HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1966 (Special Meeting) SPECI !1.L MIiiETD\!GO F fr>:H'}J COTTJ.'"CIL OF ~j{m TO'VfNSFIP OF CLARI:::8.; July 21, 1966,:;.t9:30 8.Yr]. Council Cha~ber, Orono. Present: Reeve J. W. Stone Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor O. H. Falls CIerI\: E. E. 1\.:111son Special :\':eetinQ' of Council was ca.'led by Reeve J. Vf. Stone to meet wi th the Tr1J.stees of the Police Villa'!p of Orono and consider the following business: Resoln ti em !To. 66~90 dat ed J1).ly 11, 1966, of th e Tr1Jste es of the Police Village of Orono was read out by the Reeve and referred to By-law. Mr. R. J. Obrist requested permission to build a frllit stand approximately 26 feet by 26 feet by :::ighway 35 rim part l.ot 28, Con. 4. This business W3S concluded bv resolution. ~ Police Tr'lstees l~essrs. E. R.Woodyard and Floyd Ni cholson met with C01..IDcil to discuss the financinQ' of a nronosed .oublic works project of storm sewering in the Village in-the amount of ~108,700.00 on an estimated payback of 5 years. Mr. P. C. Eberlee, P.". Eng., of Totten, Sirls, Hubicki & ,Associates Ltd., was present to take part in the discussion regarding th~ as'oects of the Engineer's re::00rt on storm sewers. : Mr. iHalter Pope, auditor of the f!lownship of Clarke, met'with Messrs. iVood;l8 rd and Nicholson and the Council todi scuss the costs incurred by administretion of the Orono r.ffuniciral ';'leter Service. It was oonsidered advisable for the Trustees and Council to appoint representatives res:f)ectively to work together as a committee to investigate the possibilities for establishing a Public Utilities Commission and also to consider an amount to be paid from the Water Service to t'le Townshin to oover the administration carrted out bv the Clerk, Treasurer and 'I1a::r Collector. U The followin~ resolntions were t'assed: R~solution No.. 139: Moved by R. G.Chster, seconc!ed. b;l O. FAllS: Wi th reference to a let ter 0 f l'r. -~. R. Best, .Puild ing Inspec tor of the Township of Clnrke, dated July 20, 1966, this Council hereby authorize the Building Ins]ect6r to issue a building ~ermit to ~~. . F. J. Obrist for t1-je construction of 8 co 'nercieJ. frllit stand by l:iighway 35 on "Dart Lot 28, Concession 4, of the Townsbi'" of ' Clark e.-Carried. Resolution No. 140: Moved by H. G. Chater, seconded by O. }l""\alls: This Council hereby a1J.thori~e Solicitor E. R. Lovekin to draft a construction and mon~y by-law in Y'espect to the :f)roposed, oonstruction of roads and storm sewers in the Police Village of Or ono wi th reference to Item {4} of Bv-Law }:o.1523. of this Council and 1"resent same on' or before August 2, 1966. - Carried. .. The followin~ By-laws were ~iven first, second and third reqding and finally p2,ssed: / Supplementary By-law No. 15 2~: A B~r-law to nrovide for the 1966 ex~"e!).di tures on roads tin the rnownshi t"~ of Clarl:e in the Coun ty of Northumberland - Durham. W-:-:!:i;~R1I:l1.S 'The I-lighwey Improvemer.t Act reqlJ.ires thet tbe total eX'Dendi ture on roads be provided fo I' annually by by-law and that t,he bv-law be submitted .to the Einister of Highways for approval. TTIEREFOPE the Council of the Oorpora tion of the sai d Township enacts as follows: (1) The SUll of $108,700.00 is hereby estimated. as the expenditure unon t~e constTIlction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under , its jurisdiction during the year 1966 as follm"s: Construction Maintenance Total 1108.700.00 t ilO~,700.00 1. 1"1 ~ ~ ~ TIl ~ TO TALS h 0 8 , 7 a 0 . 00 t__ i - 1 Q 'd , 700. 00 ) . ROADS BRIDGES & CULVER~S l-JEW' MACHINERY S\JPERIli1TEt1DENCE 8: OVERHEAD .' . (2) The saj:d moni es shall be expendeCl, under: the suyervi sion of the duly appointed townshir road sunerintendent and on v.:ork performed in accordance 'W i th The Eighway Improvement Act. Po:> 0' e. 2 .... ..... '-t':,.") Special Meeting of Couneil ~uly 21, 1966, continued: ( (3)' The clerk shall transm~tTriplic,lte c~1ptes of this by-law to tbe dis'tjrict office of the Department of Highways, Ont?rio, not later than Ma.rch 31st qfthe said year. (4) The a}:'proval of th~ Ont?.crio IJunicipal Bqard shall .be ob'tiai ned before any expendi ture is au thorized or "lOrk commenced which will be financed by the issue of deben'tiur:es or monies raised in a subseouent year. Suppleme ntary By,-Law No. lIj 24 :J - A By-law to provide for the 1966 e,x:r endi tur a,s ()n roa,ds ,in the rPownsb.iy of CIa rke in the COUc'\'], ty ,0 f: Northumberland-Durham. . _ '\8 the llIlt?;hwey Improvement Ac t requires the t the total expenoi ture oni roads be provided for annu81ly by by-law 8:nd 'tha't t'he by-law be submi tted to the lJIinistert of Highways for approval. T~~E:SJi;FORE the Counci 1 of the Cornorg tiOn of the said Townshi 1'1 ...... . ~ ,'- enacts as follows: - (1) The sum of $2,000.00 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the constructi.on and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its' juri.sd.iction dur;ing the year 1966 8.S follows:' - Construction 1!aintenance ~t> Total I ,500.00 t 1,500..00 . 500~OO I 500.00 nil <J. ~ ~ 2,000.00 t 2,000.00 I RO..\DS :SR:r1)!}~ s ;: ctTI\TERTS I:E",' ! 'fA cT':rnmp.y S"J:?:E:PDTrrr,ElmE:;C]: &: OV'~B'mt:.D TOrrt\LS .,. (2) T~e said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the dul~Tt ap!'oin ted :t ~ms1'1i l}. road superint enden t and on work perfOr'^led in accordance with ~he Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmi t Triplicate copies b l' this b~T-18w to the district office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not later than llarch 31st of the said year. -- (4) The approval of the Ontario Uunicipal board shall be obtained befpre any expendi ture is authorized or work commenced which w ill be ftnanced b"? the issue of debentures' or' monies rai sed in a sl1bseauent ,rear. . l~eeting'adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Clerk. ~ . .. ~...,,~~( h~t-/ki' ' Reev~ .. R:GGT:r~:~,r1 ~/rrsETI~TI} O? TIIJ~ c;CtJITC~L OF rT1:E-I2 TOVrNSEI? OF C:::...APlCE AU@lSt 2, +966 at 10 am. Council Che~mber, Orono:' \',. Present: Reeve J. W. S:one ( Deputy Reeve L. A. Perrault Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor O. IT..Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk }.I. ::~. I\~illson The minu+,es of meetings held on ~111y 5th and 21st, 1966, were. 8"DT.lroved on Dotion [)? Lloyd Lowery, secol~ded b:r O. II. Falls. - C9rrled. .." l~r. KaST)'3,:r :101len a~:peared at Council r'1~eti:le: and requested the . closin,0: of lJt:.'t of t1:e road sllowanoe, now U!lor;ened,betv-:reen Lots 2 &, 3, COTlce.ss".on i, for which service he agreed to pay the 118U81 costs for .. . . d'b ;"1)"R n T q .\ the said t1rolJosed closir~c. A plan of tr.e rOAd prep3.re . ~ _:.~...rown, ,)e..He.. ~i;ua ,!"?S ,,::resented to Council by l~r. Hollen. . /, . .., 1'"1'. J'red Richardsonoom:plained 0:'" drainG?-.:e 1'1'0'"1 the Y"''.1"''lClp81. road ~'7 l~j S T',ro',:,ertv. Peeve ,T. W. Stone sugo-;;:,st eo.. th,:, t t1: e r08d and b~ldD'e . .... . v 1 1I d' . t. t ton i s d '1"'8' 1'1 <) rr-(::> cOrnr<1it.tee end t'l-,e road s1JI'erintendent 8.1011.... lnves lP'P:e "'/Ii' p~' ~...:.> 80''3i!1 ,~t the site. rrt~j.s 8rrengement WAS, agreed u~:}O!1. V'lth !~..lc}->ardSDn '3.:rd tl-,e rro:!:,osed meeting was set tentqtj.~rely for .\ncu.st 23ra next.