HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1966 (Special Meeting)
,')'<:;.r:-t'., .
Nov~mber ,4, 1966, at 9 a,m.;
Council 9hamber~ OronQ.
Present: Reeve J .W. Stone
Councillo~ Rt G. Chater
Councillor LlOyd ~ower,.
Clerk H. E. -Millson '
Special meeting of Council was called' by lUleve J. W. Stone to
cousider the follo~ng"business: ,.
Mes~8~ L.. Greenwood and H. B.st, Cha~ and Secretary-
Tr~asurer Of the Township School Area appeared at Council me.eting
at which time they presented a letter reques~ing CounCil's: approval
of' the proposed financing for the construction of a new school on
the north part of Lot 25 in the Sixth Concession of the Township
of Clarke. After discussion of the subject matter,the,follo~ng
resQlution w~s passed:
Ra,olu~~~n .0. ~?8~~oved by Lloyd Lowery,seeonded b,. Robert G.Chater:
ThisCouneil here.b,. tentativel,. approve of the following request
of. The Public School Board o~ the Township School Area of Clarke
datedN9vember 4, 1966:,-'. ,
.Subjeet to Section 63, paragraph 2 of' thePublie School Act,
t~. above eapti.oned Boardhe'reby appl,. to the, Council of th~
Township of Clarke" for their consideration and approval of the
is.~g of debentures to.r~ise suffieient monies to construct a
1\eWf:hblic School at ~ot 2.5~ Concession 6~ Township of Clarke.
Thi.stAool.to comprise eight classrooms, one general purpose room
plus the necessar,. administration and maintenance area. The
approximate cost of this sehool excluding site, is estimated to be
$2$0,000.00. .
For your appraisal we have enclose4~
. (1) Form Bldg. #4. '
(2) Form Bldg. I'l~
(3) Acknowledgement of a Building Proposal.
0,,) 1:entative approval for purposes of ,Legislative Grant.
(5) Survey plan of proposed 'sj.te.
, (6) lviemorandum. from Treasurer of Ontario re Purchase
- of Debenture for, School Board undertakings.
(7) Procedures as outlined by C. A. Ho~es B.A.~
- Inspector of' Public Schools for Durham 2.-
A certified copy of this resolution is to be.forwardeQ to Mr.
H._R. Best~ Secretary-Treasurer of the Township School Area of
Clarke.. ~Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m.
~ '.'A~/'
15 Novemberl966 at 7 (30 p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
,Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deput,. Reeve L. A. Perrault
Councillor R.,G. Chater
CounCillor O. H. Falls
Councillor Llo,.d Lowery
Clerk H. E., Millson
It was moved b,. L. A. Perrault~ seconded by R. G.
Chater that delegations be heard. Carried.
Mr. WIn. Carman who was accompanied by Mr. A. A.
Strike, Mr. R. D. Dickson, Mr. R. C. Forrester, Mrs. J.
Barlow and Mr. C. Tamblyn, presented a petition to Council
which was Signed by the delegates present, with exception t
to Mr. C. Tamblyn~ and 7 other electors of the Township of Clarke.
Page Z
Special Meeting of Council 15 November 1966~ continued:
Mr. Carman reported an:eeting held on October last in
Toronto when 3 delegates of the Durham County District
High School Board were present to hear an address given
b,. the Department of Education of Ontario concerning the
new developments'be~anticipated in th1$ province
which"will influence elementar,.education. The movement,
it was explained~ is to consolidate Under Boards of
Education whereb,. a school would have Grades 1 to 13
inclusive. This would giv& our educational system the
broader aspect so the top, middle and bottom levels of
student aptitudes could be better trained or better
educated to suit their best requirements for livelihood.
Mr. Strike, a ratepa,.er in the 'Township of Clarke,
who had been one of the delegates representing the Durham
Count,. District High School ,Board spoke at 'some length
on ,the worthiness of School Boa.rds and Counc~:is P:Lanning
a large central school rathe~, ,than. adding acco~odation
to a nwnber 'of smaller schools"~ 'The 'idea of the central
school~ nEt said, 'is coni:i.ng and 'a inu:n.:1eipality should
prepare themselves for it',- 'In 'the interest's of good
education such advances can be tied in With better education
and planning. . SchOOls shoula be established in planned
residential areas. Mr. Strike was of the opinion that
the population in the ~ed~ate area did not support the
establishment of a new school to be constructed on Lot 25,
Concession 6 of the Township of Clarke.
Reeve J. W. Stone asked if this presentation or petition
had been made to the Trustees of the Township School Area
of Clarke and upon receiving an answer from the delegation
in effect that no p~esentation had been made to the said
School Area Board he theref'ore' 'stat'eel 'that the, delegation
should consider meeting ~th the Trustees of the said
School Board to make a similar presenta.tion before bringing it
to the attention of this CounQil. Further, the 'Reeve ,
informed the delegation that Council had given the Board
tentative approval only f'or the issuing of debentures~to
rais,e sufficient monies to construct a new school en Lot 25,
Concession 6, Clarke at an estimated cost of $2$O~OOO.OO.
Deput,. ReeveL. A. Perrault was of the opinion that '
the Inspector of Public Schools was satisfied with our
present sy.stem of maintaining 4 schools which are located
more or 'less in ,the corners of themunicipalit,. and that the
,County 'Consultative School Committee was also sat1sf'ied with '
this' plan.
Mr. Carman quoted the follOwing from a speech given
b,. Mr. J. 'H. M. 'Andrewa, Department of Education of Ontario,
on October 21, 1966 at Toronto during the conference of the
Ontari~ 8ehool Trustees and Munic~pal Councillors ASsociation:
I~he Department of Education has set as the goal a district
~ontaining at least 3~000 pupils and a school of at least
300 pupils. ,A public school district of this size feeding
into a single high' school would support a composite school
o~ about'l,OOO pupils. Research indicates'that these goals
are, if anything, on the low side. A district of' 10~OOO
pupils is frequently cOn,cluded to be the low end of the'
optimUm size. II,
The' delegates were agreed that the petition or present-
ationshol11d'be made to the Trustees of'the Township School
Area of Clarke. '
'. The members of Council expressed their agreement to meet
with a representative of the Department. of" Edueat10n together
with a representation of the petitioners and members of the
Board of the Township School Area of Clarke if and when such
a meeting were arranged b,. the said petitioners. In this
matter the Council would attend such a meeting as interested
ratepayers rather than councillors of this municipality.
Reeve Stone reported that the SubSidies Branch of the
Department of MUnicipal Affairs are now re-auditing Municipal
Works Assistance Programs No.1 and No. 2 and that tentative
arrangements have been made with Mr. M. D. Trewin, head of
this department, for the members of Council) Road Superintendent
and Clerk-Treasurer to .meet with him on Monday, November 28,
1966, at 1, p.m. in Toronto. '
,,- ,~> .,-'
Fage 3
Special Meeting of Council lS November 1966, continued:
The follo~ng correspondence, reports and petition were read,out
by Reeve J. W. Stone:
1. Miss Lallie Stewart,re responsibility in connection ~th
damages that may be incurred when trees on private property
fall across and block the municipal road allowance.-Piled.
2. Messrs. D. ~. and' C. K. snli th request for ~ muneipal
licence to operate a trailer park tor summer and weekend camping
as business brought f'6rward f'rom Council meeting held ,November l~
3. The Carswell Com..pany Limited re ,The Municipal Councillors'
4. ,Otiario,Good Roads Association request for resolutio~s and
proposal ~of names for recognition of long service in the cause
of good roads.-Filed.
5. Solicit,or E.R. Lovc!kin re Public Lib1:'ary proposed by-law.-
Referred to B,.-law.
6. Solicitor E. R. ,Lovekin re Pounds Act B,.-Law No. 532 as
busineSS brought forward from November 1, 1966.-Tabled.
7. Copy letter of W. Ka,. Lycett, B.A., to the T'rustees of the
Police Tillage of Orono,. - FUed. .
8~ Cant rack Motor Racing Corp. Ltd.-Mosport Park, request for a
referendum b,. our electors to allow a race to be held on Sunday,
August '27, 1967. It was, moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by
Lloyd L9wer,. that the Reeve,' Deputy Reeve and Clerk be and are
herebyvapPOinted ,'as a committee to contact Solicitor E. R. Lovekin
in ord.er.to inves~igate this request and report ~o ~ouncil as
business brought fOrWard from November 1, 1966.-Tabled.
9. Solicitor E. R. LOVekin re Clarke-Township-Sunday Sport
Mosport Race-Track....Tabled.
10. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re meeting
October 18, 1966.-Piled.
11. Cen~ral Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re meeting
October 22, 1966.-Filed.
12. Cen\ral Lake Ontario Conservation Authorit,. re meeting
November 2, 1966.-Piled.
13. Board of Transport re Pile 26711.2526 - Proposed closing of
crossing of C...R. and Township Road in Township of ,Clarke,
Ontario; mile 279.58 Kingston Subdivision.-Referred to Road and
Bridge Committee and the Road Superintend.ent~
14. Board of Transport re FileNo. 3701.132 - reI Proposed
closing of'a crossing of the CPR and the Township Road in the
Twp. of Clarke, Ontario at mileage 151.43 BelleVille Subdivision.-
Referred to the Road. and Bridge Committee and the Road ,Super-
\ intendent. "
15. Board of Transport re Piles 3701.131 - 267l1.~S2~ - Pro~osed
closing of crossings of Township Road in Township of Clarke,
Ontario and C.N.R. at mile 281.13- Kingston Subd.and. C.P.R.
at inile lS2.45 BelleVille Sd. -Referred to the Road and Bridge
Committee and the Road Superintendent.
16. Board of Transport re Pile 42307 - PropOsed improv~ments to
vision at crossings of Township Road. and C.N.R. at mileage 281.6
Kingston Subd. and C.P.R. at mile 152.90 Belleville Subdivision.-
Referred to the Road and Bridge Commdttee and th~ Road' Super-
int endent. '
17. Board of Transport re Files 26711.2523 - 26727.~53 re -
Propo~ed improvements to sight lines at crossings of C.N.R. at
mile 278.54 Kingston Subd.,iUld C.P.R. at mileage 149.83 Belleville
Subd. between Twps. of Hope and Clarke, Ontario.-R~ferred to the
Roa.d and Bridge Committee and the Road Superintendent.
18. Petition of Mr. w.m. H. Carman and 11 other signed petitioners
~ue$ting Council to ~thholdapproval of monies for the proposed
building'program of the Board, of the Township School Area of
Clark&unti1 after an interview ~th the ~nister of Education and
a Committee appointed by Council has been held to ascertain the
effect of his announced integration program With regard to the
future...ccoJmllodation requirements of both primar,. and secondar,.
schOOl students Within this township.
Page 4
Special Meeting of.Council 15 November l~, continued:
19. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re "AU frame building, Junction 35
and 115 highways, Newcastle north.-A copy of this letter to be
forwarded to the County Engineer of the United Counties of
Northumberland and Durham. .
20. Solicitor E. R. .Lovekin re Messrs. Smith proposed Trailer
Camp,-A copy of this. letter to be forwarded "to Messrs., Smith.
21. Mr, Douglas G. Andrews, Professor of Nuclear Engineering,
Universit,.of Toron~o~ re Radioactive Dump. - A copy of this
letter to be forwarded to Eldorado and ,a reply to be requested
from them.
22. Clerk's report to Council re Supplementary By-law No. 1529
as business brought forward from November 1, 1966.-Referred to
23. Ontario Department of Highwa,.s re supplementary road
expenditure B,.-law No. l529.-Referred to Resolution.
. The fotlowing resolutions were passed:
RescUpt:.ion Jlo.l'7q: Moved by R. G. Chater~ sec.onded b,. Lloyd Lowery:
That the Clerk be and is hereby _uthorized to sUbmit an-
application to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of B,.-law
No. 1529 with regard to Item (4) of t,hesaid B,.-Law. -Carried.
ResaJ ut.i €In No - H~O: Moved by Lorne A. PerrauJ..t, seconded by
Llo,.d Lower,.: .
That th~ Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to write off
the fbllowing tax arrears on approval of the Auditor and in
accordance with Section 131 of' The Assessmen~ Act, R.S.O. 1960:
Name P~incipal
MCIlro,., James', 8.30
Cowlard, Mrs. M. 8.30
Cowlard, Mrs. M. 8.30
Cowlard~ Mrs. M. 8.30
Gilmer~ Clarence 4.15
Davis~ Norman 4.15
S1j.at.. Yea:r
Resolut.ion No. 181: Moved b,. Lloyd Lower,., seconded by Orme Falls:
Resolve that the follQwing pay-voucher be and is hereb,.,
authorized for payment by the signing officers of. this
municipality: ;
Additions to General Voucher No. 11 in the total amount of
The follo~ By-law wa, passed:
~-L~w No. l~~O: .
- Being a b,.~law to establish a Public Library for the
Township of Clarke. "
, Whereas The Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1960~ Chap. 325,
and The Public Libraries-Act, 1966.. Chap. 128, prOVides that .
where a publiC library he~etofore extablished for a police village
is being operated~ the Council of the ,municipaJ.it,. in which the
publiC librar,. of the police Village is situate shall establish a
public library ~ and on the day the bqard for such public library
is organized~ the public library board of the pqlice ~illage ,is
dissolved and its assets and liabilities become assets and
liabil!ties of the pp:bl..ic library board of' the municipalit,.., '-
And Whereas "Th~f1UbliC Librar,." is a public library -~
estabJ.ish~d for t~e:, Pqlice Village of Orono;
NOW THEl.U:FORE 'be~it duly enacted ,b,. t,he Council of 'the
CorpOration or~the ToWnship of Clarke;
1. THAT a Public, Library be established in accordance with
the ~0'V'1sions of The Public Libraries Act and amendments thereto
and the same is he reb,. , established and $hall be known as
"The Township of Clarke Public Library".
....' 2. ,THAT a Public Library Board be ,&ad is hereby established
for the Whole of the. Township of' Clarke~ same to become, effective
on the First day of January,:..J 1967't-,
3 . THAT the Council of the To'Whshlp of Clarke sh,all make the,~
necessary. appoin:tments to the Board by resolutio.n, of' COtU1;cil.
4. THAT,B,.-Law 1418 of'The CorporatioI.1 of' the Townsliip of
Clarke. ~rtaining to "The Orono Public LibrarY'" b~ and is
hereb,. repealed effective Qn the Thirty::-first 4ay of
December, 1966.
t.o Novembe~
~O /66
Page 5
~pecial Meeting of Council 15 November 1966, continued:
5. THAT this by-law shall come into full. for.ce and effect
on the, F~rst day of January, '1967.
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. .
, ~ ! . i j ;! !
C>'~.'~I~_' /
,Q~~ ~
26 November 1966 at 7 p.m.
Council Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. -Stone
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault
Councillor R. ", G. Chater
Councillor O. H. Falls
Clerk ~. E. Millson
Special Meeting wascalled by Reeve J. W. Stone to consider :
the following business:
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution No. l82!~oved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by Robert
G. Chater:
That the following item under Resolution No. 57 dated 1st
March, 1966,
"Road Voucher No. 2 for February 1966 for the total amount of
,$25,751.6$" be and is hereby reduced to the total amount. of
$25,555.21....due to Road Cheque No. 1154, in the amount of '
$196.47, being cancelled and referred to the Treasurer on lath
November 1966.
The Treasurer is hereby authorized to adjust:and correct this
matter in the month of November 1966.-Carried.
R~soJut:ionNo. J81:Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Robert
G. Chater;
Resolve that the following pay voucher be and is hereby
autho~i~ea for payment by the signing officers of this municipality:
Police Village of Orono Voucher No. 11 for November 1966 in the
total amount of $1,134.12.-Carried. ;
Resp]ution No. ]8h:Moved by Lorne A. Perrault,seconded by Orme Falls:
This Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign an
agreement made in duplicabe and dated 1$ October 1966 between
W. B. Bennett Paving & Materials Limited and The Corporation of the
,Township of Clarke for 'and on behalf of The Trustees of the Police
Village of Orono.-Carried.
The following By~Law was given first, second and third
reading and finally ptssed:- .
By-Law No. ]1)1l:
- The Corporation of the Township of Clarke By-Law No. 1531. A
By-Law to authorize the borrowing of $60,000.00.
., Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of
Clarke (~ereinafter ~called the ~unicipalityU) deems it necessary to
borrow the sum of $60~000.00 to_meet, ,until the taxes are COllected,
the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year;
And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the
Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1966,
not including revenues derivabl,e or derived from the, sale of assets,
borrowings or issues of debentures or from a surplus, including
arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is
$300,000.00 .
~, ,m>-~r@aer !;hE} < tp;~~ ~o~; b~.~tt)fore .-ag~~o~iz~g to b~,.,_
p~r~~g, ;;!f.\l.is year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1)
of Se~\;iOl1',329 ".f T~e. ~t.1p.i~~~:;J..Act ,J,!=l $~5Q, 900,.,O<:h 9t":w3ieh. t.~~"
Municipal~~y', AASL~~~'@~q.y:: bgr-r~we~,~ ~9ta;L~<?,f,.150.t,()OO. O,? ..' ,
Ther~:t:el'e;the ,Cf:>~gi~:,,(;);r t?ae TOwns~ipQ:r CIC1,~k,~ 3~r~by:,~~~~ts
as follows: . . ,.'.
1. The Head a~d'the Treas~er are hereby authorized on behalf o~
the Municipality~to borrow. from time tOBtimeobYCwaoaYe~fce a sum
promissory note ~rom ~nad~an ~per~al anK f mm
or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $210,000.00
"';<:._"."'..:,._''"'.....,,~;,..." .c"~~C-~~~~,,"'