HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/1966 (Special Meeting) SPECIAL MEET ING OF THa COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF e~ Nov$m.ber 4, 1966 J at .,.9 a,m.; Council C;:hamber, Orono. Present: Reeve J .W. Stone Councillo%" Rt G. Chater Counci11or Lloyd ~owe17 c:lerk H. E. - Mill son ' Special meeting of Council was called by Re.eve, J. w. ,Stone to cOIlsider the folloWing'business: Messrs. L. Greenwood imd H. B~st, Cha~ and Secretary- Treasurer it the Township School Area appeared at Council me,eting at which time they presente.d a ,letter reques~ing CounCil's: approval of the proposed financing for the construction of a new school on the north part of Lot 25 in the Sixth Coneessionof' the Township of Clarke. After discussion of' the subject matter,the,f'ollowing resolution wa,spassed: , . RA,~]u~~qn No. 1?8:~oyed by Lloyd Lower,.,seconded b,. Robert G.Chater: This Council here.by tentativel,. approve of the following request of. The '~blic School Board of the Township School Area of Clarke dated1l9vember4, 1966:-', . -Subject to Section 6.3, paragraph 2 of' the Public School Act, ta..above captioned Board hereby appl,. to the. Council of th~ Township of Clarke'for ~he~consideration and approval of the iss~g of debentures to raise sufficient monies to construct a neW'Public School at ~ot 25~ Concession 6, Township of Clarke. This se'llool,to comprise eight classrooms, one general purpose room plus the necessar,. administration and maintenance area. The approximate cost of this school excluding site, is estimated to be $280,000.00. ' For ,.our appraisal we have enclose4~ (1) For.m Bldg. 14. ' (2) For.m Bldg. I~l~ (3) Acknowledgement of a Building Proposal. (.4) ~entative approval for purposes of ,Legislative Gftant. (5) Surve,. plan of proposed site. . (6) ~emorandum. from Treasurer of Ontario re Purchase - of Debenturef'or. School Board undertakings. (7) Procedures as outlined b,. C. A. Holmes B.A.~ Inspector of' Public Schools for Durham 2.ft A certified copy of this resolution is to be.forwardeQ to Mr. H._R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer of the Township School Area of Clarke..;"Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10 a.m. . ~:rIA_I' Clerk. ;9~;~ Reevt:7 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE 15 November 1966 at 7:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Orono. ,Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault CounCillor R..G. Chater Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E. ~lson . /' It was moved b,. L. A. Perrault, seconded by R. G. Chater that delegations be heard. Carried. Mr. \tn. Carman who was accompanied by Mr. A. A. Strike~ Mr. R. D. Dickson, Mr. R. C. Forrester~ Mrs. J. Bar10w and Mr. C. Tamblyn, presented a petition to Council which was signed by the delegates present~ with exception t to Mr. C. Tamblyn, and 7 other electors of the Township of Clarke.