HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/1966 /' REGULAR MEETINU OF rIm.: COUNOIL OF Th'E TO\lfr-TSHIP OF CLA-RKE ~uly 5, 1966, at 10 a.m. Council Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve ~. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrau~t Councillor R.G. Chater Counoillor O.H. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H.E. Millson . The minutes of meetings heidJune 7th and 28th, 1966, were approved on mot.ion by Lloyd Lowery, seconded "Qy O.H.Falls. - Ga~ried. Mr. Roy A. Foster met wi th Council to request the closing Qt' ~'7'i ; part of . the main street in Kendal for purposes of a Street DanC6Qil,': op.; July 20th next and suffioien t snowfence to block off the intended area' The former matter was referred to Resolution while the latter was' ... suggested that he personally contact the Road Superintendent to ,acquire the loan of the necessary snowfence. Further, Mr. Foster gave Oouncil a brief report of the.progress of the proposed Graham Creek Reservoir project. . It was moved by O.H.Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery that Council recess for lunch at 12 noon. - Carried. Council, resumed ~ession at 1:30 p_m. Mr. E. R. Woody~d, Chairman of Trustees of Polioe Village of Orono, discussed a number of matters which were of interest to both the Trustees and. Council. Mr. M. L. Ros,s, Road Superintendent, appeared at Council Meeting from 1:30 - 3 p.m. to disouss the business on hand pertaining to his department. The, following Correspondence and reports were read out by Reeve J.W.Stone: ' 1. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority re financial statements for the year 1965. . 2. Central Lake Onmario Conservation Author1ty re Minutes dated May 31, 1966. . 3. Alex Carruthers M.P.P., Durham re interseotion at Higpway 115 and 35, county road #1 and the sixth concession road allowance. - Filed. 4. The United Counties of Northumberland and Durham re By-law No. 2097. - Received. p. South Haven Nursing Home re increase in rates. - Copy to be sent to .Finance Committee. 6. Department of Highways re resolution #101 - for signs on Highway !To. 35 and 115 to warn traffic of the entranoe and exi t of School Buses at Clarke Township High School. - Received.t 7. The Ontario Munioipal Association ret68th Annual Convention, Oity (of Hamil ton, August 21st-24th. - Filed 8. Lake Ontario Development Association re New Look for LOda. - Filed. 9. United Counties of Northumberland and Durham reo dissolution of former union school seotions 18, 24, and 19, being Cavan, Clarke aid Manvers respectively. - Fil~d. . . 10. Canadian Underwriters' Association re MUnioipal Fire Protection Survey as business brought forward from ~une 7, 1966. - Tabled. 11. Ontario Denartment of Agriculture and Food, Agricultural and Horticultural Societies re Newtonville Community Hall. - Filed. 12. Durham Oounty District High School Board re the Ontario J~unicipai Board Deoision of June 17, 1966 concerning the Proportion of Liability for 1966. - Filed. ' 13. The Ontario Municipal Association re the report on the proposed amalgamation of the Association of Ontario M'ayors and Reeves and the Ontario Munioipal Association. - Filed. 14. SolicitorE. R. Lovekin re Newtonvi11e Presbyterian Cemetery. - Refer copies to' Clarke Cemetery Board. ( .., 15. Northumberland and Durham Health Unit report for May 1966. - Filed. 16. Department 0 f Municipal Affairs re Financial Statements and Audi tors Report 1965. - Filed.. " 17. The Ontario Mun1cipel Bo~rd re Validation of ~T-law 1515. - Reoeived. 18. _. Union Rod and Gun Club request to install a ch11drens wading pool on their property. - Copies of this letter be referred to the Counties Health Unit and the Building Inspector for their replies to the Union Rod and Gun Club. . 19. Russell C. Honey, M.P., Durham re cOffiDlaint of road drainage. - Flled. 20. The Ontario 1fun1cipa1 Boarq ~e M.W.A.P. No.1 Validation of By.-Law 1.5,15. - Filed. &,;il ., Page 2 - Counci I Meeting ~uly 5, 1966, 00 ntinlJ.eQ.: 21. 1~. C.A.Holmes, Inspector of Schools re the dissolution of former U.S.S. No. 18, 24, 19, Cavan, Olarke and Menvers. - Received. 22. Hamiltons Insurance Servioe re Policy # 21 81 05, The Wawanesa. Mut. .Ins. Co., Clarke Township Town Hall, Orono, Ontario. - Received. 23. l~. Donald H. Staples re application for tile drain loan. -Tabled. 24. Mr. C. D. Fitzgibbon (re purchase of unopened road allowance. _ Clerk to c orresnond to inquire ,if Mrs. Fi tzgi bbon will assume the"Cl't!Jst of clo.sing the said unopened road allowance. 25. W. B. Bennett Paving & Materials Ltd., re quotation to construct ,312 feet of. sidewalk in Newtonville. - Referred to Resolution. 26. Trustees of the Police Yillage of Orono re Resolution No. 66-85 dated ~uly 4, 1966. -. Referred to Resolution. 27... Trustees of the Police Village of Orono re Resolution No. 66-87 dated July 4, 1966. - Referred to By-laws. 28. The Consumers' Gas Company request to locate a trailer near the Township Offices for the ~urposes of providing an,information centre. Referred to Resolution. 29. Trustees of the Polic~ Village of Orono re Dissolutionment of operating under Lo~al Improvement By-law No. l36~. ~ T~e context of this communication to be e'nacted by resolution of the Trustees and forwarded to Council. 30. Central Ontario.~oint Planning Board re Regional Studies Research Program Report 1 on Historical Background. ( 31. Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re Andrew Thompson, M.P.P. lands taken on southern limit of Lot 8, Con. 8., Twp. o~ Clarke. - ~oad Superintendent reported to Mr. Lovekin that fence had been built last summer. 32. Mr. .M:.'Y.Hayman re Fullfillment of terms part Lot #9, Con. B.F. Township of Clarke. - 33., Mr. ~ohn,Koropatwa re our advertisement to Resolution. . The following resolutions were passed: Resolution No. 121: Moved by.Robert G.. Qhater, secon,deq. by L.A. Perrault: .. . Resolve that tender for hay b~ and is hereby open~d. - Carried. Resolution No. 122: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by L.A.jerrault: The tender for hay received from Mr. John Koro~atw~oe and is hereby acoepted as per tender. - Carried. Resolution No. 123: Moved by R. G. Chater, s~oonded by L.A.Perrault: With reference to Resolution No. 111 dated June 7, 1966, this Couneilhereby authori ze th~ Treas~t.er to request the ~epartment of Municip8l.\f:('airs to olarify ~ the action now taken .in said Resolution No. 111 in accordanoe with Section~ 297 and 298 of The Municipal Act and Amendments thereto. - Carried. Resolution No. 124: Moved by R.G.Chater, seconded by L.)..Perrault: Resolve that the :Durham County Central Agricultural Society be granted $200.00 ~or the year 1966. - Carried. Resolution No.. 125: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Lloyd LOwery: . Resolve tnat the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to sign and seal the "Offer to Selltt 1\grE1ement dated 5th day of ~uly, 1966, between this Munioipality end Martha Laughton Coryell. ... Carried. Resolution No. 12': Moved by R.G.Chater, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: In acoordance ,nth Bv-law No. 1488, this Council hereby authorize the- Reeve and Clerk to sign & deed dated the 28th day of ~une 1966 between the Corporation Of-the Township of Clarke and Andrew Ernest ~oseph Thompson. - Carried. Resolution No. 127: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by L.A.Perrault: ~ Resolve that the following payments by llr. and'Mrs.. Orial Edgerton for Newtonville Street Lighting be 8I}.d are hereoy rebated and d~bited to the respective Controlling Account as property incorrectly obta.rged for this service and not w1tbin the defined area. - Years Amount 1960 '1.96 1961 2.10 1962 1~96 1963 . . . 2.60 1964 2.03 1965 2.02 Total Rebate $1~.6~ . . of offer to purchase Filed. of Hay for Sale. -Referred \ \. . I Carried. Page 3 - Council Meeting ~uly 5, 1966, oontinuef.i: ResolutionNoo 128: Moved by Orme Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: , This Council hereby instruct and authGriz$ the Tr9asu~er to canael and adjust the 1966 Tax Acoount No. 225 with regard to the Newtonville Community Hall as the said:Hall is established under By-law No. .1493 in accordance wi.th the Community Centres Act. - Carried. ' . R€solution No. 129: }.~oved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by. Lorne A. Ferrault: " Resolve that the quotatio.n ofW.B. Bennett Paving Limited for the' construction of 312 feet. of asphalt sidewalk along HighWr No.2 in the Hamlet of Newtonvill~ be and is hereby ac. cep., ted as per. . q tat.ion.subject. ...... .... to the. ap:proval of tile Departmen.t of Highways of Ontarlo - Carried.. '. Resolution No. 130: lffoved by Orme Falls, seconded by Robert Go Ch~ter: This Council hereb~T endorse 'Resolution No. 66-85 dated .ruly4, 1966, of the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono. . A oertified copy of Resolution 'No. 66-85 of the said Trustees together with a certified copy of this Resolution be referred to the . attention of Mr. ~. R.Best, Building Inspector for the Township of Clarke. Certified copies of the said Resolutions. be referred to the Federal Department of Public Works, 241 ~arvis Street, Toronto, Ontario, attention: Mr. R. B. Fonberg. - Carried. Resolution No. 131: Moved by L. A. Perrault, seconded by R. G. Chatsr: The Canadian National Railways are hereby Ruthorized to construct through the public road crossing at mileage 287.26 of their Kingston sjD two additional tracks, one.to the north and one to the south of their existing tracks as shown on their plan No. 11-072 dated March 30,.1966. Further, that Solicitor E. B. L0vekin and the Clerk be and are hereby authorized to transact this business with the Canadian National Railways. - Carried. . Resolution No. 132: Moved by Ro G. Chater, seconded by Lo.A. ,Perrault: Resolve that ,the Reeve and Clerk be and are.hereby authorized to sign and seal seven copies of Canadian National Railways PlaD No..11-072 dated March 30, 1966, on behalf of this m11nicipality. ' A oertified copy of this resolution be referred to the municipal solicitor, Mr. E. R. Lovekin. - Carried. Resolution No. 133: Moved by R. G. Chater, seconded by O. H. Falls: This Oounoil hereby permit The Consumers' Gas aompany to locate a trailer near the Township Offices for the-purposes of providing an information centre on provision the.said trailer is removed on o~ before October 15, 1966. A certified.copy of this resolution De forwarded to the said Consumers' Gas Company. - Carried. Resolution No. 134: Moved by Orm. Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery: This Council declare Civic HOliday, August 1, 1966, as a legal holiday in the Township of Clarke. - Carried. . . Resolution :r-To. 135: Moved by ~loyd Lowery, seoonded by Orme Falls: Resolve that the Kend!:ll ~Recreai;ion Commi ttee request for permission to close off part of the Main Street at Kendal on the evening of July 20, 1966, for nurpose of B. Street Fair and Dance, be .and is hereby ~ranted. A cony of this resolution be referred to Mrs. George Mercer, Secretary of th~ said Reoreation Commi ttee. - Carried. . Resolution No. 136: Moved by L. A. Perrault, seconded by Orme Falls: , This Council hereby approve and accept the plan of renovat~on for the construction of a public .library in the basement ot the Township Hall as submitted by the Hoard of Orono Public Library. - Carried. Resolution No. 137: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by LoA.Perrault: Resolve thet the following pay vouohers be and are hereby authorized by the signing officers of this munioipality: . General Voucher No.7 for ~uly 1966 in the total amount of $9,876.95 Road Voucher No.'6 for ~une 1966 in the total amount of $13,800.46 General Welfare Vouoher No. 7 for .T'lly 1966 in the total amount of $ 8 28 . 5 2 Police Village.of Orono Voucher No.6 for ~une 1966 in the total amount of $617.64. - Carried. The following is an additional item under Correspondence and reports ..... dealt with at this meeting: - 34. Canadian National Railways re Road Crossing Revisions wuleage 287.26 Kin@ston Subdivision, Acoount C.T.C. Passing tracks. - Referre~ to Resolutions. ", Page 4 - Council Meeting .r'lly 5,1966, continued: w , The following by-law wes read a first and second time only: - "By-Lpw Fo. -" A by-law to a:9nrove of and to authorize the entering into an agreement by the Corporation of the Townshin of G~arke with the Trustees of the Police Villa~e of Orono daied ~he d f 6 .-, ..aY 0 19 6, respecting fire ~rotection within the Town~rip of Clarke. '-. . W~~EREII.S it has been deemed eX1)edient to enter into an agreement with the Trustees o~, the Police Village of Orono, dated the day of 19bb, for the purpose of providing fire protection for the Fire District of the Townshi-r of Clarke. . rrhe Council of the Corporation or" the Townshi'l} of Clarke ENACTS 8.S follows: .. 1. tm agreement between the Trustees of the Police iTi llage of O!'ono and the Corporation O,t'r"the TownE;,hip of Clarke dated the'- . 'day of 1966, a copy of which is nereunto annexed, is hereby accent ad ana. approved by the' Corpora ti on of the TOVl]nshi p of Clarke, aDd the :Reeve and Clerk of this Corpbratioh are hereby authorized 8nf,dir~cted to execute the said agreement on behalf of the said Cor1)oration. , . The following by-laws were read a first, second and thirdztime and finally nassed:- By-Law No. 1.520: Being a bv-law to define a fire district wi thin the ---. \ limi ts of~ The Corporation of The' Townshi n of 01arke. '.'nrEHEAS the Counci 1 of The Corporation 01' the Tbwnshi n~ of Ola.rke deems it eX":)edient to. establish a fire district;. - NOW ~r.~R~FORE the Council of The Corporation of The Township of Clarke SNAC~CS 8.S follow s: (1) TEJ\,T tl;.e area de scri bed as being Wi thin the limi ts of the Township of Clarke be and is hereby established as a fire district; (2)TRAT the above described lands ,vithin the limits of the TownShip of Clarke be ~~d they are hereby oobstituted as The Township o~ Clarke Fire District. By-Law No. 1521: To authorize the app01ntm~nt of Ross Meroer of the Village of Orono as Fire Ohief of the Township or Clarke'Fire Department. of the Corporation of the rrownship of Clarke ET'JAC':1:'S The Council 9S follows: 1. Ross 11ercer of the Village 6f Orono in the County of DurhaJl1 be and he is hereby Appointed Fire Chief o~ the Township of.Olarke Fire Den9rtment. ' . 2.-TI-IAT By-Law No. 1437 be and 1s hereby repealed. By-Law No. 1522: Being a by-law to establish rates for collection e.n(\, removel of garbage in the Police Villag@ of Orono (in accordance with the pr~visions of-sectiQn 388 (1) n~ragranh 8, of The Municipa.l Act and amendments thereto) ;:TI1EREAS it 1 s deened eJrnedient to estr:lblish a monthly rate for the collection, removal And disposal of ashes, gar'bage or'other refuse in the Police Village of Orono: TP'?HEFORE, the 1~.1nici-0al Oouncil of the Township of Clarke ENACTS. l.S FOI,LmrS: (1);1>, For the rurroses of this by-law - (a) A "residence" means a building or part of a building used as a domestic establishment and consisting of two or more rooms in which nersons usually sleep and 7)r epare and serve meals. (b) A "nlace of Business" means a building or part of a building used as a conmercial-or industrial establishment oonsisting of one or more rooms in which retail or wholesale are exercised. The rate or rates whioh shall be charged the occu~ants of buiLdings in the pOlice Village of Orono in which one or more of the forego:Lng are established sha~l be as follows: Residence ~l.OO per month Place of busine2s $1. 00 :oer r,o,on th minimum Such rates shall "be Tlayable YV::~RY ~O ~.m11T11S, due when billed 9.I1:d in default of suoh ])a:rment s11>8.l1 {be recovered in like manner as munici])al ta.xes. (4) That By-law No. 1355 be and is hereby repealed. Resolution !-To. 138: r.:oved by Orme Falls, s~conded by Lloyd L~wery: 1966- Tbj.s Oouncil hereby -adJourn to meet ageun on Tuesday, Aug~st 2, I ir regular meeting in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwlse at the c~ll of the Reeve. - Carried. ( 2) " ...: .,,' \ ( 3 ) ~~ ,"~~.. "- J Clerk. ~ .z::~ Ree#.