HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1966 (Special Meeting)
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Regular >>e.ting ot Oouncil October 4, 1,66, continued:
36. Pope cl--Goe'belle re Orono llu,nioipal,Water Bystea and :aesolutio
No. 164 dated HOT. 2,' 1,6,,(a8 business brouglt.t torwardtr01ll .
Septelllaer 6, 1,6'. -' 'fable4. .. {
~1. As busiaesS ar1sinatrolll .eeting' ot Septemaer 6,1966, the
report ot the Olerk wi th rega?1 to By-law !Jo. l,11 Wall 81 Tell ·
oema1deratioJll and reterred to a flltur. meeting ot this Oounoil.
De following reaol\\tionsw.:r$passed:
Resolution Io. 1'7: )(oTe4 by Lloy4 Lowery, seoon4ed 'by Bobert ....
G. Ohater: ·
Wl th reference to :aesoluti. on !Jo. 104 dated _ 17, 1"',
thl. Oounoil hereby appoint~s. Helen LoT.kin, Newcastle, Ont.,
and 1Ir. :marl DaTall!, Leskard, 'Ontf1rio, (0 r8plresent th!s IllID.lci)allt7
o. ~e ~..nahip ot Qlarke Oentennfal Oommttte.. {
Oertitled ~opie. ot thia resolution are.to'be referred to
Mrs. LoTekin, 111'. DuT8J.1, and the Department ot '1'ourisa ..4
In~~tion.-Oarried. '
:a.solut10n Jro. l58 s MaTed by Lloyd I,c)werl", .eoon4e4 by Orme ]'el18'
...01Te that the Olerk prepare 'fhe Voters' List alpha1let10al17
tor the year 1,".-Oarrie4. . .. ,. ,
Be so lu ti on No. 1.5" MOTed by O.rme Falls, seoon4e4 by Lloy4 LGw.rys
ResolTe 'that tlie tollo1l1ng pay vou.ohers 'be and are here~y
nthoriae4ter pay...t BY the sign1Dg ofti'oers ot this munioipall t7S
General Touoher Jro. 10 for Ootober 1,66 in the total allOut tt. -
11',;82.'1. .. (
A441'io.a too General Vouoher BG. , for September 1,66 i1l. the total.
.....t ot 1;8'.4'. .
Roa4 Touoher Jro. , tor September 196' 1In the total _OUDt ot t9s812.72.
General W.ltare Voueher Ko. 10 tor October 1,66 1n the total amouat
of 14,8.82.
A.ddi tion to General Weltare 'fhoher .... , tor Septem.'ber 1'" In the
t,tal am.ount ot I'G.10. '.
. .Polioe Village o't 01"011.0 Touoher :Wo. , tor September 19'6 11l the total
taaGUDt ot Il,222.'3.-earri.4~ .
Re.ol.:tl.. Bo. 160: )loved bt OrDJ,e Falls, .eoem4ed b7 Lloyd Lowe~1
That th* 'l'reasur.r b. and is hereby author:l:zed to wri te-ott
the tollowillS tu arrears on"ap~rOT8.l-0f the au41 tor and in aooor4-
ano. with SeOtion l~l ot 'lb.e Assessmem tAct, RSO, 1960: '
A.oot. Penalties to ,'l'etal
Ho. Ii_e . ..Pr1n01~ Oot. 4. J 1966'l'etal Statutory .Y.ar
91 Jffiaide BBlt>B.~.~1.9~ 2.67 '4.11 1.bO. I9U
Resolutio. .0. 1'1:....4 by QrIle Falla, ..c01l.4.1 'by Lloyd Low.rys
'l'1l1a 001ulc1~ h.r....y aljourn 10 meet agai1l. Oll '1'u.e.4Q', JToT"'.l,
19"~ at 10 a.m.. 1., the C01I.noil Chamber at Oro.. or otherwise at the
oall ot the B.eTe. - Oarriel.
()-u IL=
~er.. -
October, ~9f' 1966 at e p.JJl.,
Council Chamber, Orono..
Present: Reeve J. W.Stoae
Counci).lor,R.. G. Chatel'
CouncilJ.or: o. H. FaJ.la
Councillor Uoyct Lowery
Clerk H. E. -lUJ.J.son
Special. meetiq of Council.: was caJ.J.ed by Reeve J. W., :Stone
to coasicier the follow:lng business: .
Messrs. CJ.ayton aad Dwight Smith, who had. appeared at- .Couacll
meetiq on October !t.th, J.ast J again approached. Council for a .rep].,.
to th.eir requ.est for a Municipal Licence to operate a tra1lerpark
for ......1' and weekend. camping. On bebal.f' of C"unciJ., -tJhe :It..Te
replj.ed:- that Council wouJ.d investigate their requ.est and end.eavo~
to make a decision in this regard at the next regular meetiDg on
Page 2
Special Meeting of Council. October~9, ~966, cont~ued:
November ~,~966. The C~erk was authorized to refer the matter.
in question to Sol.iGito~, E. R. Lovekin, ,for ~ega~ advice With
ref'er,q.ceto By~Laws .0. l30Jt,., I{o .1.354 aDd. No. l5l7.'fhe
suggeried ;J.et.ter:..which was presented to Council: on October 4,
1966, to say that the proposed trailer..and tent park vill bave
no permanent residents, operate for the -eampi1ig season oaly,
and that no tents or trailers would be parked Within 400 feet
of the municipal road, vas siped -at ~his. 1;1&e by Messrs. Smith
for ,Council's further eonsideration. Council authorized the
Clerk to fOl'Ward a copy of this ~etter to our Solicitor.
Mr. Wayne Kennedy; who had bee-n asked by Deput7 Reeve, L. A. .
Perrault .to appear before Co~cil, discussed . the caretaking '.
Qf the 'fownship Hall and Clerk's Office With CO'Wl'Cil. As'
Deputl' ...... L. A. Perrault was not present to ~take. pa~t in this
discussi9n, it ~s,.therefore, decided to leave this subject in
abe7aace unti~ November 1st when a report may be received from
Mr. Perrault.
~ssrs. H. E. Walkey and E. R. Lovekin made the folloWing
presentation. to Council on behalf of. the Committee of Adjust-
ment for the To~hip of Clarke:
With regard to a request made by Messrs. O. H. Falls and
H. E. Walk.y, representing the CouncU ang Committee of' Adjust-
ment respectively, to the Clerk~Treasurer to see if he could
not carry the Secretary-Tr$asurer of the Committee of' Adjustment
to the end of 1966, on a. basis that is satisfactory to.CoUheil,
both from a financial and ~strative viewpeint and Council's
Res9lution No. 154 dated .:Sli;>tember 22, ~ 966, the. COJIIDlittee of..
Adj118tment, in aeet1ng,hereby suggest and pre.entPlan 1 and .
flan 2 for CounCil'. consideration.
M1llson as Secretary-Treasurer
No remuneration for Becretary-Treas~e~
Committee of Adjustment to be authorized by Council to
have Secretary-Treasurer do work of Committee of
Adjustment in the Township Offices.
Secretary-Treasurer to be given the authority to train
s. person on a probationary basis; who could later be
appointed as Secretary-Treasurer.
Committee of Adjustment. to purchase a typewriter.
~ll.on's rea~gnationas Secretary-Treasurer of Committee
of Adjwitment effective December 31, 1966.
Thi~ business ~s, further. dealt With under Resolutions
No. 165 and No. 167.
Rr. E. R. Woodyard, InspectiDg Trustee of the Police Village
of Orono, met with Council to, consider the busines$ herein
contained under Itmn 3ofCorraapondence.
ThetolloW1ng correspoJ;1deBc.e .W&sread. out by the Reeve:
1. Lovekin and. Stubington re Legal interpretation, Floor area
requirement, Building By-Law, Sec. 3ss 6, Restricted Area
By-Law,~ec. 3' Cb) (vi.) .-A pho~ostatic .copy of this letter be
forwarded to both~the Bui1dtng Inspector and the Secretary of the
PlanniDg .ard. .
2. . . Horac::e R.Best, B1,1i].ding Inapeetor, request f'or, certa.in
legal uterpretationa in. respect 1;0 By-Laws No. 1351 and 110. 1517.-
Sol1.citor'a. interpretation to be forward.ed to the Building
. .. .v~
Mi~lson as Seeretary~Treasurer
Secretary-Treasurer remuneration
1965 - $300.00
1966 - $SOO.OO
COmmittee of Adjustment to be authorized by Council to
have Secretary-Treasurer d.owork of Committee of
AcijustDmt.. in the Township Offices.
~ecretary-Treasurer to be g~venthe authority to train
a person on a probationary basis; who could later be
appointed as Secretary-Treasurer.
Committee of' .Adjustment. to:,purehase a typewriter.
Page 3
$pec:f.al Metlt:f.ng of Counc:U October 19~ 1966~ continued:
3. The OntariQr.MunicipalBoard,reproposed capital expenditure of
1108,700.00 of'"'which t3$~QeO;OO may. be debentaredfor the' coutrllct:f.OD.
of storm sew~rs~ c~~.~tter and pa~...nt .on Church Street~ etc.-Referred
to SOlicitor, E. R.LovekLn for h:f.s legal asa:i.staaee.
4. Clean Water ConfereneeCat Holida7 Inn, Peterborough, WedneaelaJ',
Octo'be.r 19~h, 19Q6.-F:i.led.
5. Messra. Dw:i.ght and Cla,.ton SaL:lth.. request for licence to operate
a tra:Uer. and tent park. -Tabled II . ..
6. Mr. Harry J. Stevenson re .Application for T:i.le >>rdn Loan, part .....
Lot 29, CO}1. 4~ Clarke.
7. . Me,ssr.. D. R. Woudstra and F. Marti re Appl:i.cat:i.on for trile lIb:--a.:f.D.
-Loan. _~. .
S. Mra. Hel'13 B. Lovekin re Township of Clarke .Centenn:i.al Commi.tt....P:Ued...
9.' ~. l)..Mo.eelia ~equest for road repairs and. 1Zl&3.ntenance .-I.ef'erreci..
to Roa~ Su.per.1.ntend.ent.
10. Mrs. t. Fairbrothe.r, Chairmaa.of the Centem1:l.al .CoJDm.i.ttee. recaUllt
for use 9f the Townsh:i.p Hall.-Request ~~ted.
.11. ~~..~ of H:f.g1lways, R. J.. Callighatl, ':Labr:i.ct Mun:f.c:Lpal BDc1...r,
re By.~w$~ss:i.ons.-'Xabled.
12.. Lovek:Lll.ABd Stub:i.ngton re Thompson-Ga.........thor:i.ty deed:i.Dg of
closed rOaA:'-.J.lowance. The. Solic1tor be authO!!';lzec;l to deed the sud
lands t~~. TAGmpeon on the understand~.that he pay.the legal-costs.
, ~e. . tolloW:i.D.g reso~ut:1ons" were passed: .
Rfullloh~'hllo'l-ll'?-.}f?~dIoved: b,.Lloyd ,LowerY', seconded by Orme FaJIs:
, ,'!h:i..'C~uaCil' hereby~ appo:i.at Mr. J. Lyall Lowery aa - Tile
Dra:f.~ Iaspector for the TO'W11sh:f.p of. Clarke 1n accordance w:Lth The
Tile Dra1nage Act, R.S.O. 1990 and ameadments theret~.-Carr1ed.
RAAolpp,on >>0. :t6'=i: Moved by Robert G. Chater, sec6'ndedtby Orm.e Falls:
With refer~nce to Resolut:f.on Ho. 104 dated May 17~ 1966~
th:i.sCoun~il hereby appo1nt Mr. Lorne A. Perrault, Orono, Ontar10, to
repre$ent this municipalitJ' on the Township of Clarke Cente1U11.al
. I Certified cop1es of th:f.s resolut1on are to be ref'erred to
Mr" Perrault ~and to the Department of Tour1sm and. Inf'ormat1on. -Carried.
~AAa~~~10n lio. 1~h.: Moved .by Robert G. Chater, secoIded by Lloyd LowerJ':
.Th:i.s Council hereby receive the appl:i.cation for Ti2e Drain
Loan of Bdward Barnosk1, who 1s assessed as OWDer and be:f.ng the actual
owner of' 62 acres :f.n Part Lot No. 3 1n the Th1rd Concess:i.on :i.n the
To....h:i.p of elarke~ ~ authorize the Clerk:-Treasurer to apply to tAe
Treasurer of Onta%lo for the approval f'or purchase of debentures on th:f.s
appl:i.cation for loan. .
.Upon recei~ of approval of the Treasurer of' Ontar10 the Clerk-
Treasurer is hereby autllurized to not1fy the sud appl1cant to proceed
with the work and upon complet:i.on of the sa1c1 work the T:f.leDrain
Inspector shall make report OD the prescribed form.-Carr:i.ed. .
~Ao'ntiq~ lio. 16~: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
Th:i.s Council hereby rece:f.ve the applieat10n for T:f.le Drain
Loan of Joseph Barnoski, who is assessed as' owner and be1ng the actual
owner of 148 acres 1n Part Lot 4in the Third Concess:f.on :f.n the Tovnsh:i.p
of Clarke, ~ authoriae the Clerk-Treasurer to apply to the Treasurer
of Ontario for the approval for purchase of debentures on this
applie.at1on for loan.
. .upon rece:i.pt of approval of' the Treasurer of Ontar:i.o the Clerk-
Treasurer 1s hereby authorized to notify the said app11cant to proceed
With the work and upon. complet:i.on of the .sa:i.dwork the T:f.le Drain
InspecoQr shall make report; on the prescr:f.bed f'orm. -Carried. .
RAAo1ntionlia_ '66~ MOTed.by Robert G. Chater~ seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
Th1s Council he~eby approve of Plan 2 as submitted.by the
Commit.tee.of A4justment for the Township. of Clarke as f'ollows:-
(a) .~11sona. Secretary-Treasurer
(b) Ife r'emunerati1.on for Secretary"Treasurer .
(e) . Cemm.ittee of Adjustment to be autaorized by Couae1l to ..
~J'e Secretary-Treasurer do work of Commi:ttee of
Adjustment in the Township otf1cea.
(d)~ ~ecretarY-Treasurer.. to be given the. author:f.ty to tru.
a person on a probat:f.onary pas:i.s; who could later 10e
appointed as Secretary-Treasurer.
ee) Comm:i.ttee of Adjustment. to purChase a typewriter.
(f) . tillson's res1:gna~ion as Se~ret&r7..Treasurer o'tCoJllJDittee
of' Adjustment ef'fect:i.ve December .31, 1966.-Carr1ed..
Page 4
$pecial Meeting of Council October 191 1966, continued:
h~G'u~ion }loa ]6'7: Moved by R.obert G. Chater, seconded by Orae Falls:
, R.esolve tha~ monies in the amoun~ of '$900.0'0 b'e and are
hereby appropriated from the follOWing items, in the 1966 Budget
under laY'-Law Bo. 1509 and traus:terred. as an addition to the Committee
of Ad....taent Allotment ~er said 1966 Bud.get:-
, " CaJ Magistrates Fees !tevenue Surplus'
(b) Committee of -Adjustment !levenue Surplus
(c) Tax Refunds U.aer Expencl1.ture ' '.
(~) Plumbing &- S~~e Permit Fees Revenue Surplua
C.) flanning Boa.rdVnder Expead.iture
Meeting ad.journed at 11:30 p.m.
-= t~ '.. J< _I
(1 v47:;5
1 November 1966 at 10 -a.m.
Council Chamberl Orono I
Present: Reeve J. ". Stone
Deputy ,Reeve .L. A. Perrault
Counci.llor R. - G., Chater
Councillor O. H. Falls
Councillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E. - Millson
The minutes of Council meeting of October 4th and 19th, 19661
were ad.opted on motion by R. G. Chater, seconcled by O. H. Falls.
As business arising from past minutes, R. G. Chater ,reported
on a (lecond meeting of O. H.Falls and himself With Mr. Robert
Hicks at Which time the foJ,loWing items were tentatively agreed
upon With regard to the proposed new contract :tor Municipal
Garbage Disposal:-
1. .The disposal location was to be kept open on Saturdays
from a a.m. to 1 p.m. ' .
2. When a Statutory Holiday falls on the same day the
dispOsal locatioll is to be. ltept. open then the Contractor may
choose another day Within that week when the disposal shall be
kept open for the use of the public providing the, Contractor
shall advertise such facts in !he Canadian Statesman on or'
before the week prior. to the time the elisposal location may be
closed on such Holiday.
3. Certain repairs to the municipal road and culvert, '.it
was reported.1 had been carried out to Mr. Hicks' sati.factio~.
4. The :contract was to be made terminable ,by either party
upon giving the other party ,six months previous notice in writing.
5. The Contractor was to be paid automatically without
rendering. billings quarterly.
6. The Contractor was to be paid 121000.00 per anaum by
quarterly, payments on the last day of every third month during
the continuance of this proposed contract.
7. The ef"fecti ve date of the proposed contract was to be
January 1. 1967.
The subject matter contained in the aforementioned. items
was then rec~ended by the Committee :tor consideration by
Council. This business was referred to resolution.
Counc1.l recessed at 12 noon for lunch and l'esumed session.
at 1:30 p.m.
.Mr. Daniel Sioen~ a resident of the Township of DarlingtoJlI"
appeared at Council meeting and. complained of the drainage on to
his property.from a ~losed culvert located on the Clarke-Darlington
boundary road 'allowance adjacent to Lot.35 in the Fifth Concession
of Clarke. This request was referred to Road Inspection at which
time the Coune:i.l and' Road Superintendent can v:iew the site in
question with Mr. 5ioen.