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Fage 7 -
Council Meeting August 2, 1966, continued:
(b) The said operating co s\s for~ those fire calls attended
in the ?olic.e Village of Orono shall be raised bv the
asses~ent of the said ~olice Village of Orono a~d
(c) The said operating oosts for fire 1)ractices shall be
apportioned between the{Council and TrustfDes U1JOl1 the same,
basis as(the current Police Village Assessment-relates to the
current assess:nent of the Municiualitv.
10. The new fire pu~per shall be used on the first fire call in the
TI11H'iciIlali ty while the Police Villgrfe fire pumper s1li:l be used
on arty further fire call necessary in the !.funieipa11 ty. I\t such
time s when the Polic e VillI'!' ....e nUrTluer is on any oa 11 in fire.
at tendaJ:'1 ce in the ':'ownship lo.c oted" outsiqe theV 11m1 ts of the saM
Police Vill~3e ~hen the Trustees shall be (reimbu~sed by the Oouncil
8t t~e rete of t5.00 an houn for the use of the said numper. The
Fire Chief or Depu,ty :b'ire Chief, as the CAse ma.y be, shair. be
resnons1 ble for the ti me involved. .
11."'Trte amusl budget to Council for oper?ting and maintenance costs
8S referred to i~ P8ra~ranh 3 hereof m~r include payments made to
Officers of. the Denartment as established bv resolution of the
Trustees and approved by Council, (which they are to be paid in.
addition to their hourly rate allowances), together with estimates
on light, heat, t elel'hone, insurances, \'lTorkmen' s Compens8 t ion,
fire calls, (s"'ve end exce:pt operating fire figh te!'s rates as
referred to in sub-paragraphs A. and B, ppragrs!"'h 9 hereof) fire
prRctices, m9.intenance on fjre hall, two pumper~, eqnipment,and .
, rniscellsneous.
. 12. This a~reement shall become effective on the 1st day of
J"1nuary A.i). 1966 and shall be renewed au tomatically on an
ennnal basis unless e1 ther ~arty hereto shall notify the other
in writing ON or befoJ'le 31'- December in the then current year
that they do not wish to renew the agreement.
IY "JI 'T1\'ESS. ;v=mREOF this aF.il'e~m(jm t has been executed by tre
P8]'ties of the First P:3.rt as J.'')''ustees of tiE Police Villa .ge of
Orono and the Iarty of' the Second Part has affixed its Corporate
Seal under the hBnd of its proper signing off1cer~. ,
He 1301ution lro. 146: l'!:oved by Orme FBlls, seconded by Lloyd Lowe:r;y:
r:Fhis Uouncil hereby adjo.urn to meet again on Tuesday, Se:ptem\>er
6, 1966, at 10 a. IT1. in regular meeting in the Oounci 1 Chamber at
Orono or otherwise at the call of the Reeve. - Carried.
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'C:ler. .
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R1i;!}FIXR TF(r:~r::'=l'T!} OF n:r:.:::j' COUECIL
O~4' T'::'~; no 01VlIr'3'UP OF CL\Rlffi
Se?tember 6, 1966 at 10 a.m.
Council Ohamber, Orono.
~='resent: Deputy :qeeve .w. 1\. Perrault
Councillor R. G. -Chater
Councillor O. E. FRlls
Councillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk c::. :2:. Yillson
De:puty Heeve L. A. Perrault pre$tded in the absence of
, Reeve J. W. Stone.
'i:'he minutes 0 f t1ie regular meeting ,held {on August 2, 1966 ~
were adopter1, on motion by Lloyd Lowery, .seconded bV,R. G. eha ter.
Cq-ried. .
- A nUn'J.ber of items undeF CorresPQndence (and'?e:9orts were
di Seu ssed and decided upon, which ere li sted under the said nee4ing
below, before Council recessed. . . .
Council recessed at 12 noon 'eor lunch and r~su~ed sesslon. at
1:30 }j.m. on'motion b~~ LloYd. Lowery, seconded by n. G.Chater.-Carried.
As business arising ~ro~ the ~8etinc of Council onfulgust 2,
last, 9 renort YJ8S receiver) fro'11 the Roqd &: :?rio.':J'e r;0]1'1tl1;itt~8 wit'b
regard to t'rJ8 cO!!l.rla int of dreinaF?e from t;'he munici 1;81 road mgde b'tT
llfr. Fred Picn prds~m. The said report, Yiherein Ute C orreo tion of <
thi s drainage we S referrecl to the RO"id SU3ierin tenden t, w") s aT~.)roved
by Council. '. .
T1:l.e fol1owinl! correspordence 8.nd renorts were reed. ovt by.the
Deputy Reeve:
1. Northumberland-Durhan }:,ea Ith Uni t rerort s for ,'Tur:e and ,Tuly
1966. - Filed.
2. Robert Hicks re G8ro8 "e con tract. It "1 "J S poved by Lloyd Lowery,;
seconded by C. T!. Falls, t t R. G. Chnter and 0, ~~. Falls be and
are he.reby authorj.zed to meet ',1Vi th lire =Hcks and. renort ba.ck to
Council. - Carried. -
3. The Cons'.t'^erst Gos CO!'1}xmy re g~.Jl,licAtion to tte Ontario .Jlnergy,.
Board requestinC' a furt1:ler i.TIteri" o"'='der to contir.':e the rresent
rates approved, b,r tne s~'l.id PoarcP '3 O~('der No. 101 for ,::, fnrther period
of not more thA.r: one -'.Te8r. -:qe:terred to ':'oliee rT1rustees. . .
4..:rvrcDonald B-: '!i'11lerrl1!":m, T:J8rristers 8Y1d So-~10itors, re C"he Consumerst
~as CO!'1pany Rate Order E.B.R.O. No.102. - Filed. .
5. VcDorH3ld;\ '~imf'1erman, "''''rri s ters Rnd IJolio'; to!'s( 1'8 8;~rli cRtion
to Ont8rio ;;~nerGY :Soard, for qn order PT':,!'ovj,ng i ts sc~edl1,l e of rates
to be ch8r"ed C1J.sto:-'1el~S of t''le COi'lpany in ttis municil.''3.1ity. - Filed.
6. Wn. f~. SteWArt, Vinister of Ao:riculture re q:rant tc tbe
lTewtonville Communi ty lIall "!leer the CO"""",Tri ty Centre;:'. l\,ct. - Filed.
7. I"71h2 Cgn"di,uJ .A.rthritis and RheuIT'p.tism ~~ociety rec,,).est forQ':rant.-
Referred to ITla~llr"il 1"eetin0' of Councjl in .Janu'3.ry 1967.,
8. Der8.rtMer:t 0:' I)Jnicipal.~.ff8irs re :~micipal 'Hork8:\ssistar~ce
Program L311 - Orono l'uniciT\al"f'3t:;r System.. - Filed.
9. Department of I:lli.lnicipal Affqirs re iIunicipal ':lorks Assistan ce
Program L148 - Roa~~ P::o~ee~ r.':;.l~.? No. ,l~ - F~led~, :
10. DeI 8 :r.'t!"'lent 0 f 1':u:n1 Cl:D~~~. /.ff" 1J.':::, .. 'n1 C1 :;al ;3u b sldl SS >>'''T C h,
re Fe0,eral I:r ovinci::l Munici D81 rantSI' Wor':s rncen ti ve :'r:),~ram
196'6-67. - Fileci.' - ,~
11. Department of ~Ii?;hway~ re Intersection w1th:King~s ~Ii'!~"8ys.-Filed.
12. Love~dn and Stubington re B~r-I,'.,..p Na. 532 end the roundS let. The
Clerk and Solicitor ~!ere auth.orizea. to lJrepare 8 ,draft 1)"';T-10.11; to
estp,blish re"'lsoIloble ch~rges end ~!'e2eh:.o. 3y-L'?w }To. 532 and present
same to Council.
13. The Cntarj-o :TunieiY:81 B03rd re ihli[~"1tton of B,r-J:"8"1 11=)18 fee for
annlication under section 58 of t~e ~oArdts 1et. - Filed.
14~ The Ontgr:lc) :~1Fliai:r,ai P08ro. r8 "hJJ.dFii:ion OreIe:::' of 7)~T_l"1"~ 1,5l~.-Fi_led.
15. Po',e 8: 008"e11e re O~on') rru::--j.ci:r,a1 i'h ter 3ystem arC. ~eso1ution
Ko. 164' d9ted :!ov. 2, 1965, 9S business rrol1ght fO:r1nard .prO~l ':l.ugust 2,
lq66. - T!'>"hleo.
16. COrm'letter of t"he Subdivisi.o:r :3ection, Co'-vnllnit:r :")lAY'J!ing Branch,
1)enertment of :.:,mieiplil....ffoirs de ted t~~,,:r lQ, 1966, ."s r~lsi'1ess
1; I' o 11.g11 t fo rW9rd fror1. Au,~:ust 2, 19 be,. - Filed.
1'7. Ber:ArtmEm + of 2:-li9'hways re 1)e-'2rt:oent of 2:lig'-'w'"1Ys 'JirC11.lar 66-061
8'..;t-si.cy- on Suhdivi9i 0;;' Roads~:3treets. - Filed.
" .. . + '
18. De~9rtment of ~iry'hways re ~~bsidy,on,8torm Sewer C0Y1Suruet1on
9.nd ltrgin+e""',aDce - D.TT.O. Cirmilar 66-0'70..- lfi.1ed. 'I
10. De1.;grt"1ent of ;{Lg:hw8YS I'e S11,~'T~]_er'1ent8.,.,:: .j:r-V~\'7 tlS 23 - :?""o:posa1
f'oI' ::'olice ViL!.'='.Q'e of-Ororo. - Filed.
20. fTirnstse.co of the ?o"j.ee "nl1""c'C' of Orono re Resolution ::0. 66-105,
+ 10 6 f +t' oornroittee 'to 1;'!ork "'ith +,ne
c).8ted \'),0"'JS" 1, ,6, or se\; 1'13: up ~>
.^"J(~itor to iYlvestiilgte the f:C)~sibilit:r of ~stqbliShi'1r: a. P'1blio
':!tili tie~ for the Police \1i 1.18".e of' O:ro~f). - Referred to resolution.
?1~ .\lex C'1rrntners, E.?F. re Intersection of .gighWAy'll) and
County Hoad !II. - Received. (
22. !)eT.grtment of ~hgrrJ:18,Ys reS')}}~Jlement8ry Road }~~r'0? ndi +"J.reH-:T-law
}:o. 1524, Amount - $2,000.00. - Filed. ,
23 C8n.."dl'.a""' Ir1nerl' ql non}: 0 f CO~i1Y:!lere e re C'1ar7e 1'0:' Tax B1.11i~g._. t
. ..., "'-c, ~ '. .J'nk lL_.,i.;;' l.... -:-' .-'. " '~__4 /r.
collection b~r bank. - FlIed. . ... ""
24. ODt8rio~W9ter Tieso'lrces Co"mission re ~+eel'.;'rater Storage
StandtJiT'e 8: ...T\rl~rt8nce9 Project }~o. 64-Yl-130. - Filed. ,
2S. Ortario ::;p+,er Resources C0!'1m1.s3j,)r rr> '1'8ffney Contr'1ct 'on
:-roiect !,TO. 64-~~T-J_30. - Filed. ...
26.' Tre8.s':ry ')e~~0rtment of C'r+' 91"'i 0, ,se01Jri t1 es !jra re1::t, re Debenture
under 37-Lf-'w iit&lr:;r8. - Filed.
Pa9'e 2
,I . {
Council Meeting September 6, 1966, continued:
..... ..'.'..
. I
p'j'Ye i)
GC11Y1cil :'eeti-r;- Se:rte'~beJ:' 6, 19(,6, cotrtin'n~d:
27. De1j8:rtr'Ier- t of:IiZh','\'':;(\TS re AcTdendu'>1 to -tn.e ]'8irWAD'e 'Policy on
l~nici~;l Contrscts. - Filed.
2Q. T)er:artment of :rip:"W8\TS re Supplementari,..T Ro.'3o Jix"0enditnre ~r T ...,
1\'" ] 2 <1!. 0 .... -_A'ln
"0. _~ 3- Amm.mt - ,i}.O -,ioo. - ':'?bled. ...
I)"" (1 1 ,..
'/. vOT'iT etter ofUenertment of TIignwavs Ontl'n~'io to ", -rt.e"n <""!'!
n; . P. " . .....; ,..' ,~" .~ov."H,):Lms,
v~ck~ ".AssOclates Ltd., re .t'ollce \rD.la.r>:8 of Oropo - Proposed
Ctor~ ~ewer on Dlchess St. - Filed.
30'. Con:;~ letter of Solic~tor,i;~~)R. Lovekin, to l1a'lric~ E8irnan Ltd.,
!,e T:(o~d_ !.idening "'t....,UOA~ ':'~.I'.idpe under Project ."T.f\.:? 1-:0. '2, - Ftled.
.31.J.er<:;rtmeht of .1..1bllC l'lorks re T'lrc1"a~e of Dart of' lot l~ p.~ 16,
/~ iTT - .,' .
.,?rc..l-., Twr. 0181'1':8, froy:; J"eSEr-s.'RA.dkiewicz 8: 2:)rzybyslFPT:slci, for
+.'0 O",..'T'+)'1'e.....t n-<>.,..~ c: 0 ,.,,~ t "f .t +. '" .
,. 'J:" 'j;' 'J .,..J. J-iG ,~'c.,...res S - .-,eores .e',ll')D an:,,- reCY'r:;8t~on f1rea.
('11' 1?.. i 1"" ,.,,-'=''P 6( C4 '1'1" 1 ed
_ ........ ',' ",' __,_ ..;.. 0 - :; . - J., -'- .
32. I!3-ke Onta1'io Development \,ssociation re 'Yater Pollution malks.-Received.
':',3. "CDta,rio EousiY2.g Corporr'tion re .~...dvance Prozrsmrne '- 14th .:\:nnuel .
:.')" sln~ lJonference.
34. Cenadian LTnderV!ri ters' I\.SsOQlation 1'e :~'J,:nicip8.1 Fire Protection
Survey as ~usiness bro'lght for1!':ard from Al9..gUSt 2, 196~. - Tgb1ed.
~C:;. I'11r.l1.stees of t"8 }'olic8 Vil1s'7e of Or~no re tneir Resolltion
~"'o. 66-94 dated. .July 11, 1966, wi tl-j re,c'3rd to t''-'e T:'l'O"Dosed. (
co:nstru c ti on of stor"'1 seWer s, curbing and "J aving under SU"DlJlemen t,arv
Dy-Lr>w No. 1523, a busiress bI'ought forv!c'rd fror'l August ?~ 1966. -Filed.
36. Trustees of the :.?olice Vil18pe of Drono re their Resolution
No. 66-104 dated ,~lgUSt 1, 1966, ;oncerning Restricted Area By-Law
r-To. lS17 8S busir:ess brought forward f"Or1=.:i.ugl1St 2,1966. - Filed.
37. ;~rlJ stees of the :?olice, Vill8&'e of Orono re their Resolutilil!'.
\ro. 66-99 0.8 t ed J1J.ly 25, 1966, reg3Y'd.in!:~ loc 81 ii.nrrovemen t under -gv-Lavv
lTo. 1369 as business bronght forward from Au.eust2, 1966. - Referred to
Resolution. ·
3Q. F. R. I,ovekin,':3nlic:Itor, :re M.~.A.J? ~To. l...Francis -Zy,oGks.
Cowen. - Referred to res61ution.
~Q v R Lo k' QOll' it 'l'..1t lfi' 1\ "n 1,", 1 P '1 Pl' 'k
;,'.,. ,,;.,. . . ve..ln, ,...0 or, re ;"..,..,:'..._. _.o.-,,)ron~s aw _.. lznl~.-
pJrerred td tes6lution.
4 O. E. R. Lovekin, Solic1 tor, re Road Crossing Hevis~ons }'!ile}:tF€ , .
287.26 Kingston Sllbdivision, Account C.T.C. PA.ssing Tracks, ,I
File: R4710-01-11. Filed.
41 m . t . f t 1 ., l' ,r' 1 '] fOR 1 t i '11" 6 i' 1 c
. rus ue6S QJ ~e ..O_.lC ,1.8ge orono re 1. eso 11 on .;.;0. D-l j,
dated August 31, 1966, ~,'Vi th reg~:-,d to Count~r Road within thelimi ts
of. th.e Police Village of Orono. - Filed.
The following resolutions were passed:
'Resolution,Uo. 147: l~oved by Robe1;'tG. Chater, seconded by I.loyd Lowery:
':'he Oo'Umafl of the Tovmshi 1) of ClArke herebv neti ti on the
De'>"\8rtT.erit of E1ghw8Ys of Ontr-l'.':,lo -ier j~nterimpaYm.Emt on StAtutory
iJrQnt ".nderthe :Iighways Im:'rovement !'tct fer expenditures YDAde (l.uring
t~~ ve9r 1966. - C?rried. .
l~eS()l'ltion No. 148: leaved by Robert C-. ChA.ter, secondedb:r Or"1e Falls:
'Vi th regard to Hesclutj.on No. 66-105 dated August 1, 1966, of tl-j~
T:rnstees of the police Villap'e of Orono this Jouncil hereb;r authori'7e
tne Reeve ~nd De~uty Reeve to meet with the said Trustee~ as,a
Co~mittee to investi~ate the possibilities for establishIng a Public
U+:ili ties Com:m.ission.- and al so-'to consider an amount to be paid froD, tJ:le
''Tete!' Service to the Townsh1"" to cover the adrinistration carried out
b:r the Clerk, Treasurer, 8nd - T<~:x- 0011 ec tor. - Carried. '1','
Resolution !:ro. 149: l"oiTed b;T Lloyd V'mery, seconded by Robert \..t. Vn.ater:
mhis uou~cil hereb~ endorse the action taken bvthe Trustees of the
rQlic~'HYillaC1e of Orr)Do" l.~nder their rtesolution No. 66-99 dated ~uly 2~,
1966, with y'egerd to dissolving the o~-::er8,tion of the Local Improvement
'Y::ter System under "3:r-Law No. 1369..
A certified CO?y of this resolution be referren to the said
Trl1stees. - Carried.
Pesr)111tion }To. 150: Eoved by Lloyd. Lnwer:;r, sec()~ldea by OrT11e Falls:
. -'''T},qt E. Ric'"qrd !>:wekir, Solicitor for tl-...e ToYms'I-Ji'~ of' Clarke, is
.....e'Y'c''''." 8,1.1thorized to t'3ke an:r 'lnd 811 le~81 s+ers :necess<Jry t_o re-
est"lbliSh title in +-."'e ori?,i~91 yendors noted in He.sol'ltion !-'o. 1.84
('1<:>t21 i)ecefYlber 15, 1965, 8S the la.nets in que~tion are sur:plu~ to the
reql1irernents indiCAted. "Y the final engineerIng '~lan. - Carr.led.
T-'8Q' e 4
CO~J?" ci 1
'~eti~~ qe~+e~be~6
06-"~'- ......l..l. '-: ,.J _',:' ,; ..~. J -l.." ,
10 (~(~
",' ',-".v,
( t
lesoJ-~ltioY' Fo. 151: novedby Hobert G. Chatel', seconded b7 Lloyd Lowe~J..
Resolv8 tIT'a t the f'ollowirF:: ":::av vouchers be and are h~rebv' ..
au+"hnr' '7e;:) 1"0"" . 'T t b +1-." ,." ~ . \
; ,i,-, .J.o~-, U. < J.. .q8.,)men :r 1.J~.i.',-j Slr':~: r.cffic ~rs 0:f: tnis Yr>:r/"~ici~ali~"r:
~'~Y;~~'<:1J_ ':;'~'21 ?::o. 9 fnr ;\3ente":ber lC1G( :,!, ";n8 t0tnl a1'1'1oun+" ...
~ ~lc2 ~Oo 06 ". ,
0...... 'i j ,.J....).,/ .
~ddi~ions ~o ~ene~qlVouchar Ko. 8 for ~u~ust 1966 in t~8 a~ount
of $213.3.5. ,- (.
ROJ'fl Voucher :~o.8 for August 1966 ih ~1"'3 tot~l .:?m.omH of $36,709.4.5.
""eneral Welfare Vonch:-J:'s Fo. 8 and !'ro. 9 1'0"" _i.'1'7ust 8.1"1':; 6pT'te1"Jber' .
1966( in ~he amoun'ts' of ~]-,018.22 pne. <;A60.04 r~STecti',;elY.'- ,. . .
:rolice 1r;t118Q'e of C~ono vJ1Jc'her ,Q fr:-r !~ll"1.lSt 196b in the 81JlOunt ·
of ~2J044.08. - C~rried.
Resolution ITo. 1112: :;;(Y~TeC b:rF((,D8rt C,. 0'1.9t8r, secordec1 b:'T Llovd Lowery:
.Resolve tb.8t tn,e :f'o110'Y".EO' rr0jec+ nrdAr tl1.e !,:Unj.clirnl';{orks
Incentive Program 1966-67 be 8 :i.s nsreb:r S8nctj_o:r.ed 'lne', antnorizeCl
by this C('unci 1: .
Brushing on Concession Road "J1owances and side~oads in Concessions
Proken.Front, On~, Two? Three, Four, Fivp, Six, Hf~VeJ1, .:.;,j_0'ht, ]':'lne, and
Ten of the T01,~'n 8'01'" 0 f Clqrke .'. Y':.o"~in1,l'~' 3'-o1'onri 9ti or L'l tl~ e Ar"Otmt
of ~:lO,OOO.OO be 8~'r1:ied on the S''11r1 ~~rojec"'-subjeet to +:10:3 01Y"')r~val'of
the Department of ?'1J.1"ici'l"\81 ..1ff,,,i, 1'8. - r;q '~ri ed. ( -
T:lr. M. ~. 'SOS8, 'Q08CJ.' 8'1rerintende:nt, 8~;::,e"lred. at ';')uY1ci1 ::eetin..,.
between 3 ann. 4:1il r.""'. :3.t which time discussed c8rt8tn "1<:1tters-
'-ert9inin,:; to +,1'8 '='.08.<:1 DeT'8rtrlentwitt' (Jcn:rocil.
.is bl1si'1e~s t1F"t W8S Ylre-nr:""pcei) in, 'Qe br()lF'ht before Conncil
At 4 D.m., tne 1'e:.ort of t1:,e Clerk ';ith -Y>e~~"rd. to'By-Lqv1 ro. 11)17,
A restricted AreA, i:>:1 resnect to ;38C+" on 9 of the ?ules of Frocectnre'
of the O:ct';"rio,!1.lric},::,,1 bO'3ro,. r1.:'1ted :~(Y'ir~",r;er :0, 1965, 1')ros recetvecl
ane'! the rneet'_Y'0' dec1gred oyen for~'ereral e1iscussion. .
ITr. 1:. R. -Lovekin, 8Qlictt9r. -P?i" CcuY'cil,app8gred fj,t t1'jis tin",e
to assist in the di scussion of +,ne sP:1..o. renort. t ,.
':1:"16 fo 110\.,trr.~ "'er sons "11 so -;"'T ':' 8red t=l tenure 1,1 F:e etir'" :lndt 60k
tart in the cener81"dismissioTIon'tl[is sl~bject: !J€S~r8" .t/~:F..~~'oodyard,
D.~E.SiY'1!so_n aDd F.A.:TiCholSOl!, Tr'Jstees of tte Police Vilit"F?e of Orono
and I'.'fr . N. K8~r 1'rcett.
The rl;r"st~;es" eX1;~essed 8 desire to """ef: wi t~ the COllT1Cil to
ftJ,rther Cliscuss tnei:;:" objectioY1s 'mn 1'8"';'''s+:s +;0 B~T_I.:3-W ~Tn"lS17.
Tl[e fo1lov!in.Q' were snecifi.c :::-oints llnd2r r'1iscussion:
1. Q.uestion WAS raised ,,'1'1erebv th8 ~"-IJ::1[1 :,."estricts lot fro:rota?es
to 7S fset wi t1'1 rrll:rdci:n81 1.'V8terC" sn~,Y~ly g';d 100 feet vihere there are
no services. There ~!A.S no objectj.on to the minirnu.rr1 ],ot fronta.c~e
in the By-Law where lot fro,--:ta.ryes w"uld be estAblished in'8 rural
locality witrin the 1T'unici:palit:T.T.his objecUon, it was felt,
related. to bt1.ilt-'J1'1 8re8.S s11.ch 0stne :'.'olice Vill!1<:!e of Cro""'o whe:r-e
8. r".inimum frontAge of 50 feet YJ8S SlJ,gn'osted aE' "lore re31isttc for
both individually deeded J.otsand lots 1:"i thin'8 'olan of ~ubdivision.
2. The{quest:i:op oi' multiple d1NeilL1';s not beins'- ~"\errnitted in a
built-up 8.rea such as the ?ol1.c e "tTj 11")Q'e of Or'Jno was gi. ven Ie ngthy
discussion. The B7-Law not only restricts such dwellings in Orono
but the space reqllirements were ex~'ressec1 as being excessj.ve.
3. The interpret? ti on of th ''. defini tions of renOV8 ti.on 1'3.11(1 recon-
struction under ~ection 2 of the Pv_L?W were0uestionea.
4. Tne restriction irn~osed bv th~ &r-Lgw on-the creation of new
"""11 ti rle dwelli TI'" s is too s ev/?re whe"" 8:0:,1", eO. t~ buil t-ul' ~re2 s
suc': 9. s the "CoLi 00 Vi llage of' Orono. '
r-i. It W9S felt that. a Srecial ~'ro1:1er(: exists in th.e r,~ore of the
?oli.ce Villa,oe of Or'mo. - The :Folice 'I'r1.1stees are interested in
1Jrban renewai of the centre of Orono b~T procesS of ada:nting existi:pg
older and laraer struc tures to t1lOderh user?e.
6. Fine1ly,it was felt that built-'u};) are8S such as the ~lice
Vil18>2e af Orono sh.ouldhsve frontaaes of ]sss than' 75 feet; the
creg&.1on of' multiple housing uni ts in the core of Orono sholJ.ld be ..
2:'ermitted; and the minirflum floor area size( of ~1Ultiple 1JTIit.s .,..
should b-e decreased.
The HeT'or.t of the Clerk W'3 stabled fo r fni"t her co TIsi d8"8 1J~ on
b:? GO\JYl'ci 1.
~~r~e 5 t t
Con11c1l "~eet1r;p':3e1)tec~ber 6, 1966, continued:
'iesoll.ltion ~To. lS.3: ;Tovec3 by Orme F811s, secoY1.ded b;r Lloyd Lowery~
This C011TIcil 1,ereby adjonrn to ~eet again on ~'Jesday',
October 4, 1966, nt 10 a.m. in re~ular meetin~ in the 008noil
Chamber at Orono or otherwise in special meeting: '":It tlJe ~All of
the Reeve. - Q8rried. -
::"~:.~ T / '
: .._L~~
~. Reeve.
September 22, 19" at' 8 p.m.
Oouncil Ohamber, Orono.
Presents Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perraul t
Counoillor R. G. Ohater
Oounoillor O~ H. Palls
Counoillor Dbyd Lowerr
Clerk H. E. Mlllson
Speoial meeting ot Counoil was oalled by Reeve J. W. Stone
to oOBsider the business at hanl.
The tollewing oorresJonlence was read out '7 the Reeve:
1. Oana4io Imperial .Ballk ot Comavoe rtt I:aterim ft.&noi.. lJader
By-Law No. 1;2.5, Construotion ot Storm Sewers, Ourii:ng ad paving
1n the Polioe Villagt of Orono.-111e4.
2. Oanadian Imperial Bank et Comaerce re Loan Ullder By-Law 1'0. l;2;
Oonstruction of Storm Sewers, o.rbi:ag 8114 Pavimg i. the Police
Village of Orono, Ontario.-Fi1e4.
3. Geoftrey Bonnycastle, Q..C., COUllty Crown Attorney and Olerk
ot the Peaoe re Sel.ction ot Jurors tor 1",.-111e4.
4. Ottioe ot the Fire llarshal r. 1'" ~F1re Pr..,entio. w.ek,
Octob.r '-1;.-(0)1' r.ferr.d to Orono Police !rustee..
;. Jo.ephBarnoak1 re Application tor 'file Drain l.o8J1.-0l.rk to see
that th.applioation is properly completed and prooe.sed in
accordanc. with S.otion 7 o'f !he Tile' Dr&inase Act.
6. OOmDUnit1 P1anaing Aasociation'ot Genala Ontario I1vision re
PlanD.iDg 'Pl'elll._ and Prog"ess Oonterenc. on October 6th-7th, l,'6.-
The Clerk was instruot.d to refer a oop,. o'f this correspondenoe to
JIr. J.. Low, S.ct. of the Ola1ice Planning Board.-Tailed..
7. . Mr. J. e. GameY' re Draillage prollem U lIain Street, Orono.-A
copy to ije reterred to th. Unite" Oounti" Boa4 OomDda81.n.
8. E. R. :Lovekin, ChatrmaD, 0011111 ttee of "'juatm.eat, re 00111II1 tt.e ot
Adjust.eat Posi'ion ot SecretarJ'-Treasurer - Remmeratie. Bu....t. -
Reterred to ruelution.
9. Eelward Barnoski re ADl1cati.ll tor!l'11e Drain LeaL-Olerk to aee
that the application is prop.rly oe.plete" ..4 preee.sed ill.
accordance Wi tll Seotion 7 of ~h. 'il. Drainage jet. .
. Upon requ.st by t.he Reeve, OOUJ1oillor O. B. Pallt. report.d
me.ting with 1Ir. H. E. Welkeyo who had bee. delegated 11 the 00-.1 tt.e
ot &ctjustment to see it the Olerk-'.rrea8llrer oould net earry the
Seor.tar,r-Treasurer ot the O.~tt.. ot J4juS~lI.t to the ead ot
l"', on a baais that is sati~taotory to COUDcil, bota from a tin-
aDcial aDd almini.trativ. viewpoint. 1Ir. lalls r.portea that
Mr. M!llson had auggest.d a r.....ration tor this p.siti.. ot 1300.00
tor the year 19'; and .;00.00 tor the y.ar 19" aDd r.quested the
Ol.rk to give Counoil a m~r. d.tailed r.port With r.gard to the
preposed solution 'ter resolvi:ag \lpon the requests now made by the
ComDdtte. of ~just.e.t. !h. Clerk, theretere, report.doll o.rtain
moni.. in the ourrent budget whioh might be transterred lay the
Counoil to b. appl1ed on BJl antioipated ov.r-exp.nditure by the
Committee ot A4justme.t i. the year 1"'. JUrther, the Clerk b.
given the l1eoe.8ary authority to hire and a.:perna. ao..o.. on an
hourly basi. 4uri:ag the 'bala.e o'f thi s year who could eventually 'be
oonsidered tor appointment as Seoretary-Treasurer ot the ComBlitte.