HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-16Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee April 6, 2016, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Shea-Lea Latchford Maureen Reed André O’Bumsawin Tim Van Leeuwen Sally Barrie Also Present: Jeannette Whynot – Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Councillor Partner Jacquie Watchorn John Sturdy (a) Adoption of Minutes Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by André O’Bumsawin That the minutes of the meeting of February 3, 2016 be approved. Carried Moved by Maureen Reed seconded by André O’Bumsawin That the minutes of the meeting of March 2, 2016 be approved. Carried (b) Presentation No presentations 3. Business Arising From Minutes (a) Newcastle Shoppers Drug Mart Accessibility The Committee members present discussed the concerns raised about the accessibility of Newcastle Shoppers Drug mart. The number and locations of accessible parking spaces was discussed and while there seems to be a lack of accessible on-street parking spaces, the Committee was satisfied that there were enough off-street accessible parking spaces. While the off-street accessible parking spaces provided by Shoppers Drug Mart are a fair distance from the store entrance, it was noted that there are other Municipal parking lots with Clarington Accessibility - 2 - April 6, 2016 Advisory Committee accessible spaces that are closer. The Committee mutually agreed that there seems to be an issue of providing accessible customer service. Maureen Reed provided the example that Shoppers Drug Mart, or any business, could offer a carry our service for people with disabilities or anyone who required assistance. The Accessibility Coordinator advised the Committee that this issue fits in well with the outreach she has been establishing with Maureen Reed and that she has three upcoming meetings where she would be able to provide information on improving customer service to people with disabilities. The Committee mutually agreed that at this time, they did not want to write any letters to Shoppers Drug Mart regarding the accessibility of their Newcastle location. The Committee requested that the Accessibility Coordinator discuss offering assistance/carry out service when meeting with local business groups, to which she agreed. (b) AAC Terms of Reference The Accessibility Coordinator provided the Committee with a draft copy of the updated Terms of Reference. Background on why the Terms of Reference required and overview of the major changes was given to the Committee. Moved by Maureen Reid, seconded by Sally Barrie That the Accessibility Advisory Committee accept the updated Terms of Reference for the Committee Carried 4. New Business (a) National Access Awareness Week The Accessibility Coordinator provided the Committee with an overview of National Access Awareness Week. The Committee was presented with examples of how other AAC’s mark the week. The Committee mutually agreed that they should ask the Mayor declare May 29- June 4th National Access Awareness Week. The Accessibility Coordinator advised that she would draft a letter with the Committee Chair and send it to the Mayor’s office for consideration. The Committee also mutually agreed that a delegation to Council would be a great way to raise awareness and keep accessibility an active topic. André O’Bumsawin agreed to speak on behalf of the Committee as a delegate to Council. The Committee requested that an email be sent to all AAC members Clarington Accessibility - 3 - April 6, 2016 Advisory Committee asking them for their input on what should be included. The Accessibility Coordinator confirmed she would send an email to Committee members asking for their input. The Accessibility Coordinator reminded the Committee that delegations are strictly limited to 10 minutes, so the presentation will need to be focused and concise. (b) AAC at Festivals The Accessibility Coordinator reminded the Committee that they had previously indicated a desire to increase their presence in the community and one way to do that would be to attend community festivals. A discussion on what the Committee would need in order to have an effective and positive presence at a community event took place. The Committee mutually agreed that at this time they are not prepared enough to attend a community festival, but that they would like to work towards the goal of attending Apple Fest in the fall. The Committee requested that this topic be added to the next agenda for further planning. 5. Regional Update (a) 2016 Regional Accessibility Awards The Accessibility Coordinator provided Committee members with information on the annual Durham Accessibility Awards. The award was briefly discussed and the Committee was asked to consider who’d they like to nominate. Some brainstorming occurred before the Accessibility Coordinator suggested members think about some more and that it can be further discussed at the next meeting once people have had time to consider local champions. (b) Regional AAC Minutes The Committee was provided copies of the two most recent Regional AAC Minutes for their review. 6. Other Business André O’Bumsawin discussed the accessibility of his recent trip to Florida. He noted that they did not seem to be any more accessible that in Canada, and in some cases even less accessible. André stated that his newly build hotel (December 2015) lacked a number of basic accessible features. Sally Barrie advised the Committee that on Saturday June 11th Community Care Durham will be holding a Mental Health Awareness Walk. For more information please visit http://www.ccdwalk.org Clarington Accessibility - 4 - April 6, 2016 Advisory Committee 7. Date of Next Meeting Wednesday May 4, 2016 at 6:00 PM. 8. Adjournment Moved by André O’Bumsawin seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 7:08pm _________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary