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Page 4
$pecial Meeting of Council October 19, 1966, continued:
. 'A
RaaQ'u~ion 'Oa l6?: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Or.me Falls:
, Resal v.e that monies in the amount of 1900.0'0 b'e a:nd are
hereby appropriated from the following items. in the 1966 Budget
under By-Law No. 1509 and trausferred as an addition to the Committee
of Ad.,...taent Allotment:~er said 1966 Bud.get:-
,.Ca) Magistrates Fees Revenue Surplus'
(b) Committee of -.Adjustment R.evenlle Surp1us
(c) Tax Refunds Uv.der Bxpencl$;,~ure . .
(d) Plumbing &0 Se'Wjl.ge Permit Fees Revenue Surp1ua
(4i) fla'ln:f.ng Boa.rd~.l1nder ExpeacU.ture
~~{L 00
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
... . ...
Reevf ·
1 November 1966 at 10 -a.m.
Council Chamber, Orono,
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
:Deputy ,R.eeveL. A. Perrault
Councillor R. - G., Chater
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E.-M1l1son
The minutes of Council meeting of October 4th and 19th, 1966,
were adopted on motion by R. G. Chater, seconded by O. H. Falls.
As business arising from past minutes, R. G. Chater ,reported
on a ,econd meeting of O. H. .Falla and himself with Mr. Robert
Hicks at Which time the fOlloWing items were tentatively agreed
upon with regard to the proposed new contract for Municipal
Garbage Disposal:-
1. .The disposal location was to be kept open on Saturdays
from a a.m. to 1 p.m.
2. When a Statutory Holiday falls on the same day the
dispOsal location is to be. ~eptopen then the Contractor may
choose another day within that week when the disposal shall be
kept open for the use of the public providing the, Contractor
shall advertise such facts in The Canadian Statesman on or'
before the week prior. to the time the d.isposal location may be
closed on such Holiday.
3. Certain repairs to the municipal road and culvert, -it
was reported, had been carried out to Mr. Hicks' satiafactio~.
4. The :contract was to be made terminable ,by either party
upon giving the other party -six months previous notice in writing.
5. The Contractor was to be paid automatically without
rendering. billings quarterly.
6. The Contractor was to be paid $2,000.00 per annum by
quarterly. payments on the last day of every third month during
the continuance of this proposed. contract.
7. The effective date ot the proposed contract was to be
January l~ 1967.
The subject matter contained in the aforementioned items
was then recommended by the Committee for consideration by
Council. 'fhis business was referred to resolution.
Council recessed at 12 noon for lunch and ~esumed session,
atl:30 p.m.
.Mr. Daniel Sioen, a resident ot the Township of Darlington,"
appeared at Council meeting and complained of the dra~nage on to
his property from a closed culvert looated on the Clarke-Darlington
boundary road 'allowance adjacent to Lot 35 in the Fifth Concesaion
of Clarke. This request was referred to Road Inspection at which
time the Council and'Road Superintendent can view the site il'l
question with Mr. Sioen.
Page 2
Regular Meeting of Council 1 November 1966,continued:
Mr. M. L. Ros.~ Road Superintendent was -present. at Council
meeting from-2 to 4 p.m. i~ order to discuss certain matters
pertaining to the Road. Department with Council.
Mr., E. R. Woodyard, Inspecting TrU3tee of the Police
Village of Orono,' reported that the Trustees are no" ready to
meet with the members of Council to consider the Restricted
Area By-Law No. l5l7 at s~ch time the Council shouJ.d wish to
Q&11 a meeting for this purP08~. A number of other subjects
(fif mutual' interest to bo,th the TrUstees and Council were also . . ..
glV'en consideration at this tiin.e. '
'The Council and Road Superintendent arranged for a Road
Inspection'to take place on 10th November 1966.
Council were of the opinion tbata by-law should be
pre~ed whereby the present public library in Orono would be
dissolved and a public library for the Township of Clarke
establl.shed to become effective on January 1, 1967, in
accordance with recent amendments to The Public Libraries
Act. Mr. Woodyard, who was in possession of information
1n this regard, said he would be glad to forward it to the
Mr. H. R. Best, Building Inspector reported having taken
action by-letter in reapectto Council's direction under
Resolution No. 72 dated April 5, 1966., This was further
dealt ,with by resolution~
Mr. Rene Bertheau, representing Cantrack Motor Racing
Corporation Ltd., Mosport; Park, presented copies of a letter
to Council, herein recordeg under co~respondence, requesting
a referendum of our electors to allow Canada's first Formula
1 Race to be staged as an Ontario Centennial.-event on Sunday,
August 27th, 1967.
~ Mr. Reginald Gibson requested Council for ,a culvert
entrance on the Third Line at Lot 25 in the Third Concession.
B.eeve Stone, on behalf'..: of Council, told Mr. Gibson his request
would be considered during. Road Inspection on November
10th next.
Mr. Nels Henessey asked for information on constructing
a new culvert entrance on a building .lot. The initial cost
of a new culvert entrance, he was informed,. must be paid by
the lot owner.
The Clerk asked Council for their direction to the
Treasurer _ concerning Section 235 of The Municipal Act upon
which no action was taken.,
Messrs. L. Greenwood and. H. Best, Chairman and Secreifary-
TreasQrer reJi'pecti vely' o,f The Board of Trustees of tb.e Town-
ship School Area of Clarke, informed the Council of the, .
details reg&t"ding the proposed financing, upon debenture,
of plans to construct a school being eight classrooms and one
general purpose room on the north part of Lot 25 in the
Sixth Concession of Clarke at a total esttmated cost of
t279,4$0.00. .
, Council were unanimous in their decision to meet in
Special'Meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 1966, at 7:30
p;m; in the Council. Chamber at Orono. _
The follOwing reports and correspondence were read o~t
to Council by Reeve J. W. Stone. .
1. . Treasury Department of Ontario re. Tile Drainage
?Mr. Robert Hicks re. Garbage Disposal Contract as business
arisiag from past minutes .-Referred to ~SG~ution. .
3. Messrs. D. G. and C. K. Smith request ,for a .municipal
licence to operate a trailer park for summer and weekend camping ." "
as business brought, fo~d from Council meeting held October
19, last. -Table,d.
4.' .Solic1tor B. R. Lovekin re Presbyterian Church and
liewtol}ville Cemetery.~The Clerk was instructed to requ~st t~e
Sol~ci't:or. to check the. legality of a right-:of-way,~lowance
~o 't~said property in question and wheth~r or not such 'a
rightfof-way is accessible.
5." 'Department of Highways, Ontario, re utilities, Public-
Relocat:l.ons and Alterations. Bligibility for Subsidy under
Parts VII, VIII,.IX and X of The Highway Improvement Act;.;,-Filed.
Page 3
Regular ~eting of Council 1 November 1966~ continued:
6. The ~at Pine Ridge Tourist Council Report dated 25th
October 19a.-FUed" ,,' , '
7. Northdberland"].)urha1a:H&alth Unit :R.eport for August
1966. ~Filed. " ,
$. Northumberland-Durham HeiLth ,Unit Report f.or September
1966.-Filed. ,
9. : Solicitor B.'R. Lovekin re Jlaras1mowic~ John~ stray cattle-
pound problem.-Filed.- ,
10. De~ment.of Heuth reThe.Ambulanee Serv.icesAct~ 1966,
Grant. for the provlsion' of, aa1bulpceservice. -Filed,
'11. w. Ka,. L,.cett~ B.A'.~req;r.leS~t'Clr road clo.ing. Clerk to
repl,. ,to inform ~. ~,.eett of t~ 'pr9pert,. owner $ requested
pel tha,t the ,dire, c~ expense, ,Of the, ',' ',~OPO"d cl.osinirto be
~su,m~u;l b,. the ,per*o. or pe,rsons so malting the request for
eloiJiilg. , ,'> , .
~a,.., ,v. Kay: L,.cett,B..A....1. .,repestfor,roa.dclosing. Closing
to be ,taken up with 'Mr.L,.~ett., , ' " ' t
13 . ~. Allan Ardron reCf.ueat, for road repairs. Referred to
Road:&- Br~dge tc;> be viewedQa Road Inspection.
14. Cop)" letter of Mr. ;aoa.Mereer~ Fire Chief, subm.tted to
the Trustees of the Police' Village' of Orono re recommertdation
for dismissal. -Filed. ' , ,
15. CoPY' letter of ,Mr. Ros.Mereer~ Fire Chief, submitted to
the Trustees of the 'Police VillAge of Oron9 re rec~endation
for dismissal. "'Fil.~L "
16. Department ,ofN:\miCipal '_ir.~ Municipal Subsidies Branch,
're Federal Provincial. MunieipalWinterWorks Incentive Program
approval of ~oject O-117-l966-67.-Filed.
17. Clerk t s report to Council re Supplementar,. B,.-law No. 1529
as business brought for.ard. from October 4,'1966.-Tabled.
1$. Department of Highways re' Supplementar,. bad Expenditure'
B,.-law No. l523~ AmoUnt.. tlo8,700.00 as busiZless brought forward
from October 4~' 1966. - Tabled.
19. Cop,. letter of Solicitor E. R. Lovekin to T.otten Sims
Hubicki and Associates Ltd.~ re Police Village of Orono
Installation~of Storm Sewers and Gutters Financing.
20. Copy letter of Totten Sims Hubi~ki and Assoc:1ates Ltcl"
to Mr. E. B.. Woodyard, Inspecting Trustee o~ ~ the Police- Village
of Orono re Storm Sewers and bads. -Our File 66Wl!,2.
21. Mr. Gordon V. . Wright, Co-ordinator, ~Emerg.nc" Measures
Organization of the United Counties of NorthtlDlberland. and Durham
as business brought forwarCl ~rom October 4, 1966~ re ~uggested
By-laws for volunteer fire, department. As ~hissubject had
been taken up with the Po)..iee Tr~.tees by the Clerk, it was
therefore reported by E;,:.:::1(oOclj-ard that the *,-sent ay-laws
in respect to the Fire~D~~t~nt, are quit;e~~ar in form
to those suggestedb,. the 'Bme,rgenc,. Measure. Organization.
This bUSiness was ordered 'fUed.
22. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono resoluticmNo.
66-13$ dated October 24, 1966, re recommendation b,.tqe fire
Chief concerning dismissal of tire t"ighters.-Referred~o,
23. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono resolutio~ .No.
66-141 dated November, 1, 1966, re termination of agr.~ent
with Ontario Water Resources Commission under Project No.,
59-W-S4.-Referred to res01ution. ' ,
24. '. Orono H,.dro Electric .COmm1ssionrequest for temPor~,.
opetating funds. -Referr~fi':~o resolution. ,
25.. Cantrack Motor Raci.li!t eorp. Ltd. -Mosport Park, req~est for
a r&1"erendWJ\ by our electors to allow a. race to beheld'9n
Sund-.,., Aucust 27, 1967 .It was moved b,. a. G.C,ha.terl. seconded
b,. Lloyd. Lower,. that the Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Clerk l;>e and.
are-hereby appointed as a committee to contact Solicito;r
E. R. Lovekin in order to investigate this request and report
to COURcil.-Carried. .
26. OntarioWat&r Resources Commission re ackn.owledg~n~ to
terminate Ontario Water Resources Commission Project No.
59-W-52. -Filed. " ,'<
27. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Pounds ACt By-Law No . ~~2. ....rIeled.
28. J:>epartment of l-1unicipal Affairs, CQmmunity Pl!!ll1~ Br&llCh~
re A Restricted Area By-law No.. 1517 concerning CofRa:sents that
this Branch has forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board as
business brought 'forward from October 4, 1966.-Tabled.
.A.cct .
Page 4
Regular ireeting of. eOlmcil 1 November -1966, cont1.nued:
29. The Ontario Municipal Board re A. Restricted .Area B,.-law
No. 1517 concerning comments of the Communit,. PJ.~ing Branch of
the Department of MuniciPal Affairs as business' brought forward
from.October 4, 1966.-Tabled!
30. Cop,. letter of Totten Sims Hubicki '&- Associates Ltd. ~ to the
Ontario Water Resources CoIDlllission re propQsed storm sewers and
roads in.the Police Villllge of Orono., _
: 31. Pope &- Goebelle re' Orono Municipal ~ater System and
Resol~tion No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business brought forward
from. October 4,1966.
32. Report from the Clerk re proposed draft agreement"bet.een],the
Council and the Orono Public Librar,.. -Tabled.: "\;":j.,:;:
33. ,-The Clerk reported meeting with Solicitor E. R. Lovf!~~+.:jji~o
draft. a B"-law in accordance with The Pounds Act to be/pr'._ed
at the next regularmeet'1ngof Council as bUs~ess brought'?G~d
from October 4~ 1966.-;abled. ,- ,
34. As business ari's'ing from meeting of October 4, 1966 ~ the
report of the Clerk with regard to By-law No':'15l7 was given: ,_ " '
considerationqand referred to a future meeting of this Council.~~J..d.
35. ' Canadian Underwriters' Association re Municipal Fire Prote~t,1on
Survey as business brought.fQrward from October'4~ 1966.-Tabled..
. The following: resolutions were passed: ' ',.'
bso1nti on No - 16B:Moved b,. Orme Falls~ se<;onded b,. Lloyd Lowe-rj:
With referenc~ to Resol~tion_No. 104 dated May 17, 1966~ .
this c:ouncil hereby appoint Mr. H. E. Millson~ Orono ~ Ontario,
to represent thismu.nici~it,. on the ToWnship 9f Clarke Centennial
Committee. '
Certified copies of this resolution are to be referred to
Mr. Millson and the Department of Tourism and Information. -Carried.
RasoI~tiop. No. 16Q:Moved by Llo,.d Lowery~ seconded b,.Robert G. Chater:
~hisCouncil bereb,. endorse Resolution Rd. 66-138 dated October
24, 1966, <;>1" the Trustees of the' Polic.e Village- of Orono which is
hereby quoted: lIWhereas the Fire Chief has recommended the dismissal
of Mr. A. J .~cGm, and Mr. J. Ingraham from the Clarke Fire
Departm~nt. Be It Hereb,. Resolved that t~ Trustees of the Police
V~lage of Orono uphold his decision and that these recommendations
be forwarded to the Council of the Township for their necessar,.
action.- ,
T~ Clerk ishereb,. instructed to forward certified copies of
this resolution to Mr. R. C. Miller~ Secretary of the Police
Trustees ~ Mr., A. J.' McGill and Mr. J. Ingraham. -Carried.
Ras~J~~io~ No. J?O:Moved b,. Lloyd Lowery, seconded b,. Orme Falls.
That the Trea~urer be and is hereb,. authorized to write of~.
the follow:l.ng tax arrears on 'approval of the Auditors and in
accordance With Sectbn 131 of The Assessment ~t~ R.S.O. 1960:
,Penalties - _ Total
to Nov.1/66 Tot.a1 St.at.ntQ~Y
, 4.15
Sorensen~V. ,
'aobi1iaon~ Robert
, ,
McLaren, A.
Langenburg, John
Marvin, J.
Caswell, James
Green~ Albert
McCullo~h, Murray
Ysebert, Donald
Gibson~ R.
'Roberts, Albe:.rt
Mikula;, J9hn
Bennett, s Thomas
Feddema, Jack
Wallace, ROnald
I.W'1g~' Alice
Taadel'DJer, D.
Hodge i BdWard
.. ,II
.. II
~ "'"'
- 4.15
1+.15 '
'.Harrl~on, ,Gregory
Page 5
Regular Meeting of Council 1 November 1966, continued:
Reso1ution Ho.1'71:Moved b,. Orme F8.lls, seconded by Robert G. Chater:
This Council :Q.ereby endQrse Resolution No. 66-141 dated
November l~ 1966~ of the Trustees of the Police Village of
Orono and authorize the Reeve and Clerk tQ execute the Ontario
Water Resources Commission agreeme~t to ter.minateProject No.
Certified copies of this agree~ent be ~6rwarded to the
Trustees of the Police Village of Orono and the Ontario Vater
Resources Commission. -Carried., "
ResQ1ution No. 1'72:Moved b,. Lloyd Lowery~ seconded b,. LorneA.Perrault:
The Clerk be 4Jld is hereby' authorized to prepare a draft
agreement "between Mr. Robert 'Hicks and the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke in accordance With a report made to Council
on 1 Novembexo 1966~ b,. Councillors R. G.Chater and O. H. Falls.
The said draft to be forwarded to the said. COmmittee of Council
for their consideration prior to presentation of the said draft
to the next regular meeting of this Council. -Carried.-
Resolution No. 1'7~:Moved by Robert G. Chat.er,seconded by Lorne A.
, .Perrault: " _
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke
hereby appoint Mr. William H., Carman, Orono, On~ario ~ as a
re~esentative on the Board of.The Durbam" County District High
School for the years 1967 and 1908. -:-Carrie4. .
Reso1ution No. 1'7~:Moved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by
,DD,.d Lowery: .. .
This Council hereby- instr'Q,ct Solicitor E. It. Lovekin to
take the necessary legal action to ent-orce the conditions set
out under Resolution No~ 72 dated April 5, 1966, of this Council.
Certified copies of this res.lution be forwarded to Mr.
H. R. Best~ Building Inspector, and Solicitor E.R.Lovekin.-Qarritid.
Reso1ution No. 17c;:Moved by Robert G! Chater~ seconded b,. L. A..
Perrault: ,
Resolve that the follOWing pay vouchers be and,a.z,-e hereby
authorized for payment b,. the signing officers of t~ismunicipality:
Additions to General Voucher No. 10 for October 1966 in the to~
amount of 1165.53.
General Voucher No. 11 for November 1966 - in the totAl amount of
Roacl Voucher No. 10 for October 1966 in the total amount of
Additions to General Welfare Voucher No. 10 for October 1966 in
the total amount of $50.00.
General Welfare' Voucher No. 11 for November 1966 in the tdal
amount of $aJt,2. 48 .
Police Village of Orono Voucher No. 10 for October 1966 in the
total amount of $529.91.-Carried.
Resolution No. 1?6: Moved by Lorne A. PerraUJ.t~ seconded by Lloyd
. Lowery:
This Council hereb,. a~thorize the Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce, Orono~ to loan the Orono Hydro Electric Commission an
amount not exceeding $l~OOO.OO and charge the said Commission
the prevailing rate of interest. The said loan shall be in force
from this date until the 29th December 1966 and shall be repaid
in full by the said Commission.on or before the said date of
29th December 1966.-Carried.
Reso1ution No. 1'7'7: Moved b,.Robert G. Chater~ seconded b,. Lorne
A. Perrault:
This Council he:reby adjourJ;l to meet, again on December l5~
1966,. at 10 a.m. in regular meeti~ ~ the Council.Chamber at
Orono or otherwise in special meeting at the call of ~he Reeve.
-- . ~ ~":~~~I
Rae .