HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-27NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 7 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present Were: Shirley Rogers, Chair Sierd DeJong Dave Eastman Willie Woo, Regional Councilor Regrets From: Wendy Partner, Local Councilor Kevin Symak Peter Hazelton Also Present: Gabrielle Bell —secretary 1. MINUTES Motion by D Eastman seconded by S DeJong That minutes of June 212016 are accepted as circulated. "Carried" Motion by S DeJong seconded by W Woo That minutes of July 212016 are accepted as circulated. "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a) Village Concert has accepted Terms of Reference b) Irrigation System has been fixed for this year. Bills are quite high due to dry summer. c) A/C discussion tabled d) Brickwork cleaning tabled 3. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by S DeJong seconded by D Eastman That the financial report is accepted as circulated. "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by W Woo seconded by D Eastman That the following invoices be paid as presented: S. Fogg $620.00 closings, S DeJong $10.00 f S. Fogg - 620.00 closings G. Bell - 43.51 S DeJong 10.00 flag repair "Carried" 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) CBOT newsletter received for information b) BBBS thank you letter received for information c) Municipal notice of Budget Meeting Structure and Timetable received for information d) Durham Lodge 66 AFM requesting use of Main Hall for their Wednesday night dinner. Motion by S DeJong, seconded by D Eastman That Main Hall may be used for October meeting for $100.00. Board will review at budget time to re- evaluate. "Carried" [::1Mrk4IVi/_1J_Tem►VilAL1ya:i9a9l.4I Received for information — copy to be sent to Operations Dept. 7. NEWCASTLES OF THE WORLD A water color of hall has been donated by NOTW. There may be other gifts donated to the hall for display. Shirley wanted to commend the Town employees from the Operations Department for their assistance during the week, especially on the Tuesday of the corn roast. Suggest that chair fill out customer service survey on line for Municipality. Shirley and Dave both reiterated what a great committee brought the week together and the entire conference was a huge success. On behalf of committee thank you to S DeJong for ceiling treatment. Custodial staff S Fogg was outstanding with helping out. 8. KITCHEN RENO Met with Operations Dept. and went over plan. Some areas of concern have been pointed out such as permits, placing of oven and funding. Suggested that we continue to fundraise and look at timeline for January 2018. This is a 3 week project so we will need to block off 3 weeks which we do not have in January 2017. Board agreed to delay to January 2018 blocking off 3 weeks and finish plans with OTE. Continue to fundraise to meet goals. 9. FUNDRAISING 10. Meeting of committee is being scheduled. 11. NEW BUSINESS a) Bowling Alley — found a baby snake and removed it to outside. Also asking for east stairs to be painted. b) Director of Operations will be attending October 18th meeting to present the policy and procedures manual. c) Secretary to purchase kitchen supplies d) Budget meeting scheduled for October 17 at 6 pm includes dinner e) Parking lot wall — Shirley reported that Dave, Shirley, Gabrielle met with Operations Director F. Horvath and staff Steve Brake and Ron Albright, engineering. Proposed removing laneway and slope it down to adjoining property. Put in grass and walkway. Remove stairs and put in ramp for caterers to enter by back door to kitchen. Would like to negotiate with neighbours for two parking spots for caterers to unload. Fencing along east end of wall in parking lot. f) Decorator is considering selling his business to hall custodian's spouse. Chair feels this could be a conflict. Board member Kevin Symak is working on proposal to have the hall supply decorating to increase income for maintaining the hall. This will be discussed in detail at budget meeting. Conflict issue was discussed in depth. g) Santa Parade committee is asking permission to put banner on building for this event. h) Motion by W. Woo, seconded by S DeJong That banners will not be permitted on building. "Carried" i) Permission granted for Santa Parade committee to use main hall from 3 — 8 pm for make-up of children participating in parade. j) W. Woo will look into obtaining 4 curb green bins. k) Operations Dept. delivered a new garbage bin. 1) October 2 close — S DeJong will do m) CBOT dinner on October 6 — D Eastman, S DeJong, G Bell will attend. Tickets are $65.00 board will pay for these. Motion to adjourn 8:50 pm by D Eastman Shirley Rogers, Chair Gabrielle Bell, Secretary