HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/1966
may;, l,66 at lO a.m.
Oounoil Ohamber. Orono.
Reeve J.W.Stone
Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault
Counoillor ~.G.Chater
Oounoillor O.H.Falls
Counoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H.E.M~llson
Boad Superintendent M.L.Ros.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read
(on motion 'by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by R.G.Ohater. - Carried. ,
'fenders for the Wilmot CreEk Culvert under Con tract No.
65Wo8 were reoe1 ved from the folloWingt
l. Ganaraska Bridge Company Limited
2. Mal-Ron Construotion.
Mr. E. R. Sims appeared at Counoil Meeting to check and
disouss the tenders on hand.
Mr. E. R..Woodyard, Ohairman of the Trustee. of the Polioe
Village of Orono, appeared before Counoil to discuss the propo.ed
Fire Department By-Laws and an option. whereby the Oounoi1 would
purohase Qertain lands for and on behalf of the Police Village
of Orono which would be suitable for garbage disposal purposes.
L.A..Perro.ult, Ohairman of the Property and Finance Oommittee,
reported a meeting of the said committee with the caretakers of
the Township Hall. In his report he stated the caretakers were
agreed to olean the Clerk's Offioe. No Change was.proposed,in
the oaretakers' contraot with Counoil.
!'he following oorrespondenoe and reports were read out by
Reev~ J.W.Stone: ,
1. Trustees of the Police Village of Orono Re~olution No. 66-'l
re~uest for Oounoil to execute the neoessary legalities to purohase
lands for anq on Behalf of the Police Village of Orono from W.B.
Bennett Company Limited. - Referred to resolution.
2. National BUilding Code of Canada re R&v1sed Edition 1965. -
Fil.d. . ., .
3. Northumberland-Durham Health Unit re BruceMJles (Walt's
Do~hnut Bakery). ~ Filed.
4. Canadian Nation^Exhibi~ion re afternoon teas in honour .ot
the women who cQIltribute ,so muoh to the welfare of their oommu-
nities. - The Clerk was instruoted to refer copies of the said.
lett~ to Reverend Long and Reverend White.
;. Lake Ontario Development Assooiation ra meeting to be held
May ;, 1966. - J.l'i~e.d. ( "
6. M1 ss Jean E. Per.rin re drAinage. }'U:"o.blem from proposed oon-
struotion of houses on Lot 19, ponoession 1.- F~led.
7. Canadian Building OffioiAls A.ssooiation re Conferenoe to be
held ~y 31 to June 3, 1966. - Filed.
8. t Northumberland-Durham Health Unit report tor Mar~ 1966. -
Filed. . .
9. D. P. Collins, Distriot Engineer, Department or Highways ra
approval pf purphase of Halr Ton G.M.C. Truck. - Filed.
10. Department of Health of Ontario re Elliott Oemetery. - 7iled.
11. Hamilton's Insurance Servioe re Fire Insurance rates for
Village o~ Orono and Canadian Underwriters Assooiation survey. -
Filed. t" .
12. D. ~. OOllin~~Distriot Engineer, Department of Highways of
Ontario re approvl'""" pfeontr~ot for loacling and hauling pi t run
gravel. - Filed. , . .
1;. D. P. COllins, DistriotEngineer, -DepartlD.ent of Highways of,
Ontario,r~ Apprpval of Contraot for orushing, d~ivering and
stook piling gravel and soreening sand. - Filed. .
14. Oopy letter of Totten Sims & Assooiates Lim1 ted.to Ganaraska
Bridge Company Limited re Crook~d Creek Brid.ge and applioation
for liquidated d.amai:ees..~,Filed.
, 1;. Messrs. Ronald RObinson, Bill Werry, Ronald.Hanoook, Bob
Kimball, John Gordon" Bill Haneoo1c anti -Bruce Hanooolc request, to.
discuss Resolution No. 67, dated Maroh25, 1966 '" with Oouno~la8
business brought forward from the last meeting. - 7iled.
Page 2 -
Counoil Meeting May 3, 1966, continued:
16. Mr. Henry De"ith request to disouss Resolution No. 70, dated
Maroh 2;, 1966, with Counoil as business brought forward from the
last mettting. - Ret'erred to resolution.
l7. Trusteesot' the Police Village of Orono, Resolution No. 10-66,
as business brought forward re temporary app01ntment of Seoretary
until a statutory ruling can be obtained. - Filed.
18. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Or€>no, Resolution No. 12-66,
as business brought forward re Public Works for the year 1966.
1'. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono, Resolution No. 13-66,
as business brought forward, request from Mr. ~an Oohonski to be
supplied by munioipal water t'or his proposed sub-division. -
Referred to resolution.
20. i'rustees of. the Polige Village of Orono, Resolution No. 14-66.
as business brought forwarei. requesting the Township to pass a
by-law to establish a Pu.blio UJhilities Oommission. - Referred to
21. Trustee. of the Polioe Village of Orono, Resolution No, 17-66,
as business brought forward requesting the Medical Iffioer of
Health to survey the oentral part of the said Village and report
on sanitation and sewage problems therein. - Filed.,
22. Bowmanville Area Ambulanoe Service re outstamding ambulanoe
bills in the amount of $271.00 incurred on calls to the Town-
ship ot Clarke. - The Clerk was instructed to int'orm Mr. Harvey
by.letter that no aotion was to be taken in respect to the said
(aooounts as they were not oonsidered to be indigent. ..
23. D. P. COllins, Distriot Engineer, Department of Highways of
Ontario, re SUbSidy to munioipalities on Group lnsuranoe Pre-
miums. -:riled.
24. R. J. Callighan, Distriot Munioipal Engineer, Department
ot' Highways, re oertain transfers in respeot to the 196; Normal
Road Expenditure By-Law No. 1474 dealt with by Resolution.No.
68, dated. Maroh 25, 1966.
2';. Community Planning Association of Canada, Ontario Division,
re annuJ.'meeting to be held April 28, 1966. - Filed.
26.Ientennial Oommission re Community Improvement and Beauti-
tieation Seminar 1966. - Filed. '
27. Mr. K. Symons, Counties' Clerk, United Counties of Nortbum-
berland & DUrham, re approval ot the Minister of Education in
oonneotion with dissolution of former Union Sohool SeotionNos.
20, 23, 20 of the Tbwnships of Manvers, Darlington and Clarke
from the Township SOhool Area of Manvers. - Filed.
28. Township Sohool Area ot' Clarke re proposal of the said ,board
to offer for sale by tender certain unused sohool properties. _
Referred to resolution.
29. Copy letter of E.R.Lovekin to M.D.Brown, ~.L.S.r& survay
on Hayman property under M.W.A..P. #2. - Filed. .
30. Mr. K. Sy.mons, Oounties' Clerk, United Counties of Northum-
berland & Durham re applioation of Mr. Robert Stephenson tor a '
lioenoe to operate a salvage ~ard laoa.ted on part of Lot 23,
Conoession 1, Clarke, as business brought forward from Maroh 1, '
1966. - Filed. .
31. Department of Tourism and, Information re looal oentennia:l.
committee a.s business brought. forward from Maroh 1, 1966. -
32. The Ontario Assooiation of Rural MUnioipalities re member- ,
ship. in the said Assooiation. - Filed.
33. Department of MUnioipal Affairs, Sub-Division Seotion,
Community Planning Branoh, oopy of letter to Mr.. William P.
Irwin re part of Lot 29, Oonoession 4, Clarke., under File
T-16;16. - Filed. . .
34. Department ot' Agrioulture:re appointment of Weed Inspector.
for 1966 as business, brought forward from Maroh 1, 1966. -:
Filed. ..
35. The Treasurer of Ontario re purohase of debentures for
School ~oard undertakings. - Filed.
36. Department of MunioipalAf'faire re M.W.A..P. #1 under Pro-
vinoial Loan L-148. . '
37. ".".Olymer, Regional Property Supervisor, Central Regional
Offioe, Department of Highways, re Property File T~031l0 as
Page 3 -
Counoil Meeting May 3, 1966, oontinued:
business brought forward from March 25, 1966. - Referred to the
Reeve and Road Superintendent.
38. Alex. Carruthers, :M.P.P., re oomplaint by Mr. William Jaynes
with regard to the oondition of the road between Lots 14 and 15
tn the Broken Front Conoession, Clarke. - The Road Superintendent
to reply to Mr. Carruthers.
39. Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono request for certain
ohanges in the Township and Village Fire Agreement. - The Clerk
was instruoted to re-draft the .said Agreement and a By-Law to
authorize the said AgreeMent for future oonsideration of this
40. Canadian Underwriters' AssociationTe ~nioipal Fire Proteotion
Survey as business brought forward from March 1, 1966. - Tabled.
41. Thomas H. Greer, .B.A., Barrister & Solicitor, re Mr. &: Mrs.
A. E.' Roberts, Part Lot 17" Conoesston 3, Clarke, rEf destruction
of about 50 rods of fence and a tree marking the Third Line and
Morgan's Road Corner. - A photostatic copy to be referred to the
attention of vhe Road Superintendent.
42. Mr. K. Symons, Counties' Clerk, United Counties of Northum-
berland & Durham, re Counties' By-J;.aws No.. 2093 ~d No. 2094
concerning the Union Sohool Section 18, 19 and 24 of the' Town-
ships of Cavan, Manvers and Clarke. - Filed.
43. The Ontario MUnicipal Board re M.W.A.P. Applioation under
the Orona MUnioipal Water System. - Filed.
44. Report from the Clerk re stenographio position in the Clerk's
Offioe. - Referred to the attention of the" Property c!: Finance
Commdttee and the Clerk.
The following resolutions were passed:
:Resolution No. 90: Moved by R.G.Chater, secomted by L.A.Perrau1t':
Resolve that the tender reoeiYed from GanaraskaBr,idge 00.
Ltd.! Port Hope, Ontario, for the oonstru~tion of Contraot No.
65WOts b8'and is hereby aooepted as per tender subjfJ'ot t.o the
approval of the Department of Highways of Ontario.{ Certified
copies of this resolution be referred to Totten, Sims ~ Assooiates
Ltd., 519 Dundas Street East, Whitby, Ontario. - Carried.
Resolution No. 91: Moved by R.G.Chater, seoonded ~y L.A.Perrault:
Resolve that tenders for the proposed construotion of Contraot
6,W08 be and are hereby opened. J Carried.
Resolution No. ~~: Moved by L.A.Perrault, seconded by R.G.Chater:
This Counor! hereby endorse Resolution No. 6b-5~ dated April
25, 1966, passed by the Trustees of the Polioe Village of Orono.
A o~rtified oopy of this resolution be forwarded to the Trustees
of the Polioe Village o~ Orono. - Carrie~.
Resolution No. ,~: Ibved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L...Perrault:
Resolve that Mr. ~nry DeWith be and is hereby allowed mile-
age at th-e Tate of .10~ per mile efteotive January 1, 1966, on his
own oar while on munioipal business for the Township of Clarke. -
Resolution No. i4: Moved by O.H.Falls, seoonded by L~ Lowery:
This Couna 1 hereby endorse Resolution No. 14-66 dated
February '21, 1966, passed by the Trustees of the Polioe Villag.. of
Orono. - Carried.
Resolution No. 9'-: )t)ved by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by L.Lowery:
This Counoil hereby recommend to the Board of !frustees of the
Townsh1pSohool Area of Clarke that the said Board tender for the '
removal of' the following sohool buildings:
1. Former School Seotion NO.2, Lakeshore
2. Former Sohool Section No.' 8, Antiooh
3. Former SChool Seotion No. 18, Oak
A oertified copy of this resolution be referred to Mr.. H.R.
Best, Secretary-Treasurer, of the Township Sohool Area of Clarke. -
Carried. .
Resolution No. 96: Moved BY R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault:.
Resolve that the Counoil of the Township of Clarke has no
objeotion to Resolution No. 13-66 dated February 21, 1966, p.assecl
by the Trustees. of the Police Village of Orono. - Carried.
Page 4 -
Council Meeting May 3, 1966, continued:
Resolution No. 97: ~ved by L.Lowery" seoonded BY O.H.Falls:
Resolve that the tollowing Pay Vouohers be and are hereby
authorized for payment by the signing'off1ce~s of this Counoili
General Vouoher No.5 for ~ay 1966 ,in the total amount of #8,150.23
Road Vouoher No. 4 for April 1966 in the total amount or $14,534.38
General Welfare Vouoher No. 5 for May i966 in the total amount of
$748.28 .
Polioe Vill_ge'of Orono Voucher No. 4 for April 1966 in the total
amount of 11,201.99 .
Addi tional payments under General Voucher No. 4 for April 1966 .. .
in the total amount of $17.18 .
Additional layments under General Welfare Voucher No.4 for April
1966 in the total (amount ot $50.00 - Carried.
R..olu'ion No. 18: Moved ,by R.G.Chater,. 'seoonded bY,i.Lowery:. '.
This Oouno t hereby 'authorize the Road Superintendent to
prepare plans and reoeive cost estimates for .the construction
of sidewalle in the Hamlet ot Newtonville. - Carried.
. The following By-Laws were read a first, seoond and third
time and finally passed:' '. .
Br-~. Jre. '1510: A By-Law to amend A Restrioted Area
By-Law No.( 147'.
1I'BERIU.S the Munio'i'p~l .Co.uncil of the Corporation of the .
Township Of Olarke deems it advisable to amend By-Law No. 1479
whieh BY-Law has been duly passed but not yet approved by The
Ontario MUnioipal Board. .
NOW THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the Corporation of
the Township of Clarke ,enaots as follows: ·
1. THAT By-Law No. 1479 be and the same is her.eby &mended by
adding to 'tne end of Seotioh 3 ,th'e 'fOllowing: .
. n (b) (vii1) Lot 12, BlOCk 5 in the Police Villafe of
, Oronoeing Part of Lot 2~, Conoess on 5. ' .
(i) Hotwithstanding any provisions of this By-Law to the oon-
trary, Lot' 12, Blook 5 in the Poli ce Village of Orono being
Part Townshi~ Lot 28, Concession 5, desoribed in paragra~h
(il) below, may be used for the purpose of a oommeroial
bUiLding for the manufacture and sale of doughnuts and
associated bakery 'products.. ,
.( ii) Th.e ,lands referred ,to in par.ag,raph (i) are as ~esori bed
as follows: '
All and singular that certain parcel or traot of land an~
premise. situate lying and being in the Village of Orono,'
Township of Clarke~ County o~ Durham, and being oomposed
of the whole of Lot Number 12 in Blook 5 ~ying on the
westerly side of Mill~ Street aocording to the plan of the
said Village of Orono made by C. G. Hanning, P.L.S., and
, ( ,
riled in the Registry Offioe for the Registry Division of
the West Riding of the County of Durham.-
2. This By-Law Shall take effeot on the day it is approved by
The Ontario Mb~~oip~l Board.( .' .
By-Law No. 1511: Being a by-law to provide for the parti-
oipation of the Township of Clarke Fi~e
Departmen t in County Mutual Aid...'
WHEREAS The Muni01pal.A.ot authorizes the oounoil. of all
munioipalities to enter into agreements with other munioipali-
ties for the use of firafighting equipment or any of it;
NOW THEREFORE the Counoil of the Corporation of the Town-
ship of Clarke ENACTS as follo.s:' .
1. That The Township ot Clarke Fire Department be authorized
to leave the limits of the muhioipality or fire areas, at the
disbret10n of the Chief and under the direotion of the United
Counties of Northumberland and Durham Counties Fire Co-ordinator, ... .'.
to respond. t? ealls for aSStstance.f~om other munioiJ>alfire
departments authorized to partioipate in the united COunties of
Northumberland and Durham County Mutual Aid System or any other
County ~tual Aid system on a reoiprocai aid basis.
2. In oase the provisions of this by-law confliot with the
provisions of any other by-law, the provisions of this by-law
shall prevail.
3. That By-Law No. 1438 be and is hereby repealed.
. (
Page .5 -
Counoil Meeting May 3, 196~t continued:
By-Law No. l.512: Being a by-law to establish a
. Fire Department.
WHE~ The' MUnioipal Aot provides that the Counoil may by
by-la, establish and regulate a fire department;
THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Township
of Clarke enaots as follows: .
1. In this by-law, unless the oontext otherwise requires,
(aJ "Counoil" means the Council of the Township of Clarke. .
(b) "Department" means the Township of Clarke Fire Depart~ent.
(0) ~Member" includes an offioer.
(d) ','Trustees" means the Trustees of the Polioe Village of
2. A department of the Township of Clarke to be known as the
Orono F~re Brigade is hereby established and the head of
the Department shal~ be known as the Chief of the Depart-
ment. The Chief shall take training cour~e8 or instruotion
as advised by the Trustees and as suggested or recommended
by the Fire Marshals Department. ,
3. In addition to the Chief of the Department, the Department
personnel shall oonsist of a deputy ohief and suoh number
of ftistrict ohiefs, oaptains and other offioers and members,
as from time to time may be deemed neoessary by the Truste~s
and approved by Counoil.
4. (1) The Chief of the Department may reoommend to the Trustees
the appointment of any qualified person as a member of the
(2) A person is qualified to be appointed a member of the
Department for fire fighting duties who .
(a) is not less than 18 years of age and not more
. than 55 years of age, present members exoepted.
(b) has suooessfully oo~leted at least grade 8,
(0) is of good ohar~otert
eft) passes suoh aptitu4e and other tests as may be
. ~equired by the Chief of the Department,
(el. is medioally fit to be a member as oertified by
a physioian designated by the Chief of the
Department, and ,
(f) resid~s within the Township of Clarke.
(3) A person appointed as a member of the Department for fire
. fighting duties shall be on probation for a period of 6 months
during whioh period he shall take such training and examina-
tions as may be required by the Chief of the Department. ,Pre-
sent members exoepted.
(4) If a probationary member appointed for fire fighting
duties fails any suoh examinations, the Chief of the Depart-
ment may reoommend to the Trustees that he be dismisse'd.
5. The remuneration ot all members of the Department shall be as
determined by the Trustees with consent of Counoil.
6. The Chief of the Department is responsibl~ to the Trustees tor
the proper administration and operation of the Dep~rtment, for
the disoipline of it~ members, and
(a) may, with the approval of the Trustees, make such general
. orders and departmental rules as may be neoessary for the
oare and proteotion of the property of the Department,' for
the oonduot of the members of the Department and generally
for the effioient operation of the Department, provided that
suoh general orders and rules do not oonfliot wlth the pro-
visions of any by-law of the munioipality, .
(b) shall review periodioally the policies and prooedures of
the Department and may establish an Advisory Committee con-
si sting of suph officers as he may determine from time to time
to assist him in this duty.. . .
(0) shall take all proper measures for the prevention, oontrol
and extinguishment of tires and tor the protection of life and
property and shall enforoe all munioipal by-laws respeoting
~ire prevention and e.eroise the powers and duties imposed on
him by The Fire Marshals Aot, .
(d) is responsible for the enfo~oement of this by-law and the
general orders and departmental rules,
".W .
Page 7 -
Counoil Meeting May 3, 1966, oontinued:
1. Prevent, oontrol and extinguish fires.
2. Conduct through the Division of Fire Fighting
or the Division of Fire Prevention, investi-
(gations of fires in order to determine oause,
origin and oiroumstanoes, and, where appro-
priate, to notify the authority having ju~is-
diotion to oonduot an investigation.
.3. Perform resoue and salvage operations and
render first aid.
4. Respond and assist at suoh emergencies as may
be required by the Chief or the Department. .
;. Partioipate in training at stations.
6. Conduot company fire prevention an4 familiari-
zation inspeotions of premises.
7. Perform apparatus maintenanoe and oleaning
duties at stations.
8. Prepare the annual report and budget of the
Division of.Fire Fighting to be submitted to
the Division of Administration and Communica-
(4) A Distriot Chief is in oommand of the distriot to whioh
he.is assigned and is responsible to the Deputy Chief for
the proper operation of that distriot."
(;) A Captain is in oommand of the Company to whioh he is
assigned and is responsible for the proper operation of
that oompany to the Distriot Ohief of the district in whio~
the oompany is looated.
(6) Where the Ohief of the Department designates a member to
aot in place of an offioer in the Vepartment, suoh member,
when so aoting, has all the powers and shall perform all t~e
duties of the offioer replaoed.
12. The Chief is in oharge of the Division of Fire Prevention
and is responsible for the oarrying out of ~he following
duties of the Divisions ,
(1) Conduct fire-prevention inspeotions of premises.
(2) (Enforoe fire-prevention by-laws.
(3) Examine building plans.
(4) Provide personnel for~fire-prevention leotures.
(,) Establish and maintain photogr~phy faoilities.
(6) Maintain fire-loss reoords. .
(7) Reoeive, prooess and follow up reports of fire-
prevention inspeotions conduoted under the Division
of Fire Fighting.
(8) Prepare the annual report and budget of the Divi~ion
of Fire~Prevention to be submitted to the Division of
(Administration and Oommunioations.
13. The officer in charge of the Division of Training and Civil
Defenoe is responsible to the Deputy Chief for the carrying
out of the following duties of the Divisions
(l) Conduot training for all personnel of the Department in
fire administration, fire prevention and fire fighting.
(2) Administer training programs in stations. ,
(3) Prepare and conduot examinations of members as required
by the Chief of the,Department.
(4) Provide liaison with the looal oivil defence organiza-
C,) Prepare fire civil defenoe operational plans and standard
fire civil defenoe operating prooedures.
(6) Prepare the annual report and budget of the Division of
Training to be submitted to the Division of Adminis~ration and
14. (1) The provisions of this section with respeot to the promo-
tion of member. do not apply to the Deputy Chief.
(2) Any member having at least 3 yea~s of. servioe with the
Department may make applioation to the Chief of the Depart~
ment to qualify him for promotion to a rank immediately
su~erior tOt his present rank.
(3) Every reoommendation for promotion of a member made to
the Trustees by the Ohief of the Department shall be based
on the evaluation of:
Page 8 - (
Counoil Meeting May 3, 1966, oontinued:
(a) the results of examinations taken by the member, as
set by officers above the rank being applied for,
(b) the age and physioal fitness of the member, and
(c) the fire and station reoord of the member.
(4) When, in the opinion of the Chief of th~ Department, all
other faotors for the promotion of two or more members are
equal, seniority of servioe in the Department governs.
C,) The fire fighting and station,record of eaoh member of
the Department shall be evaluated annually as follows: .
1. The Oaptain of eaoh company shall evaluate each
member sf the oompany; evaluation forms to be
~. The Distriot,Chief of each distriot shall evaluate
the Captains and other members under his jurisdiotion.
(6) The Chief of the Department.and the Deputy Chief shall
evaluate all members of the Department who are partici-
pating in an examination for promotion.
(7) Every applioant for promotion shall take suoh written,
oral and practioal examinations as may be required by the
Chief of the Department.
(8) Any member may apply to the Chief, in writing, for the
opportunity to take.a training course as recommended by
The Fire Marshals Department and approved by the Chief and
1'. Every member of the Department appointed for fire fighting
duties is subject to a medioal examination at least every
three years and at suoh other times as the Chief of the'
,De:partment may require.
16. (1) Every member of the Department sha11 r,port for duty at
the time presoribed by the, departmental rules and shall remain
on duty until relieved.
(2) No member,
(a) while in uniform, shall enter any premises where
alooholio beverages are sold or oonsumed, exoept
in the performanoe of his departmental duties,
(b) if his ability is impaired by the use of an intoxi-
.. eating beverage or drug, shall be permi tted to
,remain on duty,
(0) while on duty, shall consume any intoxioating
, beverage or drug. (
(3) No member shall solicit the influence or support of any-
one in order to secure a transfer, promotion or other advan-
17. (1) The Chief of the Department may reprimand, suspend or
reoommend dismissal. or any member for insubordination,
inetticienoy,misoonduct, tardiness or for non-oomplianoe .
with any of the provisions of this by-law or the general
orders and departmental rules that in the opinion of the
Chief would be detrimental to the disoipline and efficienoy
of, the Department. .
(2) Following the suspension of any member the Chief of the
Department shall report the suspension and his recommenda-
tion to the Trustees within 48 hours.
(3) A member shall not be dismissed without being afforded an
opportunity for a hearing before the Trustees, if he. makes a
wri tten request for suoh hearing wi thin seven days after
reoeiving notioe. of his proposed dismissal. The Trustees shall
submit their reoommendation to Counoil within 30 days there-
(4)A oopy of all notioes of dismissal of a member schall be
forwarded to the Trustees within 48 hours. The Chief shall
report a~l resignations to the Trustees within 48 hours after .
reoeiptor same.
18. The llepartment shall not respond to a oall with respeot to a ·
fire er an emergency outside the limits of the municipality
exoept with respect to a fire or an emergenoy,
(a) that in the opinion of the Chief of the Department
- threatens property in the municipality or property
situated outside the municipality that is owned or
oooupied by the munioipality.
(b) in a municipality with which an agreement has been
entered into to provide fire protection, or
(0) on property with respect to which an agreement has
been entered into with any person or corporation to
Page 9 -
COuncil Meeting May 3, 1966, oontinueA:
19. That By-Law No. 1191, No. 1426, No. 1427, No. 1428, No. 1429,
. No. 1434, No. 14.3.5-, 4nd No. 1436 be and are hereby repealed.
20. This by-law oomes into effeot on the day it is passed by Counoil.
By-Law No. 1513: A By-Law of .the ;Munioipal Council of
the Township of Clarke, Provinoe of
Ont&rio, for the administration of
Abandoned Cemeteries taken over by
thi s Muni Q,ipali ty .in aooordanoe wi.th
the Cemeteries Aot, R.S.0.1960.
WHEREAS it is deemed expedient and necessary that ~ Sy-Law
be passed for the establishment of a MUnioipal Cemetery Board to
administer and operate the following Abandoned Cemeteries:
Name of Cemetery Looation Size
Christian Churoh Cemetery Lot 2B, Con. 5 l-aore more or less
Lawrenoe's Baok Churoh Cemetery Lot 34, Con. 7 1/3" " n ..
MoNeile &: Neely Cemetery Lot 31, Con. 7 1/8" " .. "
Nay &: Staples Cemetery Lot 31, Con. 8 1/8" " .. "
Lawrence's Cemetery Lot 21, Con. 5 1 tt " " "
White Churoh Cemetery Lot 13, Con. 4 1 .. " .. ..
McNeil Property Cemetery Lot 1;, Con. 3 1/8" " .. ..
Bethel Cemetery ,. ~ot 28, Con. 3 1/4" " " It
Brown Family Cemetery Lot 21, Con. 2 l/4" " fI "
Gifford:Cemetery Lot 1;, Con. 2 1/8" .. .. "
Smith Cemetery Lot 3, Con. 4 1/4" " fI "
Elliott Cemetery Lot 9, Con. a 1/4 ~ " " It
Therefore the Municipal Council Qf.the Corporation of the
Townshi~ of Clarke enaots as follows: ' ,
(1) That the management and care of the said oemeteries be
plaoed in the hands of a board, whioh shall be known as "The
Cemetery Board of the Township of Clarke" and flhall oonsist of
seven members who shall be appointed by the Counoil by resolution
to hold.offioe for three years or until his successor is appointe~
with the exception of the first appointed members of the Board of
whom 2 shall be appointed for a period of 3 oalendar years, 2 for
a period of 2 oalenda~ years and lfor a period.of 1 oalendar y'ear.
(2) Any ratepayer who is a resident of .the MUnioipality, and
of the age of twenty-one years, may be appointed a member of the
board. .
(3) In case of vaoanoy in the said Board by removal, resig-
nation or death or any other.oause .hatsoever, qf any of the
appointed Members of the Board during their term of office, the
MUnioipal Counoil will appoint a person to fill t~e v.acanoy,
thereby oreated. ,
(4) The Board shall have and may exeroise within the
Munioipali ty all the powers and perform all thE\ dutie.s qf a .
Munioipal Counoil with respeot to the saidA.bandoned Cemeterie~.
(;) It shall be the duty of th~ Cemeter~ Board and they shall
have power:
To appoint a Chairman and a Secretary Treasurer
of the Board, and the Board is authorized to
pay the Seoretary Trea~urer suoq salary for his
serv.ica a~ the B~ard shall deem ju~t and r~gh~.
To fix the time and plao~ of meeting of the Board
and the mode of oalling and oonduoting suoh meetings.
To see that a true and oorrect aooount is kept of
the proceedings of the meetings.
To carry out and enforoe all By-laws, rules and
regulations relating to the Cemeteries whioh may
hereafter be passed.
To submit all aocounts, books; vouohers and other
documents to be audited by the Municipal Auditor at
th~ same titq.e and under the same oonditions whioh
apply to other Munioipal Audits.
To submit to the .Counoil of the said Corporation .
a statement of the finanoial dealings of tne said
Board for the past twelve months up to arid fnolu-
d~ng the 3~stday of Deoember of the same year. .
To transfer all monies heretofore and hereafter
received for the perpetual care of lots or of thd
oeITJ,eteries ~o the Muniolpai Treasurer/ a trust
oompany/ the Publio Trustee, to be invested in
Page 10 -
Counoil Meeting May 3, 1966, continue,d:
Tru.ste8: seQur1tie~ as s.et OM. t in Sections 2:7 and.
28 of The Cemeteries Aot, R.S.O. 19ho Chapt~r. 47.
Nothing in this By-law or Amendments thereto shall be a ~ontra-
vention of the CemetEfries Aot R.S.O. 1960 Chapter 47 an.d Amendments
thereto. .
(6) That By-Law No. 1403 and By~Law. No. 1417 be and are hereby
Resolution No. 99: Moved by O.H.Falls, seoonded by L.Lowery:
This CounoiL herab~ adjourn to meet again on June 7, 1966,
at 10 a.m. in the Council Ohamber at Orono in regular meeting
or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried.
~' .
, ..... 1.-. ......../
May 17, 1966, at 3 p.m.
Oounoil Chamber, Orono.
Present: Reeve J. W. Stone
Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault
Councillor R. G. Chater
Oounoillor O. H. Falls
Councillor Lloyd Lowery~
Clerk H. E. Millson
Speoial meeting of Counoil was oalled by Reeve ~w W. Stone
to oonsider the following business:
'!he following oorrespondenoe was read out by the Reeve:
l.Mr. Horace R. Best, Building Inspeotor, re proposed new
Post Offioe in Orono. - Referred to the Trustees of the Police
Village of Orono.
2. Lake Ontario Regional Library Co-Operative re invitation to
attend a meeting to be held in the Cobourg Publio Library Audi-
torium on June 1, 1966, at 8.1.5 p.m. - The Clerk was instruoted
to inform the said ReEional Library Co-Operative that Messrs.
~. W. Stone, L. A. Perrault and Lloyd Lowery were delegated on
'behalf of Oouncil to attend the said meeting. .
3. .Department of Highways of Ontario re approval of By-Law
No. 1.50.5. - Filed.
+. Department of Highways of Ontario re Fair Wage Policy on
MUnioipal contracts. - Filed.
.5. The Hydro-Eleotric Power Commission of Ontario re Advance
Payments of Grants in Lieu of Taxes. - Filed.
6. Department of Highways of Ontario re notioe of Advanoe
Payments of Subsidy. - Filed.
7. W. K. Lycett, Solicitor for Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Irwin, re
proposed Irwin Subdivision. - The Clerk was instruoted to reply
, to Mr. Lyoett stating that Council are prepared to consider
taking over the road allowance as requested as soon as a
registered plan of subdivision has been approved by The Commu-
nity Planning Branch of the Department of MUnicipal Affairs
and further that this Counoil has approved of the said Appli-
oation of Subdivision.
8. Zimmerman, Heywood, Winters & Chambers, Barristers &
Solioitors, re proposed franchise agreement between this Muni-
o1palit, and The C.onsumers' Gas Company. - Filed.
9. Department of Htghways of Ontario re approval of By-Law
No. l.508. - Tabled and a photostatic oopy to be referred to
Reeve ~. W. Stone.
10. Department of Highways of Ontario re approval of Contraot
6,woS Wilmott Creek Culvert Construotion. - Filed.
11. Mr. 'I. ~. Caldwell, Secretary, Orono Hortioultural Society,
re appointment of Mrs. T. Fairbrother as a representative on the
Township of Clarke Centennial Committee. - Filed.