HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/1966
2. ~nutest Council Meeting February 14, 1966, oontinue4:
o. H. Falls
Lloyd Lowery
Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.
Abstained from voting.
- Yea.
. ~--:.I.I........J
aler . .
~ ..~ 4~~; .
Re e.
Ilareh 1, 1'" at 10 ....
Coul1oil Ohamber, Orono.
Pre.ents Beeve J.W.Stone
Deputy-Reeve L.A. Perrault
Oounoillor R.G.Chater
Counoillor O.H.Falls
Oounoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H. E.. 1I111son
Roael Superintendent II.L.Bosa(
The minutes at the last regular meeting and ene speeial'
meeting, da-ted 14th February 19", ..ere approved aa read on
motion DY R.G.Chater, seoonded by O.H.~alls. - Car~ed.
Deputy Reeve L.A.Perrault aoved that delegatio.. .e heard.-
Oarrie' lUluim.ously.
Mrs. Mary Webber, Mrs. Isobel Challioe and Mr. Lorne Bowin.
appeared at the B.eting, but deoltned to address Oounoil. ~..
Connie Hooey and daughter also appeared at Oounail lIeeting.
IleS8rs. E.R.1fcoelyard and I).II.Simpson, Trustee. ot the Polioe
Village ot Orono, met withCounoil. Mr. Woodyard, who aoted aa
spoke.man, asked if OOUDcil had IJ17 qlle.iiona on the'resolutiona
presented to them by the Trusteea. -Rach resolution Was discusa.<<
in prineiple only, atter whieh the Council and Truste.. agreed to
meet in committee to oonsider the said resolu.tions on Friday,
Mareh 4th, 1966, at 7.;0 p.m. in the Oouncil Ohamber. .
Mr. Woodyard, on behalt otthe'Trustees, presented a draft
by-law in respect to oertain amendments to the Township ot Clarke
Fire Department for the oonsideratio:n. ot CODoil. Rules aad
Regulations i~ accordanoe with Seotion 6(a) ot the draft by-la..
..ere alao given te Oouncil for their informatioa.
T.he Trustees present also suggeated that: a meeting ot the
Oounoil and Trustees should beheld to~dlseuaa and conside~ all
aspects with regard to g~bage disposal.
It ...as moved by L.A..Perraul t, seoondedbyR.G.Chater, that
Counoil reoeS8 at 12.4' p.m~ ter lunch and resume se.sion at
2.p.m. - Carried.
Mr. Iviaon Tamblyn, addre..ed Oonnoil. A lenlthr d1sousa1..
follewed, after whioh lfr..Tambl;yJl thanked the umbera ot Oon.oil for
their time. . . .
Councillor O.H.Falls reported that Mrs. 3ame. Stark would ie
Willing to act as a representati veon the Olarke Centennial
Committee. . .
The following personslUbmitte4 applioations tor the posltion
ot Olerk-Treasurer ad Tu eoUector ot the 'fowDship ot Olarkes
1. Mr. Gerardu8 Verevey.- lowmanv11le
2. Mr. Graham ~all&a -Bampton
;. 1Ir. 3. Nagorski - Fort Wi 111 am - B)eoial request was'
. mat. b7 IIr.Nagoraki that hill appli-
oation be.ke)t 1n striot oonfidenoe,
unless otherwise authorize' by himJ
4. JIr. Gordon E. Simpllon - Orone .
,. Mr. D. M. Tofne1ll1.re- Lin48Q'.
· A tender ter the prep...d sale ot on. Duro PulQ .S1'.te. ..as
reoeived. trom 1Ir. Ralph. Greenwood, ltendal, which was oonolllde"
by resolu.tion.
ne tollow:iJJg oOl"r..:pondeaoe and reports ..ere read rit '1'
Reeve J.W.Stone:
p... 2,
Council ...ting ~ch 1, 1'" - continued I
. '
1. Durham. Cou:&y District . High School Board re Jfaintenanoe and
Deb.nture Levy for the year 1,6'. - R.ceiT.d.
2. ~. G. W. ..lson, Secretary ot the Public School Consulta-
tiTe Committee of the Un1ted Count1e. ot Northumberland and
Durham re m.eting to be held at Cobourg on March 2, 1966, at 2
p.m. - The Reeve to attend.
3. Northllmierland.-Durham Heal th Uni t report tor January 1,6'. -
Rece1ved. '
4. Mr. J. Lyall Lowery re application tor Warble Fly Inspeotor .
tor the y.ar l"'. - Reterred to resolution.
;. Lake btarie DeT.lopment AssooiatieD. re l:B.clvanoe notio. ot
Trade Development P'oruJa. - File4.
6. Oentral Lake O~tar1o Oonservat1on Authority minut.. ot
meeting held January. 27, 19". - Reoeived.
,. ,T,ra.te.. of the Police Village ot Orono re oertiti.a cop1es
or :aesolut1ons Nos. 10-'6, 12-66, 13-66, 14-66, 1.5-'6 and 17-".
- R.terred to me.ting ot cemm1tt.e of O.~.~l, aa4 Trust... to \e
helt .. Maroh 4th n.xt. .
8. Parkhill and Yuoh r.1;:part ot lot ;.5. in the s1xth caneession,
Olarke. - 'lb.e Olerk was 1nstruct.d to reter aoopy.ot the said
letter to the Un1ted Oounties of Northumberland and Durham alllt
notity the said solicitors of this aotion.. .
,. lIrs. Gerald RObinson, Oh~rp1U, Orono Pullllio Library Boutt,
req.est tor grant. - Ret.rr.d to resolution.
10. 'lb.e Board of Trustees of the Township Sohool Ar.a ot Olarke
re Maint.nanoe and Debentur. ~.VY tor the y.arl"'.
11. Oron9B:1dro Ele~tric 90!l11Jl1s8ion r.pert. of misll1pg fUnds
. . h.. the .ttio e of 01'0110 H;yclro. - F11.... .
i2. Ganaraaka Region Oonservation Author1ty:re levy tor theye.r
1"'. -Reo.~v.4. . . ., .
~3. LaFeO.tario Deyelopment AS8ooiatio~ re Tra4. D.v.lopment
Forupl on -..reh 2,1"'. -File4.
l~.Mr.B..D..ith,. Re,., Olerk, request for sal,ry ip.or.ase tel'
"-e.,.e.rl,'6Jinoludins 1I111,ag. tor oar allow~c. 1n ad4itiqn. -
Betefte" ,totheRcDadan4 :Sri c1ge Commi tt.e. .
+':-D~~'Jl.d. :pet.1tion from Kr. 13iJ.l 'rodd an.de1ght ether Reat .
~:Part...te.ploJ'e.a r.que8'tins Oeunoil for a raise in pay. -
~erer;r..4 to. the Roa4and 131'14&.., ,tommi tte. to repert baok to
01.0:11. . . : .
1'. 81&..d 'peti.tio~ from, Mr. Bill terry and 8~:Z: t other( RC?ad
De:part...t, operators ud tor.ma. requ.s.ting an heurl,. increase
In''!age. tor t~e y.ar 1"'. ":'Ret.rr.d to the Road and Brielge
11. Siped peti tiOJl troll. Mr. . RCinlald Robinse. and bo'.ther:-;
Boa4 D.pa~~..t tr..k o>>eratora reque.tiag a raise in wage. t_
,. eZt.. ti1 Te 1st .rEUlllary, 1"'. - Reterr." te tille Road and Bridge
eolDl1 t't... ...
11. 1"ar'..e,1;. otAsrioulture r. appoi,t.ent ot one or more
.... i..,eetors tor the year 1",. ~ ~eter~e4 to the Property
aat l:1nanee Oommitte..
l'..lIr.J..A.Heenu. Mayor ot the TOWD.(Of CODollra, re 'f]1e . .
. AssooiatioJl. ot Ontario Mayors ad Reevlps. - Fi1.... . .
20. Departmel1t of Mtm1oipa1 J.ttairs re Seotion 226 (a} ot The
Jlunioipal Act asen.ctediJ" R.S.G. 196;, Oh.p~.r 1'1,.See'tion 17,
,roe1a1.et by the Lieu'te.ant-GeTernor-iJl-CGUBoi1 on Fehruar.y 1,
1,'6. - Fi1ecl. . .
21. ~11. Oelleter7 Boar4..~t the Township otG1arke request to
~stab11sa E1l1ott. (~Leaa) Oemet~ry, Lot " Oonc.aaion,B. Clarke,
as an abandon.d Oemet.ry.by by-la1l. -Approve4.by Ooqnoi.+ and a
by-law 'to he prepared and pre.ent.d to O()ulloil. . ,
22. The Oemetery Board. Qt the '!'h.ship ,Q~ Clarke' Jteqqeat .for
budset preparation tor the.y.ar1966. - R.ferret to the Property .
and.. Finuo e-. .00-.1 t te..
2';. 01tyot 'ttawar.O.tar1, Traftio Oont.rence. - :riled.
2~. lIanTers T."nship SOAool Area. request fQr Oounc1l. to :gass
assenting r.solut1on to ,ppreveth..propose4 d,belltu:x:e i,sue ot
t~4o,OOe.oo for *he '1'ttwnship Sehool...Area of ManTers. - P'i1.4.
2'. ".--..aUp ot 'lh!!!l,i~aten re (di880.lution of fqrmer Public
School Section _0. 20 Union, 01arke. - Filed. .
2'. '1'1l. lil.no~a.l. ~_ Oarruthera, II.P.P., Durham, re t1).e
MUnicipal Loan FUnd. - Filet.
Page ; -
Counoil Meeting Maroh 1, 196' - oontinueds
27. The Honourable M1tohell Sharp, 'M.P., ~nister of Finance,
re MUnioipal Development and Loan Board. - Fil~d.
28. Durham Central Agricultural Sooiety finanoial statement
tor the year 196,. - Reoeived. . ., .
2,. The Ontario Traffio Conferenoe News Letter, dated feDruary
l,66. _ l!'1led. . . , . 1
;0. Oanadian Underwriters' Assooiation re MUntOi,al ~ire Pro-
tection Survey as businesa bro~ght forward trom February 1,
19'6. - Tabled. , . . .
;1. Mr..K. Symons, Counties' Cler~..United'Oounties,of Northum-
berland and Durham re applioation of Mr. Robert Stephenson to
operate a salvage yard located on part ot lot 2J, oonoession 1,
Clarke, as business brought. forward,from .e.ting at, February 1,
19". - Tabled. , ...
J2. Department Of Tourism sad Iatermation re appointment of a
centennial Looal Committee, as business.breaght terwart trom
February 1, 1966. - Tabled. . , '.
;;. Pitts Insurance Companies re GNup Accident Itlsurance
ooverage for municipal oouncils. - Filed. . .
;.4. The Pri tohard &ldrewa ComptlI1Y of Otta..a Li1ll1 ted re prepara-
tions for Oanada's Centennial Year. - Reterred to the Centennial
Comm1 ttee.
3;. Assooiation of Ontario Kayors and Beeves re pighlights ot
the Ontario budget. - Filed.
;6. Mr. Glenholme Hughes, Chairman, Area Ambulance Comm.i ttee re
proposed mee~ing of the Area Ambulance Co~ttee. - Filed.
The tollowing resolutions ..ere pa.as,ds . .
Resolution :RO.~lS Moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded by Orme Fall8s
That. the Roadperi~tendent )e. authorised to ~4vertis~ f~r the
crushing of, approximately. 1.4,000 cu., yards. 01 gravel tor ~in~
tenance and oonstruotion for the year 1966. - Carried~ . ..
Resolution No. ,2: Moved by L~ A. Perrclt, seopn.de' bJ" lobert
G.. Che.ter'
That the Oouncil of, the ~TeWl1ship of Cl.arke. request the Department
at Highways to Build a n.w &.Ccesa tram the Towns~p Jtoa.d to th..
new part of H1ghw~ No. 2 a.t .the Clarke-Hope 1'ow,ship boundary.
That th&Department of Highways build sai4 aOoe.a at no. oost ~e.
the Township of Clarke. That the Township ot Clarke wil~ aooept
said aocess upon completion of a finished gravel top. - Carried.
Beao1111"loD. NO. ,; t .vel by ~.rne A. Perrault, 8eoon4ed by Orae
. rallss.
Resolve that the recoDIIB.endation of the Property and Fill_ce .
Oommittee to appoint Mr. :J. tyall Lowery as .arb~. 7ly Inapeotor
tor the year 19'6 at tl.,Oper hour u.d oar 1I1leage at lO~ per.
mile be and is hereiy aoo.ptecl. - Carried..
Resolu1iion No. '.4s Movet 'by L.A..Perrault,.eoo.d.d by O.H.J'allss
Re, 1"0 Warble Fly Campaign .'
1. The Inspeotor is hereby authorizet to aivertise all the taota
ot th,'l," oampaig.. (
2. i'he Inspeotor i8 hereby authorized to hire. someone to spray all
oattle 80 reque.ted at 20_ per heal on small herds not over 10
in numier and 2 for ;,_ 8B all herts over lO in.numbe..
;. The Inspeotor is hereby empowered to be responsible tor the
oollections mentioned in Item 2 above. .
.4. All spraying i8 to be done under the direction and supe",i8ion
of the Warble 71y Inspeotor. - Oarried.
Resolu1iion No. ;;: MOvet .1' R.G.ehater, .eoonde' by Lloyd L....rys
Resolve that the Orono Publio Library be given a graat or .".00
for the year 1,66. - Carried. '
Resolution .0. ,6: Move' .1 L.A..Perrault, a.oon4e4lY O.H.J'allas
Resolve that the follow:1ngpersons be and are hereby appointed
as a Co-or4inating Oommittee with.regardto a roa4 nee4a study 1n
The Township of (Clarke: Reeve J..~Stone, Counoillor R.G.Oha,e~,
Counoillor Lloyd Lo..ery, Read SuperinteD.dent M..L..Ro.., Distriot
Municipal Engineer Mr. H. J. Oallighan,>>epartment of .H1gh...,...
of Ontario representative Mr. C. R. Wilmot. - Carried.
Resolution Ho. 57: Meve' _y L.A..Perrault, ..conded 11' R.G.Chaters
Resolve that the tollowins pay vouohera De and are aereby authorizea
tor payment lay the signing offioers ot the OouncilS
Pac. 4 - (
a..n011.eet1D&uaro~ 1. 1,6' - oontinued:
( ~.. (
Gen.r~lTouoher .0. , ror'Mar.h 19" in the total amount of
.17~8.1'. . . .
RoaclTolloller .e. 2 tor F.bruary 19" in.. the total Ulount of
.2,,1'1..1. .
G...ral Weltare V..~her Io. 3 tor Maroh 1,6' 1. the. total
all.ou.t .tll,O'6.1',. . ' .
Po~1o.~Tillag. ot Orono Voucher Bo. 2 tel' February 196' in
the *_'al .-o..t,ot$1.0,6.46. - Oarried. . .
B.~lu'1'n ... ,8s Mevet by L.A:Perrault, .800nte4 by R.G.Ohater:
Re..lve that the tender tor the proposed aale of one Duro pump
87)1t... lnaant 1s( hereby opened.. - Carried.
B..elut1on .0.Jr" Mevea bY.. O.H:Falls, aeeonteel by LLoyd Low.r71.
<<.1'Il.~ '.nle,., of' .. Ralph Greenwood, R.R.l Kendal, Olltar1o,tor .
the p...,~b.. of one Duro Pull.pSystem in 'tihe &mOUJlt ot $42.08 .
.. an4'1shereby a.oepted.. - Oarr1ed. (
I...lutie. .0. 60: >>Sved iy L.A..Perrauit, seoon4.d iyR.G.Chat.r.
ft.1,. t'58tt1l011b.ereby op.n the applioat1ons tor the poai t1on, aa.
a(v.rt1..el, tor Cl.rk, Treasurer and Tax Colleotor of the 001"-
perat1ep .rth. Townsh1p ot Clark.. - Carried. .
It was uaan1mou.lyagreel.by the m.mbers of Coun011 to
re.~.. this ..ot1ng to the 7th Ilaroh at 8 p.m. 1n the COl;1J1oil
eh..b.r at Orono. .
, III aooorelano. ..i th the aforementaoned, ,the regular meetiq
ot ,th18 COlUlctil was called otft 'by the Reeve as soh.dulet on
,.h Kanhl'" at 8 p.m. u4 reoonvened by Re.ve J...811one on
l.511h Maroh, 1,66, at 8' p.m. 1n theCounoil Ohamoer at Orollo w1th
the tollo..1118 presen1l: . . .., . . .. .
Re.ve J. _.Ston.e, Deputy-Reeve L.A..Perrault, Couno111t)r R.G.
Ohater. Oouno1110r O.R.Fall." Oouncillor Lloyd Lowery, Clerk
..eTe J.W.Stone oalled th...e1ling to erier t~ the
purp..e 81' oon.ielering B11s1n.8. on hanel. .
Yr. Jam.s R1okaby, Mr. Leslie MoG.e, Mra. Mary Webber,
Dr.! Mr..B. 'J. Norton and :Mr. E.R. Woodyari appeared at
a.-Boil.e.ting. It wa.mevea by L.A.Perrault, .eoon4e"oy
O.'H.:ralls,that Coun011 go into a oommi ttee ot the whole. -
Curj.e4. .
'Oeuno1l' r.oonTe:ne4 trom the oomm1 tt..of the whole on
motio.lay R.G.Oh.at.r, aeoonde4 'by.L.A.Perre.ult~ - Qarried..
The follow1llg oorre.pon4enoe was r~a".ol1t lry. the 'Reeve:
l. .,....111]) of lIuver. re propeseiiiasolution ot tormer
U1l1011 Sehool Seot10J1s Ko.. 20 andlfo. 2~, ,Clarke. - F11.d.
2.. Orcu:uil Chall.b.r ot Oomm.ro. r. appointlJent ot JIr. H. PartBer
as a r.pr...ntat1ve of.theOhamBer on the Olark. Townsh1p
a.at.D.D.lal Committ... -(Ret.rreel.tQ Centennial:OeDDJS1tt.e
t11e for tutur. reterence.
J.' '1'ru8te.. .tthe Pe110e Tillag. ot Orono re Resolutioll
"-21, requesting 4ir.ot10n on comm.roial i~ilding p.rmit. -
~.elerkwas 'instruot.d tG arrance a ...tiDS ot the ..abers
ot Oouao11an4 Truste..with the Clark. Planning Board en
31st Jlaroh, 19", at 8 :p.m.. in. the Counoil Cham.ber at Orono
to oon8i4er the ..id subj..t.
~. T,ra.tee. of the P011ce,Tillag. of Orono, Re801utioa No.
"...21. r.quest t.O"i: COU1l0il to o Ctm.si4er ra1s1ng 40g t.ea in
the V11lage ot OroJlo. - Rctferre4 to 1; he Property an4-:riJl&noe
Co1llDlitt.... fte Clerk was .1n.truQt,4 to send o~p1e.. of the
DOl By-Law to.aoh ...hr or theaa1ei oommi tte.'for oQnai- '
deratio. an4 r.port to 00ullol1., ,
.5. n. 0.t"1'10 .u.1.1,,1 .....HI1.t~onre.....41~n. 4..t. ror
al1b1l1..1onet' aU110a"iO.. tor partl.ipat1on1n leoal
sov.rDB.e.t.tl1Q tour.- :1'11..... ..
&. Depart.e.t.t _J'lo~nr.. Live/Saok :Branoh,re Warble
Fly COJltrea,,A..t. ., n1e4. /...
1. ,!he' B.ll T.lepoae o..,1.D1 ot Ouad. r, .l1mual aeport
for the rear l"J~ - F11.t. . . .
.8. DuJ:llUl C.U:Q':D1.tr~o" High So..ol Board re I.p:pointme.t
tor a H.arlq in oormeot1canwlth rm 083e,'10n or the -rown
ot Port Hope to the de01810n of tb.eBeart.' 1.'r1l1-"r.t8r8 ..
TUo a4ay , Maroh 29, 1,66, at 11 a.m. 1n Pori Ho>>e. - Filel.
9. o..tar10 Departm..nt ot Highways r. prop...d transter or
Page , -
Oounoil .eeting Maroh 1, 1966 -tcontinuedl
part ot Highway Io. 3' under Ooat.raQtN$. "-244 to the Town-~
ship ot Clarke. - Oounoil hat no objeotion.
10. The Consumers' Gas OompU7 re applioation tor tranohi..
and request tor reoeiviag a 4ele8atlon trom the Company at
a meeting of Counoil in Aprll. - aeterred to the Solioitor tor
legalatvice ,relative to a meetlng with representativesot
Consumers' Gas Oompany on Tu.sday, Aprilt" 1"', at 2 p.m.
- ne Olerk was instructecl to aelvis. the sald Oompan*y ot the
date and time they would .e reoeived by Counoll.
'!'he tollowing reselutlolls wCE"e passels t
Resolution He. 61s Move4 by Lloyd Lowery, seoonded iy Or.e J'al1.a:
Resolve that the tollowi'ng :parvouoher b.e Dd i8" hereby authorizecl
tel' payment by the signlng otfioers ot the Counoll of the Town~
ship of Clarkes An a~itional p~ent on General Vouoher No. ;
:!'or.aroh 196' in the amount ot 12"".6.5. - Curlel. .
Re.olution No. 62: Moved by L.A.Perrault, aeoolldea by R.G.'Ohatel"S
Resolve th~t the Clerk be and is hereby inatruoted to aoknowledge
the applioants wh'O nbm.ithd applioations tor the position ot
Olerk, Treasurer and Tax Colleolor. - Carried. .
It waa moved by Lloyd Lowery, seoohded iy R.G.Chater, that
Oouncil reoeSs to Friday, 2,th Maroh, 1,'6, at8 p.m. 1n the'
COunoil Chamber at Orono. - Oarried. . ,
In aocordanoe with the atorementfoD.e4, tne regular .eetias
ot thi s Ooooil reoonvened ,with Reeve J. ... Sto.e presi ding ant
the tOllowing 'persons in attendance. neputt-Reeve L.A.Perrault,
Councillor R.G.Chater, Oounoillor O.H.J'alla, Oounoi11or LlGY(
Lowery ud Clerk H. E. 1I111.aon.
~-'- Mr. George J. StephenaoD appeared and' request'ed permssion
to addre.s Counol1. Counoil were unanimous in their '.oi8ion
~o hea~ Mr. St~phenaon. Further to ~ letter and also a petition
now 'betore Ooilnoil, 1Ir. Ste__.80D. nic!, I wish to iJlt'orm you ot
~he pre.ent hazard to pre-sollool ohildren In our neigh8ouh.od
in th_matter of two e~oavations t~llea wlt~wa~er on Lot 22,
Conoession 1. These excavations were oonatruo~ed about July 19'5,
he stated, and have been rilled ~l'h water since about la.t
November. It was poin.ted out by Mr. Stephenson that he hac!
pr~viously oontkoted the Olerkwho had verbally informe4Mr. Jan
Oohonaki, 'he &WDer of the exoavations, and Mr. H.'R. Best,
Building Inspeotor, on 1Br0h 20th last, with regard to the hazart
and po.sibility of aooident on the subjeot property. Finally,
Mr. ~tephenson read out three seotion. trom a printed oopy ot
By-Law !fo.'ll,l being Seotions 4(", '(It), and '7 (a) whlcll, in
hls oplnion, authorize. the Buildiag Inspeotor to take~h.
neoessary ao~lon to remove auoh(hazar4a. Councl1 were agreet
in authorizing Depttt Reeve L...Perrault to ooniaot the Bul1ding
Inspeotor Immediately by teleph~ne, at waioh t1.e Mr. Perrault
brought the subjeot matter to the attention of Mr. Best and
me:htioned the tOllo1l'ing .eotions ot the aaid BuildiJl8 By-Law -
4(')(&), '(a)(h)(k), and ?(a). "
JIr; Roy.Patton also:appearea. "etore Oounoil to disousa the
proposed sodding of the tlower 'e4100ate4 along the .outh ai4e
'of the Townshlp Hall. This Dasine.s was reterred to the atten-
tion ot the PrOperty and J'iBahOe Oom.1~tee. '
!he toll.wing oorl'espondenoe and reports were real. out ~.
Counoil 8Y Re6ve J.W;Stonea' "t
1. Mr. & Mrs. Jaoob Dost and elght other 8ig.,t petitioners re
danger to children ot two etoavati6na tillet with.water on
Lot 22, Concession 1.- Copies of the said petition be referrel to
,tn' Property and Finance Oomqittee and Building Inspeotor.
2. 1Ir. J. 'GeQrge Stephenson re. two exoavationatille' with water
on Let 22, Conoeasion l. -Copies of this letter to be reterre<< to
the Property and Finan~e Oommittee aa4 Bailding Iaspeotor.
,. Ontario Department ot Highways requesting cer~ain tranaters
under N6rml.l By-Law llTo. 1474. - ieterre' to resoluticSn. ( .
Pac- , -
Oouaol1 ..e'll1$,' llaroh 1,1"', ~oD.tial1.ds
f. .......Y111. Are. ....Dulaa.. Servlce ....unt. 1n the aDIOunt 01"
1337.00 oon.14ere4 'la., o. Maroh 1,t1'1 aR4 taDl.d to Aprl1 'th,
n.xt. ' ."
,. .eport 1'rom the So1101tor and Olerk lnre.peot to augse.ie.
ameIl4....". C.eoon4 requeat) .of t,he Ontarlolluniolpal Boar" and
Planaimg Branoh 01' the.Department '01' Ihnioipal At1"a1r. to the
re.trlo"e" area by-lalf,as.buain... 'broughttorward 1'1'011. Febru-
ary t l.J" ~ , . (
,. "'O~tario. Department ot Highways re Property :rile T-03110 ...
beiag Part Lot !, Oonoe..ion 1. .
. 7. "'uie Good Roads Aaaecia tion re 19" Sohool tor Boal
Super1.,.......t.. - Be1'e~red to Mr. II. L. Rosa 'tor nis deCision.
S. hrh.. Oeu.nty Distrlot High Sohool Board re adjustm..nt t.
1", ..qu1.ition tor Blgh Sohool purpos.s. .
,. ,lIOrtll.ull'berland Durha. Health Uni t report tor February 1"'. -
Filet.. . , , ( ,
. 10. Lake' Oatar1o neTeloln.n" A.s.oolatien re 11." of lnquirle.
tor 1ntermatlon on .000...4.tion, eto. - Flle4.
11. A..octation or, Ontario 18101'$. and Reev.s re MUnicipal ,
n..,..lopeat ud Loan Act.. , .
l2. JIr~ R. D.: )(orto. re 19'.5 T's.x Aooount No. '48. - ~bled.
l3. 1Ir. :Roll'Cle.ent re 1"" tax adjustmellt oa Dul1ding. .
des'troye4 .1' t1re, Ju.e 3, l~". - Reterred 'to r...lu'tion.
14. Ontario Department of H1Shw&y's re North. Interseotlon to
Orono a't Hlghway No. "3'" - lteterrec1 to resolu'tion.
{lJ. :Mr. a. "R. Car~e'h re BUSSestions for Centennial. - Re-
terred to the Genera1. Oen"reIinlal tile.: . ,
Hr~R. G. Ohater, on iehalt ~f the Road 'and Bridge
Comm1 ttee, recolDll.encilea a 10_ per hour hourly w'age Inorea.e
to all hourly wage earners lnt1'1e Road Departino't, together
w1 t.h..a. salary inorease of .2.50.00 per annum 'to lb.-. Irenr"
De.ith. The tormer hourly wage inoreases" were to .eco..
etteo'ti.,.e 3anuary 1, 1,'6, &lild the latter on June 1, l"'.
~ fte tollowing resolutions were passed:
{ .'''lat10n Ifo. ": )(0.,.84 by R.G.Ohater, seconde" .Y'Lloyd Lowery:
!hat the Road Superintendent prepare and oall 'tenders ror a
1/2 ~lil Truck for the Roa4 Department. - Oar~ied.
Re.olution No. '4: ~ve4 by R.G.Chater, aeoonAed by L. Lowery:
That tlie Hokel Superlntendent .e authorized to .4.,.ertia& for
tenders ror the construotion 01' a Ooncrete Bridge on the Road
between Lots'30 & 31 in the 8'th Concession. - Carried.
R.solution Bo. '~: Mo.,.&d by L.Lowery, seoonde" by O.H.Falls: .
With regarl to 't e lett.r reoelv&i trom the Ontario nepart-
men t 01' Hipways, dated Jlareh 14, 196', requesti:ag tha't a
seotion 01' road be leaally transterred to th18 ~"'8hip, thl.
Councll hereby resolve and agree"tb accept 'the transt.r from
tae sai4 Department to this Township in aocordance with the
plan Bumberet 9 under contraot Bo. 6'-244 and W.P. No. 237-'4.
- Oarri....
Re.olutioal'o. ": Moved by L.A.Perralt, s.00nd.4 'by R.G~Chaterl
ftat the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to write 6rf
'the following Tax Arrears sub~eot to the approval of the Auditor.
Aoct. Penaltles to ' Sta'tutory
No. Ifa.e.. PriA01E.!! liar ell 2.5/" 'rotal Penalt,. Year
80 liiiieat, R. 4'.b, 2. 78 . JI:"1J . '4 IJiJ
- Carriel. '
Besoluti.a No. '7: IDTed by L.Lowery, secoaded iy R.G.Chaters .
'!'he :Road. f).part.e.t hourly wlll8 earners be .ancl are hereby g1 ven
a raise 01' .10,~perheur etfectiTe Jaauary 1, 1"'. - Oarried.
Reaol.ution lfo.-48s KovecJl BY R.G.Chater, seoondea 'T L.,l.Perraul'ts
That the n',ar\Jaelltot Highways .1' Ontario be requestea te . . .
appreve '.he tollowing trusters wi1ihin tlie approved total of
the 1,;JIi.ad Expenditure By-Law Xo. l4741
1. 110,'12.21 trom Road Ooas1iruction to Road lIaintenance. .
2. "22.2' tro. Bridge and Culvert construotion to Read Maillte.-
anoe. - Oarriel. \
B...lution ...": Jlevet liT L.Lowery, seconde" by O.H.Fallss
~ the !Tu.'e.s 01' 'he Polioe Village of Orono have request.'
this Oounoil for oer'tain authority DY their Resolutlon No. 1.5-"
date4 21 February 1"'1
Page 7 -
Council Meeting, Maroh 1, 1966, oontinued:
Bridges! Culverts
New Maohinepy nil
Superintendenoe ! Overhea4 ;I
Totals , .
(2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of
the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work-performed
in aocordance with the Highway Improvement Aot.
.(3) The clerk snaIl transmi tTriplicate oopies of this by-law
to the district offioe of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not
later tha.n March 31st of. the said year.
(4) The approval of the Ontario Munioipal Board shall ,be ob-
tained before any expenditure is authorized o~ work commenoed whioh
will be finanO~~hby the issue of debentures or monies raised in a
subsequent year.
AND WHEREAS the Polioe Village of Orono is, through the Offioe
of Orono Hydro Eleotric Commission, presently oolleotingoertain
monies for garbage colleotion fees and for water rates without
authority or direotion from this Counoil;
NOW THEREFORE this Counoil hereby give the Trustees of the Polioe
Village of Orono temporary authority to oarry on until suoh time
as a proper organization is established for this purpose. - Carried.
Resolution No. 70: Moved by L.A. Perrault , seoonded by R.G.Chater:
Resolve that the salary of Mr. Henry DeWith be and is hereby
increased to $4,2;0.00 per annum effective 1st ~une, 1966. -
Carri ed.
The tOllOWini;BY-LaWS were read a First, Second and Third
time and finally assed:
BY-Law No. 150;: A By-Law to provide for the 1966
expenditures on roads in the
Township of Clarke in the County
of Durham.
WHEREAS The Highways Improvement Act requires that the total
expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that
the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval.
THEREFORE the Counoil of the Corporation of the said Town-
ship enact~ as foll~ws:
(1) The sum of $110,0.00.00 is hereby estimated as the expen-
d1.ture upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and
bridges under its jurisdiotion during the year 1.966 as follows:
Construotion Maintenanoe Total
Roads 7tl,200.00
Bridges! Culverts 13,000.00
New Maohinery 1,800.00 /'
Superintendence! Overhead 17 000.00
To t al s. ,. ,. $ , .
(2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision
of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work
performed in acoordance with The Highways Improvement Act.
(3) The olerk shall transmit Triplioate oopies of this by-law
to the distriot office of the Department of Highways, Ontario, not
la ter than Maroh '3l"st of the said{ year.
(4) The approval of the Ontario MUnicipal Board' shall be
obta1ned before any expenditure is authorized or work commenoed
whioh will be finanoed by they. sue of debent.ures or monies ra.ised
in a subsequent year. . .
Supplementary By-Law No; 1;06: A By-Law to provide for the 1966
expenditures on roads in the
Township of Clarke in the County
of Durham. . .
WHEREAS The Highways Imprbvament Aot requires that the total
expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the
by-law be suvmitted to the Minister of Highways for approval.
THEREFORE the Counoil of the'Corporatlob of the said Township
enaots as follows: .
(1) The sum of $20,000.00 is hereby estimated as the expendi-
ture upon the construotion and maintenance of the roads and bridges
under its jurisdiotion.during the year 1966 as follows:
Construotion Maintenanoe Total
. , ~ ',000.00
1;,000.00 1;,000.00
Pase 8
Counoil Meeting, Marohl, 1966, oontinued:
By-Law No. 1;07:
A By-law to appoint a Clerk and
Treasurer and Tax Colleotor of
the Munioipal Oounoil of the
Corporation of the Township ot
NOW THEREFORE The MUnioipal Counoil of the Township of
Clarke.hereby enaots that Herman Edward Millson of the Village
of Orono in the said Township of Clarke be and he.is hereby
appointed Clerk and Treasurer and.Tax Collector of the MUnioi-
pal Council.of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke; that
he shall have an offioe in the said Village of Orono for. the
oar17ing on of his.duties as Clerk and Treasurer and Tali: Colleo-
tor; and that he shall be paid the sum ot $6,;00.00 per annum,
p~yable monthly, the said MUnioipal Counoil to provide for
him a suitable offioe for the oarrying on of his duties as
Clerk Treasurer and Tax Colleotor and to pay all premiums on
whatever bond they require him as Treasurer and Tax Colleotor
to supply; and further that all by-laws or parts of by-laws
oontrary to or inoonsistant with the provisions of this by-law
..be and they are hereby repealed.
By-Law No. 1440 be and is hereby repealed.
This by-law shall take effect on ~anuary 1, 1966.
Resolution No. 7l: Moved by O.H.Fal~s, .seconded by L.Lowery:
This Oounoil hereby adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April ;,
1-966, at 10 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Orono or otherwise
at the oall of the Reeve. - Carried.
. :.#_--.,/
Cltlr .. .'
Reev~ .
~pril J, 1'" at 10 a.m.
Council Oham'er, Orono.
Present: Reeve J...Stone
Deputy-Reevs L.A.Perrault
Oounoillor O.H.Falls
Counoillor Lloyd Lowery
Clerk H.E.M11lsoa
Road Superintendent M.L.Ros.
!he ~.ute. at the last regular meeting were approved aa
real on motion by L.A.Perrault, seoonded by Lloyd Lowery. -
Mesal'S. A.M.Foy and H.Hays, rsp~ese~ting Alwood Homea,
appeared before Counoil with reterenoe to a letter from said
Alwood Homes, under oorrespondenoe herein, requesting per-
miasion to ereot two oottages on temporary foundations on part
Lot 29, Oonoesaion 2 ot th~s ~nioipality, to be used aa
display sales models and r~mov..d at the end of the selling
season. As oontained in the letter and stated by Mr. Foy,
approvals.:.. to set-baok hael been obtained f'rom both the
U~i ted Oounties of Northum't)erlud and Durham and Ontario
Department of Highways. This business was reter~ed to resolu-
tion. .
Mr. Roy Fost_r, representative tor this munioipality on
the Ganaraska Begion Conservation Authority, personally pre-
.e~te4 an Inspeotion Report of the proposed Graham Creek
Reservoir prepared by the .said Authority. Pre-engineering
plans, Yr. Foster atated, are to be prepared by the Authority
in the aear tuture. The Inspeotion Report was reoorded under
o orrespond..oe.
Mr. Walter Pope. on behalf of Pope & Goebell4, Ohartered
AocoUlltants, Auditors for the Township ot Clarke. presented