HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/03/1967 ......"'~y.. e-_"'''''''':-'<''"''\'ii~'i,~'''W';-'~",''''~ .-.,.. INAUGURAL MEETING OFTHECOUlfCIL OF THE TOWN'$I!IP OF. CLARKE Jaauary ,3, '1967, at 11 a.m. Council Chamber, Oroao. Preseat: Reeve R. A. Fester Deputy Reeve.H. Earl Walkey Councillor W. R. Carv.th Councillor O. H. Falls CounCillor F. 'A. Gray Clerk H. E. ..Millson Reveread R. C. White .' Reeve R. A. Foster called the meeting to order and asked Revere'n;.White to.address Council. ...lercmd R.. C. White began with two passages of Scripture 1 Mic~"5Ia aad James 1127. ~.Prayers were thea offered concerningl The Dominion of Caaada The Nations of the World For Peace and Goodwill For Guidance in our undertakings In his rema.rks h.e congratulated the Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillors on their election to office. He.reminded them that like Queen Esther of old they too had come into the kingdom for such a time as this. As this is Canada' a CentelUlial Year you will be challenged to many projects.of advancement. He offered as a suggestion for a New Year's Resolution the simple and practical formula: A. To be somebody B. To do something Reverend White closed with the Benediction. In his opening remarks to Council the Ree:Ve personally thanked Reverend White for his kind and moving address. This he said is one of the highlights of my life. The words of wisclom spolen by Reverend White Will in all probability have to 'be used in making the many decisions dlU"ing the year 1967. .geputy.)leeve H. Earl Walkey conveyed his personal thanks to Reverend White;, congratulated the R.eeve and other members of Council upon their election to office and emphasized a hope that' the affairs of Council would be carried out in harmony. The new members, he stated, should feel f'ree at all times to state their thoughts on all subjects coming bef'ore Council and not leave the more 1mportant decisions to the experienced members. 2a his opinion all members retain a similar right and power to propose, discuss and vote on the business before Council. , CounCillor Orme H. Falls personally thanked Reverend White f'or his inspiring addresa~ ~ongratulated the members of Council and expressed a deSire that the business of Council would be carried out to the satisfaction of the electors in the new year. In many respects, he said, I f'eel as if I have been placed in a new camp on being re-elected to Council. CounCillor W. Roderick Carveth personally thanked Reverend White, congratulated the members of' Council and expressed the desire to consider the affairs of' the municipality with an open mind . Finally, he....id.~. I ~ill,ao my beat:. Councillor Frank 4~ Gray thanked Reverend WAite, congratulated. the members of' Council and emphasized. the ~portaaee of' harmony ia all matters under discussion by eounc!l. In his remark. concerning the latter, Mr. Gray said it woUld be well tor the members to leave each meeting in harmony although such harmony may not always be present d.1Ilring meeting. . ""C"""ii;'~.;;~~;;';L,;;.:"-~...ii,,>~;;;":'-k.~;:',1-'{;""""'L,,.'''''i''>'.;h";};;c.ii"i"-^,,,,_,",;,,_,"'''0,',,_,~,,, Page 2 Inaugural Meeting of' Council 3 January 1967, continued: AbJcil .. The Reeve expressed his personal hope that the members of' Council would be in harmony upon adj ourUlent of all meetings. This is a particularly happy day fe>r me to be of'f'icially sworn in as Reeve andme>re 80 in our Centennial Year. It is dif'ficult f'or me to express my f'eelings' today. I am extremely proud and yet very humble to receive a vote of' confidence &om. the electors of' our municipality ~ During this year there will.haveto be many decisions made by this' Council, some of' which will meet with the f'avour of ou.r people while others will not be popular 'but, nevertheless, . in.the best interests of' the Township of' Clarke. I would like to remind you that you are as of' this day a servant of' the people of' this muniCipality. They have put their trust. in you, accept it and guard it jealously~ PlantAe essential services but, ,at all times, keep in mind the ability of the' taxpayer te> meet his obligations. The declarations of of'f'ice o~ the members 'of' Council were signed and swor.n under oath before the Clerk. The minutes of' the meeting of' Council held December 15, 1966 were approved as read on motion by H. E. Walkey, ~econded by O. H. Falls. Carried. , .It was moved by a. H. Fa-lIs i seeonded by F. A. Gray that Council recess at 12 noon for lunch and resume seasion - at 2 p.m..Carried. On invitation by the R.eeve, Reverend White, the 1I1embers e>f' Council, Mrs. J. V. Norton, the CIM'"k and Road Superintendent enjoyed an excellent. dinner served at the Coaeh~nd Four R.estaurant. Mr. Falls extended a unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. Foster f'or his thoughtfulness and generosity on 'the occasion of this social repast. Council resumed session in accordance with the af'ore- mentioned motion. It was moved, duly seconded, ana unan1mously carried that delegations be heard. Mr. A. M. Johnston, assessor, asked Council for a salary increase .eff'ective in the year 1967' due to the increase of' assessments - and. f'urther complication of' records. The :!.eeve suggested that this request should be referred to a Committ&e of' Council at such time when the committees have been appointed. .H. E. Walkey moved, seconded by W. R. Carveth that the request of' the assessor be ~eferred to the Property and Finance Committee f'or study and report to a f'uture JIleeti.ag of' this Council. Carried. The folloWing committees of' Council together wdth appointments were suggested by.Reeve~R. A. Foster for the year 1967: Propertyan,<i Finance COnmUttee""!Messrs. a.iI.Falla .and F.A.~ay ~oad and Bridge CoMmittee-Messrs. H.E~Walkey and W.R.Carveth PlaJ'Uliltg Committee-Mr. F. A. Gray fire Protection Committee-Messrs. W.R.Carveth and F.A.Gray , further, Mr. Foster sugges~ed thAt the Reeve be appointed as ex~of~~cio member of all committees of' Council. The fore- going suggestions and appointments were unanimously agre~d . upGn an,c1adopted by Council. Mr. E.. R. Weodyard, Trustee 0rono,eongratulated the members to of'fice and suggested that the consideration by Council: 1. Restricted Area By-law No. 1517. 2. Taxing of' dog. in the Police 'V111age and the sharing of' coats'with regard ,to a dog catcher. . 3 . The general problem:a' of the Township of Clarke' Fire De partment. 4. The Pablic Works Financial Agreement between Council and the Trustees. .. 5.. The~ Garbage By-law8 and Agreements now in f'orce by . Council and the Police Trustees. 6. The old Township Garage, and property located Within the limits of' the Police Village. Policy and develQ~ent of Planning. ~ono Hydro Electric Commi~aion. fropoaed publiC works consideration under the Local ;tm.]rOvement Act. of the Police Vil-lage of of' Council on being elected follOWing matters be given , 7. 8. 9. " Page :3 Inaugural Meeting, of' Coaacil 3 January 1967, continued: Mr. Woodyard said it waa the wish of' the Trustees :bo request an informal meeting with the .e~bers .f' Council at an early f'uture date tod.iscuss'these subjects.' Reeve Foster on behalf of', Council s~id that such a meeting would be arranged as.eon as possible. . The :f"olloWing corresp<>ndence and reports were read out by the Reeve: i. ' Cana4ian Medie-Ale~tFoundation Inc. re request for support in the way of' a Grant from'the Township o~ Clarke f'or.1967.-Piled. 2. Canadian Mental Health Associationre contribution f'or the betterment of',the'mental health of all citizens in Ontario.- Referred to resolution. 3. The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society re~uest f'or contribution.- Filed., 4. Department.of Municipal Af'f'aili's of' Ontario, .Municipal Subsidies Branch re Certificat.e of' f'orgiveness of a portion o~ a loan-LOan No. L311.-Filed. 5. Ontario CGmmittee .~or Education Week.' This ,letter vaa ta,bled and ref'erred to the next meeting of' Council on February 7,' 1967, ~nd the .Cle,rk was instructed. to correspond with the Board of ~rustees of' the Township School Area of Clar~e to aacertain, their interest,. if' AnY, in this subject matter. 6. Copy of' a letter f'rom Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re Mink f'ood supplies owned by Mr. Richard.,Collins. -F.il.ed and a copy of' this, letter to be re~erred to the Trustees of' the Police Village' of Orono. ' . . 7. Solicitor E. ~.Lovekin re Presbyterian Church and Newto~ville Cemetery as business brought f'orward f'rom December 15, 1966,t-Tabled. 8. Mr. Everett Stapleton requ~st to purchase the north east corner. of' Lot 31" Concession 6 as business brought f'orward f'rom December 15, 1996.-R.eferred tOt the Roa.d anci Bridge Committee. 9. Northumberl~d-Durham Health Unit Report for November 1966. - Filed. . . _ . ' , l().Solicitor E. R. Lovekin're Pounds Act By-Law No. 532 as busi.nessbr9ught f'orwar~.f'rom December 15, 1966.-Tabled. 11. Soli~ito~ E. R. Lovekin re Clarke -TOWDShip-Sunday Sport MGin>>rt Ra.ce~Track 80S. business brought ~orwa.rd :from December 15. 1966~-The,. R.e~ve suggested that a committee.. appointed of' him.elf',t.h~ Deputy Reeve, Councillor Falls' and the Clerk to meet with Solicitor Lovekin and refOIt back to' Couilcil. Further it was ..uggested that the Clerk ask Mr. Lovekin if it would be possible for h1m to meet with Council at. the continuation of this ,meeting on January ,6, next. 12. Pope &- Goebelle re Orono Municipal Water System :and Resol1;t:f.on No.. '164 uted ,Nov. 2; 1965, as business brought :forward fr.oD). Dece~ber 15~ 1966.-Tabled. 13. Report :from the Clerk re proposed clnaf't agreement between the Coun~i~ &ndthe QrpnQ P.ublic Library as business brought forward ~rom December 15, 1966. -Re:ferred to the P1'\Qperty and Finance Comm~ttee f'or study and report back to Council. 14. Mrs. ,Mabel Lewis Spratt request to purchase the unopened road allowance adjacent to her property in part of Lot 23, Concession 2.-~Ref'erred to Road and Bridge Committe~. 15 . Township of' Etobi.coke re their Resolution Number 217-, relating to Off'icial Plans as, business brought forward f'rom December 15, 1966.-Tabled. ; 16. BGwmanville Area ,Ambulap.ce.Service re IIldigent Bill;i.ng in th.eamoun,t of' $62.C9.-Tabled for further investigation. 17. Department ~f' MuniCipal Af'fairs re MuniC;ipalAccounting Seminar .-'fkeTreasure.r was authorized to attend the said. Seminar in 'Peterborough January 19, next. 18.',~. Oat;&rio Association of Rur~l Municipalities re . membershipf'ee f'o;r the year 1967.-Fil~d. 19. .DePlrtment of' Health re The Nursing Home.s Act, 1966.-Filed. .' ,J;- . Page 4 t Inaugural Meeting o~ Council 3 January 1967, continued: " The f'ollo~ng,resolutions were passed:- R.esp]utian No. ],:Moved by Barl Walkey, secC,)nded by Orme Falls: This Council 'hereby expres. their appreciation to Rev. R. C. White f'or hisappropriateaddresB and prayers at this the i~~al meeting of' the Council o~ the Township o~ Clarke f'or the.year 1967.-Carried. ' Resolution No. 2:Moved by Earl 'Walke,., seconded by 6rme Falls: : Resolve that The Canadian~ental Health Aa.ociation, Oat.rio Division, be and is hereby granted $15~QO.-Ca~ried. ReaolntiQn No. ~: Moved by Barl Walkey, seconded by Orme Falls: This Council hereby grant the Durham County Junior Farmers the amount of 135.00 f'or the year 1967.-Carried. _ ResolutiQnNa..4: Moved byEarlWalkey, seconded byW.R.Carveth: That Messrs. A. McLaren, R. Porrester, S. Rutherf'ord, C. Armstrong, R. Haze)..den, W. Bunting, O. H. Fall$'ud F.A.Gray be and. are hereby appointed as the Management. ComuiittEte .of the ' Centennial Project. .The said 'members sha.ll'hold'of':r1ce until their successors are appointed by order-in-Council. The Chairman and Secretary of' the said Management CQmmittee sha.lJ."be !:iess'l's. S. Rutherford and ft..' Hazelden respectively.-Carried. Re",eJu~iGn :HG. ~: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by 'Earl Walkey: In accordan~e with By-law 'No. 1342 this Council hereby resolve that Messrs. F. A. Gray and W. R. Carveth be and are hereby appointed to the Board of' Mar1a,gement of' the Orono COmtD.l.\Ility Hall :fer the -year. 1967 togebher wit'h the 'follOWing Odd;rellows ~~r the .years ,1967' and 196$: . . VI. G. --watson, F. GN.ham, .E. -R. Rainey t . ; And th~ folloWing Heather Rebekahs 'for the year 1,67: Hattie .Wilso.n and~ Gladys GamsbY' ' , It is understood that three representatives of the ,Orono Oddf'ellows ,shall be a.ppointed in the odd years and two ~epresentatives of' the a.&o Rebekahsbe' appointed in the even . years to this Board of Management. -Carried. : Re.olntionlTo.. 6: Moved. by W. R.. Carveth, 'seconded by Frank Gray: This Council hereby appeillt Mr. Henry De With aa 'Welfare Administrator f'or the Township of': Clarke f'or, the year .196'1~ -Carri'ed. ~Aolntiq~Ne. 7~ Moved by Orme Falis,tsecondedby W.R.Carveth: t This Cowie!.).. hereby appoint.Roy A. 'Foster: and H., E~l t Walkey to t;.he Clarke Centennial Commi1;;tee to replace the ex-memberaot Council who receiVed such appointments in the year 1966. -Carried. ' ., aes9Jt!lt:io~ )J9~ a: Moved by. Orme Falls, seconded. by Earl Walkey: This: Ccnlncil hereby ap"intMr. Henry DeVith as Public SchOOl Attendance Of'ficer fortthe year 1ge7.-Carried.' . bsolntdoD. li~... Q: MeTed. by Orme Falls, seconded by Frank Gray: TheR.oaci Superintendent, Road and Bridge Committee and Clerk.beauthor.ized to attend the 0ntar~o Rood Roads~onvention with expenses paid and the membership ~ee ofI15.00~e . paid.-Carrted. . Reao]u~io~ Jre... 'Hl: Moved by W.R..Carveth, secollded by Frank Gray: : That Mr.. Ro,y . A . Foster ~a.J1d' Mr. H . Earl Walke,. be' ,'andare hereby appointed. t() the Township o~ Clarke High School Committee for the year 1967 or until the d:llratioll of the said Committee ~ whichever shall be the sooner.-Carried. R.SGJu~ioD. :He. 11: .M,~ved by Orme Falls, seconded by'Earl Walkey: That Dr. A. ~. McKenzie, Orono, Ontario be appointed . , Indigent 'Medical Of'ficer ~or the Township of Clarke for the year 19'7.-C&1"ried. R.IIUilo~ utiMt1i., . ] 2: Moved by Frank Gray,. seconded by W. R. Carveth: l.eaolve .. that, the TreaaUl"er al1d the Reeve or Deputy Reeve of' the TGWDShip of' Clarke be giTeD. the necessary authorization with the Canadian Imperia4- Bank ,of' Commerce, Orono,' to' do bu.a.ine.. ~n accordance with.. the said Bank f'orm 'llt-l. -61 Ontario..- . Carriecl.. ~.j .. . , R.so]m~iGn J9a l~sMov.d by Orme Falls, seconded by Earl Walkeys Resolve that Mr.: W. R. Carveth ami'Mr. F. A. Gray be and a.re pereby:appoiDted a8;member. of ,the Township of Clarke Fire, !T9:te9tioD Commit:te. to work in conjWleti~n with the person similarly. appointed in the, year 1967 by the Tru.stees of' the Police Tillage of Orono. , A Copy of this resolutioD be referreQ to the Secretary of' the Police Village of' Or~n'.-Carried. , R...o~'~+f)1- '0.. ,:p~,s Moved bj-W.R.Ca.rveth, seconded by Frank Grays . Resolve' ~Aat i~ b, r,commendecl to the Police Trustees of'. , the Village of' Orono tq pre..ent their cUl:"rent b\ldget requirements to both theaoacl and Bridge Committee and the Finance and Prop~rty Co~~ttee before the end of February for pre.entation to the regu14r meeting of' Council 1nJlarch. , A ,certified c~py.of~his re.ol~tion be l"ef'ttrred to the Police 'Trustees. -Carried.; " ., R..G]i1.t~eD.'.f).:),C;: Mevedb;. Fr~ Gray, seconded by Earl Walkey: .Tha.t . Mr. ' \if. R. Ca.rvet.h aDd Mr. O. H. Falls be and are hereby appointed as ~epr..entatives of this Council to the Tovnship of C1arke Game Commission for the year 1967. The Comrlisa-ion to be.D.otified accordingly oy the Cler.k.-Carried. ha.~~t.i~n ~a 16s' Meved. by. 'Earl' Walkey, seconded by Frank Grays , In accordance ,with By-law ,No. 1352 the .:tol+owiRg persons be anel are hereby app~i~te~ to the Grol\e C;o_lUlit.y Memorial Park Board for the year 19671 ' . Mr. A. E. West, Mr. H. M. Mercer, Mr. S. .B. Rutherford, Mr. E. H. Samuel, Miss Al:D!a Cuttell, Mr. O. H'. Falls, R. R.l, NewtoRville, Ont., Mr. W. R. Carvet,h, ,R. .R. 1, Or,ono., Ont.-Carr.ied.. R.~o]llIti.ll ~. J?sMoved by W. R. Carveth, seconded. by Frank Grays That Mrs. W. H. Gibson, R. 2.. 2, 'ewea.tle, .Ont. be and is hereby appointed a representative for the year 1967 to the Board. ef the Memorial Hospital, Bowmuville, f'or the Corporation of the Tewnshipe:tClarke.-Carried. Rasolp.t:lolllToa iSh Mov,eci byW. Ji. Carveth,seconded.by Orme Falls:, . Resolve 1D.cc.rda.n~e w~th By-law No. 1403 t.., tQllo~ng per.olisbeud are hereby ap~inted aamembers of The Cemetery Bo.a:rd.,.tthe !ownship of Clarke: " . Mr. ~S;1d~ey Rutherford" R.R.North, OrODj; Mr:. Russell Saver,., R.R.I, ..vtonville; Mr. Charles Cooper, Orono; Mr. Arnold Wade, lfewtoJlville;' M.r. 'Arthur The.pso., R. R.l, Kendal. The said m~ers shall hold off'ice until their successors.. are appointed by order-in-council. , ' , The :roll~~ng persona .re hereby appointed to the said Board. aarepr..eatati.on Ira ,Council for the year 1967: Mr.H. 'Earl Walkey,Newtonville, Ontario. , MJo. Fruk A. Gray, R.. ~. 2, Neweastiae, Onta:rio,-Carried,. h....lu~;J.~. 19.,lQ:,Moveci by'W. R. Ca~veth, seconded by Frank A.Gray: That Mr. Robert G. Chater, Leskard, Ontario, be and is hereby appointed as The Clarkr-e TownshiprepresentatiY'e to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for the ,year 1967. , - : -Carried. ~~,l,Jlti e:n Jio. 2ChMoved. bY. <?rm~ Falis, secoJld4t. by Fl"ankdrays Resolve tut the follow;tng persons be and are hereby appotated.'to, the Local Advisory Committee of' the Orono MUnicipal Water System for ,the year ,1967: . Mr. E. R.. Woodyard, ~. B.M. Simpson, Mr. :Fl~y.cl Nichol.on~ Mr. H.Earl Walkey, Mr. E. De~t. . Certified copies of' this resolution be referred to the ht.arie Water Resourees Commission and the afor.ementioned appeiDted.members.-Carri.d~ ' hso]uti,n 50. 21: Mov.~,. bi Frank Gray, seconded by Earl Walkey: That Messrs. E. R...Woodyard, D. M. Simp.on and Floyd Nicholson be a~d they ,are. hereby appointed a8 a Board of Manag...at for.the Community Recreation Centre und.er By-Law No. 1341, ... this Council hereby appoint Messrs. W. R.. Carveth and 'O.K. Fa.lls to represent thia Council as members or the Boardo:r MaDagement of' the said Community Recreation centre. The above appointmenta are to hold of'fice for the year 1967 or until their successors shall be appointed.-Carried. Ba.e1~~i~ .0- 22: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Earl Walkeys The Road Superintendent be aDd is hereby authorized to eOJap~.t. the necessary f'orms applying f'or the Highway Subsidy en rMci expenditures in the year 1966 on or bef'ore February 1, 1961.-Carried. Page 5 Inaugural M.eting of Council 3 January 1967, continued: . ... ~ . w Page 6 . Inaugural Meeting of' Council 3 January 1967, continueds Resolution.o. 2~: Moved by EarlWalkey, Seconded by W.R.Carvethl This Council hereby authorize the Caaadiaa Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono to loan the Orono Co_unity ~emorial Park Board an amount not exceeding $1000.00 f'or the yea~ 1967 and charge the said BOArcl' tl1e 'prevailing rate of Interes,t. , -Carried. R,~.ohltfon }{o. 2h.: Moved by W. ll..Carveth, secoaded by Frank Gray: IIi accordanc~ with By-Law No'.1J,,93, the following, perso~s be and are hereby appointed to the Newtonville ' Community Hall Board for the year'1907: 1. Wallace Boughen Newt-oaville, Ont. 2. Hugh Stapleton Newtonville, Ont. 3. Mrs. Gladys Brown Newtonville, Ont. 4. Clinton Farrow lewtonville, Ont. 5. George Stapleton Newtoaville, Ont. o. H. Earl "Walkey Newtollville, Ont. 7. Or:me H. Falls I..R.l, Kewtenville, Ont. . , '-Carried. R..o1ution Ilo. Zt;: Moved by Frank, Gray, seconded by Orme Falls: The Welfare' Administrator ana Welf"re CoDmdtteebe ' and they are hereby empowered and a~thorized to make . contingent expenditures in respect to the application of' gen~ral we:.r.are regulations in the year 1967 but not to e~~eed $200.00 in total' tor the period of any month in ~th.'aaid'year.-Carried.' " Reaolutienllo. 26:Moved by'Orme Falls, seconded.'by'Earl Walkey: Resolve that ,Mr. , Roy A. Foster, R. R~ 1, KendAl, Ontario, be and is hereby appointed..sa Welfare Committee to 'be given the necessary authority to discuss all matters in connection with welfare asaistanceduring the year 1967.-Carried. RA.oJ.~tran Ilo. 2?:Moved by W.1\.Carveth,aeconded by Earl'Valkey.: That Mr. Fra~ A. Gray, I.. R. I, Newcastle, 0ntario, be and is hereby appointed as the r.presentativ~ from this Council Oil the Burham Coliaty Federation of Agriculture for" the year 1967.-Carried. h..)14t.iotl :riOa ~B:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by;Orme Falls: Resolve that" the f'oll.~~ pay vouchers be and are, hereby autho~~.ed for pay.ae~ by the signing off'icers of' this Council: ' Additions to.General Voucher Ko~ 12 for December 1966 in the ~ount of' $597.65. ' General Toucher No. 1 for January 1961 in the 'amount of $1431.85. RoadYoucherNd. '12 for December 1966 in the amount of' $5566.98 . ~ ~ General' Welf'are Voucher No.' 1 f'or JanUary 1967 in the amount of' $798..~9." < . . Ad'd.itions to Police Village of Orono VO\1cherNo. 12 for' December 1966 in the amount of' $296.34.-~ried. The f0210Wiag By-Law wa's given first', 'se'eo_ and third reading and f'inally passedl By-La:'" Ilo. 'J. ti":i2:. ' - A by-Law to authorize the borroWing of $3bO,000~OO. Whereas the Council of the Towaship ,of' Clark. (herein- 0, af'ter calleu the "Municipa.lity") deems it necessary te borrow the sum or $300,000.00 to meet,-until the taxes are 'collected, the current.expendituresof'theoMunicipa,lity f'or the year; 'And Whereas the totalaaount of the estimated'revenue. of' th~ M~icipality as se~ ~orth in the estimates aaopted f'or the year 1967, not incl_ding reve~u.sderiTable or derived from the Sale of' assets, b.rr.&~s:or issues of' debentures' or from a. surplus, includ~:arrears or taXes and proceeds f'rom the sale of asseta,'~i:a:,$450,()OO.OO. . Therefore the Council of the'Townshipof' Clarke hereby enacts as f'ollows: . . I'. The Head "and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf' of. the 'Municipality. to borrow from time to tiJD.e by way of' promissory note from Canadian Imperial, Bank of Commerce a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $300,000.00 to meet Until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of' the' Municipality for the year, including the amounts . required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 329 of the Municipal Abt, a~dto give, on behalf of' the Municipality to the Bank .. promissory note or' notes \j "'<T'V' Page 7 Inaugur~l Meeting of Council 3 January 1907, continued: t ' sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by ,the Head .and Treasurer f'ortne~oneys sobo~rdwed, wit.hinterest, .nich 'ma7be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 0% per centum per 'annum. , t 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the alltl1..ority of this by-law" as well as all other "sUms betlrowed in this year and in prev~ous years f'rom the said Bank f'or any ,or all otthe purposes mentioned in "the said" 'Se'ction 329, shall'; with interest thereea, bea charge upon the" wk,ole 'of' the reven:u.eaot the Municipa.lityf~r the current year and :ro~ all preceding years as and when such revenu~~ are received. " .3. -The Treasurer is hereby authoriz,ed and 'directed" to apply i~ pay.mentof' all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with intereattthereon, all of the moneys he~ea:rter collected - or reeeiv,d e~ther on account or realized in respect of ~axes leTied tor the current year and preceding years or from any other ao~~e which may lawfully be applied for sucn purpose. 1te~~Ju~~p, meL 2Q:MbTed'by W.R.Carveth,seconde<i by Prank" Gray: ~~sCeuncil hereby recess.this meeting to be resumed on Fricia..yjJ&1)uary 6, 1967,t at 7:30p.m. inn the CounCil Chamber at Orono.-Carried. , ' ' -t'/f8 " . ~_ . Conti11luation ofit inaugural meeting took place ,in accordan~ with Resolution No. 29 with, Reeve Roy A. Foster, Deputy Reeve H. Earl "key, Councillor O. H. Palls, .Cotmcillor.W~ I.. Carveth, Councillor P. A. Gray and Clerk H. E. Millson.ilt att8i&dance. : A report was heard from Councillor O. H." Palls on behalf' of the Property and Finance,~ Committee in respect to a meeting of the ~&id Committee with the Assessor held 01'15 January 1967 when the ASSessor requested a salary increase in the amount ot'700;OC)to become ef'fective in the year 1967. This 'business _.~referred to the nexttreplar"meeting of' Council when all salarytand wage '.schedules may "be 'considered. " the Clerk was instructed to order 8 copies each of A G\lic3....:for Superintendents and The Municipal' ~ct. " The follOWing correspondence and reports.were read out by RSew.. Poster: . 20. Be~rd'o~ Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 3701.1.32 re Proposed closing of a crossing of the ~PR and the Township Road in the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario at mileage 151.43 Belleville SubdiTision as business brought f'orward from December,15" 1966.-Tabled. . . 21. Board of Transport Commissioners f'Qr Canada. re File 26711.2526-Pr."posed clOsing of crossing of' C.ll.R. and ToW1iship Road in T~.iip of' Clarke" Ontario, mile 279.58 Kingston Subdivision as bUSiness broughtf'orward f'rom Deeem'ber 15, 1,66. -Tabled. ' 22. Board of" 'Transport Commissioners f'orCanada re File He>. 26711..2.52.3 and Z6727.1353re Proposed improvements te sight lines, at crossings of C~N'.R" at mile 278.54 Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mileage 149.83 Bellevil~e Subd.. between Twps. of' HOPe and Clarke, Ontario as business brought forward f'rom December 15, 1966. -Tabled. , , . . ." 23. Boa~d l:)f'., Transport COJDJiaissioners for Ca.na:da reFiles 3701.'1.31- 26711.2528'-. Proposed closing of" crossings of' Township RoadinT'olilnship of' Clip.rke,Ontar-io and C.H.R. at mile 281.13 Kingst,on$ubd.ai1dC.P.R. at mile 15~.45 Bellevi1:1e Sd. as bus1ness bre>ughtforward f'rom December 15, 1966. -Ta'blefll.. , . 24. Bo~' ~r- Transport Commissioners for Canada re ,File 42307~Propo.ed,~pr()veme~t$ to vision at crossings of' Township Road aad C.I.a. at mileage 281.6~Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mile 152.90 Bellevill'e Subdivision a.s bUSiness brought f'orward from Decemb~r 15, 1966.....Tab1ed. . 25. Board. efTransport Commissioners f'or Cana(ia re File No. 3701.129 re Proposed improvements at the crossing of'the C.P.R. and taeT'wp. ~R.oad in the Twp, of Clarke" Ontario a1fm.ileage 155.66 Belleville Su'bd. as 'busill-e.s brought f'orward f'rom December 15, 1966.-Tabled.. 26. Board"~ Transport' Commissioners f'or Canada re File No. 26727~1189-Proposed installation of automatic protection at the crossing of'. the Township Roa.d bi!tween Lots 8 &- 9 of' the C.P.R.. at mileage 151.92 Belleville Subd. in the, Township of' Clarke, . Ont.as business brought f'ol"'Wl-rd f'rom December 15, 1966.-Tabled. '. r . -- ., -- -'--;;:'T-S-7~; Page 8 Inaugural Meeting of Council 6 January 1967, continued: 27. Board of' Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re File Nos. 9437.568 and 3701.130 - Proposed 'clOSing of the croslfing of the C.N. R. and the TYp. Road in tae Township of' Clarke, Ontario at mileage 283.76 Kingston Subd.. as Dusinesll brought f'orward from December 15, 1966. -Ta.eled. ',' 28. Board 'of'.Transport 'Commissioners f'or Canaaa re File Ho. 3701.131-Proposed closing of' crossings of' Township Road in Twp. of Clarke, Ont. and C.H.R. at mile 281.13 Kingston Subd.' ana O.P.R. at mile 152.45 Belleville Subdivision as business brought f'orward f'rom December 15, 1966.-Tabled. 29~ Board of' TransportJ~.mmissioners for ~mada re Files 26711.2523 - 26'27.1353', '1-e Proposec! improvem~ts to sight lines at crossings of C.N.R. at mile 278.54 Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mileage 149.83 Bellev:il1e SubCi. between Twps. of H()pe and Clarke,,' Ontario as business' brought forward f'rom December 15,1966.-Tabled~ 30. Board of' TransportCo~sBioners f'or Canada re file No. 3701.132 - re Proposed closing of a crossing of the CPR and the Township Road in the TiP. of Clarke , Ont. at mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Tabled. 31. Board of' Transport Commissioners for Canada re File No. 26711~2526 - Proposed closing of crossing of' C.I.R. and Township Road in Township of'Clarke,'Ontario, mile 279.58 Kingston Subd.-Tabled. 32. Board of' Transport COmmissioners for Canada're File No. 3701.49- reI ,Crossings at mile 275.63 Kingston Subd., road allowanqe between Lots 24 and 25, Township of Hope.-Tabled. 33. Board of' Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re Files 3701.131 and 26711.2528 - rea Proposed closing of' crossing at mile 281.13, Kingston Subd.(CIl) and mile 152.45 Belleville . Subd. ,( CPa) -Tabled. _ _ 34. Copy of. letter of' Board of Transport Commis8ionersfor Canada addressed to the Township. of' Hope re File 26727.1353 mile 149.83 C.P.R. (Townline with Clarke).-Tabled. 35. Copy of' letter-of' Canadian Pacif'ic to Board of' Transport Commissioners for Canada ref Files 2711.131 - 26711.2528- Proposed closing of crossings of To~ship Road in TYp. of' Clarke, Ont. and C. N. R. at mile, 281.13 Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mile 152.45 B.lleville Subd. as.busine~sbrought f'orward f'rom December 15,' 1966.-T.bl~d. 36. Copy of' letter of' Canadian Pacific to Board of' Transport Commissioners for Canada re File 42307 - Proposed improvements to vision at crossings of' Township Road and C.N.R. at mile 281.6 Kingston Subd. and C..P.R. at mile 152.90 Belleville Subd. as business brought forwardf'rom December 15, 1966.-Tabled. 37. Copy of letter of' Canadian Pacific to Board of' Transport. Commissioners f'or Canada re File No. 3701.132 - Proposed closing of a .crossing of' the C.P.R. and the'Township Road. in the TYp. of Clarke, Ontario, at mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd. as . business brought forward f'rom December 15, 1966.-Tablei. 38. Copy of' letter of Canadian Pacific to Board of' Transport Commissioners f'orCanada re File Nos. 9437.568 and 3701.130 - Proposed closing of the crossing of the C.N.R. and: the Twp.' Road in the Township of Clarke, Ontario at mileage'2e3~76 Kingston Subd~~Tabled. 39. Copy of' letter of' Canadian National Railways to Board of Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re Files 3701.131 and 26711.2528'- Proposed closing of crOSSing at mile,a81.13, Kingstonhbd~ (CN) and Mile 152.45, Bellwille Su'bd.(CPR).-T'abled. 40. Copy . of' letter of Canadian National Railways to Board of' Transport Commissioaers for Canada re File 26711.2526 -' Proposed closing of' crossing at mile 279.58, Kingston Sub- division.-Tabled. . 41. Copy of' letter of Ca.naciian National Railways to Board of' Transport Commissioners f'or Canada re Files 26711.2523 and 26727.1353,- Proposed improv~..t. to sight line.'at crQssings at mile 278.5~~ Kingston Subd. (CN) and mile 149.83, Belleville Subd. (CPR). "kbled.. .' 42. Copy of' 1etter of Canadian National Railway. to Board of TransportCGmmissioaers f'or Canada re File 42307 - 1mprovement to vision e.t crossing of' Twp. ltd.. at Mile 281.6'ICingston Subd.-Tabled. (~ -----"_..---~--' .-~,.~~~~.~........,.~-_._'-.,--.-.~_.>-~~>-~-~---_.- Page 9 ' . Inaugural Meeting of Oouneil 6 JaftUary 1967, .continued: 43. Strike &- Strike for Mr. Kaspar Hollen request f'or road closing.-Ref'er,to Road and Bridge Committee. . 44. Copy letter of' E. R. Lovekin to Strike &- Strike re Mr. Kaspar Hollen's application to Co~ittee of Adjustment as business br~ught f'orward f'rom December 15, 1966.-Filed. 45. ~he Muscular Dystrophy Association of' Canada request f'o~ grant.-Tabled. 46. Police Truste.e' Board or the Vil1.ageof Orono re M.W.W.I.P. propOseci projects by the Orono Co~wiity Memorial Park Board;- Ref'erred t'o aesolution. -- 47. The Ontario Municipal Board, Community Pl~ning Branch ~e A Restricted Area By-Law No. 1517 as business brought forward f'rom December .15, 1966. -Tabled. ' , , . . . 4$. Petition of Mr. ~..H. Carman and 11 other, signed petitioners requesting Council to Withhold approval ?f' moni..e~ f'or ~he proposed builciing program of the Board of' the Township School Area of . Clarke'~til af'ter an interview with the ~nister of Edueatio~ and a COditt'eeappointed by Council has been held to ascertain the ef'fect of his announceQ integration program with regard to, the f'uture accommodation requirements of both primary anci , secondary school students within this township as business brought f'orward f'rom 15'November 1966.-Tabled. 49. Orono Hydro Electric Commission Resolution No. 66~19 dated December 29, 1966, request for borrowing.-Ref'erred to resolutio~. 50. The report of' the Clerk With regard to By-law No, 1517 aE} business br6nght forward from'15 December 1966.-TheReeve was empowered'to call a meeting of the members of' Council with the , Trustees, Solicitor &- Planning Board to discuss this subject ~tter. 51. Department of' Municipal Affairs re Clarke Pla~in~ Board.-PiJ,.ec;l. 52. Copy of letter of' Russell C. Honey, M.P. Durham to W. W. . Lord, Esq., Clerk, Township of Hope, re Board of Transport . Commissioners for Canada and Railways.-Filed. 53. Ontario Water Reso~ces Commission re Polic~ Vi~lage ,of Orono Water Works.-Filed. ' \ 54. D.partment of Mun!cipal Af'f'airs of' Ontario, Municipal Subsidies Brancn re Certificate of forgiveness of' a portion of a loan L.l48:-Filed . ,d The f'oIlowing resolutions were passed: , ~sQ]l1t.ian "0- -=iO:Moved by W. R. Carveth, seconded by Orme This Council hereby endorsethereque$t of' the Police and the Orono Memorial Park Board and thereby resolve that requests of the said Park Board to unciertake the follOwing projects unciertne Municipal Works Incen~ive Prpgram 1966-67 be, ' and arehere'by ,sanctioned andauthor1zed by this Council: 1. 'Vnd~rb~ushiniof trees to allow picnic facilities along, the contour'i','-;ft-he .creek to correct recurring washouts at a. total estillliite'a '. cost of $290.00'. . '1-'''. .', '._ .. . 2~COnstructioi of'. 12 new picnic tables at, a total estimated cost of' $260.00. ,. ' 3. ,Coimect'ing' to M~icipal Water supply and providing f'resh water outlets to the Park------at'atotal estimated cost of $250.00.-Carried. . , R@-9nt.:ian'o_ -=il:Mov~..by'qrDJ.e Falls, seconded by Frank Gra.y: In eonf'ormity With-the Dog Tax and Live ~tock anc;l Poultry Protection Act thisCo,lIU!ll'Zilappoint Mr. L.M.. Ha.llowell as Live , Stock Val.ue;r forth.e..Q....,.~ation of the ToWnship of Clarke f'or the year 1967 andtkat. .the 'fee, :for each trip shall be $L,.. 00. -C;:arri~d.. RAao1nt.i,n"o:-=i.2dlov.dbl0rme Falls, seconded by E~l W.rkey: 'This '.f;Qpcil hereqyeD.dors~ResolutionNo. 66-19 dated December 29, .1,66, reC:Utived f'rom the Orono Hydro Electric Commissio~ au thereby- &llthorize the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Orono, to loaD tae Orono Hydro Electric ~ommissiqn an amouat not to exceed $4000.00 to be repaid on or bef'ore June 38, 1967, ~ to charge the said Commission the prevailing rate of' interest. -Carried. , R.eso~~~t~Rq. l'it~o:ved 'by Earl Wal~ey',seconded by W.~R.Carveth.: Tb.at Mr. Roy A. Foster, R. R. 1, Kendal, 01ltari.o,' b.~ and , is herebyappointe4 to th~ ~naraska Regio~ Conservation Authority for the year 1967anci thes~id Authottty be notif'ied of' thta appointment. -~~~ried. . , . FaJ,.la: Trust,ees t.he . w Page 10 Inaugural Meeting of Council 6 January 1967, continued: Reao]~tjonHo. ~k:Moved by Frank Gray, seconded by W.R.CarYeth~ Resolve that the f'olloWing pay vouchers be and are hereby authorized f'or payment by the signing of'f'ieers ofthisCouncil~ Additions to ~neral Voucher No. 12 for December, 1966, in the ~ount of $78.95. Additions to General Voucher No..~f'or January 1967, in the amqunt of $474.32.-Carried. R.esolution. No. ~C:;:Movedby Earl W~lkey, seconded by Orme Falls: In accordance With By-law No. 1503 this COUDcil hereby make the f'olloWing appointments for the year 1967: a. That R. Earl Walkey be and is hereby appointed as Chairman of' the ~oad aJl,d Bridge COmniittee. b. . That Orme H.Falls be. and is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Property and Finance Committee. c. That Fra~ A. Gray be .and is " hereby appointed as Chairman of' the Planning Committee. d. That W. Roderick Carveth be and is hereby appointed as. Chairman of' the F!re Protect~on Committee. The saidappointments.ahall be eff'ective on the passing of this resolut~on up to and including December 31, 1967, or until their successors shall be appointed by order-ln- , Council.-Carried. Resolution No. ~6:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth: Thi~ Council hereby request a meeting ~th representatives of' the Boar4 of Transport Commissioners f'or Canada, Canadian Pacif'ic,. Railways, and Canadian National Railways to be held at the site of',the said Railways in this municipality at an early f'uture date With regard to the letters received from .he said Board of' Transport Commissioners f'or Canada dated November 9 and 10, December 1, 8, 12, 16, 21, ,and 22, 1966. A copy of this resolution be referred to the Road Superintendent.-Carried. aesolution No.~7:Moved by Earl Walkey,seconded by W.R.Carveth: This Council hereby request a meeting With the Council,of' the Township of' Hope to consider the joint responsibility of' the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Rail~s crossings at the boundary road allowance of the Townships of Hope and Clarke~ A copy of this resolution be ref'erred to Mr. M.L.Ross, Road $uperintendent, Township of Clarke.-Carried. ResoJptjo~No. ~8:MQved by Orme Falls,seconded by Earl Walkey: Im accordance with Section 3 & 4 of' By-law No. 1533, a by-law to establish a Municipal Recreation Committee, this Council hereby appoint Mr. Wm.. Wade, Mr. Lavern.e Boyd, Mr~. . Josephine Barlow, Mr. LornePerl"ault, Mrs. Dorothy Stark, Mr. ,Homer Bro.oks, Mrs.- John Henderson, Mrs. . Dorothy Mercer, Mrs. Ross Brown, together with Mr. O. H. Falls and W. R. Carveth for .the year 1967. ' The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notif'y the Community Programmes Branch of the Department of E~ucation by ref'erring a copy of this Resolution to the said Depart- ment.-Carried. The Clerk to correspond with Mr. Arthur Low to request whether or not he would ~aecept re-appointment to. the Clarke Planning Board. Also, the Clerk was given s~ila~ instruction to correspon4 with the Trustees of' the Police Village of Orono to request them.. to. recommend a person f'rom ' the. area of Orono who, would accept the immediate appoint- ment by C9uneil to the said Board to hold of'fice until the first day of January 1969.. . The follo~By-law ~B given first, second and third reading and,f'inally passed: By-Law ~. lC:;'=l~ , " A bt-l~w to establi$h a ~e~pal Recreatioa Committee as authorized by regulations issue. under the Department of Education Act. 1. There is hereby established for the Municipality of Town_h:i.p of' Clarke a Municipal Recreation Committee which shall be responsible for the d.evelopme~t of a.~ogr8JDIDe of . recreation f'or the inhabitants of' that municipality +naccord-- ance with Regulations issued under. the Department 'of Education Act. """"'~,-- _._....,.",.,~' Page II Inaugural Meeting of.Council 6 January 1967, continued: 2. The said committee shall be known as the "Township of Clarke Recreation Committee". 3. The Township of'~Clarke Recreation Committee shall consist of eleven members appointed by reso~ution of Council, two of whom shall beDBmbers of the municipal council and nine of' whom shall be residents .of' the municipality.. 4. The term of off'ice of the members of' the mun~cipal Recreation, Cammittee shall be determined by resolution of .the ~unicipal Council. 5. Duties of ~ecreation Committee: (1) The Committee shall condu~t or encourage and assist ~he programmes. of' recreation ~ch will meet the needs and interests of the inhabitants of'. the Municipality of Township of Clarke. Such programmes shall include the social, cultural and physica~ aspects of recreation as applied to each age group, both male and f'emale. (2) The Co~ttee shall assist in the co-ordina.~ion of community recreatiDn activities. (.3) The Committee shall ass,ist, encourage and provide advisory services. on request to all groups, organizations, or persons carrying on recreation activities in the Municipality of' ToW9*hip of Clarke. ; (4). ~he Committee shall at all times kee~ the. inhabitants of' the Municipality of' Township of Clarke aware of the recreation opportunities which are. available and will continually interpret to the public the ,total community programme of recreation. (5) The Committee shall be responsible f'or all policies, rues and re~ations,niating to the administration of the community programme of' recreation which are conducted directly by that committee.or its employees and it shall have the powers tQ adopt by-laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the proper co~duct of.s~ch community programme of recreatiQn.. . , (6) The Municipal Recreation Committee may recommend to the Municipal Council the appoi~tment of a properly trained and qualif'ied Municipal Recreation Director. Such Municipal Recreation Director shall be employed full-time and shall be clirectly responsible to the Municipal Recreation Committee. (7) The.Committee may appoint recreation workers either part-time or f~ll-time and shall be responsible for assigning the duties and responsibilities.of such employees. :Whe1"e a Municipal Recreation Director is employed such appointments should be subject to his recommendation~ '($) The Committee shall ,collduat and supervise organized public recreation activities and is authorized tOlOrk jointly.th other municipal departments .to provide and estab~ish, operate, . conduct and maintain a supervised recreation system and to operate, improve and maintain property, both rea1 and personal, f'or parks, playgrounds, recreation centres, and other r~creation f'acilities and activities. (9) The Committee may solicit or receive any gifts or 'bequests of money or services or any donations to be applied to principal or income for either the temporary or permanent use for f'acilities,equipnent, programme or other recreational purpo se s . (10) Annually, the Committee shall submit and interpret to the council a budget for its approval and shall make to the council full and complete annual and other reports as required. (11) In carrying out the provisions of this by-law, the Committee shall at all times be the agent of' the Municipality of' Township of' Clarke and while acting bona fide within the limits of the authority of this by-law neither the Committee nor any member thereof' shall incur any liability by reason of anything' done or lef't undone by the Committee; provided however, that nothing in this paragraph contained shall authorize or empower the Committee to incur any debt, liability or obligation for which the Municipality of Township of' Clarke shall become liable. without having previously obtained the consent of' the Council. 6. That By-Law No. 1325 be and is hereby repealed. ~@sQl.'~9n '9. ~q:Moved by Orme Palls,seconded by Frank Gray: Th1s Council hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, February 7, 1967,. at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of the Reeve.-Carried. :. .' ~- Cle:rl<;. , . .. -I "'-'- J ~ &, ;{~ Reeve. , ,==,,~.tL''F-.c;7~~.~''C;~-..c';'',..-__..-..,.-._.~..~___~______"_____~..__. ~