HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/07/1966 Page 7 - Special Meeting of Counoil, (May 17, (1966 - oontinued: Sixth Concession Road 1.5 miles - Lots 21-2.6 Conoessions 5-6. Kimball Bridge - L~t 10, Concession B.F. Hollew.ll Bridge - Lots 10/11, Concession 4 Third Concession Road 1.0 miles - Lots 25-2.8 Conoession 2-3. Meeting adjourned at 5.10 p.m. (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) incl. t incl., ~. . ...... _I Clerk. Gw 41;:;)', R".ve. . REGULAR MEETING OF THE OOUNC[L OF THE TO\~TSHIP OF CLARKE ~une 7, 1966 at 10 a.m. Oouncil Ohamber, Orono. Present: "Reeve ~. W. Stone Deputy Reeve L~ A. Perrault Councillor R. G. Chater Councillor O. H. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H. E.'M11lson Road Superintendent M. L. Ross The minutes of meetir;l.gs dated M~y 3rti and 17th, 1966, were approved on motion by L. A. Perrault, seconded by R. G. Chater. -Oarried. Mr. H. E. Walkey appeared before Council on behalf of the Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke. The members of Counei1were agreed to meet with the members of the Oommittee of Adjustment on Friday June lOth next at 8 p.m. in the Couhcil Chamber to dJscuss and consider the matters of the said Oommdttee. Messrs. R. R. McOlellan and F. E. Lvcett met with Council to discusS and consider the 1966 review of insurance. Copies of the said review were passed out to the members of Council. It was moved by O. .H. Falls, seconded by Lloyd Low~ry, that Oouncil adjourn at 12 noon for lunoh. - Carried. Oounoil resumed session at 1:45 p.m. The follOWing tenders for fencing materials were received and concluded by resolution: 1. ROlph Hardware, Oronot 2. Durham Farmers' Cbunty Co-operative, Orono 3. Lundy Fence Compahy Limited, Toronto With referenoe to a letter noted under correspondence herein Mrs. Dorothy Robinson, Chairman of the Orono Public Library Board met with Council to disouss the possibility of the said Board renting the basement of the Township'Hall for the establishment of a library. In her remarks to Cbuncil Itrs. Robinson asked the Council to consider the following matters:- . ( . ( 1. Area of (space avail~ble for accommodation of the proposed library tin the basement.' ( 2. An agreement of" leaSe betw~en the Council and said Board. 3. The amount of rent to be asked by Council of the Board. 4. Renovation of. the entrance to the basement of the Township Hall. 5. General imp~ovements to a~ea intended for accommodation of a library. ' Upon oonsideration of these matters, Mrs. Robinson asked Council to inform the Board of their decision on or pefore the early fall of this year. It was movt9d by L. A. Perrault, seconded by O. H. Falls, ..... that this Council consider the. proposal of the.. Orono Public Library Board and a meating of this Oouncil and the members of the said Board be arranged to discuss this subject. - Oarried. It was agreed by Mrs. Robinson and the Council to hold suph a meeting on Friday, June 10, 1966, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. In respeot to a letter recorded herein' under correspondence Mr. H. R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Township School Area of Clarke met with Council to discuss the content of the said letter. This business was referred to resolution. Page 2 - Council Meeting ~une 7, 1966, continued: The following correspondence and reports were read out by . Reeve ~.W.Stone:- 1. Heinrich & Hryciuk, solicitors ror st. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish re proposed construction on, Lot 24,.Con. 3 of a building on conorete piers. - The Clerk was instruoted to notify the said solicitor that the said building must comply with By-Law No. 1351 and the BUilding Inspector to be informed accordingly. 2. Ontario Good Roads Association re Directory of Comuany Members. -'Filed. - 3. Ontario Department Of Health re Elliott Cemetery. - Filed" 4. y~. R~ D. Parker request for road closing of part of road 'allowance between Lots 16 and 17, Con. 8 and pending the said closing for improvements to the said road. - Referred to the'Road and Bridge Committee and Road Superintendent to meet with Mr. Parker. ,. Orono Public Library request to rent a uart of basement of ' Township Hall for Library purp6ses. - Tfiis matter was referred to a meeting of the members of the' Council and Library Board to be held on Friday; ~une 10, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. in Counoil Chamber, Orono. 6. Zimmerman, Haywood, Winters & Chambers, Solioitors on behalf 'of The Consumers' Gas Company re the 'said Company's application for. approval of a,by-law and franchise agreement and 'for an order . declaring B:nd directing that the 'municipal electors is not necessary to the final pa~sing of such by-law and notice of hearing in connection with the said application to be held by the Ontario ~nergy Board on 10 ~une 1966 beginning at 10 a.m. at Toronto. - The Reeve was delegated to attend the said hearing. 7. Mr. R. G. Gi'bson request to this municipali ty to refrain from roadside spraying at Lot 25, Con. 3 as a protection to water fowl and small grazing animals. - Copy to be referred to Road ' Superintendent. 8,. Thomas H. Greer, Soli'ci tor for Mr. and Mrs.A. E. Roberts of Part Lot 17,' Con. 3 re loss of feno~ and a tree. - Referred to th'e Road Superintendent. 9. ~r. Alex Carruthers, M.P. P., Durham, re the. roads serving Mosport Park. - A Photostatio copy to be referred to Reeve ~.W.Stone. 10. Pope &~oebelle re Orono Municipal Water System and Resolution No. 164 dated Nov. 2, 1965. - Tabled. 11. Trustees of Police Village of Orono re their Resolution No. 66-64 dated May 24, 1966 with regard to a new proposed Post Office Build~ng. - Filed. , 12. Report of M.L.Ross, Ro~d Superintendent, to Mr. R.'G. Chater, Chair~an of Road and Bridge Committee, re Service Road Southside C.N.R. west of Cobbledick Road Lots 33,34,and 35.- Referred to resolution. 13. ,Copy ;Letter o.f Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Assooiates Limi ted, Consultin& Engineers, to Ganaraska Bridge Company re Wilmot Creek Culvert Contract 65W08. - Filed. 14. Mr. William S. Moffat request to purchase Township t ton truck. - Filed. ' . 15. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report for April 1966. - Filed. 16. Mr. C. A. Holmes, Inspector of Schools, re approval by Minister of Education to the referee's report on the dissolution of former Union section Nos. 20,23,20 of the Townships of Manvers,Darlington and Clarke respectively effective l' ~anuary 1967. - Filed. ' 17. Ontario Department of Municipal Affairs re Assessment Equalization for the Township of Clarke. - Filed. . 18. Ontario Government re Ontario Education Capital Aid Program. -Filed. 19. Township School Area of Clarke re Resolution No. 95, dated May 3, 1966. - Referred to resolutibn. . 20. Canadi~ Underwriters' Association re Municipal Fire Proteotion Survey as business brought forward from May 3, 1966. -. Tabled. 21. Gibson Orohards Limited re'Weed & Brush Control pr~ce quotations. - Refer to Road Sunerintendent. 22. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit Annual Report for 1965. - Filed. 23. Northumberland-Durham Board of Health re Plumbing Department AnnuaL Report for 1965. - Filed. 24. Ontario Water Resources Commission re Health hazard on Cross- Connections between Potable Water Distributing Systema and Hydronic or Steam Heating Plants.-Filed. 25. Bonneville & Fitzgibbon request for deed for the unopened road allowanoe between Lots 6 and 7, Con. 6. - Tabled. 26. Community Planning Associatton of Canada re 1966 Regional Planning Conferences. - Filed : ;';' . 't..~ ' ; .e. .11. ,.;t. ,;'" 'nW~t _."_..~__~._r_.' Page 3 - Council Meeting ~une 7, 1966; continued: 27. Copy letter of the Subdivisions Section, Community Planning Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs dated May 18, 1966 re proposed Subdivision in part of Lots 29 and 30, Con. 5 under file T-16764. - Tabled. 28. Ontario Department or Public Welfare re Medioal Welfare Plan referred to Welfare Administr'ator.' .. 29. Ontario Water Resources Commission letter dated May 19, 1966 re meeting"S of L?cal Advisory Committee dated ~anuary 13 and May 4,1966. -Filed. 30. Copy of letter from Orono Public Library Board to Po"pe &: Goebelle ' Chartered Aocountants, re 1965 Financial Report. - Filed: " 31. Bowmanville Area Ambulance re notification of payment on .'.. outstanding acOounts recorded in meeting on May 3rd, last. 32. Trustees of Police Village of Orono Resolution No.' 66':"6," daten May 24, 1966 re recommendation of appointment of one member to the Clarke Township Planning Board. 33. Ontario Department of Highways re approval of Supplementary Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1506. - Filed. . 34. MUnioipal Subsid~es Branch of Department of !funicipal Affairs re MUnicipal Works Assistance Program Completion of Projects. ' 35. 'Solicitor E. R. Lovekin re'registration of road closing By-Laws No. 1454, 1459, and 1488. - Filed. 36. Solioitor E. R. Lovekin re proposed dissolution of Looal Improvement Water System under By-Law No. 1369. - The Clerk was instructed to refer the said decision to Trustees of Police Village of Orono. 37. The Ontario Munioipal Board letter dated May 18, 1966 re Restrioted Area By-Law No. 1510. 38. Slerk's memo td the Reeve and Council re Restricted Area By-Law. 3'. The Ontario MUnicipal Board letter dated ~une 3, 1966 re Restricted Area By-Law No. 1479. 40. Copy of Clerk's letter to the Trustees of Police Village of Orono dated June 1, 1966 re Proposed Revisions ~o Agreement between the Council and Trustees under Fire Proteotion. - Tabled.' 41. Clerk's letter' Da'ted May 2"7, 1966 to Solici tor E. It. Lovekin and Reeve J. W. Stone re' Restricted Area By-Law. - Heferred to By-Law. The fOllowing resolutions were passed: ' Resolution No. 10.5: Moved by Lloyd' Lowery', s'eoonded by Robert. G. Ohater: As reoommended by the Needs Study Committee thiS Cuunoil hereby accept the proposal of Totten, Sims, & Hubicki and Associates Limited, Consulting Engineers, at an upset cost estimate of' $9,700.00 as per propo'sal subject iD the approval of the Ontario Department of Highw~ys.- Carried. .. Resolution No. 106: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by LorneA.. Perrault: This Counoil hereby: request the Ontario Department of Highways to improve the intersection at Highway 115 and 35, County Road No.1, and the Sixth Concession Road Allowance of this municipality at th~iT earliest convenienoe. Certified copies of this resolution be referred to Mr. D.p. Collins, District Engineer, Ontario Department of Highways, and Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. for Durham. - Carried. . Resolution No. 107: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seconded by Lorne :A..perrault: Thi~ Council hereby recommend to the Board of Trustees of~ the Township School Area of Clarke that the said Board tender for the demolition and removal of the following School Buildings: 1. Former School Section No.2, Lakeshore 2. Former School Seotion No.8, Antiooh Further this. Council approve of the sale of the following School Buildings by the said Board but woulo. request the said Board to consider the needs of futur.e aooommodation before such sale: 1. Form~r School Section No. 18, Oak 2. .Former Sohool Section No.1, Port Granby A oertified copy of this resolution b,e referred to the said Board. Reso1u.tion No. 9.5, dat.ed May 3, 1966 is hereby resoinded. - Carried. Resolut:Lorl No. 108: Moved by Robert G. Chater, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery: Wherea.s the Canadian National Railways ha.ve requested this Counoil ... for pe~i.~ion to widen the public crossi~g on the Township Road Allowanoe between Lots 32 and 33, ConcessJ.on 1, of this munioipe:l.1ty; Now Therefore this Council hereby enacts that they have no ?bjeotaon to the said request of the Canadian Nat10nal Rai'lways. - Carried.., Resolution No., 109: Moved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by Orme .Falls: In aooordance with By-LaW No. 1459, this Council hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to mign a deed dated th~ 17th day of August 196; between the Corporation of tqe ~ownship of Clarke and Robert Cecil Kent and Marjorie Helena Kent. - Carried. .. Page 4 -. Counoil Meeting ~une 7, 1966, continued: R~solution No. 110: Moved by Lorne A. Perrault, seconded by Orme Falls: In acoordanoe with By-La~ No. 1459, this Counoilhereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to &gn a deed dated the 17th day of August 1965 between The Corporation of the Township of Clarke and Walter Piersma and Rose Piersma. - Carried. Resolution No. 111: Moved By Robert G. Ohater,seconded by Lloyd Lowery: . Resolve that suffioient moneys to oover the net expenditure under By-Law No. 1516 be appropriated from the following. i tams in the current budget under By-Law No. 1509:- . , 1. The Supplementary Provision of $2,800.00 in its entirity and 2. The Balance from provision under Reserve for Replaoement of Equipment. Carried. . Resolution No. 112: Moved by Robert G.Chater,seconded by Lloyd Lowery: Resolve that tenders for fenoing materials be opened. ~arried. Resolution No. 113: Moved by R. G. Chater, seoonded by L.A.P rrault: This Oouncil hereby acc~pt the tender of Rolph Hardwar for fenoing materials as, per tender. - Carried. Resolution No. 114: Moved by L.A. Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater: . That the Council of the Township of Olarke approve the construotion Plans as submitted from the Department of Hi~hways of Ontario, for the Construction of the new interseotion of #2 Highway and the road between Lot 12-13. Provided this work is carried out at no cost to the Township of Clarke. - Carried. Resolution No. 11,: Moved by L. Lowery, seconded by R.G.Chater: -,. Resolve that the Reeve and Olerk be and are hereby authorized to sign the Wilmot Creek Culvert cont;tc~ between this Munioipality and Ganaraska Bridge Company Limited. - Carried. Resolution No. 116: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by O.Falls: Resolve that the following pay vouohers be and are hereby authorized by the signing officers of this Council: Additional payments under General Vouoher No. , for May 1966 in the amount of $566.9,. General Voucher No.6 for rune 1966 in the total amount of $12,73,.0, Road Voucher No. , for May 1966 in the total amount of $18,223.84. Additional payments under General Welfare Voucher No., for, May 1966 in, the amount pf $2,.00. General Welfare Voucher'No. 6 for ~une 1966 in the total amount of $7,0.23. , ( Police Village of Orono Vouoher No. , for May 1966 in the total amount of $2,436.12. - Carried. The following By-Laws were read a first, second and third ti\lle and finallY passed: J ' Supplementary By-Law No. 1,\16" At By-Law to provide for the 1966 Expenditures on Roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. ' Whereas the Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submrl tted to the Minister of Highways tbr approval. Therefore the Council of the Oorporation of the said Township enacts ~s follows: (l) The sum of $16,000.90 is hereby est~mated as the expenditure upon the oonstruotion and maintenanoe of the roads and bridges under its jurisdtotion during the year 1966 as follows: Construction Maintenance Total 111,000.00 $11,000.00 ,,000.00 ,,000.00 ROADS BRIDGES & OULVERTS NEW MAOHINERY SlIPERINTEJlj1)ENCE & OVERFOW> TOTALS }16,000.00 }16,000.00/ (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed tpwnship road superintendent and on work performed in aocorda.nce wi th The Highway~ Improvement Act.t (3) The clerk shall transmit Triplioate copies of this by-law to the distriot offioe of the Department of Highways, OntariO,. not l~ter than March 3~st of the said year. , (4) The approval of the Ontari.o Muni(lipal Board shall be. obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenoed which will be finanoed by the issue of debentures 'or monies raised in a Subsequent ye~r. nil if -~",;-:-:~'-;C-",-;c::~r'T"~=-: Page 5 - Council Meeting ~une 7, 1966; continued: By-Law No. 1517: A Restrioted Area By-Law of the Corporation of The Township of ClaTke. WHEREAS the Planning Board and Oouncil have agreed that there is presently a need for oertain land use controls for an interim period of time. NOW THEREFORE, the Oouneil of the Oorporation 01' the Township of Clarke enacts as follows: SEOTION 1; DEFINED .~REA: The provision of this by-law shall apply to all land now included ..... within the boundarie'S of the Oorporation of the Township of. Clarke. SECTION 2; DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this by-law, all words shall carry their customary meaning exoept those defined hereafter. "Aooessory Building" means a detached building or structure not used for human habitation, the use of which is naturally and normally incidental and subordinate to a princi!)al use, building or struoture, and located on the same lot therewith, and shall also mean and include a detached private garage or detached oarport. "Building Lot" (1) a whole lot as shown on a Registered Plan of Subdivision. (ii) a parcel of land which fronts on a publio highway which has been assumed for publio use as a public highway or fronts on a navigable body of water and shall be one of the following: (a) a paroel of land whioh existed as a separate parcel of land withou~ any adjoining lands being owned by the same owner or owners as of the date of passing of this by-law. (b) a parcel of land, the description of which is the same as in a deed (eXCluding mo~tgages) which has been given consent by the Oommittee of Adjustment for the Townshi~ of Clarke pursuant to Section 26 of The Planning Act, as amended, prior to or after the date on which this by-law is passed, or the whole remnant remaining to an owner or owners after the conveyance with oonsent of Planning' Board. For the purpose of this definition, a "registered Plan of Subfiivision" shall not include a registered plan o~ subdivision which has been deemed NOT to be a registered plan of subdivision in a by-law pursuant to Section 26 of The Planning Act, as amended. "Dwelling, One Family Detaohed" means a' separate bUilding oontaining . only one dwelling unit and used by one family only. "Dwelling Unit" means a room or suite of rooms used or designed or intended to be used as an independent and sepa~ate housekeeping establishment. "Erect" means, with reference to a building or structure, build, oonstruct, reconstruct or enlarge, and shall include: (a) Any physical operation such as exoavation, filling, grading, or draining preparatory to building, construction or reconstruction; Cb) The moving of a building or structure from one location to another; and "ereoted" and "ereotion" shall have a corresponding meaning. "Family" means --- (a) one person or two or more persons who are inter-related by bonds of oonsanguinity, marriage or legal adoption, living as a single and non-profit housekeeping unit, or; (b) not more than five unrelated persons living together as a single and non-profit housekeeping unit, or; Cc) A widow or widower with his or her ohildren and not more than . two persons unrelated to the' widow or widower, or; Cd) , the owner of the property or' two' owners of the property without any members of the family of either of such owners and one or two persons unrelated to suoh property owner or owners. "FLooF Area" means, with referenoe to a one family dwelling, or .. summer oottage, the total floor aTeas of all storeys or half storeys contained within the exterior faoes of the exterior walls of a .' building, but exoluding any private garage, breezeway, porch, verandah; sun room, attio, basement or cellar. "Lot Area" means the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot. In theoase of a corner lot ha~ing street lines rounding at the oorner with a radius o~ twenty feet or less, the lot area of iUOh-lots shall be Qalcu.le.:tela.stt the lot lines were produced to their point of interseotion. "Lot Coverage" means that percentage of the lot area covered by buildings including acoessory buildings. " Page 6 - Oouncil Meeting ~une 7, 1966; continued: "Lot Frontage" means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measur~d along the front lot line. Where the front lot line is not a straight line, or where the side lot lines are not parallel, the lot frontage shall be measured by a line twenty-five feet back from and parallel t~ the chord of the lot frontage. (For the purposes of this by-law, the chord of the lot front~ge is a straight line joining the two points where the side lot lines intersect the front lot line.) "Lot Line, Front" means the lot line that divides the lot from the street, provided ~hat in the oase of a corner lot the shorter lot line that abuts a street shall be deemed to be the front lot line, and the longer lot line that abuts a street shall be termed the flankage of the lot. In the case of a lot abutting on a navigable body of water and not abutting apy street, the lin~ opposite the water shall be the front lot line~ ' "Lot Line, Rear" means rtihe lot line opposite the front lot line. ItLot Lip.e,.Side" means a lot line other than a front or rear lot line. "Sleeping Cabin" means a building used in conjunction with a summer oottage located on the same lot therewith and used mainly for sleeping purpo'ses and shall not be a complete housekeeping unit. "Summer Oottage" means a dwelling used only as a secondary place of residence primarily for vaoation purposes and not as a permanent dwelling. "Home Occupation" means an accessory use conducted in a one family detachea dwelling or summer oottage, and (a) which is clearly secondary to the use of the dwelling unit as a private residence, (b) does not change the oharacter of the dwelling unit as a pri vate residence, ( . (c) does not have any exterior evidenoe of being conducted therein, (d) does not create or become a public nuisance in particular in regard to noise, traffio and parking, (e) does not oooupy more than 2510 of the total floor area of the dwelling unit. "Yard, Front" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of any building or struoture on the lot. "Yard, Rear" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot. "Yard., Side" means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear . (( yard. between the side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot. SEOTION 3; PROVISIONS: General No person shall, within the Township of Clarke use any land or ereot, alter or use any building or strhcture exoept for the purpose and in aooordanoe with the standards that it is lawfully being used for on the date that this by-law was passed, except as hereinafter provided. (a) Permitted Uses 111 Single or multi-family dwellings and accessory buildings. (ii) Summer oottages with sleeping cabins and accessory buildings. (iii) Home oooupations. (iv) Public uses and buildings owned by the Dominion Provincial Government, of t~e Oorporation of the Township of Clarke. (v) Public utilities. (vi) Temporary uses:, The erection or use of any building or structure for a construction camp, work camp, tool shed, scaffold, or other building or structure incidental to and necessary for construction work on the premises but only for so lon~ ~s such use, building or structure is neoessary for suoh construction work that has been neither finished nor abandoned. (vii) General agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to the publio welfare where such agricultural useage is carried on in conjunction with an area of land of ten acres or more exoept that this exception shall not be deemed t? inolude any user associated with the wholesale slaughter~ng or processing of animals or animal products for commercial purposes. Page 7 - Oouncil Meeting ~une 7, 1966; eontinued: ' (viii) Lot 12, Block 5 in the Police Village of Orono being Part of Lot 25, Ooncession ~ of the Township of Olarke. (a1 Notwithstanding any provisions of this By-LS:w to the contrary, Lot 12, Block 5 in the Police Village of Orono being Part Township Lot 28, Concession 5, described in paragraph (b) below, may be used for the purpose of a commercial building for the manufacture and sale of doughnuts and associated bakery products. (b) The lands referred to in paragraph (a) are as described as follows: All and singular that oer.tain parcel or tract of land and premises si tuate 'lying and being in the Village ot- Orono, Township of Olarke, County of Durham, and being composed of the whole of Lot Number 12 in Block 5 lying on the westerly side of Mill Street according to the plan of the said Village of Orono made by 0., G. Hanning, P.L.S., and filed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the West Riding of the County of Durham. (b) Re,ula ti ons' (i The dwelling and accessory buildings thereto shall not be built on any lot oloser than thirty (30) feet from the street or road allowance line, except in built up areas where adjacent buildings do not comply with this requirement, when this requirement may be dispensed with and the new buildings placed in line with the established and existing building line. Where Oounty or Department of Highways regulations are more stringent, suoh regulations shall apply. (ii) (a) Minimum Lot Frontage and Area Requirements Lot areas and frontages shall conform to the minimum require- ments set out in the following table: Single Duplex or Family Semi-Detached Dwelling Dwelling . Minimum Frontage With Full Services With Municipal Water Supply With No Services Ninimum Lot Area With Full Services Multiple Family Dwelling ,5,000 60 80 100 6,000 80 80 100 8,000 sq.ft.: plus 2,000 sq.ft. for every unit in excess of 3. 50 75 100 ":~ (i v) With Municipal Water Supply 7,500 10,000 With No Services 15,000 15,000 (b) Non-Conforming Registered Lots Where a building lot having a lesser width and/or area than that required herein is held under distinot and separate ownership from adjacent building lots at the time of the passing of this By-Law as shown by the reoords of the Registry or Land Titles Office or where such lot is created by expropriation, such building lot may be used for the permitted uses provided that all other requirements of this By-Law are complied wi the { The total building area shall cover no more than 341c (thirty-four) percent of the lot area. 4510 (fOI"ty-five) peroent of minimum lot area shall have no more than 1 (one) foot fall in 10 (ten) fee~. No building shall be erected for residential or commeroial uses on any land which due to its low lying, marshy or unstable character is oonsidered unsuitable for the .. .. installation of proper sewage and drainage .facilities. A side yard shall be provided on each side of a main building with a minimum width of (4) four feet on each side, plus (2) two feet on eaoh side for each additional storey above the first, and no eave shall project more than (24) twenty-four inohes into any required side yard. Not permitted Not permitted (iii) ~ Page 8 -, Council Meeting ~une 7, 1966; oontinued:.~ (v) No aocessory building shall be located within (3) three feet ,of the Duilding to whieh it is acoessory, or wi thin (6) six' feet of any required window lig~ting a habitable room, nor exceed one storey in height or (1,) fifteen feet above ground leveL The foundations shall be' a minimum of (2) two fe,et and the eave projec ti'on a niinimum of (18) eighteen inches from t"he lot line. (vi) No single family one storey dwelling shall have a:-li'virrg space ground floor area of less than seven hundred and twenty (720) sq. ft. and no storey and a half or two storey building shall have a living space floor area of less than eleven hundr.ed (1100) sq. ft. and each family unit in any multi-uni,t dwelling shall have .not less than seven hunfrred and twenty (720) sq. ft. floor spaoeper family unit. (vii) Nothing .in this by-law shall be oonstrued to permit the use of any land for arrypurpose, that creates, or is likely to become a m.uisance or offentsi ve, by the creation of noise or vibration or by reason of the emission of gas, fumes, dust or objeotionable odours or by reason of the unsightly storage of goods, wares, merchandise, salvage, refuse matter or other material. Nothing in this by-law shall operate to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of any other by-law of the Township of Clarke in force from time to time, of the obligation to obtain any licence, permit authority or approval required under any by-law of the Township of Clarke or any other government agency. penal~: y person convicted of a breach of the provisions of this .By-Law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion or the convicting magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of $300.00 for each offense, exclusive of .oosts. .. This by-law shall come into force and take e1'fect on the day it is passed by Counoil, subjeot to the approval of ~he Ontario Munioipal Board. " . THAT By-Laws No. 1510 and No. 1,14 be and are hereby repealed. Resolution No. 117: Moved by O. Falls, seconded by L. A. Perrault: This Counoil hereby adjourn to meet agaih on Tuesday ~uly " 1966 at 10 a.m. in the Counoil 'Chamber at Orono or otherwise at the call of the Reeve. - parri~d. ' ~ Clerk. . .. _.....- ) . Reev~ .~ "1AJ SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OFt THE ~rOWNSHIP OFCLA1UCE. J"une' 28, 1966, .et 10 a.m. Oouncil Chamber, Orono. Present: Reeve ~.W.Stone Deputy Re~ve L.A. Perrault Councillor.R.G.Chater- Couhcil.lor O.B. Falls Councillor Lloyd Lowery -, Clerk H.E.Millson Special meeting of Councll ~~s, called by Reeve John W. Stone to consider the following business on ~and. Messrs. '.Charles World and Mark Wolnik, representfJ,ti ves. of Consumer' & f}as _ Co., ap:geared before 'Oouncil to request the passing of the Franchise By-law. This business was referre~ to By-law. . Mr. E.R. Woodyard, Chairman of the Polioe Truste~s of, the Police Village of Orono disoussed certain matters concerning the interests of the Police Trustees with Counoil. . yrr. Lawrenoe. Greenwood, Chairman of the Board of' Trustees of the Townshin School Area of Clarke, met with Council to discuss a request for an ~dvance on current levy and the subject .of olosed school buildings. This business was referred to Resolutions.