additional context for the idea and advised that other AAC’s were beginning to create such products. Clarington Accessibility - 4 - May 4, 2016 Advisory Committee Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Sally Barrie That the Accessibility Advisory Committee explore creating an information guide on the benefits on accessible development in partnership with the Planning Department. Carried 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday September 7, 2016 at 6:00 PM. 8. Adjournment Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by Sally Barrie That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 7:15pm _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary