HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-19NEWCASTLE VILLAGE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD January 19, 2016 7 pm Council Chambers Present Were: S DeJong S Rogers D Eastman Councilor Woo Councilor Partner Also Present: C. Abraham G Bell - secretary Marilia Hjorngaard —Newcastle Lions Club Warren Tait — Newcastle Lions Club ELECTION: Chaired by W. Woo Two positions have come to the end of their 2 year term — Cathy Abraham and Barry Carmichael S. Rogers and W. Woo spoke to the floor about rules of election i.e. candidates and voting public must live within the boundaries laid out in the bylaws of the hall. Voting public would be voting to fill two positons on the board with a 2 year term. Nominations were taken from the floor: Cathy Abraham Jocelyne Bater Peter Hazelton Kevin Symak Gina Gallacher All nominations were accepted. Each person nominated gave a short speech prior to voting taking place by secret ballet. Councilor Woo and Partner tallied the votes. Elected to board is Kevin Symak, Peter Hazelton Shirley Rogers thanked Cathy Abraham for her 23 years of service on the board. W. Woo spoke as well on her leadership during her time on the board. All board members thanked Cathy for her many contributions to the board over the years. Thank you to all who participated in the election process. ELECTION OF CHAIR Chaired by W. Woo S. DeJong nominated S. Rogers, seconded by D. Eastman S. Rogers was acclaimed as chair of the board. Presentation from the Lions Club: Marilia Hjorngaard and Warren Tait Newcastle Lions Club would like to replace the flooring in the Lion's Den with commercial vinyl tile at their expense. An example of the flooring was shown to board members. Warren Tate will be the contact. As there is the possibility of asbestos content in the tiles underneath the carpeting board will ask Operations Dept. to have sample tested. If asbestos is found in the tile then flooring will be checked to ensure there is no damage before moving forward to install new vinyl flooring. If there is damage to old tile Operations Dept. will instruct on next steps. Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by W. Woo That pending approval by Municipality the board approves flooring change. "Carried" S. DeJong declared a conflict. 1. MINUTES Tabled to February meeting. 2. BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 November 19 2016 rental — Royal Services. Send a letter stating if date not confirmed by January 29 2016 the date will be released. 2.2 C. Abraham reported on Kitchen Update — Building services and Lions Club presently searching archives for original kitchen plans. Discussion revealed kitchen additions could be 30 to 40 years ago. 2.3 Update from Chair given by Cathy Abraham - reported on break in Xmas Eve. Entry was through west doors, entered Lions Room, Train Room and Bowling Alley. Locks and doors were broken but nothing was taken. Police were fairly sure whoever it was had intimate knowledge of building possibly looking for alcohol. Operations Dept. will be fixing damaged doors and locks. - Municipality has updated smoke detectors. Also some electrical outlets in auditorium and exit signs. Board members S. Rogers, S. DeJong, D. Eastman, W. Woo and W. Partner individually thanked Cathy Abraham for her 23 years of service, commitment and contribution to Newcastle Village Community Hall Board. 2.4 Village Concerts — 2015 report received. Dave Eastman volunteered to liaison with committee - Bert VandenHeuvel, Lorraine Forget, Bob Forget, Lloyd Johnson 3. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by K. Symak That the financial report for year end 2015 is accepted as presented "Carried" 4. INVOICES Motion by W. Partner, seconded by W. Woo That the following invoices for S. DeJong $150.00 S. Fogg $150.00 G. Bell $300.00 for open/close of hall "Carried" 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Chamber of Commerce AGM Jan 28 — D. Eastman, S. DeJong will attend. Possibly K. Symak and P. Hazelton as well. Board also agreed to purchase Chamber of Commerce membership for 2016. 5.2 Health Dept. distributed new hand washing poster. Will be posted in kitchens. 5.3 Board agreed to purchase CBOT membership for 2016 5.4 Enbridge Public Awareness Update received for information 5.5 Chamber Insurance Plan — effective January 12016 paramedical services will have an overall combined maximum equal to $2500.00 per certificate (per family) each calendar year. 5.6 Gift of Art offering advertising for $100.00 (see attached) Motion by K. Symak, seconded by W. Partner That we enter into agreement with Gift of Art for advertising at a cost of $100.00 "Carried" 6. HEALTH & SAFETY Received for information — copy will be sent to Operations Dept. 7. FUNDRAISING 7.1 G. Bell reported that Jewelry Extravaganza profits were down from prior years. This fundraiser may have run its' course. 7.2 Hotel California concert is SOLD OUT once again. Volunteers needed for night of event. S. DeJong, D. Eastman, S. Rogers, K. Symak and P. Hazelton volunteered. 7.3 Discussed need for new chair of fundraising committee as B. Carmichael is no longer on board. Presently G. Bell is only member of committee. K. Symak volunteered to chair committee. 8. NEWCASTLE'S OF THE WORLD - no updates at this time. 9. NEW BUSINESS 9.1 Lions Club has double booked their room for February 23. Would like use of Centennial Room on February 23 for the Big Brothers/Sisters bowl off for signing in. Motion by D. Eastman, seconded by W. Woo That Centennial Room is donated to Big Brothers for bowling for dollars. "Carried" 9.2 Installation of overhead fan in bowling alley requested by D. Forget — quote from Moore Electric came in at $1200.00. Board directed secretary to obtain second quote. 9.3 Doors Open June 112016 — although we have a wedding booked for this day the board would like to participate. Visitation will be worked around the wedding reception so that there is no interference with their event. S. DeJong and P. Hazelton will work with committee to set up. 9.4 Secretary has had request for wedding ceremony in Council Chambers on June 18 2016. We have the hall rented out for a reception on same day. Board agreed if ceremony upstairs and pictures could be completed prior to reception time then book the two events. 9.5 G. Bell reported on January 2 2016 wedding that covered 3 days. Required hiring of outside custodial help. S. DeJong, D. Eastman and G. Bell worked 4 hours preparing hall for January 2 reception after New Year's Eve party by Lions Club. Board thanked them for donating their time. 9.6 Big Brothers/Sisters requesting early delivery of picnic tables to park area. It was agreed as long as this does not interfere with a rental this would be approved. 9.7 Chair asked if any further information re: Masons request for elevator. As per K. Symak The lodge is investigating a chairlift at a cost of $20,000.00. Their contact with Municipality is Councilor Woo. 9.8 Guidelines for closing the hall after an event were handed out to board members. Adjourned 9:30 pm Chair Person — Shirley Rogers Date Secretary—Gabrielle Bell Date