HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-16NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD February 16, 2016 7 pm Council Chambers Present Were: S Rogers — chair S DeJong D Eastman K Symak P Hazelton W Woo — Regional Councilor W Partner — Local Councilor Also Present: G. Bell —secretary Ed & Sylvia VanHaverbeke Ann Harley PRESENTATION BY ED and SYLVIA VANHAVERBEKE Their three children have grown up in Newcastle Village and are now raising their children in Newcastle Village. They have all been married in the hall as well, so have a love for the building. They have generously offered to donate $100,000.00 towards A/C for the building. They realize it will cost much more than this and there may be reasons that it can't be done. They would be willing to offer their assistance in additional fundraising as well. They would also support the kitchen renovation. Would like to make donation if/when project is approved. They will support the whole building or part thereof i.e. main hall to be included in project. Felt the addition of A/C should not detract from the heritage of the building as it is now. The last assessment is being updated by Operations Dept. in consideration of the donation. A Trillium grant will be considered by the board as well with a lead applicant. If possible Mr. & Mrs. VanHaverbeke would like a response within the next 6 months to a year. Board felt this would not pose a problem. Chair S. Rogers and Mr. VanHaverbeke have already met with Director of Operations to discuss the project. Board members thanked Ed and Sylvia for their very generous offer. PRESENTATION BY DR HO As Dr. Ho did not respond to email to confirm his attendance and did not appear this presentation will be rescheduled if requested. PRESENTATION BY ANN HARLEY — GIFT OF ART Discussed rate for play put on by Gift of Art drama class on April 14/15. Rental would be for 4 hours each evening, April 14 would be rehearsal only and April 15 presentation of the play. Sets would be left over night. This is not exclusive to children. Fee is charged for entrance $8.00 - $10.00, they usually break even. Audience is about 200. Cast about 15. Board will discuss and be in touch. Board discussed pricing within new 2016 rental rates. Motion by S. DeJong seconded by D Eastman Rental fee for meeting $200.00 would be charged for rehearsal on April 14 and $525.00 fee (funeral reception, anniversary tea, etc.) for April 15. "Carried" MINUTES 1.1 Motion by D Eastman, seconded by W. Partner That minutes of November 2015 are accepted as circulated. "Carried" Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by W. Woo That the minutes of January 19, 2016 are accepted as circulated. "Carried" BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by W. Partner That we accept quote of $141.25 from K.R. Electrical Services for installation of ceiling fan in bowling alley. 1 opposed "Carried" G. Bell will also obtain quote for 220V outlet on stage for concerts and outlets in office. 2.2 Open Doors Event June 112016 — S. DeJong reported that Lions and Historical Society will be participating. K. Symak advised Durham Lodge 66 will be participating. Resend email to P. Hazelton with contact information for Doors Open committee. He will make contact with Bernice Norton to discuss plans in detail. 2.3 As discussed at January meeting G. Bell has booked 2nd wedding on June 18 2016 to be held in Council Chambers. This couple will be finished their ceremony and pictures, prior to the wedding couple using the main hall's arrival for their reception. There should be no overlap of the two weddings. FINANCIAL REPORT 3.1 Motion by W. Woo, seconded by K. Symak That the financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" INVOICES 4.1 Motion by W. Partner, seconded by P. Hazelton That the following invoices for closing S. Fogg $300.00 "Carried" Cd61C43*1Z6LI 14i!L4q 5.1 Little Caesars Pizza/Harvey's contacted office with advertising opportunity — received for information. 5.2 Canadian Blood Services letter received for information. Letter passed to K. Symak to ensure Durham Lodge 66 has information as well, as Blood Donor Clinic is their initiative. 5.3 CPR "Family & Friends CPR Anytime" box has been placed at AED site by Municipality. 5.4 PAD Update received for information. 5.5 Municipality +55 Active Adults update received for information. HEALTH & SAFETY 6.1 Received for information — copy to be forwarded to Operations Dept. FUNDRAISING 7.1 Hotel California — G. Bell reported plans are on track. P. Hazelton, K. Symak, S. Rogers, D. Eastman and S. DeJong have all volunteered to help the night of. NEWCASTLE'S OF THE WORLD 8.1 Moving forward with plans — draft schedule of the week's itinery being planned. KITCHEN UPDATE 9.1 Discussed what we would like to see done in kitchen. It was agreed that a walk in cooler for the bar room would not be considered in the plans. G. Bell will start to gather quotes for flooring, cupboards, counters, etc. Discussed target date of January 2017 to begin construction. NEW BUSINESS 10.1 G. Bell asked for direction on rental rate for Feathers Studio — they would like use of hall for a small dance (ballroom) on a Friday evening. Board agreed they would have to be charged the 2016 Friday rental fee of $800.00. The size of their event could not be taken into consideration for rental fee. 10.2 Social Media - P. Hazelton and G. Bell will go over Social Media for the hall i.e. adding twitter, Instagram and discuss updating. P. Hazelton noted we may be missing a demographic within Newcastle for use of the hall. 10.3 G. Bell asked board to discuss a fee for photographers that would like to use the grounds and inside hall for photography sessions only. Motion by W. Woo, seconded by K. Symak That use of hall and grounds for photography only fee will be $100.00/hour includes gardens and 1St and 2"d floor only. "Carried" 10.4 P. Hazelton requesting meeting space at Newcastle Hall for NVMHA meetings held once a month on a Thursday. Is board open to a reduced rate for an ongoing rental? As P. Hazelton is presently president of NVMHA he volunteered to leave meeting so board could discuss. Board members were unanimously agreed that rate could not be reduced from the $50.00 fee. We have regular renters i.e. yoga class paying fee according to the 2016 fee guide. We need to adhere to the fee guide. 10.5 G. Bell reported Fall Festival will be on a smaller scale but would like use of hall. We will hold date of Oct 2 2016. K. Symak will be in contact with Joyce King of BIA to stay up to date on plans. 10.6 S. Rogers advised Accessibility training will need to be taken by new board members P. Hazelton and K. Symak. Secretary will contact Janette Wynott to set up training as it is not available on line anymore. W. Partner explained what was involved in accessibility training. G. Bell also advised they would need AED training when it is offered again. 10.7 D. Eastman spoke about Concerts In Park. He is now signing authority — only one signature required. They would like to increase payment to bands from $300 to $400. They have applied for grant from Municipality. Secretary to invite committee to March meeting to go over committee rules. 10.8 D. Eastman suggested that we acknowledge C. Abraham's contribution to board over 23 years. It was also noted that Pete DeJong's service needs to be acknowledged as well. Board members will discuss further at March meeting. 10.9 D. Eastman suggested we have back up for S. Fogg — C. Green who helped out beginning of January 2016 has said he would be available on an on call basis. Motion to adjourn D. Eastman, seconded by S. DeJong 9:06 pm Shirley Rogers—Chair Gabrielle Bell - Secretary