HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1966 REGULAR IlEITII'G O:r mE COUNCIL OF('fHE TGWlSHIP OJ' CLARD Ootober 4. ~9"J at lO a.m. OOUD.cil O1I.amier, Orono. Presents Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault Oounoillor R. G. Chater Counoillor O. H. Palla Councillor ~oyd Lower.r Olerk H. E. )(111ao. ". Deputy :Reeve L. A. Perrault preside" in the aDsence o-r ReeTe J. 1f. Stone. . ( . . . 'f'he minutes' ot meetinss h.lt S.ptemlter 6t1l. and 22Dd 19" were a40pt.. on motion by ~. 6. Chater, s.oonled lty O. H: ' J'alla.-Carrle4. .. As buslnesa ari.iag tro. past minutes, R. G. ehater reported on a recent .eeting o-r O. H. J'alls and hi...l~ .itkMr. Robert Hicks with r.gard to the contrac't tar II1niolpal QuJlage .J)isposal. T~ tollowing matters, ~. Ckat.r said. were reported to this ColDl1ttee in ..e'tin8 .i t11 Mr. Bioks: l. fte laok of munioipal anowplo.i~ to p:roYi4e aooes. to 'the; g8.1"lrage 4i8p08&1 area. ' 2~ A culvert .aahout requiring repair. c,. 3. R.quest for ..... oh8ll8e in the da7. this aer.vice i8 open for u.e 'by the publio. It was 8ugeste4 that the .~ice lae . cloaet when a .tat~tory holil., tall. on a MOat<<y and the Saturday atternoon no. proYided in the present oontra.t be ..let.4. Other- wise, 1Ir. Ji:l1cke ia sati..-riet with the day. the diQOa&! .1s to be kept open. ( 4. Mr. Hicks request'" an open oontract" with a proTision that 3 moath's notioe be given iy either party upon termination o-r the oontract. . ;. Mr. Hick.s questione" the nee4 o-r ..cl1:ng a quarterly billins to the Clerk and asked it the aocoUllt oould 110", be paiel. e.ut01l&t10all,.. 6. JIr. Hioks requestt8d 12,OOO..oOau.ual17. Thia subjeot .aa openly diaouaaed in Oounoil whereupon it was .oy.d by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by O. H. J'alls that the Oo~ttee of Counoil be and,are hereby delegatet to meet aiain wi tll 1Ir. Hioks to re.olY. on the terms o-r :the oontraot and ti.ally' to prepare a drat't contract tor present.'tioll at the ne.xt .e.tin8 ot th1s Oounoil.-Oarrie4. It was l1JUtJl1w.ouslT &gre'" that the delegatio.. Jre.e.t b. !h,ear4. ( 1Ir. 10D Boekee asked Ootmoi~ -ror permis.ion to 010.. o-rt . munior)&l siteroa4 allowanoe betw.e. Lots 2' ani 26 in Oonoession 4. nejm.ty :Re.ve PerrauLt, on behal-r ~-r OOlJJ1cU, explai~ecl tha.t Oounoll has no juri.4iotion "op.rmit "'he olo.iq-o:t:t ot a . 1Il11lalolpal roll" l1nless '8O.eh ro.... were legally cl...... Mr. :Boekee also requeste4 OOUlloil to ~epa1r the road allow...e in question and oomplained ot the garbage4iapeaet on the siteroa4. Mr. ]Boekee stat.el that he had .een en4eavouJ!U& to -aitai. evidenoe from the rerua. whi.ll oould 'be u.e4 in o01'1victln& the p.rson or persona who had threw1'1 garla..e 01'1 this read allow"c.. !h. ' matter of' Mr. Boekeeta request tor road r.pairs w.. to be reterred to the attentioD o-r M. -ta. Ro.~, Road Sup.ri1'1t.JlLd.nt, by Oouncillor R. G. Chater. . .e..ra. Olayton od Dwlg1\ tSai ta, &0' SO.erville Ave..., . OShawa, lntormed 00un011 that they are the owners C!-r part .~t 25, Conoession Your, 0. .Moll :property they wlsh to obtalll a muniolpal llcenoe 't. operate a trailer park tor 80....1' ant we.ken4 t oampi1l8. With suoh' all...oe they saidt' it .ou14 be 'l~eir iJit..tl01'1 to oonstruct.ater, .ewage and hy4ro suppl,. 1'1" and, prov14ing the projeot is ti.aR.lally suooesstul. to lat.' est4blish a oo__nal toilet ill the pa:r.'k~ Arter so.e disous.lon relating to the proposed u.e ot the aai4 lands .etwe.. the delegation u4 tOoUl'loil, it was deoide' that Councl1 ahould lnvestise.'te the propo..d intended use and. .iJl1'ora the ..sara. Smi tll et thelr tiDal deoision aa 800n as pe.8ial.. .esars. Smith pre...".. a aug..st.' letter tor COllaoil'. cOBail.ra.l.. .to.8ay that t~. lr,a11er ancl tent park ..hio'll they plan to open l~ ,this _ioil&111iJ' will have ne perman_t re.14ent.. operate tor the camping .eaRn tully, and ne tents or trailers .ould be parke" 111 thin 400 -ree" ot 'he munio1p81 :road. c ,. >>-r ~..,..".,~ Page 2 - Regular Keeting ot Counc11 October 4. 19". continu.d: 'It . ~ t Messrs. R. O. Forrest.r and E. R. Woodyard, representing .the Or~no Public Library Board, requested Council to prepare a rental agreement 1n order to estam11sh the oharge. between the Li mrary Board" and the Oouncil on the spaoe now allotted in the Township Hall tor librarypurpaaes.It was suggested that the said agreement should pr0'f'14e tqr the it... ot rent, h,.dro and fuel OTe:r a perioct ot .5 years at a total approximate Talue ot $2,000.00 in the said period. The Olerk was 1nstructed to draft suoh an agreement and report to the next meeting ot . Council. ' . ..,.. E. R. "..oqa4, b.apeoting =atee 0: 1;he Polioe . 1'1l1aga ot Orono, entereel 1:m:to a ge.era.l diSCllS.1oll with the m...era cat Council conoer;aing ob1ections and requests to A Rest:r1cteel Area By-law Wo. l.517. .~. "Ollnc1l recesaed tor lunch at l2s,30 p.m. and r.SWIle4 .e.aton at 1:,30 p.m. . . . Mr. Xa~ar Hollen appeared at Oouncil mee"111& and cotU18nte4 on certain matters now o~ r.cord with ,the ~omm1ttee ot Adjust- men' and hia request to Couno1len August 2, 1"', to olose part of the roact allowanoe, .ow unopene4,metw.en Lots 2 and .3. 1n the I1rat Concession. These matters were ~iscu.sed with Mr. Hollen. Mr. .~ L. Ross .appeareel at Council meetiq between l.:.30 ..44:.30 p.m. and took part in the disoussion with rega~ to ~. Hellen. Certain other matters ot int~.st to the Road D.partm..t ..ere brollght betor. Council b,.:ur. Ross and r.ce1T" consihra tion. " 1Ir. H. R. Best, Secretary-'rreasurer, Toftship Scho,ol ~ea ot Olarke, appeared. betore Council on behalt ot the sohoo). Board to Genaider a r....oJlabl. t1.. l1m1 t tor b111111nS8 no" ten~ered to be a...liahea 1tD.4 remoTed trem the Board's pro,.r",.. Al though the Counoil did not teel that they had the jl1r1~41otioD. 'od.014e on a ~ecit1.d 11.e. they were nevertheleaa agr.e" ~hat \he lN1141qa 1n qnestioll should bed81lO118hed ani re.Ted o. or betore the expiration ot 0.. year atter the sale 01 the sai4 iu1111qs has. iNn etteoted... ~ther, 1t was the te,e11D&. ot the 00un011 that the School Board ahould deoide on the said apeo1t1e1 U~. . !he tollowiDS correspondence and reports ..ere read out )y Deput,. :Reeve Per~all1tl . l. '!'he Ontario lItD.io1pa1 Board. re . lleatriotecl pea By-la. Bo. 1'1'1 oOIl.ern1:q comaents ot, the OO1l1lU1l1 ty Pld1l1J1& Branoh ot the D.Jart.~' ot ...t81p81 Aftairs. - 1'&b1e4:. 2. Depart.e.'''' JIun,".ifal Aftairs, OOlJ1&mi t,. PlmJliDg Braactk. r.. Bea'r1o'..tf:~ea _~~all :10. 1.517 cono.ruBI o-oma.t~ that this"Bruoh H8 :terwarcl." :10 the OntarioJlpio1pal Bolll'cl.-Tabl.... .3. 1Ir. Qorao. {v ....r1pt, O.;".J!4.1nat~r. ..rg....,. ..asur.. Orsuizatio:a 01' the 11nited Counti.s 01' Wor'th\l1lberland u.4Dura.. as buai...as 'brought forward trOlll August 2, 1"', IT." auggeste4 By-laws tQr Toluateer fir. department. - Tailed. 4. . e:ata:rio Water Resource. QaaDim1ssion re Capital oosts Oil Water Projeot '4-.-1,38.-J'11e4. 5. !'he Clerk reported lleet1ngwitl1 aoll01 tor E. R. LOTek:11L to draft a By-law 1n acoordance with 'Il1e.. Pounds Aot to be pr.sented a t the .ext regular ..et1ng." l' OOlUlQ.;iI.: as 'bus1n.ss .Drough t to~war4 from September " 1,".~~aiLe.. 6. Dominion Bureau ot Stat1st1cs re r~rt 01' .th~ 19" Oensus coun" of {the reai4ent population Oll hn. 1, 19" for your .1mmic1pal- \ 1t,.. - Filed. . 7. Depart.eatot Hili-ays ot Ontario r. llw1io~pal Ioacl {~.."1ture .luaitor'sB.port tor the perid covered JaaulU'ylst .to >>ec_'ar ,3l, 1,".-00PY to ~. re:rer:red to M. L. Ro..s.ao~4 Super~nt..deJltt-J'1l.4.>. 8; Department ot Jlealtll r... 'lb.e "1ntlaao. .....8er. v1.es Act~ 1,".~nled. '.> ,. Trustees 01 thePel1oe:W11lage.ot Oro.ere petition requesting olosur. ot part ot Prineesa Street.-~he Olerk was instructea "0 mail cop1e. ot th1s letter to the petit10..era. 10. C01Ul11ll1 t,. PlaJl1l1q .las..lation ot Canada, OJl:\.io D1 T1a:l,.ea, :rePlanJl1>>.gProbleu pd Progress Conterence at the Ro,.U YerJt He tel, , "rollt. en Ootober.'tll - 7tlt, 19", as bua1.ess broUllt' torwa~cI. 'tra S.p't..'ber 22, l"'.-F11.... . , 11. JIr. G. l'.lfelaon, Secretan-, Public lokoel OOJlaultati'Ye' Co1lllll1ttee, United Oounties ot lfortllummerlan!l ucl Durham r....t1.. of the Un1 'led OOUll t i.. Pl1'bli .i..hool Oonsul tat1 Te ~o1llll1 'tee t.'ba held at the County Building, Cobourg, October 4,. at 8 p~m.-J'11e". *- Page 3 - Regular .eeting ot Oouncil Ootober 4, 196', oontlJlued: ( ( 12. Th. Ontariollimicl:pal :Boar4 re By-law.)fo. 1.52.5.-)'1le4. 13. Depal"tment ot :Munic1pal Aftalrs, IIUllo1palSu..141.. Branc11, re Me.raclum .e. 4 and .0. .5 ~ :rect.rat' PrOYinalal JIlln1clpal ~nlo1pal Works .las1atu... Progr..:,..l'll.4. ' . J.(. Mr. Ioiert Hlo~ar. gari~e ....U-aot aa buslne.. B:rough t' torwarC trom S.pt_ier ',l"'....,.:il.... l.5. Paul A. Sm1 th, ~ean:rer,'1'~e.pOrts Oar Q,J.UB r.quest tor permis.ion to regulate. traft1e Oll. oerta111roa4a.oont.iIl.d 1. Durh8JI OOUllty' :rorest ullfler the same ter111. an4 ooh41tlena and on the ,sall8 ~oada .s granted b". y.our OOtUloll in 1"'. lq. >>,parttaent of Hlghw.,.s re Supp181lumtary Roa4bpo41 'lure By-law Be. 1.523, hOUllt - ~l08, 7do. as 1)\1I11.n88'. BrGUlht to:rwa.rct from September', ,l,".-Talil.ct. ( ( . l7. Sell01 tor E. B. 1,ovekiJl r. Proposed Orono In_rporaticm. - i'he Clerk waa illatruct... to 1ntorm 801101\2 LeTeldJl. to olose out the Orono Incerporat1on f1le. . ( . ( , 18. Department of :Munioipal 41'ta1rs r. plad....t of' 'a filumce advisor 1n the Regionai ottio.ot the De,.r,-*nt at Peterboro.-7ileC. l'. Messrs. D. It. \Joudstra' Del "I. art1 re Application for Tile Drain Loan. !lhe Ilerk w~. to suggest 'that tbe. 'Reev. oall a speclal .e.tlDg on or atter Ootober11, next, to c~n.ld.r thls and two other applications. 20. Oentral Lake Ontario Qon.ervation Authorl tJ' re M'inutes ot Meeting on September l3, l"'.-J1le4. . 21. Department ot Publlo l'eltare, General W,lfare Assis1:ao. re Ontario Ho.pital Insurano. aDd Weltare reclp1ent..-111e4. , 22. Boy Scouts of Oanada~ Bowm&nv1l1. Di.trlct O~cl1 r.quest1ng permisston tor the 100&1 ~outs to hold. tll.elr aD11llal Boy Soout Apple Day and to sell apples and tag. 'on OotoBer 1,t11 (Saturday) 1'" lathe Village of O~n.. Appmve" subject to the '8.pprcw.1 of the Orono Pe110e 'rrust.... 23. ~he Ontario lbniolpa1 Boar4 r. the Bdard'. min1mua te. tor ..y or4er or tor 8D.Y appolatunt :for the hear1Bg ot appllcatlons.-File4. 24. D.part..nt or .uaio~pal Artalra, Ibnlclp~'Subald1es BranCh, re )f81ll0raJl4111l 1"0. 1, ]'ed.ral Prm.olal JItm1c1paJ. Winter ..rks -" Inoentive Pro&rUl 1"'-''1.-111_. 2'. Lake -O.tar1o Development Assoc1atloJl re :Blueprint tor Progre.s~.-J'ile". t 26. De,ar_ent of Pu.bli~ .eltar. 1'8 .&gre."Jlt w1th the Gover_Jlt. of Oanala to ext,n4 the fur! range ot.eltar. servioes to 'he, Illdlu. r.sil..ts ot Ontario. - A copy to "e'reterrec1 to tla, W.ltar. A4m1Jl1strator. 27. D.part.e. t of HighWay. re Washera tor "teel B.am. Gu.1le Ra1l.~:rlle4. 28. Department of Highways re Clarke Township High Sohool. ... Highway. 3' aD4 11'.-l'11e4. ' , 29. Town of Rlm1ra, Offioe of the Olerk and 'freaaurer re IlU.pport ot resolut1on to 1ncrease the grant .truoture tfE' elementary and sec ontary schools passed by the 'fown ot '!herold an4 amend'" aD4 endoraed billayora'.and Reeves' Assoolatlon tor preaentation to the Ontar10 Govermaent. - !'11ecl. . 30. Department of H1ghways re Project #64-331'3, S1dewalks Newtonv11le.-Tabled. 3l. Copy letter tr,o~ Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Otto W. Sohwarzer.-Filed. 32.. Ontarlo Go_ Roa4s......sooi.ti.n re Application tor Room Reservations at the Royal York Hotel,1'oronto.-lleterreC to the Road Su.p.rlnten4..t to arraD&. hl. OD re.ervatio.-. . 33. 1'. 1'. 01,..1', Regional hoperty Supervl:sar, Oentral Re,gional Otfic. re Preperty file ~-03110, !att ~t 1, O~nc.ssion 1, TownSh1p of Olarke, Hlghway JIO. 2, District 1"0; 'I. The Clerk to corr.apend to 1ntont Depart.at ot 1I1pw.,.a ot Ontarlo tb.at this Oou.o1l w11l aoo.pt the lrm4s In question p1'8;Ti41q the '.&1:4. Depa rt.ent ooa8truot the pr~.e4 direot accesa to lie. 2 ~gla.w.,.. 34. Olerk's Report to Councll r.SUppl....tary By-law 1"0. l,2,.-~aDle4. . 3.5. Oua41.. 1Jnderwrl ters' .lsao01at10D. re JIulio1:pal Y1re proteotioll Survey as busin.a. brov.ght :torwarcltro. S.,'emDer 6, 1,".-':8..1.... " Pa.ge 4 - . Regular Me.ting ot Oounoil Ootober 4, 1,66, continueds 36. . Pope ct-Goebelle;re Orono llu,nioipal.lI'ater Syste. and :aesoluti... No. l64 dated Nov. 2, 19", (as busin.ess brougb.t forward trena . Septem.er 6, 19". - ~able4. ' { '7. ~s busi..ss *r1sin.gtrom ..etiDg ot Sept.m.er 6,1966,' the r.port ot the Olerk with regard. te By-law No. l'17 Wall gtven 1t oemsideration and reterred to 8. tl1ture meeting ot this Oouncil. !he tollowing resolution. were passed: Resolution 110. 1;7: ]loved by Lloyd LcrIfery, seoonded by Robert G. Ohater: With reterenoe to ResolutlLon No. 104 dated II8:y 17, 19", this Oouneil hereby appoi.t~s. Helen Lovekin, Newoastle, Ont., uc! 1Ir. 'larlDu.vall1. Leskard, 'Ontttrio, '(0 :r..,resent thj:a DllUlic1pallty o. ~e ~..nahi~ ot Qlarke Oe.tennfal Committee. ( Oertitied o,opies of this resolution are .to 'be referred to :Mrs. Lovekin, 1Ir. Duvall, ed the Department ot 'rouria ani Iat8rmation.-Oarrieel. ' :aesolutio. .0. 1;8, Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoon4e" by Or.e Jallas B,solve that the Clerk prepare 'rhe Voters' List alphaietioally tor the year 1,".-Oarrie4. ' '.. .. '. Resolutionlfo. 1", Koved by Orme Jalla, seoon4e" by Lloyd L8w.ry: . Resolve that tlie tollcnr1.q pay vouohers be and are here'y uthorise4ter pQae." 81 the s1gD.1ng oft1;oers ot this municipalityS General Voucher No. 10 for Ootober l,66 in the total amount at . 116,;82.;1. .. ( ...44i ,\io.s t.o General Vouoher KO. , for September 1966 in the t.otal a....t ot 1,8;.46. . Boa<< Vouoher lfo. 9 tor September 1966 iln the total _Ollllt of $9.812.72. G..eral Weltare Toucher .0. 10 tor Ootober 1,66 in the total aaouat of 1~,8.82. Adeli tion to General Weltare Touoher "0. , tor Septem'ber 1'" 1.t1l.e tetal amount ot 1'70.10. '. .Po1ioe Tillage ot Orono Vouoher .0. , tor S.pt..ber 1966 in th. total tameunt ot Il,222.".-Carri.4~ . R...lll.O. Ho. 160: )loved bj' Orme Falls, .eoOJulect by Lloyd LOll.~1 That tl.e 'rreasurer be and is hereby author:l:zed to wri te-o:t't the tollow1na tax arrears on "a:p~royal -Of the au4i tor and in aoeor4- anee with aeetion 1'1 ot 'lb.e Assesament .let. Rao, 1960: . Aoet. Penalties to 'fotal .0. Jrde ... Pr1noi~ 00t.41 1966'1'ot8.1 Statutory .Year 9l Jffi.id. Belt>B.Clt. 3l.9r-- 2.87 34.11 1.&0. nu -Carrie4. Resolution Xo. 1'1:..,.4 by Qrae Falla, .eooll4e4 by Lloyd Lowery: this Onaoll. l..r8.y a"journ 10 me.t again Oil '.rue.elQ', JloT"'.:rl, 1966t at 10 a.lI.. Ill' the a_noil Chamber at Oreno or ethenise at the oall ot the ReeTe. - Oarried. ~._d_~/' o~ IL= " ~er..- SPECIAL MEET DIG OF 'fHE COUKCn. OF .. 'fHE 'fODSHI.E OF CLAiUCE - October 'l9~' 1966 at a p..m., Council Chamber, Orono.~, / . Present: Reeve J.W.Stone Couneillor.R. G. Chater Counc1J.J..or: O. H. FalJ..1i Councillor Uoyd Lowery CJ..erk H. E. - Killson Special meetiq of Councii was called by Reeve J. W.. 5tone to couaider the follo~ng business: . Messrs. CJ..ayton aad Dwight Smith, who had appeared at. .ColUlcll meeting on October 4th, J..ast, again approached Council for a.reply to their request for a Municipal Licence to operate a trailer park for swmaer and weekend camping. On behaJ.f of CcSunciJ.., -uheR.eeve replied.. that Council would investigate their request and endeavour to make a decision in this regard at the next regular meeting on r I . .