HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1966 .","" .. Page 2 - Special Meeting o~ Council 26 November 1966, continued:' to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures o~ the Municipality ~or the year, including the amounts re~uired ~or the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) o~ Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give-on behal~ o~ the Munici- pality to the 'Bank a promissory note or note~ sealed with the CO'rporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the mone.ys sO borrowed, ., with interest, which maybe paid in advance or otherwise, at, a rate not exceeding 6% per 'Centum per annum. ' . All sums borrowed pursuant to the"'''authority o~ this 9y-law, as well as all other sums borrowed ' in this year and in previous years from the said Bank ~or any or all o~ the purposes mentioned ,in the' said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, Be a charge upon the whole o~ the revenues or- the MUnici- pality ~or the current year and ~or all precedJ,ng years as and when such revenues are received. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment o~ all sums borrowed as a~oresaid, together with interest thereon,'all o~ the moneys herea~ter collected or received either on account or realized in respect o~ taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source" which may lawfully be applied_~or such p?-rpose. ~' 111 2. 3. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ~. ..-::::::: 1 "" ....:-~/ Clerk. ~~<~ p#'eve . REGULAR MEETING or THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE 15 December 1966 at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono~ Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L. 4, Perrault Councillor R. G,"~hater Co~ncillor O. H. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. Millson W" Cc:."C<-' ~-j,-''-' ,,1 , The minutes o~ previous meetings held on November 1st, 4th, 15th and 26th were accepted ori motion by L. A. Perrault, seconded by R. G. Chater. Carried. . ~ ~~. E. R. Wood~~rd, Inspecting Trus~eo~ the Police Trustees o~ the Police V~llage o~ Ororio, met with Coun,cil to discuss certain matters of mutual interest between the Trustees and Council. . The ~ollowing correspondence and reports were read out by the Reeve: ' 1. D.~partnient o~ Municipal Af~airs re Nunicipal Wo~s AssistaI1;ce Program Application ~or Payment on a Loan No. L453.- !e~erred to Resoltit:lon. 2. Department o~ Municipaf A~fairs of Ontario, Municipal Subsidies Branch, re Notice o~ Amendment to a COID~itment to make a ~oan-Loan 453.- Re~erred to Resolution. 3: v~. Mike Karas letter regarding clearing o~ brush in ~ront o~ his residence at Lot 2-3,' Concession 3'.': Clerk to reply that brushing is to be done by the Road Department and permission 'can ' not be given to reduce taxes. 4. Ontario School Trus~ees' and Municipal Councillors' Association, Inc. re,the need ~or better communication and planning at the local level between Boards and Councils discussed by the Minister of Education at the Seminar in October.-Tabled. Page 2 Regular Meeting of Council 15 December 1966, continued: 5. Ontario Department of Highways, Do,vusview, interim sta6t6eme~t d of Expenditure as of September 30th, 1966, for the year 19 .-F~le. _ 6. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council re Centennial projects.Filed. 7. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority minutes of November 29th. 1966.-Filed. 8. ' Ortario \'later Resources, Commissionre Acknowledgment to terminate OWRC Project No. 59-W-54.-Received. 9. 'Trustees of the...Police Villagi; of Orono Resolution No. 66-146 '.' dated November 21,1996 re Acct. No. 245 and No. 2070 tax bills.- Referred to Resolution. , l~ Trustees ~f the Police Village of Orono Resol~tion No. 66-153 dated Nov~be~2l, 1966 re requirements for the Winter Works Programme.- 'Received. ' ll. Trustees of the Police Village of, Orono Resoluti.cn No. 66-157 dated.December 14, 1966 to estabLish the Village as a vl.hole into a ,LocalImproverr~nt Area under By-Lav.-Referred to resolution. 12.. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono Resolution No. 66-158 dated December 14, 1966 re certain frontage ''lith respect to :the property owned by Mrs. James Riehards.-Referred to resolution. 13. Eldorado Mining and RefiningL~ited re Radioactive Dump, Part Lot 3, Concession Broken Front, Clarke.- The Clerk to ,refer a copy of this letter to ~~. Payne. 14. ~~. Allan Ardron request as business brought forward from November 1, 1966~-Filed. ' 15. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Road Closing, Howard and Pauline Payne, Lots 1-2, Broken Front Concession.-Referred to resolution. It was moved by L. A. Perrault and seconded by R. G. Chater that Council recess for lunch at 12 noon and resume session at ~:30 ~.m.-Carried. lvlr. Woodyard again appeared at Council meeting at \-lhich time thef'ollowing requests were made: 1. A request for Council to pass a resolution to trans:f'er surplus monies now credited under Local Improvement No. 1369 for application to the costs incurred on the Princess Street Water Extension project. 2. A request for the Trustees and meIilbers of Council to meet informally to discuss the possibilities of the Police Village taking over the .old Township Garage, together \'lith the lands in conjunction with the said, garage, bo be used for temporary hydro storage and held under 1mnicipal control until such time as consideration has been given to the construction of an OV1(~rpaSs in the future planning of an access to Orono at Highway 115. . . 16. The Ontario ~!unicipal Board, Community Planning Branch re A Restricted Area By-Law No. 1517 as business "brought forward from Novemberl~ 1966.- Tabled. 17~ 'Department of Municipal Affairs, Community Planning Branch re A Restricted Area By~Law Ho. 1517 concerning comments that this ~ranch has forv~rded to ~e Ontario Municipal Board as business brought forward from November 1, 1966.-Tabled. ." 1$. Pope & Goebelle re Orono l-lunicipal Water System and Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business brought forvmrd from November 1, 1966. -Tabled. . 19. The report of the Clerk ~nth regard to By-law No. 1517 as business brought forward from November 1, 1966.-~abled. ' 20. Copy lett;~, of CanadianPaciric Railways re, File 42307-Proposed improvements to Yision at crossings of To'~ship Road and C.N.R. at mileZ81.,6 ,Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mile 152.90 Belleville Subd. -Tabled. . ' " . 21. Copy letter of Canadian Pacific Railways re Files 3701.131 - 26711 ~ 25Z8-Propo,sed closing of crossings or ToWnship Road in Twp. .' "'. of Clarke, Oht. and C.N.R. at mile 2$1.13, Kingston Subd., and C.P.R.at,m~le152.45 Bel'leville Subd.-Tabled. ' , 22. Copy,letter of Canadian Pacific Railways re File No. 3701.132- Proposedc~'()sing of a cros/3.~;ng of the 'C.P .R. and the Township Road. , in the Twp. 'of Clarke, Ontario, at mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd.-Tabled. , ' Page 3 Regular Meeting OI Council 15 December 1966, continued: ~;A .. 23. Board OI Transport Commissioners for. Canada re File No. 26711.2523 and 26727.1353 re Proposed improvements to sight lines at crossings of C. N .R., at mile .278..54 Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mileaga 149~$3 Bellev~]e Subd. between ~~s. OI Hope and Clarke, Ontario.-Tabled. , 24. Board of Transport COmmissioners :rorCanada re File No. 3701.131-Proposed clpsing o~ cross~ngs of Township Road in T~~. of Clarke, Onto and C.N.R. at mile 2$1.13 Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mile 152.45 Belleville Subdivision.-Tabled. 25. Board of' Transport., Commissioners for Canada re File Nos. 9437.56$ and 3701.130-Proposed closing OI the crossing of the C.N.R. and the Twp. Road in the Township of Clarke~Ontario at mileage 283.76 KingstonSubd.-Tabled. 26. Board of Trcl.nsportCommissioners Ior Canada re File No. 26727.1189-Proposedinst~11ation. Of automatic protection ' at the crossing OI the TO'l,rmship Road between Lots $ & <9 of' the CPR at mileage 151.92 Belleville Subd. in the Township OI Clarke, .Ont . =-Tabled. . 27. Board of~Transpor~, Comm~ssioners f'or Canada re File No. 3701.129 re Proposed improvements at the crossing-of the. C.P.R. and the Tvlp. R.oad in t-he T\~. of' Clarke, Ontario at mileage 155.66 Belleville.Subd.-Taoled; 28. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File 26711.2526-Froposed closing of' crossing of C.N.R. and,Township Road in Township of Clarke, Ontario, mile 279.5$ Kingston Subdivision.a~ business brought f'orward from November 15, 1966. ~Tabled ; , , ' 29. Board of Transport Commissioners ,for Canada re.File No. '3701.132 re Proposed closing of a crossing of t4e CPR and the Tovmship Road in the Twp. of Clarke, Ontario at mileage 151.43 Belleville Subd,ivision as business brought for~ard from November 15, 196Q.-Tabled. 30. Board of Transport, Commissioners Ior Canada re Files 3701.131 - 26711:252$-Proposed closing of crossings of Tm,vnship Road in'Tm1Ilship of Clarke, Ontario and C.N.R. at mile 2$1.13 Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mile 152.45 Belleville 3d. as business brought ~orward from November 15, 1966.-Tabled. 31. Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada re File 42307-Proposed improvements to vision at crossings of Township ROad and C.N.R. at' nileage 281.6 Kingston Subd. and C.P..R. at mile 152.90 Belleville Subdivis~op as business brought forward from November 15, 1966.-Tabled. 32.' Board' of' Transport Commissio'ners f'or Canada re Files 26711.2523-26727.1353 re Proposed improvements to sight lines at crossings of C.lf.R. at mile 27$.54 Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mileage 149.$3 Belleville Subd. betwe~n Twps. of Hope and Clarke, 'Ontario as business brought f'orward from November 15, 1966.-Tabled. . 33. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Presbyterian Church and Ne\'Jtonville Cemetery as business brought forward from November 1, 1966.-Tabled. , 34. Northumberland-Durham Health Uni~ Report f'or October 1966.-Filed., 35. Nr. Everett Stapleton request to purchase the north east corner of Lot 31, Concession 6 as business brought f'or\'{ard f'rom November 2, 1965.-Tabled.. " ,. 36. Cantrack Motor Racing Corp. Ltd.-MosportPark, request for a referendum by our electors to allow a race to be held on Sunday, August 27, 1967, as business Qrought for\'~rd from November 15, 1966. - Tabled. J 37. Soliciter E. .R. Lovekin re C1arke-Township-Sunday Sport 110sport Race-Track as,business bro~ht forward from November 15, 1966~-Tab'led. 38. Ontario Water Reso'urces ConunissioJl re Police Village of' Orono certif'1cate No. 66-A-940 for the construction of storm sewers in the To~;nship of Clarke.-Fi~ed. 39". The Public School Board of' the Township School Area of Clarke re Application to the Council, of the Township of Clarke dated November 4, 1966.- Ref'erred to Resolution. ;". C'j ,';:ifh!. Page 4 Regular Meeting of Council 15 December ,1966~ continued: 40. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin ~e Coryell & Wilmot Creek Bridge Lot 31, Concession 8, Clarke.-Biled. 41. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin~e Theodore King expropriation.-Filed. 42. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Trailer Camp as business brought forward from November.15~ 1966.- Filed. 43. Osbawa Ski Club request ~~ have road open~ ploughed' and sanded fDr Wednesday, Friday, and week-end skiing.-' Filed.' 44. The Great Pine Ridge Tourist Council request that major road construction and6perations disruptive to traffic in 1967 be deferred if suitable alternate arrangements cannot be rnade.-Filed. 45. Township of Etobicoke re their Resolution Number 217 relating to Official Plans.-Tabled. 46. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin rePounds Act By-Law No. 532 as business brought .forward .from November 15; 1966.-Tabled. 47. Solicitor E. R. Laekin re Mosport Race-track, Sunday Sports- ,Isolated Centennial Event-Account. -Filed. . 48. Department of Highways re Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law No. l523,..Amount - $108,700.00 as business brought forward .from November 1, 1966.-Filed. ' 49. Ontario Department of Highways re Supplementary Road Expenditure BY7Law.No. 1529 as business brought forward from November 15, 1966.- Filed. 50. Department of Highways, Right-Of-Way Division, 'Central Regional O.ffice, Downsview~ Ontario, re Property File T-03110 Part Lot 1, Coneession 1, Township of Clarke, Highway No. 2~ District No. 7.-Filed. 51. Solicitor E. Rr Lovekin re Application for Tile Drain Loan- Messrs. Woudstra and ~~rti.-Filed. 52. Clerk's memo to Messrs. R. G. Chater and O. H. Fa~ re proposed Garbage Disposal Agreement between Mr. Robert Hicks and this Corporation. - Referred to Resolution.' 53 ~ Canad:Lan Underwriters' 'Associationre Municipal Fire Protection Survey as businfrs~ brought ~orward .from November 1, 1966.-Re.ferred to Resolution. 54. Report .from the Clerk re prDposed draft agreement between the Council and the OronoPubli c Library'. -Tabled. . 55 . The Ontario Municipal Board re By-Law No. l529-Briclge approach.. -Filed. . 56. W. A.Roedde, Director, Provincial Library SerVice, Ontario Department of Education re Tovmship of Clarke Library.-Filed. 57. Copy letter from Ontario Water Resources Commission re Township of Clarke-Police Village of Orono Water Pollution' Survey-.-Filed. 58. Copy letter, from P. C. Eberlee~ P. Eng. to 1-'ri'. E. .R. Woodyard dated October 20, 1966, re Storm Sewers and Roads, File 66Wl42.-Filed. . 59. Copy letter from P. C. Eberlce, P. Eng. to'Mr. E. R. Woodyard dated November 7~' 1966, re Storm Se'l,'lers and Roads, File 66W142.-Filed. 60. Copy letter .from E. R. Lovekin to Totten Sims Hubicki & Associates Limited, re Police Village of Orono Installation of Storm Sewers and Gutters Financing.-Filed. 61. Copy letter from P. C. Eberlee, P. 'En'g.to 'The Ontario Water Resources Commission :for approval to construct a storm sewer system in the Police Village of Orono.-Filed. 62. Copy letter from E .,R. Lovekin to St'rike & Strike re 'Kasper Hollen's application to Commituee of AdJustment.-Tabled. 63. The Onta~io Municipal Board re Proposed 'expend~ture under' Supplementary By-Law No. l529.--A copy of By-Law No. 1529 to be re.ferlt!ed to the Road Superintendent. ' , 64. Copy letter .from E. R. Lovekin to Kay Lycett, B. A., re Arthur McKay & Starkville School.- 'A 'copy' to be forwarded to the Board,o.f Trustees o.f the TO'l,Ynship School Area of Clarke. . . Page 5 Regular Meeting of Council 15 December 1966, continued: The following resolutions were passed: 245 R~solut:ionNo. J8S:lvloved by Orme Falls, seconded by. Lloyd Lowery: This Council hereby endorse Resolution No. 66-157 of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and authorize the Clerk and Trustees to prepare a draft by-law to establish the Police Village as a whole into a local improvement area for presentation to the Council in January 1967.-Carried. Resolution No. 186: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: This Council hereby endorse Resolution No. 66-15$ dated December 14, ,1966, of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and thereby instruct. the Treasurer to adjust the ftontage of the lands owned by }~s. James Richards to excluQe eleven feet more or less to take effect in. the year 1965 and thereafter until the said property has been legally investigated and reported.-Carried. Resolution No. lR?:Hoved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by Robert G. Chater~ This Council hereby endorse Resolution No. ,66-146 dated November 21, 1966, of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and instruct the Treasurer to ~~ite off the following Tax Arrears under Orono Municipal Water Service: Name Principal Penalties to Total ~otal Year Dec. 1J/66 StRtutory Nicholson, F, 14.4~ ~S7 15.34 .87 1965 Acct.No. 61' , ',d ." and further to adjust and cancel the Orono Municipal Water Service 1966 frontage and connection charge under Acct. No. 2070 in the amount of $34.72.-Carried: R~soll1ti pn No. J 88:Hoved by Lorne A: Perrault', seconded by Robert G. Chater~ " This Council hereby adopt the 1966 Budget estimates under By-law No. 1509 ~dth exception to the changes to the said budget as expressed under Resolution No. 141 dated August 2, 1966, and Resolution No. 196 dated December 15, 1966, and hereby authorize the Treasurer of thls municipality to apply the said estimates accordingly.-Carried. Resol~tjon No. J$q:Moved by Lloyd Lowery,seconded by Robert G.Chater: This Council hereby authorize the Treasurer and Road Superintendent to sign an amended Application for Payment on a Loan No. L453, in accordance with corresponoence received ~rom the Department of }mnicipal Affairs under date of December 2, ,1966.-Carried. Resolution No. 19p:11oved by Lorne A.Perrault,seconded by Lloyd Lowery: This Council hereby authorize the'Clerk to forward the completed Municipal Fire Protection" Survey to the Canadan Underwriters' Association as requested in their letter' of November 29,,1965.-Carried. Re~oJu~ion No. Jql:Moved by LorneA.Perraultjseconded by Lloyd Lowery: Resolve that the request of the Board of Trustees of the Township School Area of Clarke to construct a ne'''' nine room school, in the year,1967, to be located in Lot 25, Con. 6, Township of Clarke, being eight classrooms and one general purpose room plus the necessary administration and maintenance area, at an estimated cost of $280,000.00 to be repaid upon debenture over a proposed 20 year term, be and is hereby approved by this Council subject to the approval of the Ontario 11unicipal Board and the Department of Education. Resolution No. 178 dated November 4, 1966, be and is hereby rescinded. The Clerk is hereby instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of the To~mship School Area of Clarke.-Carr~ed. ResoJ utjon No. J q2 :goved by Lloyd Lo\V'ery, seconded by Orm.e Falls: In accordance '\n th By-La'Vl No.., 1530 this Council hereby appoint the follQ wing persons to the Board of the Township of Clarke Public Library who shall take office on the first day of January, 1967 and ,,,ho shall hold office for the year 1967 or until their successors shall have been duly appointed: 1. Mr. W. K. Lycett, Orono 2. Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Orono 3. Mr. R. C. Forrester, Orono 4. 1~. L. M. Hallowell, R. R. 1, Orono -Carried. 5. Page 6 Regular Meeting of Council 15 December 1966, continued: , ) '--''''~''" RARollltion No. lq'1:Moved by Lloyd Lowery,seconded by Lorne A.Perrault: The Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign an Indenture made in duplicate and dated the Second day of January A.D. 1967 between this Municipalit~ and.~~. Robert Hicks. , The Clerk be and is hereby instructed to forward the said Indenture to Mr. Hicks for his signature.-Carried. Resolution No. lQh:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: That the Clerk be instructed to notify the Board of the To~mship School Area of Clarke that their books-must be audited by the. Township Auditor as early as possible in the new year and that the Clerk shall arrange the time and place for the said Audit.-Carried. Resolution No. ]QS:Moved by Robert G.C~ater, seconded by Lorne A. Perrault: , This Council hereby authoriz~ the Reeve and Clerk to sign and seal a,deed dated. 22 November 1966 between this Corporation and William Howard Payne & Pauline Payne, his Wife. -Carried. . ResQ)ution No. ]Q6: Moved by Lloyd Lowery,seconded by Orme Falls: Resolve that monies in the amount of $900.00 be and are hereby appropriated from the following items in the 1966 Budget under By-law No. 1509 and transferred as an addition to the Cor.~ittee of Adjustment Allot~ent .under said 1966 Budget:-- Car }~g~strates.Fees Revenue Surplus $200~00 (b) Planning Board Under Expenditure $700.00 $900.00 Tnat Resolution No. 167 dated 19th October 1966 be and is hereby rescinded.-Carried. '" . RF!Rolution No. ]Q7:Moved oy Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by Robert G. Chater: . Resolve that the following pay vouchers be and Are here~y authorized for payment by the signing officers of this municipality: Addition to Police Village of Orono Voucher No.ll for November :1.966 in the amount of $93.32. . Police Village of Orono Voucher No. 12 for December 1966 in the ~6 6 . ~aount pf ~ , 33.02. ~dditions to General Voucher No. 11 for November'1966 in the ~ount of $212.64. General Voucher No. 12 for December 1966 in the amount, of $288,451.__66. Road Voucher No. 11 for November 1966 in the amount of $12,037.29. Addition to General Welfare Voucher No. 11 for November 1966 in th~ amount.. of $22.A6. ' Generalvlelfare Voucher No. 12 for December 1966 in the amount of $779.90.-Carried. Before closing this the final ~eeting of Council for the year 1966, Reeve J~ W. Ston~ congratulated ~~. Falls on his reelection to Council, t~anked the members of Council for their co-operation during his 2 years as Reeve and extended his best wishes for success to the incoming Co~ncil. Councillor Falls thanked the Reeve for his kind words and went on to say that he had enjoyed the meetings of Council and said it would likely be ,strange for him to sit with new members in the year 1967. Councillor Chater stated that he had enjoyed the past six years on Counc~l and that he would be leaving the position much vdser. . Deputy Reeve Perrault also stated that he had enjoyed meeting in Council and had been particularly rewarded as one of our County Council repre,entati~es. Finally he extended his wishes for ~uccess to .th~ incoming Council. . Councillor Lowery expre&sed his pleasure of haTLng had the opport.unity of serving this municipality on Council in the past two years and extended his best wishes to the incoming Council. It was with some regret, he said, that he ~~s not returned to Council but that such a decision \vas due to circurastances beyond his control. . . .,!;,.I Page 7 Regular 1YIeeting of Council 15 December 1966, continued: RF!soJntion No. lQS: Hoved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by 'Robert G: Chater: This Council hereby adjourn for the year 1966. Sine Die.-Carried. ~. ~ _.......1.......... / Clerk. . ~aC~ Reev. . . . y ',. ". -'