HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/1966
3?cI :;,'}:.; S ;: ClIT\.TER'I'S
?~V: l':.t\ C~.~TNl'~RY
O!" T T.:!i'P T ~.TrT1T1'~m "l!' -,rill' &
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O'V.:-: R'~']l_rj)
Page 2 ~
Special lEeeting of Council ~uly 21, 1966, continued:
( (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplic:3.te cr1pies of this by-law to
the dis~rict office of the Depar1;rr.ent of Highways, Ont'-1rio, not later
than llar oh 31st Qf the sai d year.
(4) The approval of the Ont3.rio liTunicipal Bqard shall ,be obtained
before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced Which will 'be
financed by the issue of deben)ur,es or monies raised in a subsequent year.
Suppleme ntary By,-Law No. 1524:
A By-law to provide for the 1966 ~X}Jenditure.s ~m roa,ds .in the
'fiownsr_iy of CIa rke in the COUll ty .0 f Northumlrerll:tnd-Durham. .
~F~'c,::cm ~S the l[l,~hway Improvement Ac t requires tha t the total
expendi ture on, roads be provided for annually b:'T by-law and 'tha't t.he
bY-law.,b~ _ submi tted to the l~nni.ste;;t of Hig~ways for approval.
T:-:.E::-J~FORE the Counci 1 of the vor:00r8.t1on of the said TOI'mship
enac t s as follows:
(1) The sum of $2,000.00 is hereby estimated as the expenditure
upon the constructi.,on and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its'
j'.lri.sdiction dllr,ing the year 1966 8S follows:' -
Construction n!aintenance ~> Total
I '~gg~gg Fl:~gg:gg
~ nil I
l 2,000.00
i 2,000.00 ,
(2) TlJe said monies shall be expended under the supervision of
the duly~, appointed ~ownsl1i:0" road superintendent and on work perfor'^1ed
in accordance wi th The High1:'lay ItnprQ'~Tement Act. t
(3) The clerk sball transmi t Triplicate copies b f thi s b~.r-Iaw
to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not
later than ~arch 31st of the said year.
(4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board Shall be
obtained befpre any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which
w ill be fi.nanced b::r the issue of deoentures. or' monies rai sed in a
subseauen t vear.
Yeeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
~... _ :~"A- (
~,-Iks '
Reeve& '
R=~0.T::L/~,Ti ~J:r~;~TIlJG O!i' Tm~ :';C1J}TC=kL
August 2, +966 at 10 am.
Council Chamber, Orono:
Present: Reeve J. W. S:one t
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor O. H..Falls
Councillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk I~. }~. !/:illson
The minu+;es of meetinp:s held on July 5th and 21st, 1966, were
annroved on motion b::r I.loyd Lowery, secolJded by O. E. Falls. - Cprried.
--"' }'l'r. Kasnar Hollen a ":'oeared at Council meeting and requested the
closint: of 'ne,:-.t of t1;e road ollowanee, now U:borened,betv1!een Lots 2 &. 3,
Conce.ssion i, forwrich service he agreed to pay the usual costs for .
.,.,.,/j t.h.._.e s. ai d. .J:l. roposed closin:::.. A plan Of. the road pre)'!ared' by IT. D. Brown, o. I,. S.
-, V"~s -srcsented to Council by IT. Hollen. /
. ~~r. ~l"red RichArdson complained 0:' drain0ge froy, the Y'1u:nicip8l road
"'7 11:1 s r,ro""ert~T. Reeve ,""'. Vi. Stone suggc~st ed th8 t the r09d and brid9'e
. --, ~ d ~,- .:I ' t .:I t S11011C1ld l'nv'e,'tiNQ+e. -t;1-,iS d'f'a.iY1QO'e
cOml"l1T.tee an. t-:.e rO!3u s1J.l'erln enuen. "'" - ."~ O~,.d .'..- --. .'d__
8Z9ir ..,t t1;e site. rr:'''is 8rrangement WA~. agreed u:)on w:\_t-; !~, Ric}>ardsDn
aJ"d t1"e nro~iosed 1'11eeting was set tentqtl~Tely for AllZllst <-3ro. next.
Pap'e 2 -
C0unci 1 ~"8et inf!\l)gust 2, 19(; 6, conti n;)ed:
{ t
Solicitor }~~. e~~. Lovekj.n met w:L t 11. Conncil to discuss and adYise on
the d.raft for,,, of a By-13w to eut'1orize'the eonstructioT'., reconstruction
exte:r:sioT'. of cf~rt3in c81'i1;31 wor}cs iT\ tb.e I'olice Villoue of Orono. '
Tbe s9id d"n<'ft D,:'T-18w VIas referred to rc:;~dinc of '3y-l!1ws.
~~. 3. R. qoodvard, Insnecting Trustee of the ?olicp VJl 1 e of
. - . '.-. ':'is
Orono W8S '~resent in ord.er to O.iSCliss certe.ir subjects of' i01utu8.1
'interest to the Trustees8.nd tl'.e Counei 1.
Gounei 1 recessed for 11lTIch at 12 noon on moti.on b:r L. .i\.. ::?errault,
seconded by ~1. '"7.. 'Crater.- Carried.
C01.lYleiL ree1.,,:1ed se.ssion a't 1:30 r.E1. .
~Tr. K. L. 2rc<~1.~iggan of the De::j<:::r:>tn2ent orirour1$.m ana Information . ".
m.et with Council to discuss V''3Ys .8nd 'f1esn$ of a~3sisting tbls municipa.lity
in :;;;ro8r9mmirrg for the centennta1 ;<reer, pqrti'cn18rly of interest to
the General Centennial Com.mittee.
Tl"e following corresronderce and re1lorts were re1d out bv Reeve Stone:
1. Department of Eighwgys of Cntr-;rio re ~?rouosedt I'1'1nroverY1ent to .
Intersect:i.on Highway 1\"0. 115 and 35 and Count,r Road No. 1 Flnd the
Sixth Concession Road A1IQwa~e of t~e mownship of Clprke. - Received.
2. Trustees of t~e Police Villar.:e of Orono re their Resollltion
~To. 66-94 dl?tteo.{ July 11, 1966', wi~}, ree:ard to the pro27osed. construction
of storm setl'lers, curbins and jJ9ving under Supplementary By-law :r-ro. 1.523.
3. Onta"r'j.o Department of HighWAYS reS11.bsidy on Subdi vi sian Roads
and Streets uno.er the :::1zhway I!'!11;royement Act - Denartment of Fiahwavs
Circular 66 -061 of 7 July 1966. :. Referred to Road. S'I.peri ntendent, ~
M. L. Ross.' (
4. Copy of letter from ~3ubdivisions <;ect1.on, COi'1munity Plsnn-ing BranCh,
Denartme.nt of Eunicinal ~~ffairs addressed to Clarke Plan:ring board
dated July 5, 1966 re Pt. of Lots 29 8: 30, Con. V; Twy. of Clarke;
O'.J.r f11e No. T-16764. - Fil~d.
7. Petition of =.'~r. Wm. Forbes and '1 other nronert~r owners reauesting
, . .... -..... '" "'"- "-
Council to close A 'Dart of Princess 2treet in the Police Villarre of
Orono. - Referred to Trustees of th~ Police Villa-~e of Orono. .
6. South Eaven }Tu.rsing Home re notification of :Lncre9sed":r8te. -
A copy to be referrer'J to !~r. H. De'~Ti th, ~Nelf8r8 ,,\,dministrqtor.
7.- The Great Fi:ne Ridge Tourist CQuncil re t.1le Re:!;orter dated
~uly 15, 1966. - Fi led.
8. Copy letter from Northumberl'?nd-DtlrhRm He91 th Uni t dated
July 13, 1966, to Union Rod and Gnn Club re re~ulations goyerning
wading ncols. - Filed.
9. i1:r: Alex Carruthers, lir.!,.!:,. Durh8m re iYYly;rovement of the
intersection at Eighway 115 and' 3t:;, (jnunt:v -qoad 7~1. - Filed.
10. Clerk, Uni ted Counties of North'Jrnber1and and D'..lrhamc re names of
persons covered with Hospitalization under the Counties' Indigent
and ~elief Plan. - Filed.
11. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re restricted area By-law Fa. 1517. - Filed.
12. Ilr. Gordon V. Wri gh t, . Co-ordinator, }~mE}rsency ~,~e8sures Orgeni za t ion
of the United. Counties of 'j\Tort lJunoerla nn and Durham re sugf!ested By-lavvs
for folunte~r fire denartmsnt. - Tabled.
13. DepartJ1'1ent of Highways of Ontl'J.rio re Transfer of 'ifighvTay, ITovmshiu
of Clax'ke, Coun ty of Durham, Highway 35, Plan P-2390-r39. - Referred
to ~esolllti on.
14. D(cnBrtment of ::-:ifi'b',l','aiTs of Ontario ~"e SUT'nlfilmentary Hoad ~SxT'endi ture
Bv-lawNo. 1516, Amount -'$ 16,000.00. - ~iled., .
15. Denart'1'1ent of ::Ti~hw9YS of Orterio re Infraction reports on
c'ontractors en~aged on mUY'j.cinal road contracts. - Filed.
16. TlicDonald e~ ZiP1emerman re The Cons1."',ers' Gos Comranjr. - ~iled.
17, }'FcDonald & ':.i,t"merman re The Cons11.1""ers' Gas Company Frsnchi see - Filed.
19. De'Dartmen t of 11ftmicipal Affairs of Ontari 0, ],fuJ:?i ci pal 81.1 bsidi es
Branch re ?rovinci"ll Subsidy, The Fire Deyartments Act. - Filed. .
19. Treasury Denartm~mt of Province of Ontario re Debenture under
.By-l~w NO.,1515. - Filed.. . .
20. The Ontario ?-,~.Jrici. pal ~oa..r...d.re rest. rict.e.d..,ar.. ea By:: 1 i'I.,. W 1517. -. Filed... ,....
21. S1..Jbdi vi sions Section, CO'nillUD i ty Plannins .t)ranch, .!Je-partment of
T"1J.nicinal Affairs re Townshi'!} of Clarke-Area. of 3ubdi Yision Contr<,?l
By-law~~To. 1494. - Filed. ~.
22. Mr. R. D. PArker request to improve a munici:!;al ro<>d allowanoe.
Referresl to resolution and fil.ed.
Page 3 ...
Council l':eetin? .August 2, 1966, continued:
23. J. li. Bates, Inspector of Schools re apnrov~l.of dissolution
of former Union School Section Numbers 18,24,19 CaiTan," Clarke and
I\~r:mvers from the Township School Area of Cavan. - Filed.
24. Department of TJ"ighways of Ontario re Twp. Neea s Stady and
COEtract with Totten, Sims, Hubicki &. Associates. - Filed.
2,5. Canadian Underwriters' Association re 1.fuT'_icinal Fire Protection
3nrvey as business b:rou!Sh1; forward from ~uly 5, 1966. - Tabled.
26. Community P18nning:.\ssociation of Canada, Ontqrio Divislon"re'
Cortference for Elected and Appointed Officials of Ontario's
Planning Boards and ihnidipal Councils, for OPAC Members and otheJ..~
Interested Oitizens.
27. POl;e & Goebelle re Orono Municipal Water System and Resolution
l~o. 1:64 dated Nov. 2, 1965, as business brouR:ht fo'rward from
'June 7, 1966. - Tabled. . '.-
28. I~. D'onAld E. 'staples r+:pPlic8tion for tile drai'n loan as
business brought forward from ~uly' 5, 1966.- It was the decision of
Council to take no action on this application ahd .the clerk was
in strnctea tb infor111 10"r. Staple s by" le"t ter no ting the s"tatu to:r'~r
reference unon which this action wa~ bhsefi.
t 29. Copy letter of the Subdivision Sect:Lon, Oommuni ty Planning "Pranch,
De~artment of !tunici:Dsl l\.ffairs dated May 18, 1966~ as business
brou:.sht forward from, June 7, 1966. .
30. Strike & Strike, Ba-risters & Solicitors re Simon Schwartz'
reouest for entrance culverts. - Filed. '
31. Bonneville & Fitzgibbon request for deed for the unopened road
"allowarice between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6 as business brought
forward from .July 5, 1966. - Filed. .
32. Eonneville & Fitzgibbon, Barristers and Solicitors, re purchase
of unopened road allowance bet1Neen Lot s 6 and 7, Concessjon 6 wi th
regard to road closin~. - Filed '
33: Trustees "of the Police Village of Orono resolution No. 136-99
dated July 2,5, 1966, regarding local improvement under By-law
1-;0. 1369.
34. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono resolutio~ No. 66-105
dated August 1, 1966, regarding the proposed meeting with the auditor
to investigate the feasibility of establishing a Public utilities
for the Police Villa9:e of Orono.
35. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono resolution No. 66-104
dated August 1, 1966, concerning Restricted Area By-law No. 1517.
36. Report of the Treasurer with regard to the Accounting Procedure
and Explanation to raise the Net Expendi ture for Supplementary
By-law No. 1516. - Filed." (
37. Report of the Road Sn~erintendent with regard to the request of
riTr. R. ll. :Parker. - Referred to resolution.
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution~To. 141: Move~d by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Lloyd Lowery:
, Resolve that sufficient 'noney to cover the balance of the gross
expendi ture of $ 7,200.00 'und er Supplementary By-law No. 1~?16. be and.
is hereby anpronriated from the followin~ i te!ns in the 1966 Budget ~n
accordanoe with~By-law fTo. 1509 and the antic1patecl receipt under
I +:et'1 4 below:-
{l. The SUl'plementary (rrr,'\'P) :::;rovision of $2,800.00 under Public
1:'!orks Exnendi ture.
2. The SU"DT;lementary (OFT) provjsion of ~~.,OOO.OO under Public
Works( Expendi ture. { ... !~; ..
~. The balance fro~ nrovisiorr of Reserve for rleplacement of
Equipment under Ex-ryenditure in the amount of i2,693.98.
4. An anticipated Road DepartmeJ?t receipt under the Boundary
Road Agreement with the Township of Darlington in the ~ ount of
$1,500.00. .
':"-hat Reso.l'~ltion ~To. III dated ~une 7, 1966, be and IS ;hereby
rescinded. - Carried. . ~ ~ . . +
Resolution }To. 142: ~.~oved by Robert \.t. \.ihater, second.ed. bv L.A~perrauL,:
---T1;1 s (Jounc11 hereby acknowledge the letter received from T ,e
De1"Artment of Highways of Ontarto d8ted Ju.ly 19, 1966~ and ap"Drove r')f
the transfer ot lends in accordance ,vi th Blan P-2390-..;9(.
A certified c o:/Y of this resolution be forwarded to the sa.id
Den8rtment. - 'Carried.
p.g.ge 4 -
Council J!feetingAugust 2,: 1966" contt:i.nued: {
Resolution No. 14~: l~ved by L. A. Pe~rBult,
rr.:hi s Couneil hereb;Y' dec10:re the 9 th d8Y
Orono Fair D~,y, a Civ1cEolida;t to nrovide a
holiday in the Townshin'of Clarke. ~
The Cler~ is hereby instructed to refer ceftified copies of thi~
resolution to the Durham Central Agricnlt'lrel Society and' .
J~r. C:,~. =olr11e~, Inspector of Schools, and finallY to ~:Jublicize
Council's ceci sion once onl::' in the Orono 'ide ekl;rfPI mes. - - Carried:
Resolut_~_on ~:o. 144: I"oved by L. A. :?er~8'11t, seconded by R.G. Chatel':
Resolve that the followirir:; pgy vouchers be and are 1-,ereby
8uthorized, for pa~rment by the signing officers of' tris municinality:
GenerAl Voucher }To. 8 for A1JguSt 1966 in the tot81 amount of ~4,56'8.9:+
Add1 tion to GenerAl YOllCher No. 7 fo I' J"'1:1 19bb 'in 'the amount 0 f $'17.14
Road Voucher No.7 for ~uly 1966 in the tot11 amount of 120,529.41
Police Village of Orono Voucher No. 7 for .Tuly 1966 1n the tot'al amount
of $662.15. - Carried. ' .
Resolution 1:0. 14,5: l~oved by R. g. ChAtel', seconded by L. A. Perrault:
That the reC1uest of 11r. R. D. pr~rker to imnrove and rebuild a nart
of the municipal road allbwance between Lots l~ and 17, _ Concession ~8,
TOwnShip "of Clarke, be and is hereby authorized by this Council subject
to the following provisions:-
1. That the intetuied work be c:lrried out at no cost to this
2. That tlle Road S'J'perintendent of the TO\ll1Ylshin of Clerke
shall sU1Jervise the intended 1'0 rk to the satisfactjon of this Ooun6il.
3. -That the Road Denartment of the 'l'ownshh; of Olarke shall
snowplow the said road allowance upon request only of 1'11'. R.D.Parker.-Carried.
The following By-law was read A first and second time only:- .
By-law No. 1525, being a By-law to authorize the oonstruction, recon-
struction, extension of certain canital works in the ijoJice Vi lac~e of
Orono in th~ rnunici~a1ity.
The following By-laws were given first, second and third reading
and finallv u9ssed:-
By-law No." 1526:
- Being a By-law to constitute, 9uthorize andCestablish thr: necessary
or~anization to facilitate the nroner and due election of ~lnicinal
officials and snhool trustees in t~e rrovmshi"D and more T'articularlY'
to eppoint the time and :plac e of meeti TIC' for' the nominati Gn of ~,
Candidates 'for the Office of Reeve, De"ut:r-Reeve 'And Thcree Councillors
for the Towns"h' of Clarke in accordance I'lith the nrovisions of .
T'he TlI'unicipal Act, RSO 1960, Ohanter 249 '~nd amendments thereto and
also to nrovide for the election of lI1hree '!rustees f6~ the or.rovmshfn
School Area of Clarke for the ensuing veal' in accordance wi th The .'
Public Schools Ac t, RSO 196"0, ChApter 330 and amendmeh ts thereto. antI
81so a:9uoint and establish the Polling P13ces, De:911.ty Returning Off! cers
and Poll Clerks in and for the s'everAl Tolling SubcIivisi'ons of the
?owns'h in for t~e ensuing !1fo}nicipal ~lect ions.
The IfuJ'Ji cifal Council of the 00rpor8 tion of' thee Town shi 1) of Cla.rke
enacts as follows:
m"'at the Annual lll'eeting of the !lunicipal Blectors of the r~own ship
of Clarke for the nO!'1ination of Cf'mdidAtes for the Office of Reeve,
. e
Denlltv-Reeve and Three Councillors for the Townshin of C18rke 'and
81~0 ~hree Trustees for the Towns'hi~ School Area of ~lBrke for the
enslJinq: veer sheli be held in the 'rcp.rns}Jip ~~811, Orono, OntariO',
on the-rr;!ren ty-fifth clay of I\Toyember, 196 b,9 t t'l e hO"1r of One
o'clock in the ~fternoon.
That th~ nollin.q: In the resnective divisions herein nr-n."ed fo~
the =~J.niciT)al Electj_ons shall take 1)lGce (if. required) or tne ·
Fifth da:r of Dece:"ber, 196b, r-md the Deputy rteturnine Officers and
~oll Cle~ks, also Follipg Places for 88ch divisjonshall be ~n~ar~.
hereb,r appointed as follows: e J?olls shall ol}en 'at 10 8."r. and close
st 7 o'.clock p.m.
secondea by Orme Falls:
of September, 1966,
legal public school
8u b-Di vi s1 on #1 (
Co~~unity 3a11, Nawtonville,
Deputy Returning O:f-'ficer-
Poll Clerk
JSr>1e s 1111J.a ch
III'S. Leta Samis
P.'1!-?e .5 ...
Counci}_ =~eetinr; August 2,
1966, ,continued:
Su b-Di vi:: ion 'i~2
School =Inuse ~'!:5
. ,.
Deputy Returnin~ Officer-
Poll Cl~rk-
Ross .Adams
l,!rs. Hargaret G. Boyd
Sub-Di vi sion tt7;
School House 119
De:yuty Returning( Officer-
roll Clerk
Cec~l Malley
Mrs. Chas. Fi sk
Sub-Division #4
O~ange Ball, Kendal
Deputy Returning Officer-
Poll Clerk
Arthur Thompson
Mrs. Helen Couroux
S:tb-Divisioil #5
~owrs~ip Hall, Orono
Depu ty .Returning Offi cer-
Poll Clerk
Horace Best
L:i's. Olive I!iller
c' 'h D' ~. 11.6'
,.)1J l..-~ 1 Vl. S10n It
Leskard Church Eitchen
De]YtJ.t:r Ret'.lrning Officer-
:'o} 1 Clerk
ITorman 3airs tow ~
RO:'T 1T'):om::~son
31Jb-Di vi sion :::7
Resj.dence of Ji'rank ::srris
Lot 23, Con. 8 Clarke
Deputy Returning Officsr-
:':'011 Clerk "
Lawrence TTn.~rri S
11':'8. Fred C. GrahAm
,sn"b-Di vision //9
School ~ouse #10
DelJut::r Returnir..~ Of'ficer-
Poll C1Etrk
3ub-Division #9 A
Conroil Chanber, vrono
Deruty Returning Officer-
roll ClerIc
Ers. Ji"" Stsrk
l~s. Ada L. C~rson
Charles E. Taylor
lxs. Ione Forrester
.:\rd. ot the said }I:or:in9tior iTeeting and Election (if required)
==. ~Ij,;. !Ii 11 son, Clerk, sha 11 be Chairrrv:m and Returning Ofti c er
:Sy-L8W No. 152'7:
A by-law to ~"9:.ooint the time and :;lace of meeting for the
(nomin~tion of Candidates for ~hree Police Trustees for the Police
YUl age of Orono, ':':'oV"nshi~9 of Clarke, for the ensuing year, also the
?o~.ling Place, Deputy Retlirning Officer and Poll Clerk for the
next ensuing election. C
The :'Junicipal Council. of tlJe Cor:poretion of the rrownship of
Clarlce ena.cts as follows:
That the Annual Eeeting of the 1Lunicipal Electors of the Villa ge
of Orono for the nomina tion of Cgndidates for Three Poli cs Trustees
for the ensuing year sh91l be held in the Orono l.'Unicipal :':'uilding .
on the 'l\venty-fifth day of lTovember, 1966 , at the hour of Seven
o'clock in ,the afternoon.
That the l')oll1ng, if required, fat the IEunicipal Electi on shall
take placa on the Fifth d~y of Dece~ber, 1966; and the Deputy
:?eturning Officer, Poll Clerk and Polling J:11Ace shall be and are
he:>:>eb:r anuointed as follows: Poll shall open at 10 a.m. and close ·
at 7 o'clock r.m.
Orono !'~'~lricipal Building
Del;1Jty Retnrning Officer-
Poll Clerk
lTr s.
Eari]'8ret It:ercer
jnd At the said !Tominetton j.1fp.eting and Election (if required)
::. 3. ~!'illson shall be Chairman and Returning Offi cere
Page 6 -
Council I\1ieeting,~..ugust 2, :1966, contt(nued.:
By-!..'3W No. 1528:
To a~prove or and to authorize t~e entering into p,n a~reement by
the Corporation of the Townshin of Clarke ~ th the Trustees of tm
Pol:i.C& Vil18f8 of .Orono, d8ted the 2nd. day of i\Ug1J.st 1966, respecting
fire protectlon wi thin the Townshi'D of ClArke.
WHEREAS it has been deemed e~edient to enter into An agreement
with the Trustees of the rolice Vil13ge of Orono, dated the 2nd
day of August 1966, for the pur:r:ose of "roviding fire 11rotectfon for
the Fire Di strict 'of the Townshi n of GL"lrke..' .. '. .
The Counci 1 of the Corpora ti on of t 1., e Townshj:n of CIa rke ENACTS
as follows: .
l.'-\.n agreement between the Trustees of the Police Vi 11'1\ ('e of
Orono and the Corporation of the Township of Clarke dated the 2nd day
of August 1966, a co~y of which is hereunto annexedA is hereby ac.cepted
ani approved by the vorporation of t~e 'rownship of v18rke, and the
Reeve and Clerk of this Coryor8tion ore hereby authorized. and directed
to execute the said agreement on behalf of the said Oorporation.
THIS AGHM;EJ1];NT made in Qlladrnplicnte this 2nd day of August,
A.D. 1966 BET';\r:E2:N:' The Police Vi 11 ae e of Orono as RelJre sen ted bv its
Trustees, Em7l\.RD R. ~,VOODY^j,RD, DOUGI..AS;:. SB"PSON, and"FLO''1) A. :riICHOLSON
hereinafter called. TEE TRUSTEES a..nd rrrr-m CORPOR:\lf'IOY OF TT:rE n'O'T!''''~IP OF
C1A'RICE, here1n8fter called TE:.~ COTJ1TCI:L
W1iEREAS the Police Villaae of C:>ono is a duly constituted police
Village in. the lrownship of Cl~rke;" .
.:\yD V\FIEBEAS the parties hereto desire to enter into an agreement
concernin~ the fire protection for 7'ronerties in all :parts of the
Township of Clarke - - -
}:TO'7 TI-!7~REFO RE Ten S AG RE'.1D:'Ej'TT '7 rrr:'1: S SEmI{ :
Th8t in consideration of the nrernises hereinAfter set forth the
parti es hereto mutually arsree anc c O'Ten en t as follow s:
l.a"ll ca:::7i tal expendi tures mutually pgreed upon b:r the narties hereto
shall be raised in the aeneral "1uniciT1al rates annlied ec\'t1tablv on
the basis of asse$sment-to the Council inclusive-of the Police Village
of Orono. .
2. Capi tal expend1 tures may be debentured, if necessary, wi th annual
repayment periods being extended over a term.
3. Current annual operati ng and mAintenance costs, save and exce}!t
fire fighters basic hourly rates, shall be levied andcpa.id out of the
e:eneral tax rate of the munici:!)ali ty 'md. shall be budgeted and sub ject
to any necessary adjus tment in the ensuing year and sha.ll be rresented
to the Oouncil not later than their regu13r meeting held in February
of each year.
4. The said. budget shall be entitled to any governmental subsidy.
nrovided bv stAtute or re,Q'1~18tjons rel"lting thereto.
:5. It is. under stood a.nd~ agreed the t the fire equipment inolnding
the old fire hall, 1933 Bickle~Seagr8ve Pumper, etc., that i~ to say
all ~md any mAt?rials purchased solely by the :?olice \nllar~e of Orono,
as listed (in the inventory hereto attached, and any and all replace-
men ts thereof, sha 11 be and remain the }Jro:!}erty of the said Police
Village of Orono.
6. ~;he Council shall pass the necessary b'r-laws mutually agreed upon
by the parties hereto in order to establish the necessary objects of
this apree'nent.
7 . T~e:E'i re D~p8.rtment shall be o.1r ec tl:,: r~sponSi ble to the Trustees
of the Police Vllla9:e of Orono and. the sald lrllstees sh811 be and are
herebv emnowered to'''manage and onerate the said ]'ire De~Jartm:ent for
the !6.~nicipali ty in all matters, - inclusive 01 expendi tures, within the
8pnroved current bU.dget. Any matte~s of a contingent and (or) capital
nature shall be mutually agreed upon by the Ilarties hereto.
8. The basic rate for firefighters on fire calls and for a practice
shall be estabLished by resolution of the 'Trustees and approved by
Council. The time involved for a. fire call and :!;)ractice shall be .
theresnons1 bili tv of the Fire On.i ef or the Deputy Fire Ohi ef as the ...
case may be. Allvaccounts for o:per9.tjon of fire fighters are to be
submitt~d b~r the Fire Chief to the Trustees at least once annually.
9. The trustees shall properly apportion the current annual operating
fire fighters costs ln the following manner:- . .
(a) The s~id operating costs for those flre calls attended tn
the ~ownshin excluding the Village of Orono shall be raised,by.
the assessment exclusive of the said Police Village and
Page 7 -
Council :Meeting August 2, 1966, continued:
(b) The said operating co sts for those fire calls attended
in the Police Village of Orono shall be raised by the
assessment of the said ?olice Village of Orono and
(c) The said o.Derating co sts for fire 1Jractices shall be
,', m -
apportioned between the{ l.iouncil and ',l.rusttiles unon the same.
basis as (the current Police Village Assessment - relates to the
current as sessr;en t of the lZunici naIi tv.
10. The new fire pumper shall be used on the first fj_re call in the
ITlurtcir>ali t:r while the Police Vil19rYe fire pumper s:ta:l be used
on any further fire call necessarv in the ]funicina11t~r. I\.t S1lCh
t lIne s when the Polic e Villa ae pumper is on any ca 11 in fire. .
attendance in the ':'ownshin lo.cated outsia,e the limits of the saki.
:Police Village. ~h.en the Trustees shall be (reimbul\sed. by the Oouncil
~t t"e rate of ~.5.00 an hour, for the use of the said numy'er. The
Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief, as the case maw be, shail. be
resnonsi ble for the time involved. .
ll.--The amu!3.l bud/~et to. Council for orer8_ting and maintenance costs
RS referred to in P8ragra};1h 3 hereof may include pa;rmen ts !'lade to
Cffi cers of. the De-oartment as established bv resolution of the
rr'rustees and approved by CounCil, (which they are to be paid in.
addition to their hourly rate aLlowances). together with estimates
on light, heat, telephone, insurances, 'Workmen's Compensation,
fire calls, (s~"ve end exce:!;)t o:perating fire fighte:r-s r9tes as
:r-eferr€d to in sub-paragraphs A. and B, P8rAgrai"\h 9 hereof) fire
rractices, Yn9intenance on ftre hall, two })umper~, equipment. and.
, P1iscell$Jneous.
, 12. This a~reement shall become effective on t~e 1st day of
Jgnuary A.~. 1966 and shall be renewed automatically on an
Bnnual basis unless either narty hereto shall notify the other
in writin.g OB or befol'e .31"" December in the then current year
that thev do not wish to renew the agreement.
IF Fi T~'JESS. VlIIEREOF thi:; aa];'e~mQn t has been executed by tre
P.9!'ties of the First :?r3rt as TJ"ustees of ttE Police Villa ge of
Orono and the :?9rt2T of' the Second Part has affixed its Corporate
'~;eal lmder the hend of its proper signing officer~. ,
Re~olution l-To. 146: I.Coved by Orme Fr.lls, seconded by Lloyd LO'Ne:r:~r:
~his Uouncil hereby adj~lrn to meet again on Tuesday, Septem~er
6, 1966, at 10 a.m. in regular meeting in the Council Cha1'11ber at
Orono or otherwise at the call of the Reeve. - Carried.
~-,' .~-:. j
La ~h
. .
FG~I}FI,r\B I'F!~:'~~TIFG OF ~:E comWIL
C~'i' Tr~-;; mO',r:f\'-3HIP OF CLllRIill
Se~tember 6, 1966 at 10 a.m.
Council Ohamber, Orono.
:'?resen t: Deputy Reeve .L... A.. Perrault
Councillor R. G. -Chater
Councillor O. E. Fglls
Councillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk T-=:. :2:. :'1llson
Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault pre$tded in the absence of
. Reeve J. W. Stone.
The minutes of the regular meeting ,held {on Augu.st 2, 1966~
were adopted on motion by Lloyd Lowery, .seconded bV,R. G. Chater.
Cg~ried. .
. A nurr:ber of i te!'ls unde:F CorresPQndence {and "?_e~orts were
d1 sC11ssed and decided upon, which ere listed under the said hee4ing
below, before Council recessed. . . .
"ouncil recessed at12 noon for lunch and resumed seSSIon at
1:30 D:m. on'motion bJ Lloyd Lowery, seconded by h. G'.Chater.-Carried.