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COuncil Meeting May 3, 196b, oontinued:
19. That By-Law No. 1191, No. 1426, No. 1427, No. 1428, No. 1429,
.No. 1434, No. 1~3}, ~nd No. 1436 be and are hereby repealed.
20. This by-law oomes into etfeot on the day it is passed by Counoil.
By-Law No. 1513: A By-Law of ~he ~nioipal Counoil of
the Township of Clarke, Provinoe of
Ont&rio, for the admini&tration of
Abandoned Cemeteries taken over by
thi s Muni oipali ty .in aooordanoe wi.th
the Cemeteries Aot, R.S.0.1960.
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and necessary that a Sy-Law
be passed for thee establishment of a Munioipal Cemetery Board to
administer and operate the following Abandoned Cemeteries:
Name of Cemetery Looation Size
Christian Churoh Cemetery Lot 2tl, Con. 5 l-aire more or less
Lawrenoe's Back Churoh Cemetery Lot 34, Con. 7 1/3 " " " "
MoNeile & Neely Cemetery Lot 31, Con. 7 1/8" " " "
Nay & Staples Cemetery Lot 31, Con. 8 1/8" " " "
Lawrenoe's Cemetery Lot 21, Con. 5 1 It " tI "
White Churoh Cemetery Lot l3, Con. 4 1 " " " ·
MoNeil Property Cemetery Lot 15, Con. 3 1/8" " " "
Bethel Cemetery ,. ~ot 28, Con. , 1/4" " " ·
Brown Family Cemetery Lot 21, Con. 2 l/4" tI tI "
Gifford:Cemetery Lot 15, Con. 2 1/8" · " "
Smith Cemetery Lot ',Con. 4 1/4" " " "
Elliott Cemetery Lot 9, Con. 8 1/4 ~ " " "
Therefore the Munioipal Counoil Qf,the Corporation of the
Townshi:p of Clarke enacts as follows: . ,
(1) That the management and oare Qf the said oemeteries be
placed in the hands of a board, whioh shall be known as "The
Cemetery Board of the Township of Clarke" and ~hall oonsist of
seven members who shall be appointed by the Counoil by resolution
to hold.offioe for three years or until his sucoessor is appointe~
with the exception of the first appointed members of the Board of
whom 2 shall be appointed for a period of 3 oalendar years, 2 for
a period of 2 oalenda~ years and 1 for a period.of 1 oalendar y'ear.
(2) Any ratepayer who is a resident of .the MUnioipality, and
of the age of twenty-one years, may be appointed a member of the
board. . .
(3) In ease of vaoanoy in the said Board by removal, resig-
nation or death or any other.oause .hatsoever, qf any of the
appointed Members of the Board during their term of office, the
MUnioipal Counoil will appoint a person to fill t~e v.acanoy,
thereby oreated. .
(4) The Board shall have and may exeroise within the
Munioipali ty all the powers and perform all the. duties. Qf a .
MUnioipal Council with respeot to the said Abandoned Cemeterie~.
(5) It shall be the duty of th~ Cemetery, Board and they shall
have power:
To appoint a Chairman and a Secretary Treasurer
of the Board, and the Board is authorized to
pay the Seoretary Trea~urer suc~ salary for his
serv.ica aa the BQard shall deem jus.t and r~gh~.
To fix the time and plao~ of meeting of the Board
and the mode of oalling and oonduoting suoh meetings.
To see that a true and correct aooount is kept of
the prooeedings of the meetings.
To oarry out and enforoe all By-laws, rules and
regulations relating to the Cemeteries whioh may
hereafter be passed.
To submit. all aooounts, books; vouchers and other
doouments to be audited by the Municipal Auditor at
th~ same ti~e and under the same conditidns whioh
apply to other Munioipal Audits.
To submit to the .Oounoil of the said Corporation .
a statement of the finanoial dealings of tne said
Board for the past twelve months up to arid !nclu-
d~ng the 3~stday of Deoember of the same year. .
To transfer all monies heretofore and hereafter
reoeived for the perpetual care of lots or of thd
oeIQ.eteries ~o the Munioi,pal Treasurer/ a trust
oompany/ the Publio Trustee, to be invested in
( e)
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Oounoil Meeting May 3, 1966,. continue,d:
Tru.ste6; seour1ti8!l as s.et op.t in Sections 27 and.
2.8 of The Cemeteries Act, R.S..O. 19.60 Chapter. 47.
Nothing in this By-law or Amendments thereto shall be a ~ontra-
vention of the CemetEfriesAot R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 47 and Amendments
thereto. .
(6) That By-Law No. 1403 and By-La~ No. 1417 be and are hereby
repealed. .
Resolution No. 99: Moved by O.H.Falls, seconded by L.Lowery:
ThisCounoiL hereby. adjourn to meet again on June 7, 1966,
at 10 a.m. in the Counoil Ohamber at Orono in regular meeting
or otherwise at the call of the Reeve. - Carried.
~' .
~ . ~----~~~......../
May l7, 1966, at 3 p.m.
Oounoil Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault
Councillor R. G. Chater
Oounoillor O. H. Falls
Counoillor Lloyd Lowery,
Olerk H. E. Millson
Speoial meeting of Counoil was oalled by Reeve ~. W. Stone
to oonsider the following business:
'Phe following oorrespondence was read out by the Reeve:
1. Mr. Horaoe R. Best, Building Inspeotor, re proposed new
Post Offioe in Orono. - Referred to the Trustees of the Police
Village of Orono.
2. Lake Ontario Regional Library Oo-Operative re invitation to
attend a meeting to be held in the Cobourg Publio Library Audi-
torium on June 1, 1966, at 8.1.5 p.m. - The Clerk was instructed
to inform the said Regional Library Co-Operative that Messrs.
~. W. Stone, L. A. Perrault and Lloyd Lowery were delegated on
'behalf of Counoil to attend the said meeting.
3. .Department of Highways of Ontario re approval of By-Law
No. 1.50.5. - Filed.
.. Department of Highways of Ontario re Fair Wage POlioy on
MUnicipal contracts. - Filed.
.5. The Hydro-Eleotric Power Oommission of Ontario re Advance
Payments of Grants in Lieu of Taxes. - Filed.
6. Department of Highways of Ontario re notioe of Advanoe
Payments of Subsidy. - Filed.
7. W. K. Lycett, Solioitor for Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Irwin, re
proposed Irwin Subdivision. - The Clerk was instructed to reply
, to Mr. Lycett stating that Council are prepared to consider
taking over the road allowance as requested as soon as a
registered plan of subdivision has been approved by The Commu-
nity Planning Branoh of the Department of MUnicipal Affairs
and further that this Council has approved of the said Appli-
cation of Subdivision.
8. Zimmerman, Heywooa, Winters & Chambers, Barristers &
Solicitors, re proposed franohise agreement between this MUni-
oipality and The Oonsumers' Gas Company. - Filed.
9. Department of Htghways of Ontario re approval of By-Law
No. 1.508. - Tabled and a photostatio copy to be referred to
Reeve J. W. Stone.
10. Department of Highways of Ontario re approval of Contract
6,wa8 Wilmott Oreek Culvert' Construotion. - Filed. .
11. Mr. W. ~. Caldwell, Seoretary, Orono Hortioultural Society,
re appointment of Mrs. T. Fairbrother as a representative on the
Township of Clarke Centennial Committee. - Filed.
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Special Meeting of the Council, May 17, 1966. - continued:
12. Cqpy ~etter of Totten, Sims Assooiates Limited to
Ganaraska Bridge Company re Wilmott Creek Chlvert under
Contraot 6;w08. - Filed.
13. Copy letter of Totten, Sims Associates Limited to
Mel-Ron Construotion re Wilmott Creek Culvert under Contract
6.5\f08. - Filed.
14. Copy letter of Totten, Sims Associates Limited to Mr.
D. Collins, Distriot Engineer, Department of Highways, re
Wilmott Creek Culvert under Contraot'6;W08. - Filed.
1.5. The Ontario MUnioipal Board re By-Law No. 1;10. - Filed.
16. Durham County District High School Board request for
Council to pass a resolution aSking the Department of High-
ways to ereot signs on Highways 3; and 11; to warn traffio
that school buses turn off and enter the Highway at the
entrance to the Clarke High School. - Reterred tO,resolution,
17. Report of H. E. Mtllson, Treasurer, re By-Law to
authorize the borrowing upon debenture under M.1J.A.P. #1. -
Filed. '
18. Department of Tourism and Information re appointment
of looal committee, as business brought forward from meeting
of May 3, 1966. - Referred to resolutio~.
19. Report from the Solioitor and Clerk in respeot to
suggested amendments (seoond request) of the Ontario Mqnioi-
pal Board and Planning Branoh of the Department of MUnioipal
. Affairs to the Restricted Area By-Law, as business brought
forward from meeting held on Maroh 2;, 1966. - Referred to
20. Deputy-Reeve L.A.Perrault submitted the name of Miss
Catherine Stewart as a representative of the ,Kendal Women's
Institute. This name was referred to the Township of Clarke
Centennial Committee. ~ Filed.
The following resolutions were passed:
Resolution No. 100: Mov~d by L.A.Perrault, seconded by
R.G.Chater: (
In aooordanoe with By-Law No. 14;9, this Oounoil hereby
authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign ~.deed dated the 17th
day of August 196; between The Corporation of the Township
of Clarke and Robert Henry Benson. - Carried.
Resolution No. 101: Moved iy O.H.Falls, seoonded by Lloyd
. This Council hereb,1 request the Department of Highways
of Ontario to ereot signs on Highway 3; and 11.5 to warn
traffio that sohool buses turn off and enter the said High-
w,y at the entrance of the Clarke Town~hip High School ~n
Lot 28, Conoession 3, of the Township of Clarke.
Certified oopies of this resolution be referred to The
Department of Highways of Ontario and the Seoretary-Trea'surer
of the Durham County ,Distriot High Sohool Board. - Carried.
Resolution No. 102: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.
Perraul t :
Resolve that the Road Superintende~t be and is hereby
authorized to advertise for fenoing mater~als. - Carried.
Resolution No. 103: Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by O.H.
Falls: .
Resolve that the following Pay Vouoher be and is hereby
authorized for payment by th,e signing offioers of thi s muni-
oipality: An Additional payme~t under General Vouoher No. .5
for May 1966 in. the amount of $lQ.OO. - Carried.
Resolution No. 104: MOved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.
This Counoil hereby appoint the folJ-owing persons to
represent this munioipali ty on the Township of Clarke Cen-
t~nnial Committee: Mrs. Sid. Lancaster, Mr. Sidney Lancaster,
Mrs. Emil Sohmid, Mr. Harvey Partner, Mrs. .Tames Stark, Mr.
Donald Staples, Mrs. T. Fairbrother, Mr. .T. W. Stone.
Certified oopies of this resolution be referred to the
aforementioned persons and the Department of Tourism and
Information. - Carried.
Page ; -
Speoial Meeting of the Council - oontinued:
May 17, 1966.
The fOllowing By-Laws were given first,'seoond and third
reading and finally passed: ( .
By-Law No. 1~l4: A Restricted Area By-Law
w~REAS he Planning Board and Counoil have agreed that
there is presently a need for oertain land use oontrols tor an
interim period of time.: .
- NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town-
'ship of Olarke'enacts as follows:
The provision of this by-law shall apply to all land now
inoluded within the boundaries of the Corporation of the Town-
ship qf Clarke.
For the purpose'of this by-"law, all'words shall carry their
ou~tomary meAn.~ng except those defined hereafter.
"Acoessory Building" means a detaohed building or structure not
used for human habitation, the use of which is naturally 'and
normally incidental and subordinate to a 'principal use, building
or struoture, and located on the same lot therewith, and shall
also mean and include a detaohed private garage or detached oar-
por t ~
-Building Lot-
(i) a whole lot as shown on a Registered Plan of Subdivision.
(ii) a paroel o~ land (whioh fronts on a publio highway whioh has
been assumed for publiC use as a publio highway or fronts
. on a navigable body of water and shall be one of the
(a) a paroel of land whioh existed as a separate
paroel of land without any adjoining lands being
owned by the same owner or owners as of the date
of passtng ofth~s .by-law. '
(b) a paroel of land, the desor~ption of which is the
same as in a deed (exoluding mortgages) which has
been given oonsent by the Committee of.Adjustment
for the Township of Clarke pursuant to Seotion26
of The Planning ~ot, as amended, prior to or after
the date on whioh this by-law is pa~sed, or the
whole re~tremainingto an owner or owners after
the oonveyance with oonsent of Planning Board.
No person shall, within the Township of Clarke use any
land or ere~t, alter or use any building or struotur~ except
for the purpose and in aocordance with the standards that it
is laWfUlly being used for on the date that this by-law was
pe.ssed,exoe-pt as hereinafter provided.
(b). ~ermitted Uses ' .
TI) Single or mult;-family dwellings and aooessory
,(ii) Summer oottages with sleeping oabins and aooessory
bui Iding-s.
(iii) Home occupations.
(iv) Public uses and buildings owned by the Dominion
Provincial Government, of the Corporation of the
Township of Clarke.
(v) Pu-blio Utili t.ie&.
,('Vi) Temporary uses: 1J.'h.e erection or use- of any building
or struoture for a oonstruotion oamp, work oamp,
tool shed, soaffold, or other building or structure
inoidental to and neoessary for oonstruotion work
011 the. premises but only for so long as suoh use,
building. or s.truoture is neoe-s.ar~ for such construo-
. tion- woZ'k .that. has been nei.the~ find.shed nor abandoned.
(vii) General agricultural uses which are not obnoxious to
the public welfare where suoh agrioultural useage is
oarried on in conjunction w~th an are~ of land of ten
aores or more except that this exoeption shall not be
deemed to inolude any user assooiated with the whole-
sale slaughtering or processing of animals or animal .
products for oommeroial purposes.
Page 4 -
Speoial Meeting of Counoil, May 17,( 1966 - Continued:
( m The dw~lling and aocessory buildings thereto shall
not be 'built on any lot closer than thirty (30) feet
from the street or road allowanoe line, e.oept in
built up areas where adjaoent buildings do not oomply
with this requirement, when this requirement may be
dispensed with and the new buildings placed in line
with the established anq existing building line.
Where County or Department of Highways regulations are
more stringent, such regulations snall apply.
(ii) (a) ~nimum Lot Frontage and Area Requirements
Lot areas and frontages shall oonform to the minimum
requirements set out in the following table:
Single Duplex or MUltiple
Family Sem1~Detaohed Family
Dwelling Dwelling Dwelling
Minimum Frontafe
With Full Serv oes
With MUnicipal W~ter
With No Services
Minimum Lot Area
With Full Servioes
8,000 sq. ft.
plus 2,000
sq.ft. for
every unit ill
excess of 3.
With MUnicipal Water Supply 7,;00 10,000 Not permitted.
With no Services 1;,000 1;,000 Not permitted
(b) NOn-COnfOrminf Refistered Lots
Where a build ng ot having a lesser width and/or
area than that required herein is held under.
distinct and separate ownership from adjaoent
buildtng lots at the time of the passing of this
By-Law as ,shown ,by the records of the Registry or
Land Titles Office or where suoh lot is created
by expropriation, suoh building lot may' be (used
for the permitted uses provided that all other
requirements of this By-Law are oomplied with.
(iii') The total Quilding area shall oover no more than 341.
(thirty-four) percent of the lot area.
4;~ (forty-five) peroent of minimum lot area shall have
no more than. 1 (one) foot fall in 10 (ten) feet.
No building shall be erected for residential or oom-
mercial uses on any land which due to its low lying,
marshy or unstable oharaoter is oonsidered unsuitable
for the installation of proper". sewage and drainage
(iv) A side yard shall be prqvi~ed on eaoh side of a main
building with a minimum width of (4) four feet on eaoh
side, plus (2) two feet on each side for eaoh addi-
tional storey above the first, and no eve shall projeot
more than (24)' twenty-four inches into any required
side yard. (
(v) No aooessory building shall be looated within (3)
three feet of the buIlding to whioh it is aooessory,
or within (6) six feet of any required window lighting
a habitable room, nor exoeed one storey in height or
(1;) fifteen feet above ground level. The foundations
shall be a minimum of (2) two feet and the eve projeo-
tion a minimum of (18) eighteen inches from the +ot
, (vi) No single family one storey dwelling shall have (.
living sapce ground floor area of less than seven hun-
dred and tweny (720) sq. ft. and no storey and a half
or two storey building, shall have a living s~aoe
floor area of less than eleven hundred (1100) sq.ft.
and eaoh family unit in any multi-unit dwelling shall
have not less than seven hundred and twenty (720)
sq.ft. floor spaoe per family unit.
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Speoial Meeting of Council, May 17,- 1966 - continued:
(vii) Nothing in this by-law shall be oonstrued to permit
the use of any land for any purpose, that creates,
or is likely to beoome a nuisanoe or offensive, by
the 'oreation of noise or vibration or by reason of
the emission of gas, fumes, dust or objeotionable
odours or by reason of the unsightly storage of
goods, wares, merchandise, salvage, refuse matter
or other materials.
Nothing in this by-law shall operate to relieve any person from .
the ob~igation to oomply with the requirements of any other by-
law qf the. Township of Clarke in force from time to time, of the
obligation to obtain any licence, permit authority or approval
required under any by-law of the Township of Clarke or any other
gOvernment agency.
y person oonvioted of a breach of the provisions of
this By-Law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the
oonvicting magistrate a penalty not exceeding the sum of
.300.00 for each offense, exolusive of oosts.
This by-law shall come into force and take effeot on
the day it is passed by Counoil, subjeot to the approval of
· The Ontario Municipal Board.
THAT By-Law No. 1479 be and is hereby repealed.
BY-Law No. 1;1;: Debenture By-LaW - to authorize.
the borrowing of $49,124.86 upon
debentures to pay part of the oost
of the purohase of land, construotion
of Road Department Maohine Garage
and reconstruction of oertain roads.
WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Clarke by By-Law
No. 1457 and 1497 authorized the oonstruction of a oertian
works as set forth insohedule "Bit attached hereto.
AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board, by' its Order
made on the 27th day of Ootober, 1964, under file No. F4;3.5-64,
approved the eXpenditure by the Corporation of the sum of
$267,530.00 in conneotion with ~the work described in the said
By-Law and the borrowing of money for suoh purposes by the
issue of debentures repayable over a term not exceeding .5 years.
AND WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs by his com-
mitment to make loan No. L148 dated the 29th day of October
1964 approved the making of a loan under The MUnioipal Works
Assrstance Act in the amount of $6.5,499.82 bearing interest at
the rate of .5-3/$10 per annum repayable over a term not exceeding
t; years.
AND WHEREAS the Oouncil by an application for a payment
on a loan dated the 4th day of February 1966, has requested the
Minister of Municipal Affairs to make a final payment on a loan;i
in the amount of $6.5,499.82.
AND WHEREAS the M1nister of 1~nicipal Affairs has requested
the Corporation to deliver to him a debenture of the Corporation
in the princi!>al amount of $49,124.86, b~aring interest at the
rate of .5-3/8~ per annum, certified as to validity by The Ontario
~~nioipal Board, as security for the rep~ent of the above loan
and it is now deemed expedi en t to au thori ze the issue and
~elivery of such a debenture.
NOW THEREFORE the Counoil of The Corporation of the Town-
ship of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
1. THAT money shall be .borrowed on the oredit of The
Corporation of the Township o~ Clarke at large by the issue of
a debenture of the Oorporation in the principal amount of
.49,124~86. The said Debenture shall bear interest a~ the
rate of ;-3/810 per annum oalculated yearly, not in advanoe, and
payable on the 1st day of March in each year 6~ the currenoy of
the Debenture. · ,
2. TRATthe said Debenture shall be dated the 1st day of
March 1966 and shall be payable in .5 equal annual payments of
prinoipal and interest combined of $11,464.48 each, on the 1st
day of Maroh in each of the years 1967 to 1971 inolusive, and
the respeotive ambunts of principal and intergst ~ayable in
eaoh of such years shall be as set forth in Schedule "A" here-
to whioh is hereby declared to be and ,to form part of this
Page 6 -
Special Meeting of Council, ,May 17, 1966 - Continued:
" . 3. THAT the said p~ents of prinoipal and interest oom-
'bined shall be payable in iaw~ul money of Canada by oheques
sent through ,the post to the registered address of theregi-
stered owner of the Debenture and suoh cheques shall be ,payable
~t par in Toronto or Montreal at the option of the payee.
( .
4. THAT the said Debenture shall be sealed with the Seal
of the Corporation and shall be si~ed by the Reeve or by some
other person authorized by ~y~Law to sign the same and by the
5. THAT there shall be raised in eaoh of the years 1967
to 1971 inclusive~ by a speoial rate sufficient therefor, over
and above all other rates on all the rateable property irl the
Township of Clarke at the same time and in the same manner as
other rates, the total annual sums of prinoipal and interest
payable in suoh years on the said Debenture as is set forth in
the fifth oolumn of Sohedule "A" attaohed hereto.
6. THAT the debenture be sold to the Treasurer of Ontario
9n the condition that he shall not sell or otherwise dispose
of the debenture except after the expiration of six months
trom the dispatoh by the Treasurer of Ontario to the Treasurer
of the Corporation, by registered mail, of a notioe of inten-
tion to sell or otherwise dispose thereof; but any subsequent
holder, subject to aomplianoe with any oonditions arising as
a result of registration of the debenture, may sell or dispose
thereof without notice to the Corporation.
7. THAT the said debenture shall contain a olause pro-
viding for the registration ~hereof pursuant to section 323
of The Municipal Aot.
8. THAT application shall be made to The Ontario MUni-
oipal Board'tor the approval of this By~Law and for the certi-
fioation of the debenture to be issued thereunder pursuant to
Part IV of The Ontario MUnicipal Board Act.
9. THAT the Reeve and the Treasurer are hereby authorized
to do all things and to exeoute all documents and other papers
in the name of the Corporation in order to oarry out the pro-
visions of this By-Law aild the Treasurer is authorized to affix
the seal of the Corporation to all suoh doouments and papers.
10. THAT all the provisions of By-Law No. 1457 and By-Law
No. 1497 not consistent with the provisions of this By-Law are
hereby repealed: .
L 148.
TO BY-LAW NO. 1;1;
;. Rate of Interest 5-3/8~
6. Term ;
(4 )
1. Loan Number
2. Amount of Loan
3. Amount of For8iveness
4. Amount to be repaid
(1) (2)
Pay men t
Date Due Princifal
1 Maroh 1967 B,B2 .02
1 Maroh 1968 ,,298.3l
1 Maroh 1969 9,798.09
1 Maroh 1970 10,324.74
1 Maroh 1971 10,879.70
(l) The purchase ot land-and oonstruotion of Road. Department
Maohine Garage on Lot 27, Concession ;.
(2) Reoonstruction of the following roads:
(i) Morgan'S Road Construotion 2.6; miles inoluding bridge -
Lots 16/17, Conoessions 2-3.
(ii) North East Project, recons,truot 4.0 miles -
Lots 4/;, Conoession 6-7, Lots 6-8 inch;
Conoession 8; and Lots 8/9; Concession 7.
(Iii) Newtonviile Realignment - Lot 11, Conoession 1
(iv) Leskard Road 2.7 miles including bridge -
Lots 30/31, Conoession 6-7
pag e 7 -
Special Meeting of Counoil, 'May 17, (1966 - oontinued:
(v) Sixth Conoession Road 1.5 miles - Lots 21-26 incl.,
Concessions 5-6.
(vi) Kimball Bridge - Lot 10, Concession B.F.
(vii) Hollellsl1 Bridge - Lots 10/11, Concession 4
(viii) Third Conoession Road 1.0 miles - Lots 25-28 inCl.,
Conoession 2-3.
Meeting adjourned at 5.10 p.m.
~une 7, 1966 at 10 a.m.
Counoil Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve~. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve L~ A. Perrault
Councillor R. G. Chater
Councillor O. H.Falls
Counoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E.'M11lson
Road Superintendent M. L. Ross
The minutes of mE?e,t.in,g:,s de.ted M~y 3rfi and .17th, 1966, were
a~p~oved on motion by L. A. Perrault, seoonded by R. G. Chater. -Oarried.
Mr. H. E. Walkey appeared before Counoil on behalf of the
Committee of Adjustment for the Township of Clarke. The members of
Counoil were agreed to meet with the members of the Oommittee of
Adjustment on Friday June lOth next at 8 p.m. in the Couhcil Chamber
to disouss and oonsider the matters of the said Commdttee.
Messrs. R. R. McClellan and F. E. Lvcett met with Council to
discusS and oonsider the 1966 review of insuranoe. Copies of the said
review were passed out to the members of Council.
It was moved by O. 'H. Falls, seconded by Lloyd Low~ry, that
Oounoil adjourn at 12 noon for lunch. - Carried.
Oounoil resumed session at 1:4; p.m.
The following tehders for fencing materials were reoeived and
concluded by resolution:
1. Rolph Hardware, Orono(
2. Durham Farmers' Cbunty Co-operative, Orono
3. Lundy Fence Compahy Limited, Toronto
With referenoe to a letter noted under correspondence herein
Mrs. Dorothy Robinson, Chairman of the Orono Public Library Board met
with Council to disouss the possibility of the said Board renting the
basement of ~he Township'Hall for the establishment of a library. In
her remarks to Cbuncil ~~s. Robinson asked the Council to oonsider the
following ma~ter~:- '( . (
1. Area of (space avail~ble for accommodation of the proposed
library(in the basement. . t
2. An agreement of'leaSe betw~en the Council and said Board.
3. The amount of rent to be asked by Council of the Board.
4. Renovation of. the entrance to the basement of the Township
;. General imp~ovements to a~ea intended for acoommodation of
a library. '
Upon oonsideration or these matters, Y~s. Robinson asked Council
to inform the Board of their decision on or pefore the early fall of
this year. It was moved by L. A. Perrault, seconded by O. H. Falls, .
that this Council consider the, proposal of the. Orono Publio Library...
Board and a meeting of this Council and the members of the said Board
be arranged to discuss this subject. - Carried. It was agreed by
Mrs. Robinson and the Counoil to hold suph a meeting on Friday, June 10,
1966, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
In respeot to a letter recorded herein' under correspondence
Mr. H. R. Best, Secretary-Treasurer, Township School Area of Clarke
met with Oouncil to disouss the oontent of the said letter. This
business was referred to resolution.