HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/1966 Pase 8 Counoil Meeting, Marohl, 1966, oontinued: By-Law No. 1;07: A By-law to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer and Tax Colleotor of the Munioipal Oounoil of the Corporation of the Township ot Clarke. NOW THEREFORE The MUnioipal Counoil of the Township of Clarke.hereby enaots that Herman Edward Millson of the Village of Orono in the said Township of Clarke be and he.is hereby appointed Clerk and Treasurer and.Tax Collector of the MUnioi- pal Council.of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke; that he shall have an offioe in the said Village of Orono for. the oar17ing on of his.duties as Clerk and Treasurer and Tali: Colleo- tor; and that he shall be paid the sum ot $6,;00.00 per annum, p~yable monthly, the said MUnioipal Counoil to provide for him a suitable offioe for the oarrying on of his duties as Clerk Treasurer and Tax Colleotor and to pay all premiums on whatever bond they require him as Treasurer and Tax Colleotor to supply; and further that all by-laws or parts of by-laws oontrary to or inoonsistant with the provisions of this by-law ..be and they are hereby repealed. By-Law No. 1440 be and is hereby repealed. This by-law shall take effect on ~anuary 1, 1966. Resolution No. 7l: Moved by O.H.Fal~s, .seconded by L.Lowery: This Oounoil hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April ;, 1-966, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried. . .~. . :.#_--.,/ Cltlr .. .' OAAJ~ Reev~ . DGULA1!l IlEft'IH'J. OF THE COnOIL OF THE 'l'OnSHIP OF CLARKE ~pril J, 1'" at 10 a.m. Council Oham'er, Orono. Present: Reeve J...Stone Deputy-Reevs L.A.Perrault Oounoillor O.H.Falls Counoillor Lloyd Lowery Clerk H.E.M11lsoa Road Superintendent M.L.Ros. !he ~.ute. at the last regular meeting were approved aa real on motion by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery. - Oarried. Mesal'S. A.M.Foy and H.Hays, rsp~ese~ting Alwood Homea, appeared betore Counoil with reterenoe to a letter from said Alwood Homes, under oorrespondenoe herein, requesting per- miasion to ereot two oottages on temporary foundations on part Lot 29, Oonoesaion 2 ot th~s ~nioipality, to be used aa display sales models and r~mov..d at the end of the selling season. As oontained in the letter and stated by Mr. Foy, approvals.:.. to set-baok hael been obtained f'rom both the U~i ted Oounties of Northum't)erlud and Durham and Ontario Department ot Highways. This business was reter~ed to resolu- tion. . Mr. Roy Fost_r, representative tor this munioipality on the Ganaraska Begion Conservation Authority, personally pre- .e~te4 an Inspeotion Report of the proposed Graham Creek Reservoir prepared by the .said Authority. Pre-engineering plans, Yr. Foster atated, are to be prepared by the Authority in the aear tuture. The Inspeotion Report was reoorded under o orrespond..oe. Mr. Walter Pope. on behalf of Pope & Goebell4, Ohartered AocoUlltants, Auditors for the Township ot Clarke. presented . t.fi: 0./ -- ,,,-, Page a - Counoil Meeting, April', 19&6, continued: the Audit fo~ the year 1'" to Counoil. Arter some discus.ion. the Aud1t was referred to resolution. The prinoiples tor establishing a Public utilitiea Oo~ mission to handle services of Water, ~dro and Garbage ~n the Police Village of Orono was also discussed. It was tentatively oonsidered that a meeting of the members ot Oouncil and Trustees ot the Polioe Village ot Orono should be held wi th the Andi tOM to aisouss the propose4 ~rganizatioB ot a publio Utiliti.. COmmiSSion. It was move a byO.B.Falls, seconded by Lloyd Lowery that. Oounoil reoess at la.10 p.m. for lunoh and reBU.Dl.e session at 2 p.m.. - Oarried. Mr.. Oharles World, Manager East Oentral Distriot ot Oonsumers' Ga. Oompany, aoooml>anied by Messrs. W. Landon, Exeoutive Engineer; R. Zimmerman, Company Solioitor; D.S.Platts, District Sales Manager; and M. lfolnik. Distriot Staff Engineer; met with Counoil to dis- ouss a proposed agreement of tranohise betw.en the said Company and this lMnioipalit,r. Solioitor E.R.Lovekin also appeared to' advise Oounoil on the proposed agreement,ot tranohise. Legali- ties ot a franohise .ere explained by Mr. Zimmerman and the oustomary by-law end resolution. forms :presented. to Coun.o11. In his explanations he said that an ED.ergy BoariBearing is open to the publio for objeotions trom any person within the munioi- pality. Further, he. stated such a hearing might be held in Toronto.or, on request by Counoil, at Orono it~aooeptabl. by. the Board. To a question asked by Mr. Lovekin, Mr. World said that the initiatlve to install gas in Orono had come trom the CompaBY whioh undertakes a survey study every two years fer purposes of determ1ning further dev.lo~ment of their tacilitie.. Consumer a , Gas Company now te.l it is .conomioally sound to come into Orono. Mr. Zimmerman oomme.ted on the relatively small 008t the MUniei- pality will bear tor r.-location ot pipe lines in comparison to the tax dollars received trom assessment of the Company's oapital oonstruotion. Finally he said it is important to not.-that his Company requires .0 DUnioipal services. ~. E. R. Woodyard appeared on behalf ot the Truste.. ot the Polioe Village of Oronotin re.p..t.to the propose.,tranchiae. Mr. World, on behalt of the delegation, thanked COUnoil tor their time and oonsideratio.. This business Was furth.r d.alt with by relOlu- tion. >>e..rs. Bruoe MYles ..d W. lAy Lycett, his solioiter. requ.ste. Counoil to approve an applioation tor a oommercial buildins~perm1t wi1h reterenoe to Police'~ruatee. re801ution "-21, dated Maroh 7. 1"'. Mr. Woodyard, who was present at the Plauing Beard "eting on Ma~oh 31st last, at which time this subject .aa under diaona.ion, said he had understood the planning board were SOing ;0 auimit,a repert . to Counoil for tOday. On, a, sugge.tion trell. ..the lIle"1n.g, the Olerk telephon.d Mr. Low. S.oretary Of the Plannin.g Board, but was unable to reaoh him at that ti.e. Mr. Lye.tt r.a" out S.otion 30e,) and elO) of the Pl8J'lm.ng A.ot, whioh i8 h.reby reo.rl.. tor the r.oords ' . C,) No .part ot 07 by~la.. pa..ed lUlder t111a .eotion eo... iato toroe without the approval ot the MUnioipal Board, andauoh appro- val may .Detor a 11m! ted eperiod of ti.e only, Dd the Board. ll8.y eztellul suoh period from (ti.. 'loti.. upon applioation made to it tor suoh purpose. R.S.O. 1"0, 0.296, s.JO. . (10) Bo part o't uy1)J'-la.. that rep.als or am.ai. a .1'-la. pas.e. und.r \hiaseoti&B or a predeoe.sor ot this ..otion and approved by the MUnicipal Board, exoept a by-law passe. pur au..' to an order of the MUnioipal Board made under subs.otion l'r 0.... into torce without th. approval ot the MUnioipal Boar4. R.S.O. 196', .0.296, ..30. . , . !hi. bus:Ln..s was r.1:erred to .resolution.. , On behal~ of the Truat.e. of the Polioe V~l~age ot Orono, ~. Woodyard disoussed a propose' by-law, BOW 'befor.e Counoil, whioh would e.tablish a Fire Department ot the Township of Cl.ark. 0.17 and 4isso1T.e .thePolioe VilLage FiD. Department. A r.port waa given iy the Clerk in res;peo't to a.aolution Io. 4, dated Jaauary 4, 196', whereby the Department at lhnie1;par AZta1rs do Bot reoommend the applioatioD. ot Seot1on 111 of the A........t Act on apportionments ot tax.s under Seotion 14J ot the said A.ot. . hs. J - Oounoil Ke.ting April J, 1"', continueda ! ! On r.,ue." tl'Ctm the.Olerk and Road SuperiD:~e1l4ent, Council agreed, tentatively, to hold ame.ting of Council on TueSday, 19th of April, toco.sider the 1,6' Bu~get .and open Road Department tenders. . The tollcnring oo,rrespon4enoe ...nd reports were considered b7 Counoil. 1.~uU'a_ Begion Consenation .&uthority Inspection Report ot the pro....clGraham Oreek Reservoir. . 2. Cl.rk-lJ.'r.asurer's sugg.sted. Buq.t tor the year 1.966. . 3. 'O'1I1"e4 Counties.ot Northumber).a>>.4 f.. D.urham re General Oounty Rat.. tor the year 19". - :riLet.. . .. . 4. Truste.. ot the Police Village ot Orono Re~lution No.. "-3' re Polio. Village General Requisition to~ the year 1,'6.. - Filed. ,. ~w..4 Be.e. request t~r permi.aion to ereettwo. oottages. - Bet.rred to reselation. ( " 6. ..rthuaberland-DUrham Health Unit re basement ~xoavations, Let 21, OODoea.ion 1. - F1led. 1. Bra. George Stapleton,. S.oretary of Centennial Committee tor Xewtonyille United Ohuroh, re appointment ot a represen- tativ. to the Township Centennial Oommittee. - Filed. 8. Mrs. Olive V. Henderson, Seoretary of Women's Institute, N..tonville, reappointment of representative t8 the Clarke Township Centennial Committee. -Filed. 9. ~u.te8s ot the Polioe Village of Orono, Resolutions . lio.."-28, 66-29, '6-}0 and "-31, dated }(aroh 28, 1966. - Reterred to resolution. . 10. Mr. R. D. Morton,' as Dualaesa Drought fonar! hom ...tine on.aroh 2,,19&6. - Oounoil instruotea the Treasurer to ohar.e ,e.alty on 1,6, 'l'ax Aocou:m.t No. '48 to Maroh l', ,1"0. . 11. United COUllti.. ot Northumberland cl Durham re By-Law No. 2087 Of the United Counties to trans~er lands tromthe ~GWnshlp'Sohool Area of Vanvers to the Township Sohool.Area otOlarke. - Reoeived. 11. Clerk's Report re By-Law No. 1506. -Filed. ne tollewing resolutions were pas.ed: ... . .es.Olution .0. 72: ..vea ., L.A.Perrault, .eoonded by L.Lowerys ft1.aoua.IT h.reiy graD.' approval to J.1woo4 Home. to, erect two oottage. on ~art Lot 2', Oo.oe..ion 2, Olarke, on te.porary toundatio.s to ie u.ea as display sale. models only aadre.ov.4 trom the ,aidpro,erty on or Detore 1 IOTe.Der, 1"', .ulje.t to the appreval ot the Northumberland-Durham ( Health Unit a~d the d1reotion. ot the Building Inspector at this munioipal1ty. Oertified oo,1e. ot th1s:resolution to be re~er~ed; to the Alwood Homes, the said Health:Unit, and Mr. H. B. Be.t. - Carried. a.solution No. '3. MOved by L.A.Perranlt, .eoonded iy O.H.:rallsl : Be.olve that the Auditor.' Rep~rt tor the year 19" .. presented 'Y Pope cl GO.belle be and is hereby accepted and the Olerk be and 18 authorizecl to~inoorporate the Auclitors' reoom.- mendations in the 1", General Budget. - Carried.. R.solutlon No. '141 Moved. by O.H.J'alls,. .eoonded by L.LGwe:ry1 lesolve that the TGWD.Bhip ot Olarke Change to :Daylight Saving Time to be etteotive on April 30, 196'. - Oarried. Besolution No. 1;: MOV84 .Y L.A.Perrault, seoon4e4by L.Lowery: Thise~unoII hereby,in4truct ~h. Trea.uzer,to .r1te~ot~ the tollowing 19" Orono MUnicipal Wate? Service aOGounte ia...or~ duo. nth Police Trustee Resolutions 6'-28, "-29, 6'-JO and 6'-31: . J.o.t~ Penalties to Statutory No.. . }fa.e Pri.clm April ;.1'" 'rota! :renalty .Year IJ6 JiRel18. S. 14.47 .29 . U.'1f~ . .19 IJ'CJ 222 .Yams, K.O. . 2.'2 .17 J.S' .11 1'" . . 21' bapp.,lIra. O. Sr. 2.92 .0.5 2.97 .0; 1'" 241 ':ceD.l1allt, :B.clD. ,2.92 .29 3.21 .29 19" - Cur18t. Re.olution.e. ". -'ve4 ay L.Lowery, seool1ded my O.H.Fallst lte.clve tlla t the tollewingPay Voueherab. and are hereby authorize! tor p.,..mt my the s1gningotti~.rs lOt this COttnoi11 Page 4 - Counoil Meet1ng Ap~il ;, 1966, cont~nued:. General Vouoher No. 4 for April 1966 in the total amount ot t2,8J1.J8. Bbad Vouc)her NO. .3 tor'Jfaroh 19" 1nlhe total amount of '12,:~2.4'. Add1t1onal payments under General Weltare'Vouoher No. J for .oh 19" 1n the amount of. $19;.61. . , General Welfare Vouoher No. 4 tor April 1966 in the total amo~nt of $1,268.46.. . . Polioe Village ot OranG 'touoher. No. J for.Jlaroh 196' in the total amoun1i of $"1..53. - Oarr1ei. . Resolut1on No. 77: MOved by O.H.Falls. seoonded by L.Lowery: Resolve that So1101tor E;R.Lovekin 'be ed is hereby requested to report to the Counol1 in writ1ng to advise this mun1oipal1ty on the proposed tranohise by Consumers' Ga.CompInY. - Carried. Resolution No. 78s JIoved by L.A..Perrault, seoonded by O.H.J'allss Resolve that Solio1tor E.R.Lovek1n be and is h.reby requested to g1ve this Counoil a legal.interpr.tatiGJl efBy-Law 1479 of .. the Township of Clarke w1th referenoe to Seotion ,0(9) and (10) ot The Planning .lot R.S.O. 1960 and amenaments.thereto on or before 11 April 19'6. '- Carried. Resoldtion No. I': Koved byO.B.Falls. seoonded by L.Lowery: nia Coune r hereby reoess this me.tins to 1 .p.m. Apr:t.l 12, 1966, in the Coune1l Chamber at Orono. JUrth.r,the tollo~ing persona be informed of the said me.ting: Mr. Bruoe Myles, Mr:W. Kay Lyoett.Mr. E.B.Wooayard, Mr. F. .. Nioholson, Mr. D.Il.Simpson. Mr.. A. Low, Mr. R.C.Simpson, Mr. R.G.Chater. - Carr1ed. . Oontinuation of the meeting of Connoil resumed in accordanoe wi th the atorementionedr.solution. .. All members ot Counc11 w.re present with Reeve Stone pre- s14ing andH.E:M11lson, Clerk, and Il.L.Ross, Road Superintendent, .ere also present. Messra.. E.B.Wopdyard and D.M.Simpson, Trust.e. of the Police Village '01' Orono, d~sous..d ~he ,PCUlls1 bili t1' for the 1lu.D.1cipe.l1ty to purohase garbage disposal property and operate .uoh~roperty on an a&!"eement between COUJloil and the Trustees. . I1i was moved by L.4.P.rrault, s.conded by Lloyd Lowery, that Messrs. Stone and Woodyard be and are hereby ap:po1nted to meet with )Ir'., Robert Hioks to oonsider an arrangement for the Village. ot Orono to dispose of their garbage on his :property.- Carried.. Mr. James Hutson appeared at Council Meet1ng and cOllQ)lainect of hound8 running deer out ot .ea80n. The Reeve, on behalr ot , Coun01l,.suggested Mr. Hudson enq~ire ot Mr. D. Powell, Game lrarden, tor further advice .on this subject. _._.......................,...Mr.'Brue.l(yl.s and h1s Sol1oitor, W.K.Lycett,met w1th Council again in resp.ct to an applioat10n by Mr. MYles to aoqu1re a Building Perm! t toconstruot a commeroial building. Mr. A. Low, Seoretary of Olarke Planning Board. read out a portion of the m1nutes of the Board Meeting, dated '1st Maroh, 19'6, whiGh is hereby recorded: "The Orono Trustees attended the m..t~ng. to imple~nt . their resolution #"-2l regarding the1r authority and responsib1l1ty to an app11oation for a 00..er01al building permit w1th1n the Village boundaries. . ~he applioant in que.'ion, Bruoe MYles, seekins per- mission to bu11d a bakeShop an9- conduot a baking .~ busine.s o:q. l>art of:{.ot 12, Blook ;., #Qning Pl8.D.~ ' at the North West Corner of ~ll St. and.~llson , . ~ Hi 11 Bd. . . Tlie Boarct U:pla1ned to the Trustees that any deo1s10ns relating to the Planning Aot are under the jur1sdiot1on and are the responsibi11ty of the Oouncil ot the Town- ship.' (.' ... ' .i.'i/'.'; The Board also. pc.hlltedout the danger ot establishing . a preoeient by allewing a oommer01al enterprise.to locate 1n an area predominently residential. After some d1souss10n the Ohairman and the.seoretary, Of the Boar4, decided that theY' oould ..t reoommend t.he appro- val of this App11oation to ao~oil.n . Truste.. :Bl.B.Wood1'ard and D.Il.S1mpson. 'and 1Ir. ~. C. S111:.pson, Cha1rman of the Olarke Plann1ng Board, also met with Council to oons1der the su~ject at ha~d. Mr. E.R.Lovekin., Solicitor tor Page , - Oouncil Me.ting April',: 1,66, Gontinuedst · Council, was on hand to advise theOounoi1. Ib his opinion, 1Ir. Lovekin sald. lesally By-Law Xo. l47,is not in ettect un'il approved by The Ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Lycett Muggestea that Oouncil ameDel the By-Law to permit this speoifio Ilpplication aa a non-conforming us.. . L.A.Perrault moved, seconded by O.H.Falls. that pe~m1ssioh .e grante" to this perm t and the' necessary amendment to By-Law No. l479 be dratted for future consideration of Couficil in order to allow'the,ermssion herebytgrant&d; - Carried. . --, So1101ter Lov.kin advised CotmOil on the proposed agreement between this Munioipali ty e;lnd OOBsumers' Gas Oom.pany. .A Resolu- tien ot the-Trustee. stating they have no ob.1eo~ion to this agr.emeat'1s r.corded herein unde~ oorrespondence. 'This subject was turther a.alt with by r.solut10~. ~. Ian Ochonski met with Counoil to disouss a proposed plan ot subdivision with referenoe to a letter tram The Depart- me.tet Mtlnicipal Af'fair. dated 7th Febru81'y; 1966. This letter had _een tl1ed by Counoil in meeting on 14th Fe~ru~y, 1966. ~. to1lowing tenders tor Grs,...el Crushing w.re"r.oeive<<s 1., ~ank oS. Coyle L1mi t.4 2~ Jre' Nelson & Son Li~1ted T.is iusiness was reterred to r.solution. '!lellt...'tor Loadtng and Hauling Grave! w~re :received from' the tollc,..ring: .', .', ,... 1. Jred Nelson & Son Limited 2. Van Gamp Contraoting Limited 3. Frank S. Coyle Limited. . This bu.siness was also reterred to resolution. t !he tollowing oorr.spondenoe and reports were 'read out by the Reeve, 1. !ru.te.. of the POlioe Village ot Orono R.aolutiotl No. 66-21. re prepaid water service by lIr. M. W. Staples. - tRe:r.rredto r.solution. 2. Trustees of ~he PolioeVillage ot Orono Resolution 66-37 request tor a list of' all oonneetionsma~e ~y GattneyConstruo- 'lion Oompany Limited to the Orono Water System. - Reoeived; 3. Trustee. of the POlioe Village ot Orono Resolution 66-38 r. Gariage Co.llection Arrears fcar.the Village ot Orono. - lIeoei...e4. 4. Trust.ea of the Polioe Vi~lage of Orono Resolution No. 6'-39 regarding Pubaic-Works in the Village for 1966. - .Reoeived. '., Trustees of the Poltce Village of Orono :aesolution No. 66-42 regarding request for certain street signs. - Reoeived. . . 6. Trustees ot the Polioe Village ot Orono Resolution No. 66-44 regarding request tor authorization of Petty Cash Acoount. - Reoeived.: . ( 7. Trustees-ot the Polioe Village of Orono Resolution No. 66-48 regarding agreement between this MUnioipality and Oonsumers' Gas Company. - R.ceived. 8. Trust.....ef' the Police Village of Orono letter elated April 7, 1966, re Public Works in the Village for the year 1966. - Reoeived.. ,. The Ontario MUnioipal Board re'Applioation tor Levying by the Township of Clarke of .95,000.00 in 1966 tor an addition to Lookhart's School NO.t' under 7ile F.81'9-6,. - 7iled. 10. Mr. & Mrs. William J. Glanville re oomplaint ot vibration, eto.- It. was moved by Lloyd Lowery, seconded by R.G.Ohater, tha t the Finance Commi ttee 1/)e and a.re hereby empowered to work - in oonjunotion with the Rink Committee to endeavour to oorrect the engin.ering probl.m causing sai4 vibrations, eto. - Carried. 11. ~. Roy Patton, Oaretaker Townshlp Hall, re sodding.of grounds by a_id Hall. - aeterre4 to the Finanoe Committee with po~er to act. l2. Th. Great Pine Ridge Touriat Counoil re Annual Meeting, April 13,19". - Filed. lJ. Central L~e Oatario Conservation Authority minutes ot meeting dat.d Maroh 22, 1,66. - Filet. . . fI Page 6 - Council Meeting April 5, 1966, oonti~ued: 14. JIr.G. W. Nelson, Secretary, Oonsultative Committee of The Unite4 / Oounties of Northumbe~land c! Durham, re meeting to be he14 A.pril 20, 1,66, in the matter of the request to dissolve tormer U'n;l.on. Sohool Seotion ot 18, 19 and 24 ot the Townships ot Oavan, Manvers ant Olark~ respeotively. - Filet. 1;. Omtari 0 D'epartment ot Hi'ghwaYIif report ot Expendi "ture an4 BuDSid,. for the year 196;. - Filed. . . .: . The tollowing resolutions were passei: Resolution No. 80: HOved by R.G.Chater, seoonded by L.A.Perrault: That tenders tor gravel loading and hauling be and are hereby opened. - Oarried. ( Re801~ion NOd al: Mov.ed. by ,O.H.Falls, second..a by L.Lowery: at ~en ers tor gravel crushing b. and are hereby qpene~. - Oarriec1.. t . Resolution No. 82: Moved by L.Lowery, seconded by O.H.Falls: The 'tender received from Fred Nelson & Son Limited for Loading and Hauling Gravel be and is hereby aooepted as per tender subjeot to th. approval of the Ontario Department o~ Highways. - Oarried.~ . Resolution .0. 83: MOved by R.G.Ohater, seoonded by L.A.Per~ault: The tender reoeived trom Fred Nelson cl: Son Limited to~ Gravel Crushing be and is hereby aooepted as per tende~ subjeot t~ the approval of .the Ontario Department of Highwaya.i- Oarried. , Resolu'tion No. 84: )loved by O.H.Yalls, seoonded byL.Lowery: That this Oounoil request the Ontario Energy Board to make an Order dispensing with the vote ot eleotors ot the Oorporation of the Township of Clarke and The Consumers' Gas Company" pursua,nt to Subsection 4 ot Seotion 9 of The Ihnioipal Fra,no.hise. Aot as amended. - Carried. . . Jle.olution No.8;: Moved by R.G.Ohater, seoonded byL.A.Perrault: lesolve that Resolution No. 66-27 dated Maresh 28, 1966, .of the Trustees of the Polioe Village of Oronoie and is hereby. sanotioned by this Oounoil. A oertified oopy of said Resolution No. 66-27 together with a oertified oopy of this resolution be . forwarded to the Audi tors of the Townsh,1p of Olarke. - Carri ed. The tQI10W.in~. By-Law was given First, Seoond and Third r.a~ing and finally pass d: .,. By-Law No.. 1508: A By-Law to appoint a Road Superintendent . in the .Township of Olarke in theCoun ty of Durham. .' .wHEREA.S1 t is desirable that the laying out and supervi.sion., ot all work and expenditure upon improvement and maint.nanoe of roads within the exolusive jurisdiotion ot this Counoil should ~e under the superviSion ot a Road Superintent.Bt, ._ting uader ita direotion. . . AND WHEBEAS it is the desire ot .this Counoil ~o tak~ advantage ot The Highway Improvement A.ot and to receive the GoverDJ1lent grant as provide4 in the said Aot.. . . BE rr THEREFORE ENAOIflm by the Counoil of the munioipal oor- poration ot ~he said township ~d it is hereby enaoted. 1. That Merrill Leonard Rosa, Brooklin, ant., is appointe' Road Superintendent in the said township to ao't as atoresaid ill aocordanoe with the provisions of the said Aot trom the 1st day ot January,~. 6, and dur.ing. the pleasure of the said Council. 2. . t the Road Superintendent shall be paid at the ~ate ot $7,000.00 per. annum for such t1m. as he may be so employecl.. An.d in addition mileage allowanoe. tor the use ot his automobile on munioipal road operations in acoordanoe with the Ontario ~blio Serv10e rates. . ., 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay Gut and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclu- sive jurisdiotion of this Township Counoil in aocordanoe with the provisions of the Highway Improvement Aot. . 4. THAT all by-laws or ~arts thereof and all and any reso~u- tions ot said Counoil oontrary hereto or illoonsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. ,. TBA~ two oertitied ~copies ~~ this by-law be ~orwarde4 by the ole1\k without delay to the dis'riot of'fioe of the Altni01pal Page 7 - Oounoil Meeting April', 1966: Roads Branoh, Department of HighwaYs Ontario.( ~ 6. THAT this by-law shall not oome into force until approve' by thY. Minister. of Highways, as provided in the Highw..ay Improvement Aot.' ( Resolution No. 86: MOved by O.H.Falls, seoonded ~y L.Lowerys !his Oounoil hereby reoess and resume session on Ibnday, Aprii 18, 1966, at 7 p.m. in the Counoil OhamDer at Orono or otherwise &t the 0&.1). .of the Reev'e. -. Oarrie,d., C..UJlllation 01' OOlUloil meeting was resume! in aooordanoe . with 'lhe atorementioned resolution, with all members 01' Oounoil present ed Beev. J.W.Stone ,presiCLing. H.E.M111son,.Olerk, an! Jl.IJ.Ro.., Roal Supe.rintendent, were also in attendanee. A. previously requested, the Clerk handed out 19" editions of ~~ MUnioipal Act to eaoh member 4f Counoil. The tOllowing tenders were reoeived for the proposed puroha.e of a halt tontruok: l. Bramley Motors 2. Robson !lotors J. Cowan Equipment .. Seaway Motors ,. Thomas Motor Sales 6. <KaoDonald !lord Sales under Dundas Leasing Ltd. This business was referred to resolution. The following oorrespondenee and reports were read out by the Reeve. 1. Totten, Sims & Assooiates, Ltd., re liquidated damages under Contraot 64W20-;. - Referred to the Road Superintendent. 2. Mrs. Peggy Boyd request for an immediate reply to the petition reoordei on~age; of the M1nute. ~f. Council Meatina held Maroh 1, 196', ~ecorded as Item 1 under. oo~respondenoe and reports. - The Olerk was instruoted to reply quoting the reoord of minutes with regard to the disposition of this business. 3. Orono Publio Library re aoknowledgement of grant from Counoil to~ the year ~9'6. - Filed. .. Department of MUnioipal Affairs re Munioipal Works Assistance Program Loan No. L-Jll. - Filed. ;. Ganaraska Bridge Company Limited re Contraot 64WIO.;,. Crooked Creek Bridge, liquidated damage provision. - Beferred to the Road Superintendent. _ 6. Mr. alarenoeAllin re condition of the Skelding side road. - .eferred to the Road Superintendent. 7. Department of Munioipal Affairs re Munioipal Works Assistanoe Program Loan No. L~48. - Filed. 8. Mr. Henry DeWith request to disouss Resolution No. 7U, dated Maroh 2j, 1966, with Counoil. - Reterred to the Road and Bridge C,mmi ttee. 9. Vessrs. Ronald RObinson, Bill Werry., Ronald Hanoook, Bob Kimball, john Gardon, Bill Hanoook and Bruce Hanoook request to disouss Resolution .No. 67, dated Karoh25, 1966, with Counoil. - Referred to the Road and ,Bridge Committee. , 10. Ontario Department of Hlghways re Road Study Program. - Re- ferred to the Co-ordinating Committee and a photostatio oopy of the -said letter be forwarded to Mr. M. L. Ross, RPad S~erin- tendent. , 11. Cl&rk-Treasurer's Report on 1966 tax bill preparation and , finanoial statement-for the year 196; to be mailed~to ratepayers. - Filed. 12. Mr. George J. Stapleton re applioation for bonu& on fenoing along a township road allowance to replaoe an old rail feno.e. - The Clerk was instruoted to reply in order to inform Mr. Stapleton that no provision for payments of bonuses has been made in this . mU!lioipality. lJ. Olerk's report re cleaning office. - Referre4to the Pr~perty and FinaDoe Committ.e. . The tollowing resolutions ware pas..d: :aesolu tion 50. 81. !lcn'ed by R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.Falls: "Tne 'Ienaers ror a halt ton truokbe ud are hereby opened. - Carrie4.. \; Page 8 - Oounoil Meeting April 5, 1,66, oontinued: Resolution No. aa: Moved by Lloy:4 Lowery, seoonded R.G.Chater: The tender r~Oei!ed from Thomas MotaI' Sales, Cobou~,Ontario; tor the proposed purohase of a half ton truok be and is hereby aocepted as p.r ~ender ~bjeot to the approval of the Ontario pepartment 01 Hi~hways.~- Oarried. A By-Law to authorize 8. tranohise agreement between the Corporation and the Oonsumers' Gas Oompany was given first and . second readings only ~d tabled. The following by-law was read a first, seoond and third time and finally~passe4s By-Law No. 1509: Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all BUDlS require_. during the year and to strike the rates of taxation . for the year 1966. WHEREAS the Counoi1 of the Corporation of the Townsh1p of Olarke has in aooordanoe with The Municipal Aot oonsidered the estimates of the municipality and of the Boardland Commissions of the muni- oipality and. it is neoessary that the following estimates be raised by me~s of taxation for the year 196': Ex:pendi ture. ( txeoutive & tegislative Administration Other Generai Government Olarke Cemetery Board Committee of' Adjustment Clarke Planning Board J1re Protedtion - Shared Operating - Direot.TWp~ Costs Street Lighting - Newtonville - Kendal. ! Destruotion ot Peata - Warble. Fly' Fox Bounty · ( Other Proteotion- Livestbok & Dogs - Line nno.tAot - Hydro Arrears - OPV Garbage Arrears Publio Works - . ~ - Normal (Exolusive of"Oapital Expenditure)" ( - M.W.A.P. No. 1 - M.W.A..P. No. 2 - Supplemehtary (D.p.r.) - Supplementary (Twp.) - 19'5-66 M.W.A.P. . - M.W.A.P. No.2" Sanitation - Garbage Expense Health - Insulin . Post Sanitorium Oare Nursing Home Care Direot Welfare -tSubsidized Direot Welfare - Non-Subsidized Direot Relief - Indigent Ambulanoe . - Indigent Burials Edu.ation- Publio Maintenanoe - Separate Maintenance" - Seoondary Maintenanoe Reoreation &'Oommunity Servioes - Twp. Hall " . . ~ stmdry Grants " - Pbuncls Debt Oharges'- Principal - Publio .- Interest - Publio '- Prinoipa1 - Memorial Hospital "- Prinoipal - Orono Hydro "- Interest - Orono Hy4ro . .- Debt Retirement to OIRC~OMWS '- Prinoipal - Seoondary Intereat - Seoondary Interest - to OIRC-OMlS Interest - Memorial Hospital 3,500.00 17,400.00 3,000.00 750.00 '00.00 1,000.00 4,lOO.00 '00.00 200.00 l45.00 345.00 . . . '800.00 100.00 1,000.00 22.70 880.68 19.00 . . . .. 1,922.38' . . . . .. 108,200.00 14.466.,a 4,94.5.71 1,000.00 2,800.00 8,000.00 139,412.6, 20,000.00 l.500.00 20.00 300.00 3,000.00 7.000.00 100.00 12.5.00 275.00 92.373.44 l,359.73 103,827.ll 1,200.00 400.00 12.5.00 6,400.00 7,231.00 3,000.00 1,780.00 1,936.50 1,631.00 17,262.92 l4,419.60 4,22'.90 4,364.l0 'l'Wp. Rate Onl~ ',500. 0 17,400.00 3,000.00 "0.00 600.00 .. 1,000.00 4,100.00 '00.00 800.00 100.00 l,OOO.OO 139,4l2.69 l..500.00 20.00 300.00 },000.00 7,000.00 100.00 12.5.00 27;.00 1,200.00 400.00 . 12'.00 ',000.00 4,364.10 Page , - Oou!loil Meeting A.pril, .5, 19'6, a~Dtinue4: Interest and Bank Oharge. OWRCOurrent OJe(rating CharleS-OBS OWRO. Ourrent Oontingenoy Oharges-OMrS OMlS LOOal System Oosta Estima te<< . ODS.1Surplua Disoountst.. Taxe. Taxe. ~it'en Oft Tax Rehllts' Capital Expenditure trom Revenue~Xormal- - Public Works - J'ire Hall - J'ire '!'ruok - lire Equipment (Shared) - Administrative CGUllty Ra'. Pollo. Vl11.8.ge Rate Locill" Improvement 136, Durhaare'eration of Agriculture Ganaraska Authority Oentra1 Lake Ontario Authority ~.erves - Replaoement of Equipment - Working Funds -"Other General Oentennial Expense. Wewtonville Sidewalk Construotion Miscellaneous :Revenue ~xation Levy ~ County - Township (No Grants) - Township (Grants' . ~ Township O.P. V~OTG Grants) - Township O.P.V.(Grants) - Ganaraska AuthDrity -r D.C.D.ti.S~B. {. TWp. SChool Area' Clarke - 'l'Wp. School Area' Manver. - ftp. Sohool Area' Cavan - O.R.O.S.S.( · - R.C.S.S.Bowmanvi11e -Police Village of Orono - Stre.t Lighting ~ ( Newtonvil1" Kendal Other Taxation Levies Hydro A.rreilrs ~ · Garbage Arrears · Line Fenoe Aat · Durham Federation ,Looal Improvement Taxation-OMlS-Frontage & ( · (Conneotion Recoverable Revenue - -ORIS Oonsumption Reoeipts - hellb Works MW.lP No.2 -Orono tiydro Debenture. Revenue Applied to Reduoe Twp. Rates - - Provihcial Subsidies - Fire Dept. '- pUblio Works (Normal) . - PUblio WorkS: (Supp. O.P.V.) . - Publio Works (Supp. 'rWp.) '- Sidewalks . - Wkrble Fly - Magistrate. Fe.. :- Fox Bbunty Rebated - 19"-" MllIP - Publio Works - Lioeno.. lPermit. - Trailer Fee. - Plumbing & Sewage Perm! t Fees - Building ~erm1ts - Dog Tax { 6',lJ4.98 21',9;7.86 68,481.'1 2,840.77 10,027.06 l,120.00 IJ',.509.63 l03,1.50.00 2,77l.10 83.34 1,302.l8 "..5; 8,.500.00 . ' a,ooo.ot ),408.., 1,JO,.OO 1,000.00 3,l86.78 2,000.00 400.00 200.00 1,800.00 Nil 'Nil . 400.00 Nil 6,,134.,8 8,.500.00 23.5.68 "0.00 1,720.00 .50.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Nil 200.00 1,000.00 1 .000.00 .574:8'4.'~ 200.00 . . . . 14;.00 421,881.08' . . " . . 880.68 19.00 22.70 7'0.00 23;.68 ( . , . . . 1,908.06 , , 19.5 . 7.7 6,.5.5'.00 20,000.00 3,'36.'0 2.5.00 68,600.00 600.00 l,68o.00 .500.00 300.00 2.50.00 100.00 6,000.00 .500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 I,OO~.OO 8,000.00 2,000.81 400.00 200.00 1,800.00 . 400.00 '0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 . 1:000.00 ~l'_021.1J 432,,84.'1 . 30,19.5..50 . " : ( ( Expenditure applied on . {'r1r~. Ra\ea -: Leaa l\.ve~ue applied. on c TYp. Ra\ea ( 99.21;.00 22."'.00 .&.moun t from "'axa tion and Per Capita Grants ll;.806.79 '1.~74.10 64.332.69 ABD WHEREAS the Assessment Roll ~de ~n 19&& and upon whioh the 1966 taxes are to be levied and f~nal~y revised by the Court of Revision on the 19th day of NovemPe~,{19"; AND WHEREAS the amount of assessment entitled to benetit. here- inafter reterred to as residential ~nd tarm, and the,amount ot asse.sment not entitled to benetit, 'hereinatter'reterred to as business, of Unconditional Grants in acoordance with;th~ MUnioipa1 Act, R.S.O. 1960 is as tollo.a: Asaessment entit1ed{to'Benetit .3.398,~30.00 Assessment Not entitled to Beneflt 918,4'8.8, BE IT THEREFORE ud 1 t i8 herebJ' enaote~ a. tollowa: 1. THAT the above estiaate.be adopted and levled therefore in the manner as set out hereinatter and there shal1 be leTled and oolleo'ed upon the asse,.able lands, bu11dings and businesses with1n the Corporation of .the Township of Clarke the following mill rates for the year 196': , >>e.ori 'lion Expel1d1 ture.' Taxatlon, .la.e.amenta 11111 Rate. l. . ommeroial 2l."t;r6 "'.';0.8" 28.2980 2. Twp. Residential . A Farm1ng 68,48l.6l 2,781,;;'.00 3.TWp. OPT Oommeroial 2,840.77 142.;18;00 4. ~p. OPT Residential A Farming lQ,027.06 6l',87;.OO Per Oaplta Grants Reduotion l2,499.77 1,'98,430.00' Taxat10n for Twp.Rate., 10'.'07.10 . Street Lighting -. { lfewto.nvi11e 200.00 Kendal l4;.OO Other Protection - Line :renoe Aot - Hydro Arrears - OFf Garbage Arrears Publio Works JIIAP No.2 20,000.00 Eduoation-Pub110 and Separate 'fS& Clarke-Oommeroial · 21,761.0j -Res1dential A 7arm1ng c 81;~67 .07 Tal Uanvers-Oommeroial 2,;;7.22 -Residential ~ FartDing242.80 ~S& Cavan-Residential & · " , Farming 8j.34 C.R.O.S.S.-Residential & FartDing R.O.S.S.Bow.-Resiaential & FartDing Debt Ohargea-Orono Hydro 3,6,6..50 Eduoation - Secondary D.C.D.H.S.B.-Commeroial - Res1dential &Farm1ng O.M.W.S.-Frontage & Connection -Consumption Reoeipts Oounty Rate ~ Page 10 - Counoil Meeting Apri~ ;, 1,66, ~ontin~ed: - Iqter~st, Tax P~.al'i.. - Rents - Twp. Ha].l - Oommittee of Adjustment - M1.soe1rlan~ol1s , { - Indigent Burials Rebated - Boad Dept. Reoe~pts - D1reot Welfare Rebates -.Sub~d1zed - Nursing Home Care Rebate. - Post Sanitorium Oare Rebates { - Tax Assistanoe Per Oapita Grants. i'otala .5,.500.00 ~OO.OO JOO.GO '00.00 100.00 ~,OOO.OO 4,800.00 7.50.00 240.00 , 70.00 General - 21.5,021.3' .73.809.10 22'.70 880.68 1.9.00 l,302.l8 ;7.;.5 1~8,900.00 ~9,0.5~.OO 79.9,7~3.8.5 J,J26,68"0.00 118,72.5.00 12,)2';.00 3,700.00 .53,l7.5.00 2,3;0.00 31,31;.20 918,468.8; 104,282..52 3,3,8,430.00 ,,19.5.77 "" 6,;;'.00 64.934." 4,316,898.8.5 99,21;.00 12.4;l.4t ;74,8 .9 Pu'b1io Yerka 141,212.6, . , . 76.880.00 24,:.6199- 19.9J27 l6.2.546 ,.6781 l.';OO 2.9600 27.2l00 , 24.4890- 21'.;3'0 1'.38;0-- 22..5200 2~.4890 . 24.4890 3~.0';O 30.6S".. ,/ .f 1;.042Q...., hae U - Council Meeting April J, 1"" aontinuecl.t. Polioe VilJ.age {Rate Local Improvement lJ" Durham Fede~ation Ganaraska Authority A4d variatj.on in over and uncl.er.l.T~.a . ~p.ncl.l tv.. t~D1 Revenue.,". !l.;. eo · 141,910.17 4J2"S4.61 S,JOO.OO 2JJ.'8 7.50.00 1,120.00 ?'9,J'J.OO <c ll.l9JO .'000 .J,S4 - 4,J16,898.8, 4.80 .A,cl~ .eVOll& ll. :Reooverable .1Ilxpenditurea . ;; 14l,~lO.!' '74, '4.90 Stat.ment otPablio Works (Inoluded in it.msl, 2, J, and 4 above) ~ -- ~axation Assessment a M111 ~t.. 'f..up.ip exelu.diD& O.P. V.. 61;19a.6' .Jr,i'[ ,3'. .10 ~ O.P.T. Only l.l40.00 "9,J'J.OO 4.lJ4' , ~ , ;3J2.6' . 1:.'1_t.4 Publio Works Mill rate tor MUll1cipal;l. ty is - ste:'....' ot OronOt .u:Uel~l Water Servioe Ite.,.e.. . ... 1.5 , ". . 77 . Expen4itur. . l2 ,,7.d! :latill.8.t~1 Balance 'J:il~6~'" .' (.ll{ rat. not r.quiril) 2. Ifhe taxes .hall beoo.e due and payable on the 1st day ot Septe.ber; .1,66. " ,. There shall be imposed. a penalty tor non-payment of taxes on due date or on instalments thereot, the amount of l~'of'the amount due 'on the tirst day of detault, and an aclditional penalty et l~ shall be atdea on the tirst day of eaoh oalendar month thereatter'on the balanoe remaining unpaid up to and inoluding neoem'er Jlst, 1966., . 4. !he treasurer and Oollector are hereby empowered to reoeive :Ln-any year payments on aoeoul1t of taxes tor that year in advanoe ot the 4ate due and is hereby authorized to allow a disoount on suoh pre-payments at a rate of disoount of ,~ per annum. J.. 'fAe Oolleotor is here-by authorized to mail~r oause to ae mailed the notioe of ttz.s{due to the ad4res8 of the residenoe OJ- plaoe ot business ot th, peraon to whom such notioe is required " _e given. {l '( . ,. All.our~ent taxe.'shall be paid into the Canadian !mper!al Bank of Oommerce at Be.oastle and Orono. . · All tax arrears shall belpaidinto the ottioe ot the Treasurer at Orono. 7. Where 8, {tenut of lands, ownEJd by the Crown or in whioh 1ihe OroWD. has an intereat,,' half been employed ei ther wi thin or outside the munioipality by the same employer tor not less than .JO days, suehemployer slutll pay over to the oOllector'on demand out ot wag..,sl!laries, 01' other remuneration due to suoh employee, the amount then payable tor taxes under this 'by-law and any suoh payment shall relieve the ~mployer from any liability to the emploree tel" the amount ))a1.4.. '. 8. The oollector and 'treasurer are hereby empowered to aoeept part payments from ti.e to time on aocount of any taxes due. 51. This by-law shall oome into ~orc_ and efteot upon the date of the final reading thereot. . l!"Solution"o.~' .OVea lt1 O.R'Falls, ..00nde4 by LLoyd Lowery: .' '!'hi. 'Oo\1no { hereby tidjo,urn to meet again on... 'rue.4ay llay Jt 19'66, at 10 "p.m..t in the Oo\1,nolt;L Chamber at Orono, or otherwise at' the 0 all .ot ~e R.eve. .- Oarl"iecl. 1"1.0'" . . { ~:~,,_-./ . ... .. .,. '. { . a/)A) Refe.. . ' " p;;:; . . . . . . .