HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-11-08Newcastle Memorial Arena Manazement Board Municipality of Clarinaton Minutes of Meeting — November 81h, 2016 In Attendance: Gord Lee, Chair Bryan Wiltshire, Arena Manager Carol Little, Shea -Lea Latchford, Sue White, Gary Oliver, Regional Councillor Woo, Peter Kennedy. Regrets: Councillor Partner, Jay Summers 1. Call to Order — 7:08 P.M. The chair and committee members welcomed new board member, Peter Kennedy to his first meeting. Bryan invited Peter for a personal visit and an operational tour of the building and facilities. That will take place at their convenience. 2. Adoption of Minutes: Motion # 16-120 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of September 13, 2016 are accepted as presented. (No meeting took place in October, 2016) Moved by: Shea -Lea Latchford Seconded by: Sue White CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report: A number of the safety issues that Bryan and Sue had detected in their monthly inspection had been followed-up on with the municipality and attended to. Water and ice run- offs from the roof had been corrected in two areas and the one in the north-west corner is on the agenda. Bryan also advised of the completed repairs to our garage doors at the back of the building. Gary and Bryan continue to schedule snack bar opening hours to attempt to eliminate staffing costs for practice times, in which very few sales take place. (2) October snack bar sales of $2,041.05 were reported by the chair for 24 days/ evenings of operation — 7 practice scheduled evenings, we did not open. Discussion took place on the water -filling station — the installation service that was referred to us could not find a water line or drain outlet in the area we had chosen to locate the unit. Follow-up on another location in the building is in process. Village Print Shop is preparing portable "A" type signage for the Edward Street boulevard to advertise our public skate times - should be completed by month-end. 4. Financial Report: Income statements for Y.T.D. October 30th, 2016 indicated revenue of $212,616.89 — a 4% increase over same period of 2015. 5. New Business: The chair requested nominations should again take place for the election of a Vice -Chair. All nominated parties declined to run or, accept the position. Carol Little did agree to co-sign the cheque pay -outs on the business account. Changes from former vice -chair, Gord Blaker's signature to Carol's at the C.LB.C. will be arranged. We are again looking for a sponsor /advertiser for the arena time clock. Due to changes in the corporate offices of Tim Horton's, they will now only be sponsoring a rink -board sign in the arena. December's meeting will be our Christmas Dinner Celebration — arrangements for the evening will be made with our local Massey House Restaurant for 7:00 p.m. on the 13th of December. 6. Motion to Adjourn: Motion # 16-121 was proposed: Moved by: Gary Oliver CARRIED Seconded by: Peter Kennedy