HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1966 (Special Meeting) Page 5 ::;peciaJ. Meeting of' Council 15 November 1966~ continued: 5. THAT this by-law shall come into full' force and effect on the,. Fi.,.rst day of January, '1967. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. . ;ill ~:II~- I Clerk. ,o~ ~ /J;:::) Re#e. . "( '. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE 26 November 1966 at 7 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve J. W.Stone Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault Councillor R." G. ,Chater Councillor O. H. Falls Clerk~. E. Millson Special Meeting wascalled by Reeve J. W. Stone to consider I the following business: The ~ollowing resolutions were passed: Resolution No. ]82:Moved by Lorne A. Perrault,seconded by Robert G. Chater: That the ~ollowing item under Resolution No. 57 dated 1st March, 1966, "Road Voucher No. 2 ~or February 1966 ~or the total amount of $25,751.6$" be and is hereby reduced to the total amount. of $25,555.2l..,due to Road Cheque No. 1154, in the amount o~ ' $196.47, being cancelled and re~erred to the Treasurer on 18th November 1966. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to adjust'and correct this matter in the month o~ November 1966.-Carried. Re~olutionNo. ]8j:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Robert G. Chater: Resolve that the following pay voucher be and is hereby authonizea for payment by the signing o~~icers o~ this municipality: Police Village o~ Orono Voacher No. 11 ~orNovember 1966 in the total amount o~ $1,134.l2.-Carried. ; ResC?ll1~ion No. 18L.:Moved by Lorne A. Perrault,seconded by Orme Falls: This Council hereby authorize., the Reeve and Clerk to sign an agreement made in duplicate and dated 1$ October 1966 between W. B. Bennett Paving &- Materials Limited and The Corporation o~ the ToWnship o~ Clarke for 'and on behal~ o~ The Trustees o~ the Police Village o~ Orono.-Carried. , Th~ ~ollowing By~Law was given ~irst, second and third reading and ~inally passed:- . By-Law No. ] 1)1] : , The Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke By-Law No. 1531. A By-Law to authorize the borrowing o~$60,000.00. Whereas the Council o~ the Corporation o~ the Township o~ Clarke (l,lereina~ter "called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum o~ $60,000.00 to_meet, ,until the taxes are collected, , I the current expenditures o~ the Municipality ~or the year; And Whereas the total amount o~ the estimated revenues o~ the Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted ~or the year 1966, not including revenues deri vabl,e or deri ved ~rOm the sale of assets~.' ' ", borrowings or issues o~ debentures or from a s~rplus, including . ~rrearsof taxes and proceeds from the sale o~ assets, is $300,000.00 ' . . ~,M1~F~af!r lih~, tp~~:t. ~o~li l)~~tt):fGre'ag.t..AoI>iz~ tob,.. "~ p,,~rnD~;i1}.is year ~orthe purposes mentioned in subsection (ll of $e~r~10!1"~29 !?f +h~ ~t1p.i~4-i>a:;LAct ~~ $~SQ" QOO ,..0(" 9f ,:wt1ie~ t_.,,' Municipali,~y', ~Sl a~~~~4z', bO:f\rowe~ ~ total. ~,f .150,.000.09. ; . The'r~i:8l'e: t,he .C~~gil:,,.,f t:9.eTo\t!Ilsl1ipa:f Cl~r.~~ ~~r~~Y~'~M4!l,ts as ~ollows: ." . '. .'" 1. The Head and'the Treas~er are hereby authori~ed On bahalf o~ the Municip;a.lity to bQrrow ~rom time to tilI1e by way o~ a sum, promissory noee ~rom ~nadian ~per~al Bank of Commerce or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $210,000.00 .","" .. Page 2 - Special Meeting o~ Council 26 November 1966, continued:' to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures o~ the Municipality ~or the year, including the amounts re~uired ~or the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) o~ Section 329 of the Municipal Act, and to give-on behal~ o~ the Munici- pality to the 'Bank a promissory note or note~ sealed with the CO'rporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the mone.ys sO borrowed, ., with interest, which maybe paid in advance or otherwise, at, a rate not exceeding 6% per 'Centum per annum. ' . All sums borrowed pursuant to the"'''authority o~ this 9y-law, as well as all other sums borrowed ' in this year and in previous years from the said Bank ~or any or all o~ the purposes mentioned ,in the' said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, Be a charge upon the whole o~ the revenues or- the MUnici- pality ~or the current year and ~or all precedJ,ng years as and when such revenues are received. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment o~ all sums borrowed as a~oresaid, together with interest thereon,'all o~ the moneys herea~ter collected or received either on account or realized in respect o~ taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source" which may lawfully be applied_~or such p?-rpose. ~' 111 2. 3. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ~. ..-::::::: 1 "" ....:-~/ Clerk. ~~<~ p#'eve . REGULAR MEETING or THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE 15 December 1966 at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono~ Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L. 4, Perrault Councillor R. G,"~hater Co~ncillor O. H. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. Millson W" Cc:."C<-' ~-j,-''-' ,,1 , The minutes o~ previous meetings held on November 1st, 4th, 15th and 26th were accepted ori motion by L. A. Perrault, seconded by R. G. Chater. Carried. . ~ ~~. E. R. Wood~~rd, Inspecting Trus~eo~ the Police Trustees o~ the Police V~llage o~ Ororio, met with Coun,cil to discuss certain matters of mutual interest between the Trustees and Council. . The ~ollowing correspondence and reports were read out by the Reeve: ' 1. D.~partnient o~ Municipal Af~airs re Nunicipal Wo~s AssistaI1;ce Program Application ~or Payment on a Loan No. L453.- !e~erred to Resoltit:lon. 2. Department o~ Municipaf A~fairs of Ontario, Municipal Subsidies Branch, re Notice o~ Amendment to a COID~itment to make a ~oan-Loan 453.- Re~erred to Resolution. 3: v~. Mike Karas letter regarding clearing o~ brush in ~ront o~ his residence at Lot 2-3,' Concession 3'.': Clerk to reply that brushing is to be done by the Road Department and permission 'can ' not be given to reduce taxes. 4. Ontario School Trus~ees' and Municipal Councillors' Association, Inc. re,the need ~or better communication and planning at the local level between Boards and Councils discussed by the Minister of Education at the Seminar in October.-Tabled.