HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-21NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD June 212016 7 PM Council Chambers Present Were: Shirley Rogers—chair Sierd DeJong Dave Eastman Kevin Symak Wendy Partner — Local Councilor Willie Woo — Regional Councilor Regrets From: Peter Hazelton Also Present: Gabrielle Bell — secretary Fred Horvath — Director of Operations Municipality Rob Groen — Municipal Building & Property Supervisor Ed VanHaverbeke PRESENTATION on possibility of installing air conditioning in the building. Mr. Groen presented a slide show (attached) of engineering study done on Newcastle Community Hall a few years ago. Costs have been adjusted to reflect 2016 pricing. Discussion followed with options being put on the table and questions being answered by Mr. Horvath and Mr. Groen. Mr. VanHaverbeke wanted to make it clear that whichever decision the Board makes he and Mrs. VanHaverbeke will respect. The donation will be there even if we are talking a number of years down the road. Mr. Groen will send e -copy for board members. After guests had left board members gave their thoughts on feasibility of this project. All are concerned with the esthetics of the project. Questions to be directed to Mr. Groen - Can ceiling fans be reversed and are there options to remove humidity only? Further discussion tabled until September meeting. S. Rogers asked Mr. Horvath about plans for retaining wall. They are looking at this project presently. One thought is to remove north driveway and grass it over, take out stairs to adjacent plaza and install a ramp for catering staff to deliver supplies. Sections would be repaired and a railing considered. This is number 1 retaining wall project with his department. He will keep board apprised of plans as they unfold. Councilor Partner asked chair if Mr. Horvath and Mr. Groen could be invited to stay for the meeting as other items on agenda may require their input i.e. smoking policy. Board agreed to move items up on agenda that may be of interest so that they could be addressed first. This would free up Mr. Groen and Mr. Horvath to leave. Councilor Partner asked why a meeting was arranged by Durham Lodge Masons with Municipal Accessibility Coordinator Jeanette Whynot and Mr. Groen at the Community Hall to discuss plans for chairlift to second floor, but did not include the Hall Board in this meeting? To clarify hours prior to the meeting the board's secretary in conversation via email on another matter with Lodge member Sean Keane was invited to attend meeting. Board member Dave Eastman was able to attend on behalf of the board. Councilor Woo explained it was a meeting to gather information. Secretary noted that a letter had been delivered after the meeting with details of same and is included in tonight's agenda. Board members felt Durham Lodge had circumvented the Hall Board. The Hall Board requested that future requests for meetings pertaining to the hall by their renters be directed to the Hall Board to arrange attendance of appropriate Municipal Staff and Board representative. 1. MINUTES Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by W. Woo That minutes of May 17 2016 are accepted as circulated with amendment to item 11.6 which should read "east entrance." "Carried" 2. BUSINESS ARISING a. Spring Clean Up - S. Rogers reported that D. Eastman, S. Fogg, S. DeJong and herself took 2 loads from basement clean up to Oshawa dump which was closed, so rerouted to Newcastle Salvage. Cost was $90.00 for the dump run. S. Fogg has reported there is one more load to be removed. Discussed portable bar which belongs to the Lions Club and is in furnace room. This has not been used in a number of years. S. DeJong offered it to the board for use in auditorium. Board members felt there was not a need for it. S. DeJong will ask Club if they would like it back in their room or have it removed from building. D. Eastman noted that coat rack from Lions Room is not permitted to be put out into the lower foyer as it is a fire exit hazard. b. Community Building Information Meeting — S. Rogers, D. Eastman, and G. Bell attended. Subjects covered: Financial Guidelines, Director Nancy Taylor — we presently adhere to most of the guidelines i.e. ensure HST # is on invoices to be paid, require 2 quotes for expenditures over $1000.00, receipts for all expenses required, two signatures on cheques and 3 signatures on record at bank for back up. We should make a list of our assets over $5000.00 or useful life over one year. Director Taylor would be available to review our present rental contracts to ensure all areas are covered. Accessibility by Jeanette Whynot was very informative. Social Media — Basia covered Facebook and Twitter explaining how important they are to our business today. Felt both were not necessarily needed if we have a good following on Facebook. Secretary reported that she and P. Hazelton had met and discussed Facebook page for Newcastle Hall. We have expanded to include businesses and sites that may be of interest to the hall and our community. Board members took a look at the site during meeting and felt site looked good. P. Hazelton has requested to be added onto administration to do some tweaking to site. Secretary suggested new eyes would be helpful, if board is not comfortable with 2 administrators it could be done for a few months to see how it works. Board agreed they would prefer only one on administration of site and that all changes or items requested to go on site would be sent to secretary. c. Smoking By-law — secretary discussed smoking by law with Region representative Sherry Fauvelle. Sherry inspected premises and has informed us that no smoking is allowed on patio area as food and beverages are served or taken out there. Signage has been posted to this effect. Smoking may be done out in front of building and the parking lot. As there is no playground in the parkette it is also permitted there. Would we like to create policy of banning smoking on property? Do we need Municipal permission for this? Do we want a specific smoking area? Board discussed and decided to add smoking litter to contract with damage deposit. Receptacles will be supplied and clients will be asked to ensure their guests use them. Councilors will bring this issue up at GGC with the possibility of banning smoking on Municipal Property. d. Village Concerts —meeting scheduled for June 22 with committee to create Terms of Reference. Draft attached. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by W. Partner, seconded by S. DeJong That the financial report is accepted as circulated. "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by W. Partner, seconded by D. Eastman That the following invoices are paid as presented: S. DeJong — 97.26 flags & closing, G. Bell — 72.11 ink, S. Rogers — $90.17 dump, S. Fogg $530.00 closings "Carried" Thank you to W. Woo and K.Symak for donating their time to close Durham Lodge Event. 5. CORRESPONDENCE a. Harvest Festival — received for information — possible evening event for fundraising. b. BIA—July 1St celebration regarding sponsorship received for information c. Durham Lodge — Letter received outlining meeting held regarding accessibility d. Public Open House - Draft Official Plan 2016 on June 28 at Bowmanville Library Branch (2 to 4 pm and 6 to 8 pm). 6. RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT Received for information — copy to be sent to Operations Dept. 7. NEWCASTLE'S OF THE WORLD Would like to apply for a multi -day SOP. Board is in agreement that this would be permitted. Alcohol would be stored in secured area for the duration i.e. bar room. NOTW will contact AGCO to get details on applying for this type of permit. During this 5 day event we would request that a board member be available each day. Corn Roast may be held on the Tuesday. A schedule will follow. 8. DOORS OPEN S. Rogers reported in P. Hazelton's absence. Event was a huge success. Kevin reported hall was beautifully decorated for a wedding. Lots of compliments. Approximately 350 attendees. Ontario Early Years was unaware of event — Secretary has apologized to them for this oversite. P. Hazelton will also be talking with them. 9. KITCHEN OTE is working on design should be available this week. A special meeting may need to be called for board to view. 10. FUNDRAISING Motion by K. Symak, seconded S. DeJong That we hire Hotel California for April 12017 at a cost of $3729.00 and sound company for $1200.00 "Carried" 11. NEW BUSINESS a. NVMHA - has confirmed booking October 29 2016. Due to poor condition hall was left in for October 2015 event board passed following motion: Motion by W. Woo, seconded by W. Partner That damage deposit is increased to $500.00 and recommends security One opposed. 'Carried" b. Lighting — breakers. D. Eastman, K. Symak and G. Bell will relabel panels as there is confusion with present labelling when turning lights off. c. Weddings — secretary has had requests for day after clean up i.e. Sunday if there is not another booking. Agreed to discuss further at budget meeting, may be added as a new fee. d. Mulch will be ordered at a cost of approximately $500.00 for gardens by Horticultural Society. e. Irrigation System — Municipality has hired a new company Envirturf to maintain the system. They have done quite a bit of repair to the pipes as there were many cuts. The patio area is awaiting a part as the electrical part is not working. This system has a rain detector which will tell the system not to turn on of it is raining. It is very close to the building so not very effective. Company will give us a quote on another type when they finish their repairs. Company is responsible for opening and closing the system each year. f. Discussed issue of storage rooms next to the men's washrooms in auditorium and projection room on 2nd floor. Mr. Groen reported Fire Inspector requires that the openings in the projection room need to be closed off in case of fire. It was agreed that two openings be closed permanently and the two centre ones be covered but have ability to open for taking photographs and changing flags. Storage Rooms in auditorium will only be used by the Hall Board — a letter will be sent to the Lions Club notifying them that they will no longer have of use of this area. This area is not included in Lions Club rental contract. g. Secretary asked for supervision June 25 — Derek DeJong will be contacted as board members were not available. h. Secretary has had request for fresh cut greenery to be laid out on tables at a function. We are aware a new decor policy is coming from the Municipality which may include the exclusion of this type of decor. Secretary instructed to contact Municipality for details on policy. Next meeting will be scheduled for September 27, 2016 as Newcastle's of the World will be a priority the week prior. Motion by D. Eastman That meeting is adjourned at 10:15 PM Shirley Rogers Gabrielle Bell